programme - Volterra Fietta

(as of November 16, 2015)
Venue: The Imperial Hotel, 159 Thuy Van Street, Vung Tau City , Vietnam.
Sunday – November 22, 2015
All Day
6:30-9:00 PM
Arrival of International Participants
Welcome dinner (For International Participants), hosted by Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen,
President of the Vietnamese Lawyers Association
Location: The Imperial Hotel
Monday - November 23, 2015
8:00-8:30 AM
8:30-9:15 AM
Moderator: Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen, President of the Vietnamese Lawyers Association (VLA)
Opening Remarks by Amb. Dr. Dang Dinh Quy, President of the Diplomatic
Academy of Vietnam
Keynote Address by Mr. Nguyen Hong Linh, Secretary of the Provincial Party
Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province
9.15-10.30 AM
SESSION 1: Developments in the World and Its Implications for the
South China Sea
Moderator: Amb. Dr. Dang Dinh Quy, President of the Diplomatic Academy of
Prof. Brahma Chellaney, Professor of Strategic Studies, Center for Policy Research,
New Delhi, India
Developments in the World and Its Implications for the SCS: Balance of
Captain (ROK Navy Ret.) Sukjoon Yoon, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute
for Maritime Strategy, Seoul, Korea
The European Concept of Balance of Power in the South China Sea: What
is the Role of the Middle Powers?
Dr. Shen Dingli, Professor and Associate Dean at the Institute of International
Studies, Fudan University, China
A Chinese Perspective on Cooperation in South China Sea
Prof. Liselotte Odgaard, Royal Danish Defence College, Denmark
International Hotspots: China’s Strategy of Deterrence and Legitimacy in
the South and East China Sea Disputes
Dr. Nguyen Nam Duong, Deputy Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and
Strategic Studies , DAV, Vietnam
The Evolving Maritime Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacific and its
Implications for Conflict Management in the South China Sea
10.30-10.35 AM
Photo Session
10.35-11.00 AM
Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 AM
SESSION 1(cont.)
Q&A and Discussion
12.00-1.00 PM
1.00-3.00 PM
SESSION 2: Developments in and around the South China Sea
Moderator: Prof. David Arase, Professor of International Politics, Hopkins-Nanjing
Center, Nanjing, China
Ms. Rukmani Gupta, Senior Asia-Pacific Analyst for IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Status-quo on the Sea: Examining Reclamation and Building Activities
Dr. Mathieu Duchatel, Deputy Director of the Asia and China Program of the
European Council on Foreign Relations
The South China Sea and China’s Nuclear Deterrence Strategy
Prof. Herman Joseph S. Kraft, Associate Dean for Administration and External
Affairs, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philippines
Overall Developments in the South China Sea
Dr. Le Quy Quynh, Director General, Maritime Affairs Department, National
Boundary Commission, Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Overview of Maritime Delimitation and Joint Development in The South
China Sea
3.00-3.30 PM
Coffee Break
3.30-5.30 PM
SESSION 3: Major Powers Interactions in the South China Sea
Moderator: Prof. Brahma Chellaney, Professor of Strategic Studies, Center for Policy
Research, New Delhi, India
Prof. Nguyen Manh Hung, Visiting Senior Fellow, ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute,
Disputes in the South China Sea, Major Powers’s Interactions, Small
States’ Predicament
Dr. Xue Li, Director of Department of International Strategy, Institute of World
Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
China’s Perspective
Dr. Patrick M. Cronin, Senior Advisor and Senior Director, Asia-Pacific Security
Program, Center for a New American Security, USA
Stability and Rule of Law in the South China Sea: A U.S. Perspective
Dr. Ken Jimbo, Associate Professor, the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio
University, Japan
Major Powers Interaction in the South China Sea: Japanese Perspective
Mr. Anton Tsvetov, Media and Government Relations Manager, Russian
International Affairs Council, Russia
Russia and the South China Sea: Strategic Context and Opportunities for
Constructive Engagement
Tuesday - November 24, 2015
8:00-9:45 AM
SESSION 4: International Law
Moderator: Prof. Robert G. Volterra, Partner of Volterra Fietta (Law Firm), UK
Prof. Alex Oude Elferink, Director of Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea,
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
The Role of International Law in the South China Sea Disputes
Dr. Nong Hong, Director, Research Center for Oceans Law & Policy, National
Institute for South China Sea Studies; Executive Director, Institute for ChinaAmerica Studies, China
Historic Concepts Vs. Other Maritime Regimes in the South China Sea
Mr. Bill Hayton, Associate Fellow, Chatham House (the Royal Institute for
International Affairs), London, UK
Unreliable evidence and the South China Sea Problem
Dr. Vu Thanh Ca, Assoc. Prof., Director, Research Institute for the Management of
Seas and Islands, Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands
The Needs for Establishing an Ocean Governance Framewok for
Protection and Conservation of Environment and Biological Resource in
the South China Sea
9:45-10:15 AM
Coffee Break
10:15-12:00 AM
SESSION 5: International Law (cont.)
