BENONI MUSLIM SCHOOL Merit / Demerit System WHAT IS THE MERIT/DEMERIT SYSTEM? The system is an objective way to monitor and track learner behaviour. It hopes to intervene early and to provide support and resources to help learners make positive choices. As learners strive to achieve the Benoni Muslim Schools expectations, it is critical that educators, parents, and administrators consistently hold learners accountable when they make poor decisions. One key to this process is the early, significant involvement of parents when learner first begin to make poor choices. As learners develop a pattern of making poor choices, parents will be expected to become involved in supporting them in making good decisions. VISION To teach Learners accountability OUTCOMES Be considerate and generous to peers. Exercise a great degree of self discipline. Respond with sensitivity to the needs of others. Display Islamic etiquette Develop sound leadership qualities. OBJECTIVES OF THE MERIT / DEMERIT SYSTEM. Love and consciousness of ALLAH. Aim to establish discipline and a purposeful school environment dedicated to the accomplishment of the vision and mission of the school To promote positive discipline, self discipline, accountability and exemplary conduct as expounded by Islam. Learners will be accountable for their actions which will attract both positive and negative consequences. Achieve the highest academic standards integrated with AKHLAAQ. Develop and maintain respect, obedience and love towards parents, educators and peers. The standard and expectation of the school will be made clear at all times but the ability to act responsibly, independently of adult supervision is considered the ultimate achievement. LEARNER EXPECTATIONS FOR A QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT It is the philosophy of Benoni Muslim School that the destiny of our community depends upon educated, wellinformed, responsible citizens in all walks of life. The staff is committed to guide learners toward these goals. In order for learners to achieve their full potential, develop self-esteem and confidence, as well as interact positively with others, the following system will be introduced as from 2013. Page 1 MERIT SYSTEM Benoni Muslim School will focus on positive behaviour and preventive measures rather than punitive actions to improve discipline. In some cases, the shift has been associated with conscious whole school efforts to consistently praise and reward acceptable behaviour so that it becomes the norm throughout the school community. The Benoni Muslim School merit policy establishes that all learners are to maintain a minimum of ninety-five (95) merits. When a learner allows his/her merits to fall below ninety-five merits because of consequences related to disciplinary referrals (Pink Slips), he/she is considered a learner not in good standing and is required to make up these merits. THE DEMERIT SYSTEM Educators themselves should, in the first instance, attempt to correct the learner. If this is inappropriate or ineffective, then the demerit system may be put into effect. The demerit system emphasises consequences and accountability. Learners must be informed of the demerit points lost at the time of the misdemeanour. The number of demerit points given depends on the seriousness of the incident. When a learner's merit balance goes below 95, he/she is put on a weekly ineligibility list. Learners appearing on the ineligibility list for a second week may not participate in school activities or athletics until the needed merits are earned. GUIDELINES TO THE MERIT DEMERIT SYSTEM Every learner begins his/her school career with 100 merits. When a learner makes a poor choice, merits may be taken away (demerits). Each learner is required to maintain a merit record of at least 95 merits to remain in good standing. A learner is required to earn merits immediately upon falling below 90 merits. At Benoni Muslim School educators carry a blue slip to award merit points for those learners who deserve them. The BLUE SLIP indicates: Learner’s name Year Grade Brief description of the desirable behaviour Merit points awarded. Page 2 Learners who earn 10 Merit Points (110 Merits) will receive a bronze certificate. Learners that earn 20 merits will receive a silver certificate plus other rewards Learners that receive 30 merits ( 130 merits) will receive a Gold certificate plus other rewards. Suggested consistent behaviour that may result in one merit point maximum for each instance: courtesy, kindness, generosity to others excellence in classwork or homework consistent and courteous participation in class picking up litter; tidying up neatness of uniform HOW DOES MY LEARNER EARN A DEMERIT? When a learner receives a discipline referral to the Principal’s Office , a Demerit may be issued at the discretion of the Principal or Deputies. Educators use a Pink Slip readily to record demerit points for a learner’s misdemeanour. The slip indicates: Learner's name Year and House or Homeroom Brief description of incident Demerit points given What type of interventions and/or resources will be brought in to help support my learner? Once a learner has received a certain number of Demerits, a meeting will be called with the parent. These levels are at 90,, 80, 70 and 60 Demerits. At 