Part One- Affiliated Colleges
The following colleges are affiliates with the World Congress of Chiropractic Students
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Cleveland Chiropractic College-KC
Cleveland Chiropractic College-LA
Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropratique
Life University-School of Chiropractic
Life Chiropractic College-West
Logan College of Chiropractic
Macquarie University-Department Health and Chiropractic
McTimoney College of Chiropractic
Murdoch University
National University of Health Sciences
New York College of Chiropractic
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Northwestern Health Sciences University
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Palmer College of Chiropractic-West
Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida
Parker College of Chiropractic
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic
Skandinaviska Kiropraktor Hogskolan
Southern California University of Health Sciences
Syddansk Universitet
Texas Chiropractic College
UNEVE – Mexico
Universite du Quebec a Trois Rivieres
University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
University of Johannesburg
Welsh Institute of Chiropractic
Western States Chiropractic College
Part Two – WCCS Symbol
The official logo is “WCCS” with a whole globe above (as published). The host college
has the freedom to design and utilize a suitable theme in addition to the official standard
Part Three – WCCS Conference
Section 1: Order of Business
1. The annual WCCS Conference should be held over a period of five days.
2. The order of business will include, but not be limited to:
a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Minutes
d. Chair Report
e. Treasurer’s Report
f. Old Business Proposals
g. New Business Proposals
h. Committee Assignments
i. Committee Meetings
j. Final Proposals for Voting
k. Constitutional Amendments
l. Host College Selection
m. Adjournment
3. All proposals shall be submitted with clear operational guidelines for practical
implementation, and the college submitting shall be responsible for implementing
the proposal, unless otherwise stated in the motion.
a. Every written motion should start with the word “That”
b. Content should include: purpose, the persons responsible to carry it out,
specificities on how to carry it out and a time frame.
c. Any pertinent letters and/or documents are to be prepared and submitted
with the proposal.
d. Each College is responsible for sending out any letters resulting from the
proposals they initiated. Each letter must start with the opening paragraph,
“The World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS),
established in 1979, is an international forum representing the
future of the chiropractic profession. Active membership consists
of over XX,000 students from XX chiropractic colleges. The
WCCS met on (month, date, year) in (City, State/Province,
Country) for our annual conference to discuss issues pertinent to
the chiropractic profession”. *
The return address on each letter should be to the proposing college, or
Host College at the proposing college’s discretion, omitting the college’s
name, thus solely recognizing WCCS. The proposing College will also
retain complete documentation of all correspondence, and will present this
documentation to the Congress the following year.
*Accurate statistics will be inserted where indicated by ‘XX’.
i. The stationery:
1. World Congress of Chiropractic Students with globe
emblem not to be photocopied from letter to letter, but to be
original on each piece of mail.
2. Proposing schools return address – omitting the school’s
3. Under no circumstances should a signature be photocopied
– all signatures must appear in ink.
ii. Host school responsibilities:
1. To provide each delegation with a complete copy of all
passed proposals before each school leaves the conference;
at the very least each school needs to leave with a copy of
the passed proposals their school initiated.
2. To provide enough signed letters to fulfill the requirements
of the proposal – if the signatures are not physically
attainable due to time constraints the host school must
provide enough copies to fulfill the proposal and the
proposing school may obtain the Chair’s permission to sign
his/her signature to each letter.
iii. Proposing school responsibilities:
1. To provide the school’s address omitting the school name
with each proposal requiring follow up.
2. To provide an accurate count of how many copies are
necessary for the implementation of each proposal.
3. To mail promptly the passed proposals to the intended
4. To confirm with the host school that the mailings have
5. To follow up on proposals, by letter and/or phone with
considerable effort. Upon receiving a response, the
proposing school is to promptly disclose contents of the
response or non-response to all affiliated colleges
preferably via email. (04-35)
4. Assigned Committees.
a. Each committee shall be responsible for turning the new business
proposals assigned to them by the conference into motions which will be
voted on for approval by the full conference. Committees may do
whatever is necessary with their assigned motions (table, combine,
reword, further define, leave as is, etc.) that in the committees’ wisdom
will be best for the WCCS and its goals; giving each motion that is to be
sent to the conference floor clear wording and a clear purpose as needed to
expedite the proceedings of the conference.
b. The committees are all responsible for earmarking the finished motions for
the By-laws or Policy Codes if appropriate. The motions that should be
earmarked for the By-laws are those that call for ongoing programmes and
those that define or change the way WCCS conducts its business. Motions
that define the consensus viewpoint and policies of WCCS should be
earmarked for the Policy Code.
c. The committees may have other duties conferred upon them by the
d. Voting in each assigned committee is on the basis of one vote per college,
and for that vote to be valid that college must be present.
e. The basic conference rules shall be read by the chair at the start of each
conference and shall be sent out by the host school to each delegation at
least 90 days before Congress.
The rules are as follows:
i. No loitering or smoking inside or in the vicinity of the conference
while in session.
ii. At least one voting member is required to be in attendance while
the conference is in session, although full participation by the
remaining delegates is encouraged.
iii. A maximum of three motions may be presented by any college at
the conference with additional motions to be added at the
discretion of the Chair. All motions should be thoroughly
researched prior to the motion and followed up thereafter to ensure
their quality.
5. All letters brought before the conference should be proposed in the following
i. The motion is proposed on the open floor.
ii. The motion is seconded.
iii. The proposal is expanded on by the proposing college.
iv. The proposal is then open for debate on the open floor.
v. Any voting member can motion to refer the proposal to a letter
writing committee.
Section 2: Internal Communication
1. Each college delegation by whatever means necessary shall disseminate
developments made at WCCS conferences to its colleges’ student body,
administration and state associations.
