)THANK YOU and APPRECIATION LETTERS (EMAILS رسائل شكر وتقدير (رسائل الكترونية) The following are some of the thank you and appreciation letters (emails) that I have received from some of my students, friends, and mostly from people I never met before. I kept those letters (emails) as it is with respect to their language of writing, formatting, writing style, etc. التالى عبارة عن بعض رسائل الشكر والتقدير (رسائل ا لكترونية) والتى تلقيتها من بعض تالمذتى، اصدقائى ومعظمها من اناس الأعرفهم ولم اقابلهم قبل ذلك .لقد عرضت الرسائل كما هى بنفس اللغة المكتوبة بها وكذلك بنفس التنسيق والشكل وطريقة الكتابة ...الخ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8/9/2016 Mohamed Magdy Egypt السلام عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته. تحية طيبة د.عماد وبعد..: ب درس تحت يدكم ونهل العلم منكم ،أتقدم يشكر الناس ،لا من منطلق "من لا هللا" .واعترا ًفا وعرفا ًنا مني كطال ٍ يشكر َ ُ ُ إليك د.عماد بخالص الشكر والاحترام والتقدير لما بذلته معنا من مجهود خلال الفصل الصيفي ولما قدمته لنا من فائدة ومعلومات قيمة نسأل هللا أن ينفعنا بها في حياتنا القادمة وأن نستغلها أحسن استغلال في خدمة ديننا وأوطاننا، كثيرا بإذنه تعالى في الدنيا والآخرة. خيرا ونسأله أن يجعلها هي ومجهودك وإخلاصك في ميزان حسناتك ُتجزى عنها ً ً شخصيا من تسهيلاتٍ ولما تفهمته وقدرت الظروف التي تعرضت لها وأدت خاص لما قدمته لي بشكر أيضا وأتقدم لك ٍ ٍ ً ً لتأخري في بداية الدراسة لمدة أسبوعين ،وأبشرك أنه بفضل هللا تعالى أولًا وبفضلك ومجهودك ثانيًا قد حصلت على تقدير " "Bفي كورس إدارة مشروعات التشييد وهلل الحمد. جميعا نحبك في هللا ونحترمك ونقدرك وهذة شهادة كل من فجعله هللا في ميزان حسناتك دكتورنا الحبيب ،ونشهدك أنَّنا ً ت دائما على خير وأن ننال تعامل معك ،ونسأل هللا أن نراك الفرصة قريبًا مر ًة أخرى لنكون تلاميذك في موا ٍد وكورسا ٍ َ ً أخرى إن شاء هللا تعالى. والسلام عليكم ورحمة هللا. Mohamed Magdy Building and Construction Engineering Program, Matsuura University Egypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/9/2016 Omar Rizk Egypt السالم عليكم ورحمه هللا وبركاته ومع ان الترم مضغوط، صراحة استفدت من حضرتك كتير، شكرا جزيال لحضرتك يا دكتور علي الترم األكثر من رائع لكن حضرتك ساعدتنا كتير ولم نشعر تماما باي ضغط ووصلتلنا المعلومات بطريقة مميزة وسهلة وحببتني اكثر في المجال .وشجعتني علي االستمرار فيه وتطوير نفسي اكتر .أدعوا هللا ان يديم عليك نعمته ويعينك علي المزيد من التميز والنجاح شكرا جزي ا ال Omar Rizk Building and Construction Engineering Program, Matsuura University Egypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/8/2016 Kareem Ibrahim Egypt Dear dr. Emad I am writing to thank you for your support to me during my bachelor studies at Mansoura University and after graduation during ITI courses and by your recommendation to me in my application to Erasmus Master. I would like also to inform you that I have been accepted in Erasmus Master and the admission committee granted me with a full tuition waiver fully covering the 12.000 euros tuition fees. Best Regards Karim Shams Graduated from Mansoura University, Egypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30/6/2016 Amr Saher Egypt Graduation Project Day. We had the most amazing and much respected doctor and mentor, Dr Emad Elbeltagi we really can't thank you enough for all your notes, valuable advices and guidance all along the way. We had our tough days but thank God, It ended with much satisfaction. Amr Saher Graduated from Mansoura University, Egypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29/6/2016 Mohamed Talat Egypt في الكليه في ناس كتير أثرت فيا بس في شخصيه فرقت معايا جدآ سواء في الدراسه أو في الحياه ,هو دكتور علمني سواء لما كان قاصد أنه يعلمنا أو بتصرفات بتحصل قدامنا.. لما كان مدير البرنامج عندنا كنت أنا أول دفعه كان عليه حمل كبير جدا و إحنا ماكناش مقدرين ده جمعنا كلنا وكان بيشرح لينا يعني إيه ساعات معتمده بنفسه و إزاي تذاكر و أنا معرفتش قيمه ده غير لما كبرت و بقيت انا اللي بشرحه للدفعات الجديده و بالذات إن مفيش دكتور عمل كده غيره. كان كل يوم يدخل علي ال FBيتابع مشاكلنا كلها علي groupالدفعه و يرد علي ال emailو ال mobileمنغير ما يحسسك إنك عملت جريمه إنك كلمت دكتور. لما كان حد بيديه ورقه مشاكل مكتوبه كان بيهتم بيها و ده كان بيبان إن مع كل مشكله بتخلص بيشطبعليها. لو إنت داخل عليه المكتب عمر ما باب مكتبه هيتقفل في وشك طب لو انت عايزه ضروري و هو مشغولبيخلص شغله علي ال lapو سمعك و مركز مع كالمك. أي طالب كان بيروحله كان بيسمعله و بيتكلم معاه.بعد ما مشي من اإلداره كان في مره واحد كتب postعليه ماكنش ينفع يتكتب الدكتور دخل رد عليه ومعملوش أي حاجه تضره. مواده هي أحسن مواد ممكن تاخدها من غير ما تتظلم و هتاخد حقك بالضبط. أول محاضره هيتفق معاك علي القوانين و الشروط اللي عليك و الشروط اللي عليه و هيعرفك أيام األجازات وهيعرفك درجاتك هتمشي إزاي و كل حاجه إنت محتاجها كطالب. لو المحاضرة الساعه 2بتلقيه موجود من قبلها يجهز الحاجه و يستعد للمحاضره و ليك 10دقايق تأخير جيتبعدهم ماتخبطش غير بقي مرات قليله اللي كنا ممكن يخش و ده علمني جدا ازاي احترم مواعيدي. مره الكهرباء قطعت كلنا فرحنا إن المحاضره هتتلغي لقينا الدكتور مطلع Handoutو بيشرح منه عشانمنلغيش المحاضره و ده ميقصرش علي المنهج. عادي إني أكل و أشرب في المحاضره طالما عطشان أو جعان أهم حاجه أكون مركز و مامعملش صوت.