90 parents will be called in. Each meeting will include the parents, learner, principal, and counsellor. At these meetings, individualized interventions will be discussed and implemented. At 80 Demerits, Learner will be suspended from school for 3 days. At 70 Demerits, there will be a disciplinary hearing. Disciplinary Committee will decide on action to be taken. At 60 Demerits, Learner will be expelled from the school. Only after the educator has attempted to correct the learner’s behaviour, and after sufficient warning the following may be put into action. Page 3 Learners will lose one demerit point for the following behaviour: being 5-10 minutes late to class (without a note from the appropriate educator). consistent inattention in class or at assembly failure to complete work set in class failure to complete homework by the due date ( unsatisfactory uniform /toppie use of offensive language littering (other than food – see two demerit points list below) eating food in the classrooms spitting in the playground consistently not bringing material or gear to class running in corridors swinging on chairs in classroom. Learners will lose two demerit points for the following behaviour: being more than 10 minutes late for class (without a note from the responsible educator) being uncooperative in class or in the playground; being argumentative with a educator unsatisfactory behaviour in the Masjid or morning assembly throwing food failure to complete homework within 48 hours of the due date graffiti on chairs, desks or defacing any school property or other learners’ property leaving a class without permission leaving the school grounds without permission The maximum number of demerits for any of the above offence is TWO. The following actions will be considered more serious and demerit points or other consequences will be assessed by the Principal in consultation with the Disciplinary Committee. physical assault smoking sexual harassment use of alcohol, drugs stealing truancy abuse of a educator bullying (refer to bullying policy) failure to attend detention Page 4 vandalism. Will my learner earn a Demerit for going to the Principal’s Office to report a problem? Absolutely not! Demerits are only linked to consequences. We practice an open-door policy in the Principal’s Office and encourage learners to come down and discuss any problems with us. We want to be proactive and supportive to assist our learners! Do Demerits “reset” each year or do they follow a learner from year to year? Demerit counts will return to “0” at the beginning of each school year unless they have been placed on Final Warning. However the merits/demerits of the previous years will be kept on record. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED. A. At the end of each month, Form Educators will present Merit Certificates, with appropriate verbal commendation, to those who earn TEN merit points. B. Exceptional Merit Certificates may be awarded at Assembly and such learners may deserve other rewards. C. In addition, Educators will make reference to merit points in their TERM Reports on each learner. D. There is a definite need for positive reinforcement for desirable and worthy behaviour. Learners who show a consistent attitude, which demonstrates itself in positive behaviour that goes beyond the normal or accepted, deserve to be acknowledged. E. Completed demerit cards are to be placed in a box in the secretary’s office at the earliest convenience for compilation into a permanent record of demerits. F. The Disciplinary Committee regularly checks the demerit list. The DC sends learners to detention and notifies them when they accumulate five demerit points. G. Learners are sent to detentions for a second time when they accumulate a further five demerit points. H. Any learner who accumulates 10 demerit points within one term will attend an interview with his parents/ Form Educator and the Principal . I. Form Educators will be informed and given regular (weekly) summaries of demerit points relating to each learner in their care. Page 5 CONSEQUENCES WHEN DEMERITS ARE ACCUMULATED Every multiple of 5 - The learner is sent to afternoon detention (run from 15:10 – 16:10 on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY) The notice board outside the Principals office will be used for this purpose. DETENTION Afternoon Detention These take place from 15:10 – 16:10 pm on TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS under the supervision of an educator. The detention are to be done on the afternoon that the learner is informed or on the next afternoon. Learners are to have their Diaries signed by the educator in charge of detention. Learners are given jobs that will occupy them for at least an hour and may be required to work under supervision of one of the Maintenance or Ground staff. 