Notes: Multiloop Circuits

Notes: Multiloop Circuits (23.5)
What is a multiloop
What are the steps to
solving for the current in
a multiloop circuit?
Sample Problem
1. Sketch the circuit.
2. Choose a direction for the current through each branch, and label them.
3. Add + and – signs to show the high and low potential sides of each resistor,
capacitor, or emf source.
4. Replace any combo of resistors in series or parallel with its equivalent
5. Apply junction rule to each junction where the current divides.
6. Apply loop rule to each loop until you obtain as many equations as unknowns.
7. Solve the equations for each unknown.
8. Check your results! Assign zero potential to one point in the circuit, then use
your current answers to determine the potentials at other points in the circuit.
They should all add up to zero.
Find the current in each part of the circuit shown below.
Notes: Multiloop Circuits (23.5),
(23.5), cont.
Practice Problem
Find the current at each part of the circuit shown below. Draw the directions for the
current in each part. Assign V = 0 to point c and then label the potential at each
other point a through f.