من يوم ما عرفت الدكتور اول مره اشوفه موبايله كانت ف ي محاضره المشروع بالصدفه و ده عشان طالما هودخل محاضره بيعمله silentلغايه ما يخلص احتراما للطالب. لو حد نام في المحاضره بيخليه يغسل وشه طب لو كذا حد بيعرف إننا مش قادرين و بيبدأ يكلمنا في حاجه برهالدراسه نتكلم فيها يفوقنا و بعدين نكمل. درجات اعمال السنه كل محاضره بتعدي قدام عينك مفيش إمتحان أو sheetبيعدي عليه اسبوع غير لما يكونمتصحح و مرصود. مش محتاج تاخد courseبره في مادته. اخر الترم نسبه الشكوي من الدرجات بتبقي قليله جدا و لو روحتله عمره ما يكذب طالب عشان شايف إنالمهندس ماينفعش يكذب. في المشروع كل اسبوع في مقابله و في درجات و اخر الترم بتاخد اعمال السنه كامله. المشروع متعلمناش إداره بس ال ده كان في محاضره كامله عن ال presentation skillsو في واحده إزايتعمل كتاب و كان في محاضره يكلمنا عن الفريق و إننا الزم نشتغل سوا و كده. مره كنا عامليه حاجه في المشروع غلط و لما فهمتها عرفت إنها حاجه غبيه أوي هو لما شافها وصلنا إنها غلطبكل أدب و إننا مقصرين و الزم نشد اليوم ده كلنا كنا زي ما بنفكر إزاي نصلحها كنا بنفكر إزاي دكتور عماد ميبقاش زعالن مننا. . هو أحسن واحد بيطبق اللي بيدرسه هو بيدرس إداره و أحسن واحد يطبقها معانا و في إداره وقته. عنده ضمير جدا في الشرح و لو حس إنك مش فاهم هيفضل يغير طريقه الشرح لغايه ما تفهم. علي كل المنهج يعني إنت كده كده الزم تحل مش هتسب الورقه فاضيهfinal إمتحان ال.حل عربي إنجليزي كلم الدكتور بطريقتك المهم تكتب كالم صح و الدكتور هيصححه. هتتكسف تبص جانبك في إمتحان و الدكتور موجود عشان الكلمتين اللي بيقولهم و هو بيوزع الورق..أنا في كالم كتير لسه ماقولتوش و في كالم الزم تتعامل معاه عشان تعرفه بس أهم حاجه إتعاملوا مع دكتور عماد البلتاجي قبل ما تتخرجوا خدوا معاه مواد إتكلموا معاه خده كورس ..او اي كورس بيديهPrimaVera ..الراجل ده من أهم مكاسبي في الكليه إني درست تحت إيده و إني مشروع تخرجي معاه أنا بحب دكتور عماد جدا و اي حد قريب مني عارف كده و اهلي عارفينه من كتر ما بشكر فيه ربنا يجعل كل .اللي بتعمله يا دكتور في ميزان حسناتك Mohamed Talat Graduated from Mansoura University, Egypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19/4/2016 Abdulsalam Muhammed Nigeria Am muhammed, a student of quantity surveying from the federal university of technology, Akure, Nigeria. I recently downloaded and read a pdf file written by you (chapter two on cost estimating prepared using smm7). It was very helpful . Please sir i will be glad if it is possible for me to get the complete note on that material. Thank you sir. Will be glad if my request is granted in due time. Yours faithfully Muhammed. Abdulsalam Muhammed Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/4/2016 Ahmed Atef Canada Prof Emad, My name is Ahmed Atef. In 2009, I was a grad student at Nile University in Egypt. I contacted you at that time because I wanted your help in providing me with a readable GA code. You did provide me with that code which helped me a lot in understanding GA and hence finishing my M.Sc. at that time. I did not see you to thank you personally but I’m still grateful for what you did. Many thanks and may Allah bless you and your family. By the way, last year I finished my PhD at Concordia University. I’m so sorry for disturbing you.. Ahmed Atef Concordia University, Montreal Canada --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23/3/2016 P. Arulsivanantham Ethiopia Dear sir, My name is Arulsivanantham, working as Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, AMBO UNIVERSITY, ETHIPOIA.. I am taking Construction Management course for civil eng students. I found your Lecture notes so Elegant, and Easy to understand students of all levels. So i request you to send me the Full Course materials of CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT if possible to this mail... Thanking you, with regards, ARULSIVANANTHAM.P LECTURER CIVIL ENGINEERING, AMBO UNIVERSITY Ethiopia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17/1/2016 طالبة ماجستير الكويت السلام عليكم دكتور عماد :)أنا طالبة ماجستير تخصص هندسة مدنية من جامعة الكويت Construction management, ( والذي يتحدث عنpdf) اطلعت على عدد قليل من صفحات كتابك على الانترنت .بصراحة مجهود جبار ورائع تشكر عليه هل من الممكن ان تخبرني كيف يمكنني ان احصل.للاسف لم استطيع الحصول على المحتوى كامل لبقية الفصول .على نسخة الكتاب كامل ولك جزيل الشكر طالبة ماجستير جامعة الكويت, الكويت --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/11/2015 Woyesa Ararsa Ethiopia Dear Dr. Emad Elbeltagi! How are you! your book on Construction Project management is my favorite book on construction management. I'm post graduate student in construction technology and management stream. i need your help to have this book! so please; facilitate to me how i can get this book! thank you!! with best regards Woyesa Ararsa Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31/8/2015 Yao Yu USA Dear Professor Elbeltagi, How are you? I am an assistant professor working at University of the District of Columbia in US. I will start teaching an undergraduate course of Construction Planning and Scheduling in the semester of Fall 2015. While searching for a good textbook for this course, I found your concisely yet clearly elaborated lecture notes online (Uhttp://osp.mans.edu.eg/elbeltagi/CPM322E%20Planning.html). I believe that both my teaching and students’ learning will benefit to a great extent from your well organized notes. I am writing to request your kind permission for referring to your lecture notes during this course. Please feel free to let me know! Thanks a lot for your time and consideration! Sincerely, Yao Assistant Professor University of the District of Columbia US --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/8/2015 MUHAMMED SHAFEEDC India Dear Dr. Emad , ASSALAMU ALAIKUM My name is MUHAMMED SHAFEEDC, I read your book about project planning its very good. Undergraduate Student Calicut University, kerala ,india --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/7/2015 Loai Awad Syria Dear Dr. Emad , My name is Loai Awad from Syria , I have worked in Saudi Arabia for a while ago in engineering industry , Nowadays I prepare to get PMP certificate, during my researching over the