2. Inter-school Communication
a. Each college delegation shall provide mailing addresses, email addresses
and telephone numbers of its college and each of its delegates to the
secretary of the Chair two days prior to the end of each conference. The
head delegate and main contact address should be so marked. This
information will be compiled and distributed before adjournment.
Affiliates should be advised of any changes of address as soon as possible.
The complete list will be included on the published conference
b. It is recommended that a mailbox be established within each college
labeled “WCCS”.
c. Communications should be sent to the student body president or their
designate where the college is not an active WCCS affiliated college.
d. Each participating WCCS college should look critically at how their
WCCS group is operating on campus, especially with regard to awareness
about the students, communication and continuity.
e. That any correspondence sent by WCCS to individual college
administrations should be copied and sent to that particular WCCS
affiliate at the time of mailing for awareness of that correspondence.
f. That all WCCS member schools send a copy of all correspondence sent
out by their schools and all correspondence received (that is a result of
WCCS business) to the Archives for proper recording of WCCS activities
and results.
g. That any non-English speaking college be permitted to translate WCCS
documents into their native language.
h. Each affiliated college has an email account using the following format –
3. Within 90 days of the termination of the conference, the host college shall send
the published proceedings of that conference to the member schools and the
Archives. These proceedings shall include a complete budget of the recent
conference as well as the name, address and telephone number of the Chair of the
following year’s congress.
4. Prior to the conclusion of the conference, a written survey shall be undertaken by
the host college to evaluate the organization, administration and efficiency of the
conference. A summary of this evaluation is to be included in the published
proceedings. Full details are to be handed to the next host college.
5. Each year’s WCCS chair school should attempt, within reason, to provide
translators for our foreign chiropractic delegates in an attempt to further the
WCCS purpose by increasing understanding and interaction.
Section 3: External Communication
1. Any official new releases concerning WCCS policy must be drawn verbatim from
the final list of conference approved motions which will be delivered to each
member college prior to adjournment.
Section 4: On-going Programs and Standing Committees
1. Research (Amended 90-12)
a. Each member college will be given the opportunity to submit current
research abstracts to the Chair of the Host College by the first day of
b. The Host College will determine the number of abstracts presented at the
c. Each college will select the abstracts they wish to hear, and those most
requested will be presented. All abstracts submitted must be made
available to each Head Delegate.
2. WCCS Chapter Organization
The following is a set of guidelines for establishing a WCCS chapter on a
chiropractic college campus. These are recommendations, not a rigid code;
therefore each college chapter may develop its own guidelines according to its
college situation.
a. Election of officers (President, Vice President) are to be held annually.
b. Delegation selection is open to all students. Those wishing to apply must
do so through the officers of the club. Application deadline will be
c. The WCCS officers shall:
i. Determine how many delegates will be sent to the upcoming
ii. Require each applicant to write a short paper on why he/she should
be a delegate to the convention, and any special qualifications
he/she may have.
iii. Each applicant should be selected by democratic vote, selection
panel or both, using the following criteria for the selection process:
1. Understanding of and ability to articulate the philosophy of
the institution.
2. Must not be on a social or academic (GP 2.75) probation.
d. In accordance with the WCCS constitution, continuity must be
maintained. Therefore, at least one delegate position should be reserved
for diplomats (delegates that have attended the last Congress) and one
delegate position should be reserved for lower trimester students prepared
to attend the current year’s and following year’s Congress as well (i.e. not
graduating before October of the following year).
e. Any Student expressing an interest in being a delegate after the deadline
must attend at least three consecutive WCCS meetings before being
f. Any future changes to this constitution must include the vote of the most
current delegation and / or club officers.
Part Four – Finances
Section 1: Fees
1. Each affiliated college shall provide the host college with a fee for the purposes of
administration of the next conference (i.e. telephone, mailings, newsletter, etc.) in
order to have voting privileges at conference. The fee schedule is as follows: US
$300 for colleges with an enrollment of less than 500 students, US $550 for
colleges with an enrollment of 500 or more students. This fee is to be paid on or
before the first day of conference.
2. First-time attending colleges are exempt from fees for the conference.
3. All unused monies shall be forwarded to the next host college within 45 days of
the conference end.
4. The host college will be responsible for recording all monies spent by a written
accounting of their expenditures.
5. The personal expenses of the delegates of the host college/university (that are
directly related to WCCS) will be reimbursed.
6. The Archives annual budget must be submitted to the host college a minimum of
120 days prior to Congress. This budget will then be included by the host college
as part of the operating costs for that year’s congress.
Part Five – History
Section 1: Archives
1. The Archives exist in a non-internet electronic format for the purpose of storage
of information to be used by the WCCS as a resource. The cd-r/dvd-r archives
will be in possession of the host college from the previous conference until the
next conference convenes.
2. An updated back-up copy of the cd-r/dvd-r archives will be held by the prior
year’s host school and shall be transferred upon the first day of the following
year’s Congress.
3. Each WCCS affiliated college is responsible for sending to WCCS Archives the
a. The present names, permanent addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and
year of graduation for each delegate present at that year’s congress.
b. A copy of the correspondences to letters or failure thereof by the next
4. The host college delegation will be responsible for sending the following to
WCCS cd-r/dvd-r archives within one month after congress:
a. An electronic copy of the minutes, proposals and a summary of the proposals
labeled passed, failed and withdrawn by way of compact disc or floppy disc via
mail and emailed to the host college.
b. A list of the speakers and topics covered.
Part Six – Alumni
Section 1: Membership
1. There is a WCCS alumni list, comprised of past WCCS members.
2. All alumni of the WCCS are welcome at any WCCS meeting and may be placed
on the mailing list at their request and expense, for any information disseminated.
College will be defined as any school/college/university meeting the requirements of
affiliate status.
Amended as of October 6th, 2004