Application 1. ORDER of review manuscript received by the editorial staff of «ALA TOO ACADEMIC STUDIES» 1. Editorial Board of AAS arranges the review of submitted manuscripts. For publication will be accepted only those recommended by reviewers. 2. Both members of the Editorial Board and the scientists and experts who have profound knowledge and experience in a particular scientific field as doctors, professors, who are not members of the editorial board can be involved as reviewers. 3. The editors do not provide information concerning the manuscript (including information on its reception, the content, the review process, critical comments of reviewers and the final decision) to anyone except the authors and reviewers. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscript for their own needs and are prohibited to give any part of the manuscript to another person to review without publisher’s permission. Reviewers and editorial staff have no right to use the knowledge of the content of the work prior to its publication in their own interests. Manuscripts are the private property of the authors and information that not subject to disclosure. 4. Requirements for the review content. 4.1. Review should include a qualified analysis of the material of the manuscript, an objective assessment and reasonable recommendations. 4.2. Special attention should be paid to uncover the following questions: - A general analysis of the scientific level, terminology, the structure of the manuscript, the relevance of the topic; - Compliance with the requirements for the materials of the manuscript; - Scientific presentation, appropriate usage of author’s method, techniques, recommendations and research achievements of modern science and practice; - The admissibility of the volume of the manuscript as a whole and its individual elements (text, tables, illustrations, bibliographic references). The expediency of premises in the article tables, illustrations and their compliance with the stated theme; - Value of the book under review, among other already published on this topic: what's new in it, or how it differs from them, if not duplicate the work of other authors or previously printed work of the author (in whole or in part); - The quality of an article made by the author of inaccuracies and errors. 1 4.3. The reviewer should provide guidance to the author and make correction to improve the manuscript. Reviewer comments and suggestions should be objective and based on principle, aimed at improving the scientific and methodological levels of the manuscript. 4.4. The final part of the review should be informed of the conclusions of the manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation about the advisability of its publication in the journal. 4.5. In the case of a negative evaluation of the manuscript as a whole reviewer must justify their conclusions. 5. Without peer review journal publishes articles by members of the editorial board, as well as articles, accompanied by a written representation of members of the Kyrgyz or foreign Academies of Sciences (academicians and corresponding members). 6. Deadline of review in each case determined by scientific editor with the conditions for maximum operational publication of articles (but not more than 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the manuscript to the editor). 7. Procedures for informing the authors about the results of the review. 7.1. After receiving positive reviews executive secretary of the editorial board informs the authors on the admission of articles for publication to publication deadlines. A copy of the review sent to the author, along with the magazine, which published an article. 7.2. When receiving negative reviews the executive secretary of the editorial board sends a copy to the author reviews the proposal to modify the article in accordance with the reviewers' comments or arguments (partially or completely) to refute them. 7.3. Peer review is confidential, review available to the author without a signature and the name, position, place of work reviewer. 8. Reviews may be submitted in the HCC (Higher certifying submission) KR (Kyrgyz Republic) on the request of expert advice. 9. Modified (processed) articles re-directed to the author of the review. 10. The decision whether the publication is taken after reviewing the editor in chief, and, if necessary - the editorial board as a whole. 11. Not allowed to be published: a) Articles that are not designed properly, the authors, who refuse technical revision of articles; b) Articles in which the authors do not respond to constructive comments from reviewer their implementation or denial. 2 Application 2. ORDER preparation of papers in the journal «ALATOO ACADEMIC STUDIES» Articles submitted for publication must be accompanied, as a rule of the recommendation of institution where the work was performed, with a review of leading scientists. Special attention should be paid to the clarity and conciseness of style, accuracy and consistency in the presentation of the material. Article structurally should have an introductory part, the main content and terminate findings or conclusions and bibliography of literature. The structure of the article: 1. The title of the article; 2. The author's name and information about the author. The necessary information about the authors (surname, first name, academic degree and rank, workplace and position, telephone number, fax, e-mail) must be written in 3 languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, English; 3. Abstract in 3 - 5 lines written in 3 languages; 4. Keywords (up to 5), written in 3 languages; 5. Article submitted in electronic version with a printout of the text font TimesNewRoman № 14, double-spaced (1.5); 6. The fields are as follows: 3 cm - to the left, 2 cm - upper and lower, 1.5 cm - right; 7. The total amount of the manuscript, including literature, tables and figures should not exceed 20 pages. Example of making reference: Magazine articles Fisher, J. and Madet, G. (2000), Implications of Globalization, Journal of Business Development, 34(2): 102-123 Бураканова, Г.М. Подготовка современного руководителя [Текст] / Г.М. Бураканова // Высшее образование сегодня. − Бишкек, 2003. – №10.− С.40-44. Books Mariam, G. J. (1999), Managing the Change, Basic Books: New York. Педагогический энциклопедический словарь. Гл.ред Б.М. Бим-Бад. –М.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 2008. – 528 с. 3 Documents David, H. (1997), Radon Risk Models`, in A.R. Knight and B. Harrad (eds.) Indoor Air and Human Health, Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposiums; 29-31 October 1981; Knoxvil USA. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp 69-78. Концепция развития образования в Кыргызской Республике до 2020 года. Стратегия развития образования в Кыргызской Республике на 2012 – 2020 годы. – Бишкек, 2012. – 114 с. Chapters in edited books Teece, D.J. (1987), Capturing Value from Technological Innovation: Integration, Strategic Partnering and Licensing Decisions, in R.B. Guile and H. Brooks (eds.) Technology and global industry: Companies and Nations in the World Economy, Washington DC: National Academy Press, pp.19-38. Сытник, А.А.. Информация региональной образовательной среды [Текст] / А.А.Сытник, С.В.Папшев, С.С.Гельбух // Сборник матер.междун.науч.конф.,− Саратов; изд-во СГТУ, 2002. – С.110-115 Dissertations Salk, J.E. (1992), Shared Management Joint Ventures: Their Developmental Patterns, Challenges and Possibilities, Unpublished Ph.D Dissertation, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Василенко Н.П. Диагностика, информационная и обеспечение непрерывного повышения квалификации. канд.пед.наук.- Ростов-на-Дону, 1997.− 24с. комбинированное Автореф. ...дис. Online Documents Van de Vliert, E. (2002), Thermo climate, Culture, and Poverty as Country-level Roots of Workers' Wages, [www document] (accessed 13 January 2003). Государственный образовательный стандарт среднего общего образования Кыргызской Республики. Источник: Online articles Van de Vliert, E. (2002), Thermo climate, Culture, and Poverty as Country-level Roots of Workers' Wages, Journal of Business, doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400007 Хуторской, А.В. Технология проектирование ключевых и предметных компетенций // Интернет – журнал «Эйдос».-2005.-12 декабрь. http: // / journal / 2005/1212.htm. 4