internet I found your lectures about construction management it’s really impressive and very important lectures but unfortunately not completed, for this reason I wonder how can I get a copy for these lectures , I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your time. Best Regards Eng Loai Awad ACI Certified Civil Engineer Mobile : 00966 55 34 55 336 Email : loai-awad@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/5/2015 Mohamed Swydan Egypt Dear Doctor I I I I have never seen you, I am in Saudi Arabia want to thank you for the material on your website that is available online am getting lots of knowledge from it wanted to say " " جزاكم هللا خيرا على اتاحة وتبسيط العلم Regards, Eng. Mohamed Swydan Sr. Estimation Engineer @ Drake and Scull --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16/2/2015 Hak Rany Thailand Dear Dr. Emad Elbeltagi, My Name is Hak Rany and I a student in Sirindhor International Institute of Technology in Thailand. I am doing my Master degree about Construction Management. I would like to know your Book that is titled Cost Estimating. I would like to ask you about the date and real title of this book because I found that It is a good book and importance to my research. Could I put it as my reference doc? Hak Rany Master Student Sirindhor Institute of Technology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29/1/2015 Mufu Asabe England Good-day Prof Emad Elbeltagi, I am a project management student in a career path to become an expert in my field I came across one of your book and it was a true definition of how a subject should be divide and taught for understanding and knowledge. I would like to find out if you could send me a full version of "lecture notes on construction planning and scheduling". I would appreciate if you could respond to my request . Thanks Mufu Asabe MSc in Global Management London, United Kingdom --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29/1/2015 Hanaa Kamaleddin Sultanate of Oman Dear Mr. Emad Trust this email finds you well I would like to thank-you for the material you have on your website. I am currently studying for project management exam and these materials are of very well help to me in simplifying the main concepts. بارك هللا فيك وزادك من علمه نافعنا به وجعله في ميزان حسناتك Kind Regards Hanaa Kamaleddin SME & Corporate Trainer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15/1/2015 Eng. Mohamed Khaled Egypt Dear Dr. Emad El beltagy I am a big fan of you. I read all of your lectures and online courses in Project management. You one of the leaders who made me and others adore project management fields. Regards, Mohamed Khaled Planning Engineer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28/12/2014 Eng. Omar Salem Jordan Dear Doctor, First of all i would like to thank you for all of yours Lectures of Planning, it's perfect all. I am Omar Salem from Jordan, working as a Senior Planning Engineer. I would like to be contacting you all the time, to learn from you and if there is any other sites or videos you are advising me please let me know. Again, Gazak Allah Khayra for all the science you are providing. Best regards for you and your family, and hope to be in contact all the time. Omar Salem Senior Planning Engineer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2014/11/25 م .حازم غنيم مهندس مدنى سعادة أ.د .عماد البلتاجي /الموقر تحية طيبة وبعدذيسعدني التعرف عليكم وأبلغكم سروري بمشاهدة المستوي العالمي للعالم المصري المتميز – في ضوء حضوري لكثير من الأساتذة العالميين في محاضرات مختلفة كما يشرفني أن أهنئكم علي أدائكم الرائع في المحاضرات وأعرف لكم عن سعادتي -وزملائي -بهذه المعلومات القيمة جدا والشيقة والجديدة ونحمد هللا أن وفقكم لإختيار هذه المادة العلمية داعين المولي عز وجل بمزيد من التوفيق والنجاح م .حازم غنيم --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2014/11/16 م .محمود األمير مهندس مدنى السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته،.. رسالة إلى أفضل معلم ودكتور لم تستطع ذاكرتى ابدا على نسيانه ،وعقلى على التفكير منذ تخرجى (وحتى منذ نهاية الفصل الدراسى االول بالفرقة الرابعة) على إكمال حياتى كلها بالتعليم من علمه الوافر الذى ال يبخل على أح ٍد أبدا ً به. لذلك قمت بإرسال رسالتى هذه (التى عجز،ودائما ما أقوم بتصفح موقعك االلكترونى لمتابعة أخبارك والطمأنينة على سيادتك أود أن أرسال تحياتى وتمنياتى بالتوفيق الدائم وإلى،)لسانى دائما عن ذكرها طالما تحدثت الى سيادتك فى الهاتف المحمول .نجاح تلو االخر وأن يُطيل هللا فى عمرك طالما أنفعت الناس بوقتك وعملك ...محمود االمير . بتقدير عام جيد جدا وتقدير فى مادة ادارة المشروع بامتياز2012 مهندس مدنى تخرجت من جامعة المنصورة دفعة اعمل حاليا بكفرالشيخ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2/11/2014 Eng. Ahmed Badawi Mansoura University - Egypt Dr. El Beltagi, Asalamu Alaikum, I hope this email finds you well, and that you still remember me. My name is Ahmed Badawi. I am a former student of yours. You may remember me from coming to your office after every lecture with tons of questions and sending you emails asking you to go over some of my lecture notes. I’ve thought about emailing you small updates ever since my graduation, but every time I sat down to write one, I didn’t know where or how to start. I doubt I expressed my appreciation enough back when I was in your class, but your motivating words played an instrumental role in my own growth, and for that I can never express enough gratitude. I often think of things from your lectures and I still have the notes from my class and refer to them