Moderator: Prof. Alex Oude Elferink, Director of Netherlands Institute for the Law
of the Sea (NILOS)
Prof. Robert G. Volterra, Partner of Volterra Fietta (Law Firm), UK
Obligation of Self-restraint, No Threat and No Use of Force
Prof. Jonathan Odom, Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies,
Honolulu, U.S.
Rule of Engagement, Prevention and Management of Incidents at Sea
Mr Abd Rahim Hussin, Adjunct Associate Professor, University New South Wales
International Law: Rights and Obligations on Search and Rescue
Prof. Michael Sheng-ti Gau, Institute of Law of the Sea, National Taiwan Ocean
University, Taiwan
The Prospects for the Sino-Philippine Arbitration on the South China
Sea (U-Shaped Line) Dispute
12.00-1.00 PM
1.00-2.45 PM
SESSION 6: The Way forward
Moderator: H.E. Le Cong Phung, Vice Chairman, FESS
Prof. Jay Batongbacal, Director, U.P. Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the
Sea, University of the Philippines
Preparing for Post-Arbitration Scenarios
Prof. Carl Thayer, The University of New South Wales, the Australian Defence
Force Academy, Canberra, Australia
The Code of Conduct in the South China Sea and Beyond
Amb. Mr. Salman Al Farisi, Senior Advisor for Institutional Relations, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
South China Sea within Indo-Pacific Region
Ms. Yanmei Xie, Senior China Analyst, International Crisis Group
Joint Development in the South China Sea: Lessons from the Past and
Future Prospect
2.45-3.15 PM
Coffee Break
3.15-3.45 PM
New Initiatives for South China Sea, Representative from SCS Young Leaders Group
Moderator: Prof. Leszek Buszynski, National Security College, The Australian
National University, Canberra
3.45-5.15 PM
SESSION 7: Simulation: Settlement, Delimitation and Joint
Developments in the South China Sea
Moderator: Prof. Leszek Buszynski, National Security College, The Australian
National University, Canberra
(Each panelist presents their respective country’s position regarding the Proposal and
then proceed with negotiation)
Prof. Robert Beckman, Director of Center of International Law, National
University of Singapore &
Dr. Hao Duy Phan, Senior Research Fellow, Center of International Law, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
The South China Sea: Prospects for Cooperation to Manage the Disputes
Prof. Su Hao, Center for Strategic and Peace Studies, China Foreign Affairs
Prof. Jay Batongbacal, Director, U.P. Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the
Sea, University of the Philippines
Mr. Shahriman Lockman, Senior Analyst, the Foreign Policy and Security Studies
Programme, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia
Dr. Tran Truong Thuy, Senior Research Fellow, Bien Dong Institute, Diplomatic
Academy of Vietnam (DAV)
5.15-5.30 PM
6.30-9.00 PM
Closing Remarks
Farewell Dinner, hosted by H.E. Le Cong Phung, Vice Chairman, FESS
(Please be at the hotel’s lobby at 6.30 pm)
Venue: The Imperial Hotel, 159 Thuy Van Street, Vung Tau City , Vietnam
Conference Contact Person
Transportation from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Vung Tau City
The orgarnizers will be arranging the shuttle bus for participants. Please look at
pickup signboard of the Conference after checking out the airport.
Registration and identification badges
A registration counter will be set up for registration at the time of the workshop.
Badges will be issued upon completion of registration by participants and
verification by the Conference staffs at the registration counter.
Time and venue for registration
November 23rd, 2015: 08.00 – 08.30 (The Imperial Hotel )
Dress code
Formal business attire is required for the Opening Session.
For other sessions, business casual is appropriate.
Wireless Internet is available at the Conference Hall.
The electric current is 220 Volt AC throughout the country. The electric plugs
and sockets are designed for two round pin plugs. It is recommended that
participants bring their own adaptors to comply with the electric current and
Rules of Proceedings
Each speaker has 12 minutes to present his/her paper.
Other participants have 3 minutes each to make comments, raise questions
during Q&A sections.
Other decisions will be made by the moderators.