1. Detention will be offered 2 days a week and will be supervised by school staff 2. Detention will be for 1 hour . Afternoon detention will start at 15:10 p.m. and end at 16:10 p.m. 3. Learners will not be permitted to talk or sleep. Learners must bring enough schoolwork to keep them working for the entire time. 4. Learners must stay the entire period and be engaged in schoolwork in order to receive merits Homework Detention These take place from 3.10 – 4.10 under the supervision of an educator. Learners are to report to the appropriate room. They are to complete the homework that they did not complete by the due date. Learners may be sent to these Homework Detention by any educator who should also record demerits. The demerits will help form a profile of the learner’s behaviour and the detention session will ensure that the homework is done. EARNING MERITS Making up demerits (earning merits) may be done by serving one hour detention for every two merits needed, or by doing school service administered by school staff. Only detention or approved school and community service may be used to earn needed merits. Page 6 MAJOR INFRACTIONS SUMMARY Major infractions will result in a parent conference and suspension, and/or expulsion from the School. In situations where the law is violated, learners are subject to possible arrest. Due to the severity of any infraction, the combination of rules broken, or the repeated nature of the offense, the Code of Conduct will be enforced at the discretion of the Principal. In this case a learner will be suspended, and referred or recommended for expulsion. MINOR INFRACTIONS Infraction Violation of class rules Class disturbance Obscenity/Profanity Littering 1st Offense Educator phones parent 2nd Offense Referral/ demerits Parent contact Educator phones parent Referral/ demerits Parent contact Referral/ demerits Consequences to Parent contact increase with the severity of infraction Referral/ demerits Referral/ demerits 3rd Offense Referral/ demerits Parent contact Referral/ demerits Parent contact Referral/1 day suspension Parent contact 1 week of school Beautification 1-3 day suspension Parent contact Aggressive conduct Referral/ demerits Parent contact Radio/Electronic equipment, cell phones Referral/ demerits Chewing of Gum Educator phones parent Referral/ demerits Parent contact Educator contacts parent Referral/ demerits Parent contact Contact parent demerits/ parent contact demerits/ Referral/ demerits Parent contact Parent contact School beautification Parent contact Referral/1 day suspension Parent contact Referral/1 day suspension Parent contact 1 day suspension parent contact Referral/ demerits Referral/1-3 days Educator contacts parent suspension Parent contact Referral/ demerits Referral/1-3 days Parent contact suspension Parent contact Referral/3-5 day suspension Failure to serve educator detention Failure to serve detention Violation of dress code Leaving class without permission Leaving school without permission Referral/1 day suspension Parent contact Referral/ demerits 1-3 day suspension Parent contact Referral/3-5 day suspension Parent conferences Page 7 MAJOR INFRACTIONS Infraction 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 3-5 day suspension Parent Conference Cheating or plagiarism Demerits Zero on assignment/test Parent contacted by educator 2-5 day suspension Parent contact by educator Zero on assignment Sign a Last Chance Contract Forgery/Fraud 1-3 day suspension Parent contact 1-5 day suspension Parent contact Defiance of authority Referral Demerits 1-3 day suspension Parent contact 3-5 day suspension Parent conference Disrespect/profanity to staff Referral/1-3 day suspension Parent contacted 1-5 day suspension Parent contact Fighting 1-5 day suspension Parent conference Probation contract 5 day suspension Parent conference Probation contract Group fighting 5 day suspension Parent conference 5 day suspension Parent conference Threats to learners/staff 5 day suspension Parent contact Threatened or caused personal injury 5 day suspension Parent contact Possible expulsion Harassment, threats or intimidation Sexual/racial harassment 1-5 day suspension Parent contact Possession/use of laser pointer Parent conference probation contract Severity of behaviour will increase consequence 1-3 day suspension 1-3 day suspension Parent conference Probation contract 3-5 day suspension Parent contact Parent contact 5 day suspension Possession of tobacco Referral to Program Parent contact Referral -3 day suspension Parent contact 3-5 day suspension Smoking of tobacco on school grounds Referral to Program Parent contact Referral -3 day suspension Parent contact 3-5 day suspension Possession of drug paraphernalia 1-5 day suspension Parent contact Site Offence to increase with severity Possession or use of any controlled substance 5 day suspension Parent contact Possible expulsion Posses/brandish, sell or otherwise furnish a weapon or a replica of a weapon Offer to sell or 5 day suspension Parent contact Sheriff notified/Expulsion otherwise furnish any controlled substance 5 day suspension Parent contact Police notified recommendation for expulsion Possession of/or using fireworks or other explosives 3-5 day suspension Parent conference possible expulsion Theft 1-3 day suspension Parent contract Vandalism/destructi on of school property Graffiti Possession of vandalism devices, markers, etching tools, white-out, paint, stickers, etc. 1-5 day suspension Parent conference Restitution by parent Jumping School Security Fence 3-5 day suspension Parent contact 5 day suspension Parent contact 1-3 day suspension Parent contact 3 day suspension Parent conference 5 day suspension Parent contact SEC 1 day suspension 2 day suspension 3 day suspension