regularly. The one event I recall most frequently is when you wrote down two questions on the board and asked us to hand over our answers on a sheet of paper. The two questions were; “What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far?” and “Write down one question that troubles you the most?” When I look back on this event, I realize how closely related the two questions were to each other. It’s well established that we learn the most valuable lessons in life in times of trouble, that we prosper, and harness our will only after we reach the fatigue of despair. It is fascinating how the answer to one question guides you to the answer to the other. I know that it has not always been easy for you to teach and inspire students in the difficult times we've been going through, yet you have always found a way to make a connection and aspire motivation. Your students should know how fortunate they are to have you as their professor. I wish you all the best, and I hope you continue reaching other students as you reached me for many years to come. I hope that we continue our mentee / mentor relationship to which I credit the powerful yet gentle role that has truly shaped my life. Please do stay in touch. May Allah guide us all to His path and use us, and accept us with His mercy among His righteous servants. Amen. Sincerely, Ahmed Badawi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/10/2014 Dr. Nihat Cetinkaya Turkey Dear Dr. Emad, First of all, congratulation for your well prepared Lecture notes. I am working as an Assc. Prof. at Pamukkale University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. In this semester I am also giving Construction Planning course. If you give permission I would like to use some parts of your Lecture Notes. Waiting for for kind reply. Dr. Nihat Cetinkaya Assc. Prof., Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Pamukkale University Turkey --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2/10/2014 Gregoire Schwebig Kenya Dear Sir, let me introduce myself: i am French and I have started a construction company in Kenya that is expanding quite fast. My background is in management and Finance and I am trying to improve our estimation capacity, our planning capacity and our control ability. A few months back, I have downloaded one chapter on estimating which helped me greatly and I would like know to go further in my understanding and my application on your principle to my company. I have seen that there is a book (?) called Lecture Note on Construction Management from you - where could I download it. Also, has you been published - I really like your style as even someone without an engineer background like me can understand it very easily. Thank you very much in advance for your kind help. Regards, Grégoire Schwebig --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26/9/2014 Aila Haavisto School of Engineering Aalto University Finland Dear Dr Elbeltagi As background my name is Aila Haavisto and I study in Aalto University, School of Engineering in Finland. I’m starting my master’s thesis this fall. It is mainly about conceptual cost estimation and while searching suitable references I found Chapter 3 of your lecture notes. I find your notes to be very informative and well written so I’d like to use some of it in the theory part of my master’s thesis. I’d like to use your lecture notes from course Construction Cost Estimating as reference in my master’s thesis and would also like to ask if you used some good references yourself while writing those notes. As you know while writing master’s thesis it is preferred that the most original references are used and that is why I also like to ask which references you have used yourself. Best regards, Aila Haavisto Aalto University School of Engineering --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27/8/2014 Hassan Emam PhD student The University of Bolton England Prof. Emad, It is an honour to work with you. I read several publications for you and I was feeling proud to read superstars Egyptian names in the construction scheduling field (I memorize their names). My research point I am currently proposing is basically dynamic scheduling for projects with repetitive activities (i.e. using LSM). The first trial is to produce a robust schedule. I can send you further details if the subject is interesting for you. Best wishes, Hassan Emam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13/11/2013 Mohamed Zakzouk وقد شعرت بواجبى بارسال هذه الرسالة تحت مبدأ من ال يشكر الناس ال يشكر٢٠١٢ بداية انا خريج هندسة المنصورة لسنة وقد شعرت بعد سماعها بمدى اهميتها٢٠١٢- ٢٠١١ هللا وذلك بعد سماعى لتسجيالت سيادتكم لمادة االدارة فى سنتى الدراسية لى فى سوق العم ل ومدى احتوائها على معلومات قيمة جدا ال استطيع ايجادها غير فى اماكن قليلة بمصر وايضا بمدى تفردى عن زمالئى الخرجين حديثا من مختلف جامعات مصر باستثناء جامعة المنصورة بهذه المادة العلمية لذلك لكل تلك االسباب وجب على شكر سيادتكم محمد زقزوق Mohamed Zakzouk , Civil Engineer Graduated from Mansoura University --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19/6/2013 J. Blake Whitman Department of Civil Engineering Auburn University, AL USA Dr. Elbeltagi, My name is J. Blake Whitman and I am a Master of Science (Civil Engineering) Graduate Student at Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, USA). I have been conducting research on current methods for developing site utilization plans for urban construction sites. I came across