Transport w/o quasiparticles Good metals, bad metals and insulators Sean Hartnoll (Stanford) -- UCSB, Mar. 2013 1201.3917 w/ Diego Hofman 1212.2998 w/ Aristos Donos Thursday, March 7, 13 Black holes and dissipation The single most important reason that holography is useful is the unique way that black holes act as classical dissipative systems. E.g. Witczak-Krempa and Sachdev: holographic transport at quantum criticality satisfies sum rules that are obscured in a Boltzmann approach. This talk will be about transport in strongly correlated finite density systems: hJ t i = 6 0 Thursday, March 7, 13 Finite density transport If the total momentum (or any other operator that overlaps with the total current) is conserved, the d.c. conductivity is infinite. The optical conductivity of a perfect metal: s1 1 w HeVL Only alternative to breaking momentum conservation is to dilute the charge carriers. Makes 2 JP spectral weight of delta function small: ⌧1 JJ Thursday, March 7, 13 PP Observed behaviors Strange metals Conventional metals (sharp Drude peak) (unconventional scalings) Bad metals (no Drude peak, violate MIR bound) Thursday, March 7, 13 Insulators (vanishing dc conductivity) A conventional metal Optical conductivity in graphene by Li et al. 0807.3780 Thursday, March 7, 13 Metal-insulator transitions Dramatic spectral weight transfer from Drude peak to interband scales: Itinerant to localized charge Uchida et al. ’91 Thursday, March 7, 13 Gapless insulators Quantum spin liquid candidates show a power law ‘soft’ gap in the optical conductivity Elsässer et al. 1208.1664 Thursday, March 7, 13 Herbertsmithite by Pilon et al 1301.3501 A bad metal La1.9Sr0.1CuO4 by Takenaka et al.’03, from Hussey et al. ’04 Thursday, March 7, 13 Theory of sharp Drude peaks Sharp Drude peak ⇔ Momentum relaxation rate ! small Can treat momentum-nonconserving operators (remnant of UV lattice) as perturbations of a translationally invariant effective IR theory. E.g. Umklapp scattering in a Fermi liquid: O(kL ) = Z 4 Y i=1 d!i d2 ki ! † (k1 ) † (k2 ) (k3 ) (k4 ) (k1 + k2 k3 In holographic models, often least irrelevant operator is: J t (kL ) Thursday, March 7, 13 k4 kL ) Theory of sharp Drude peaks Framework to treat ! perturbatively: Memory matrix formalism. (cf. Rosch and Andrei, 1+1) 1 i! + M (!) (!) = M (!) = Z 1/T d 0 ⌧ Ȧ(0)Q ! 1 , i QḂ(i ) QLQ . For case of scattering by a lattice = 2 g 2 kL ~P ~ P Im GR OO (!, kL ) lim !!0 ! . g=0 (Hartnoll and Hofman, 1201.3917) Thursday, March 7, 13 Semi-local criticality (cf. Iqbal, Liu, Mezei) Common in holography that IR geometries have z = ∞ (with or without ground state entropy). Scaling of time but not space ⇒ efficient low energy dissipation in momentum-violating processes. Find e.g. dc resistivity r(T ) ⇠ T 2 (kL ) (Hartnoll and Hofman, 1201.3917) (Confirmed numerically by Horowitz, Santos, Tong) Theories with z < ∞ do not dissipate efficiently in momentum-violating processes. Thursday, March 7, 13 Making the lattice relevant Claim: (at least some) metal-insulator transitions are described by momentum-nonconserving operators becoming relevant in the effective low energy theory. (cf. Emery, Luther, Peschel, 1+1) We found a holographic realization of this mechanism. (Donos and Hartnoll, 1212.2998) Simple theory S= Z 5 d x p ✓ g R + 12 1 Fab F ab 4 1 Wab W ab 4 2 m Ba B a 2 ◆ 2 Z B^F ^W . (Chern-Simons term not essential but helps to find the IR geometries) Thursday, March 7, 13 RG flow scenarios The theory has (T=0) IR geometries both with and without translation invariance (Donos and Hartnoll, 1212.2998) Thursday, March 7, 13 A technical simplification To capture the physics without solving PDEs we use a lattice that breaks translation invariance while retaining homogeneity: B (0) = !2 + i!3 = e ipx1 !2 (dx2 + idx3 ) (Invariant under Bianchi VII0 algebra, cf. Nakamura-Ooguri-Park, Donos-Gauntlett, Kachru-Trivedi-....) Beyond a simplification, realization of smectic metal phases due to strong yet anisotropic lattice scattering in the IR. (cf. Emery, Fradkin, Kivelson, Lubensky; Vishwanath, Carpentier) Thursday, March 7, 13 Metal-insulator transition (Donos and Hartnoll, 1212.2998) The metallic and insulating IR geometries are: 2 ds = 2 dr r2 dt2 + 2 + dx2R3 , r p A = 2 6 r dt , 2 2 dr dx cr2 dt2 + 2 + 1/31 + r2/3 !22 + r1/3 !32 , cr r ds2 = B = 0. A = 0, B = b !2 . (cf. D’Hoker and Kraus) 0 0.15 sêH4pm3 L WêHVm4 L -10 -20 -30 0.05 -40 1 2 3 pêm Thursday, March 7, 13 0.10 4 5 0.00 2.0 2.1 2.2 pêm 2.3 Spectral weight transfer (Donos and Hartnoll, 1212.2998) 10 2.0 ReHsL HA.U.L ReHsL HA.U.L 8 6 4 1.0 0.5 2 0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 wê m wêm Metal Insulator (!) ⇠ ! Thursday, March 7, 13 1.5 4/3 at T = 0 2.5 3.0 Further comments Can compute d.c. conductivities analytically: metal: insulator: (T ) ⇠ T 2 (kL ) , (T ) ⇠ T 4/3 . In between the metallic and insulating phases we found bad metals with no Drude peak and large resistivities. ‘Mid-infrared peak’ in insulating phase. No immediate connection to commensurability. Insulators without underlying Mott physics? Thursday, March 7, 13 Take home messages Objective: non-quasiparticle language for transport. Good metal: Effective low energy theory translation invariant up to perturbative effects of momentumnonconserving operators. Effects become relevant: metal-insulator transition. Holography precisely realizes this scenario. Simple model exhibits experimental features that are difficult to otherwise describe in a controlled way: major spectral weight transfer, bad metals, insulators with power law gaps. Thursday, March 7, 13