a paper with your name on it titled “CONSTRUCTION SITE LAYOUT PLANNING”. I read a few interesting topics within the paper and would like to site the paper in my MS thesis. I am writing to ask permission to do so. Please let me know if this is possible. Also, if I am permitted, how would I need to site this paper? The address below is where I ran across the paper. http://drahmedelyamany.weebly.com/uploads/7/0/1/0/7010103/site-layout_dremad.pdf Thanks J. Blake Whitman Graduate Research Assistant Department of Civil Engineering 238 Harbert Engineering Center Auburn University, AL 36849-5337 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21/4/2013 محمود المهدى مدنى انا مهتم بادرة المشروعات بارك هللا فيك وجازك كل الخير ويكتب فى ميزان حسناتك1985 انا محمود المهدى خريج المنصوره الماده العلميه التى تفيد المهندسين بها على النت وانا اعمل فى مجال البنيه التحتيه واتمنى ان نتواصل دائما Mahmoud Elmahdy Graduated from Mansoura University --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7/4/2013 Osama Nassr واحب اشكر حضرتك علي الموقع بتاع حضرتك والمحاضرات والكتب الموجودةPMP وحاصل علي2008 انا مهندس متخرج من .فيها بجد ربنا يبارك لحضرتك Osama Nassr ,PMP,PRMG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23/3/2013 Mirza Shakil Assalamo alaikum, This is Mirza Shakil Baig working as site mechanical Engineer. I found your written book "construction project management" on internet. When I read this one I found very useful but it was not in full length. Sir, i need this book if you can arrange so that I can upgrade my knowledge in my working field. Thanks & B/R, Mirza Shakil Baig --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15/3/2013 Zekeri David Federal University of Technology Niger State Nigeria Dr. Emad, thanks for your contribution to the body of knowledge. I want to know the actual date of this publication: site layout planning. I wish you success in your professional endeavour. ZEKERI A. DAVID DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MINNA, NIGER STATE NIGERIA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15/2/2013 Dr. Senthilkumar Venkatachalam University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa Dear Prof. Emad E. Elbeltagi, Greetings I am Dr. Senthilkumar, Working for an university in South Africa, Recently I came across your notes when I was trying to search some online resources for the student’s reference. It is well complied written and of high value. I would like to use the online notes (construction Project Management and Project Planning and Scheduling) available in your web to my students as their reading references. I request you to give me permission to do so. Your quick response is highly appreciated. With Regards SenthilkumarVenkatachalam Senior Lecturer School of Construction Economics and Management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/4/2012 Donald Jones University of Technology Jamaica Dear Sir, I am a young 22 year old student of The University of Technology Jamaica. I must first tell you that i ran into your work by mere co-incidence, and am now intrigued by them. My dream is to become one of the top ten (10) Construction Project Managers within the world. In fact I am planning to travel to the Middle East after Graduation to improve my skills by gaining experience from engineers like yourself within the field. I hope to become someone like you in society when I grow older, one who a student would want to look up to and consult for assistance. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks much. Regards, D.Jones --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30/3/2012 د.فراس خيري العراق تحية طيبة الى استاذنا العزيز د.عماد الذي تعرفنا على علمه ومحاضراته وانجازاته على النت وكلما تذكر ادارة المشاريع يقترن بها بشكل تلقائي تحياتي د.فراس خيري/العراق Construction Management University of Tech - Iraq --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/1/2012 Ahmed Ali Planning Engineer- Sidra Project, Qatar السالم عليكم و رحمة هللا... اوال وهللا اني احبك في هللا رغم اني لم اراك لكن علمك و طريقة عرضة و اقوال تالميذك عنك هي من دفعتني الي كتابة هذة الرسالة ...وارجو من هللا ان تكون بكامل الصحة و العافية و دوام التقدم. Contrack Cyprus Limited- Qatar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25/10/2011 مهندس معمارى /سعد الدين محمد صبرى مصر السالم عليكم و رحمة هللا و بركاته أما بعد فى البداية أود أن أشكر حضرتك كثيرا ً على جهدك و كرمك فى نشر المادة العلمية فى إدارة المشروعات على الموقع الخاص بحضرتك .للعلم أنا مهندس معمارى خريج جامعة األسكندرية و أسمى /سعد الدين ومهتم كثيرا ً بإدارة المشروعات Construction Project Managementو قد إستفدت كثيرا ً من كورس إدارة المشروعات ولكن يوجد طلبان من حضرتك أتمنى أن تسطيع أن تعيننى فيهما هما كالتالى :-يوجد فصالن غير موجودين على الموقع و هما فى غاية األهمية بالنسبة لى و هما -1الفصل التاسع بعنوانSchedule Updating and Delays -2الفصل العاشر و هو بعنوان Cost Control أرجو من حضرتك أن تدلنى على طريقة الحصول عليهم أرجو من حضرتك أن تدلنى على برنامج ) ( Softwareيعمل بمنهجية CPM-LOBغير برنامج الدكتور /طارقحجازى و فى النهاية أشكر حضرتك على الذى استفده من حضرتك و كم كنت أتمنى أن تدرس لى علم إدارة المشروعات مهندس معمارى /سعد الدين محمد صبرى --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/6/2011 Amir Hossein Gandomi Institute of Technology and Innovation University of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark Dear Dr. Elbeltagi, Hope you are fine and getting along with affairs. I am contacting you based on your expertise in Applications of Metaheuristic Algorithms in Construction Management. Currently, Prof. Yang, Talatahari, Alavi and I are editing a book on "Metaheuristics and Applications in Civil Engineering" which will be published by Springer/World Scientific in 2012. In order to strengthen the overall quality of this important publication, we are in the process of inviting well-known researchers in this field from all around the world. We thought that you would be interested in joining this project. If this invitation is agreeable to you and does not conflict with your current professional and research interests, please first kindly send me an acceptance email and then send me the following items of your chapter not later than 15 July 2011: 1) Tentative title of the chapter; 2) Abstract 50 to 100 words; 3) If you can submit the full manuscript (12 to 20 printed pages, single-spaced) by 15 December 2011; and 4) A brief one-page CV. Attached here, please find the details. It is notable that your book chapter should present solid, robust or well-established techniques with well-worked examples and should have a fairly general topic. Best regards, Amir Hossein Gandomi Institute of Technology and Innovation University of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/6/2011 Khuong Son Department of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Vietname Ph.D. Student. Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan Dear Prof. Emad Elbeltagi My name is Khuong Son. Department of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Vietname. (current research interests include: renewable energy system, power system analysis). I had saw your paper in Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005), “Comparison among five evolutionary-based optimization algorithms” I very like your paper so it very good and the first comparison of the algorithm and Prof have used Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm in calculate. Now, I have study for SFL algorithm to use in my search (Calculate capacity in small system). But SFL algorithm is new too, it has not book. Because, I still don't understand and write program of this algorithm. Prof could help me? You could teach me for basis for using the Visual Basic programming language to: Pseudo code for a SFL procedure. Thank you very much! I wish you good health and happiness. With best wishes, Khuong Son Department of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Vietname Email: khuongason@gmail.com Ph.D. Student. Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18/7/2010 Mohamed Talaat Elsheikh, Research Assistant, Construction and Project Management Research Institute, Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC), Egypt Dear Dr. Emad, It is so nice to find that my country has a smart professor like you. I am a research assistant in HBRC and I am working now on my MSc thesis in Cairo University. I heard form many people about your generosity and your great support to students. Now, I write my MSc thesis but I still have a chapter that does not completed yet, so I need your help. This chapter is about ant colony optimization. I understand this optimization but I face a problem in making a program for ACO to get my outputs. I make more searches to find any program for that but I did not find an easy tool to help me. I know from someone that you have many researches in this field so I decide to ask you specially for helping me. To explain my problem in details, I can say that I need to make a program of multi objective ACO. I have two objects (i.e. Cost & LEED) and I need to use the two methods of ACO; 1) function-transformation method, and 2) modified distance method. So I ask you for a help in finding any program and with its code for making that. Finally, I am sorry for taking a part of your valuable time in reading my message and I hope that my problem will be solved by a kind and a famous professor called Dr. Emad Elbeltagi. Thank you so much and I will wait your answer. Mohamed Talaat Elsheikh, Research Assistant, Construction and Project Management Research Institute, Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12/7/2010 مجدي الرفاعي الجوهري مصر- مدير مشروعات- شركة المقاولين العرب االستاذ الدكتور الفاضل/ السيد السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته اريد التسجيل لعمل الدكتوراه في ادارة المشروعات مع سيادتكم،سمعنا المدح الكثير في شخصكم الكريم من كل من قابلت برجاء التكرم بافادتي عن المطلوب منا للتواصل مع سيادتكم وبياناتي مجدي الرفاعي الجوهري/االسم - مدير مشروعات- شركة المقاولين العرب/العمل 2008 دكتوراه في الهندسة االنشائية:المؤهالت العلمية 2004 ماجستير الهندسة االنشائية 1990 بكالوريوس الهندسة المدنية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/6/2010 Mohamed Saied Teaching Assistant – Construction Dept. AAST, Egypt Dear Prof. Emad, I would like to thank you for the great course. It’s always a pleasure to receive a subject from you, a highly informative and educational course. Best regards, Eng. M. Saeid Construction Engineer/T.A. , Construction Dept., AAST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/6/2010 Michele Perrotta Construction Manager - Italy Dear Mr. Elbeltagi, I'm an Italian Construction Manager for Technological Plants. I'm reading your lecture notes on Construction Management and I find them very interesting, but I've seen that the 2nd chapter I downloaded from your website is not translated in English yet. Do you have a translated version? Would you mind sending it to me? Thanks in advance for your attention. Yours Sincerely Michele Perrotta --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2/6/2010 المهندس محمد جواد دبى- مدير التشغيل – شركة أكد لإلنشاءات االخ المهندس عماد البلتاجي ...السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته اني المهندس محمد جواد كاظم اعمل في قسم التخطيط في شركة أكد لالنشاءات في دبي حيث اتابع اعمالكم منذ فترة طويلة ولهذا ارجو االستفسار عن كتابكم باللغة العربية كيف يمكننا الحصول عليه ولكم منا فائق الشكر والتقدير MOHAMMED ALRAMAHI Operations Manager AKAD CONSTRUCTION Co. LLC UAE-DUBAI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22/3/2010 خديجة عامر الجزائر- جامعة البليدة- طالبة دراسات عليا اللهم علمني ما ينفعني وانفعني بما علمتني وزدني علما السالم عليكم اوال اسمحلي بان اتقدم اليكم بالشكر الجزيل على الموقع الخاص بكم وما يحمل من ملفات قيمة وكذا على مجهوادتكم في اما عني فانا االنسة خديجة عامر طالبة اعالم ألي في سنة الثانية ماستر تتمحورمذكرة تخرجي.سبيل اثراء البحث العلمي لهذا العام حول Implementation of genetic algorithms. Application to the problem of selecting companies for the provision of market لذا ارجو من سادتكم النصح والتوجيه في كيفية تطبيق هذه االخيرة على اختيار الممول االنسب _المؤسسة االنسب_ للقيام ارجو ان الكون قد اثقلت عليكم تقبل مني فائق االحترام والتقدير.بالمشروع ما حسب مواصفات متعددة الطالبة خديجة عامر جامعة البليدة سعد دحلب الجزائر --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/1/2010 Amr Magdy 4th year Civil student- Mansoura University, Egypt Hi, Dr. Emad I hope you are fine. You can not imagine how sad I really feel now, because it was the last lecture today. But, I think that good things, good moments barely last long... Someday, in shaa Allah, I will send you a full message to thank you and tell you many good things I have experienced through the past three months, just when I become very sure that my words will be away of any compliment... Dr. Emad...thanks for everything you did, thanks for taking a second of your time reading a message from me, thanks for your replies...thank you! Wish you the best, Dr. Emad الفرقة الرابعة- عمرو مجدي طاهر أحمد: الطالب --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/12/2009 Yiannis H. Economides Civil Engineer, Cyprus Dear Mr Elbeltagi, I came across your notes on Construction management when I was searching for similar material regarding planning techniques etc. Your notes are among the best I have read, clean, to the point and very organised. I found only chapter 3 and 4. I would appreciate it if you can email me the complete volume. Thank you Yiannis H. Economides Civil Engineer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12/5/2009 NWACHUKWU SC Undergraduate Student Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO ), Nigeria Good day sir. I am a third year civil engineering student from a Nigerian University. I came across your lecture note on construction project management on the web, its mind blowing. I write to commend your good work and to find out how i can get the full notes as it will of great help to me on this course. I must say that your students are one of the luckiest in the world to have a lecturer like you. More power to your elbow. Hope to hear from you soon. Yours Faithfully NWACHUKWU SC Fedral University of Technology Owerri (FUTO ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8/11/2008 Yasser Masters Student, IRAQ االستاذ الدكتور عماد المحترم السالم عليكم ورحمه هللا وبركاته انا طالب ماجستير اداره مشاريع انشائيه في العراق قرات عنك ووجدت موقع الشخصي اود تهنئتك على ما ..وصلت اليه من العلميه المرموقه والمكانه وجزاك هللا خيرا عن المحاضرات القيمه والتي استفدت منها كثيرا ارجو ان تتحمل ثقلي الني ساراسلك بين فتره واخرى وقد احتاج الى توجهيك ونصائحك اردت عن اسالك يادكتور عن هذين المصدرين اين ممكن ان اجدها الني تعبت من البحث عنها 1- الطبعه السادسهModern Construction Management: Frank Harris 2-project management of construction 3rd edition وجزاك هللا خيرا عني وعن المسلمين --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24/10/2008 Mohamed El Agroudy Masters Student, Graduated Oct 2008 Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt Dear Dr. Emad, I would like to express my deepest feelings to you. You have been of a great help in my master degree. Please find attached a copy of the final thesis and presentation that was held in October, 15 in the conference room in Academy. Examiners: Dr. Gamal El-Din Nassar and Dr. Amro Salama had approved the thesis with some little remarks. Your Hard copy of the thesis will remain with me until you come back In Shaa Allah. I would like to remember your kind attention with my PhD subject. If there will be an opportunity for me to register with any international university/institute either in Canada or England or even in the US, please let me know before i register here in Egypt. Best Regards and well comeback, Yours, Mohamed El Agroudy, MEng., CCT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24/9/2008 Mohamed Saeid Under Graduate Student, Graduated June 2008 Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt Prof. Emad, I don't know if you'd remember me, I'm Mohamed Saeid, took with you the System Analysis and Planning & Scheduling Techniques courses in the AAST and it was a pleasure do take them with such an honourable Professor like you, that gave us a lot no matter what he saw from this class. And I learnt a lot from you, not just from the course point of view, but also from the life aspects. And now I've been given a scholarship in the AAST and assigned as an Assistant Teacher and what made it better that I teach one of the amazing courses I took, the Planning and Scheduling Techniques course. I really do know why I'm sending you this e-mail, maybe I hope you'd feel proud of us like I'm proud to be taught by you. Hope to see you soon in our Academy and best of luck in your life and may Allah bless you Sincerely Mohamed Saeid --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/9/2008 Mohamed El-Abbasi Masters Student, Graduated Sep 2008 Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt Dear Dr. Emad, First I don't know how to express to you my deepest respect and appreciation for all what you have done with me to accomplish this thesis, I’m really greatly indebted and thankful for your help, valuable advice, support, and patience. Secondly, thanks to GOD the presentation went fine and the thesis was accepted with some minor corrections in the formatting and expressions, and from what Dr. Emam told me, Dr. Tarek was satisfied and interested in the issue. Last but not least, I would like to thank you again for all your effort and I really hope to see you in Egypt before leaving to Canada. Best Regards & Happy Ramadan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/8/2008 Saad Gebril Former Student at Mansoura University and Friend, Egypt Emad, slam alekom. I felt proud when I saw your web site today, as I know such good man like you. Keep in touch, hope we meet soon. Regards Saad Gebril Resident Engineer, Middle East & India ATKINS, Dubai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16/7/2008 Basma Elbeh Under Graduate Student at Mansoura University, Graduate June 2008, Egypt بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم أنا بسمه مصطفى حبيت أشكر حضرتك على حسن المقابله وكرم أخالق حضرتك لينا النهارده في..... ازيك يادكتور المكتب انا فعال بفتخر اني تلميذتك واتعلمت مع حضرتك حاجات كتير بفتخر اني مشروع اداره مش عشان مشروع اداره بقدر ما هو عشن حضرتك استاذنا وبجد ده كالم حقيقي وبعتذر انا ومروه عن اسلوب كالمنا مع حضرتك جايز احنا شايفين اننا نستحق وانا متاكده ان حضرتك مستحيل تظلم حد ولو حضرتك شايف اننا نستحقها كنا خدناها من االول الكن اكيد حضرتك ليك وجهة نظر شكرا على كل حاجه حضرتك قدمتهالنا وان شاء هللا اراسل حضرتك على طول --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8/6/2008 Dr. khalid Naji Assistant Professor, Qatar University, Qatar Dear Dr. Emad, This is Dr. Khalid Naji from Qatar University. It came to my attention your course notes presented on your web page which is very impressive, and I would be more than happy if we can establish some kind of collaboration in the same area. I have no specific agenda; however, maybe if we can chat over the phone and possible meet together in Cairo I will be delighted. I wonder if you have published these chapters in a book. If so please indicate the ISBN number to me. my very best regards. Khalid Naji,PhD Assistant Prof. -Civil Eng. Dept Director, Office of the Executive Management Committee Affairs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/4/2008 Mehdi Piltan Masters Student, Tehran University, Iran Hi At first I am so thankful because of your useful paper "Comparison among five evolutionarybased optimization algorithms" I am M.Sc student of industrial engineering in Tehran University (Iran). I had a good presentation about evolutionary algorithms based on your paper in our class. I have some problem for coding your Pseudocode in VB. I want to ask you it is possible for you to send me your source code. Anyway, another time I thank you because of your interesting research. Best regards. Mehdi Piltan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31/5/2007 Alaa Aboshady Production Engineer, Menofeya University, Egypt Dear Doctor, I was very happy when I found Personality as you when I do my search about Project Management. My Sir, I am Alaa Aboshady,,Bsc.in production engineering and mechanical design department from Menofeya Univesity 2006 (last year) and I want to do the master in Project Management..So, please i want to meet you as soon as possible to draw me outlines of this step. Please Doctor. I want to learn more in this field and I wait your reply Best Regards Alaa Shady --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/4/2007 Nada Abbas, France hello Dr. Emad Elbeltagi I had followed your interested course in construction project management via internet but I had a problem that the second part (Contracts) of this very useful courses are in Arabic and my computer and me also can’t read Arabic. I'll be most grateful if you can send it to me in English. Wishing you very nice summer Best Regards N.A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31/5/2005 Hossam Elkashif Doctoral Candidate, Helwan University, Egypt Dear Dr. Emad Assalamo Alaykom wa Rahmatollah wa Barakatoh; Thank you a lot for your generous offer. You can not imagine how grateful I am for offering reviewing my work in the fuzzy logic before waiving it to the referees next week. Thank you Dr. Emad and I pray to Allah to pay you the best in the sooner and the later. Enclosed, please, find all what belongs to the FL in my thesis: Ch4: contains an introduction about the FL, Ch5: contains the application (2 files: .doc & .xls) Thank you a lot again and I hope we can arrange for a meeting soon. Wassalamo Alaykom wa Rahmatollah wa Barakatoh. Yours Sincerely; Hossam A. Elkashif ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------