Basic Gates, and CMOS and TTL Technologies

Basic Gates, and CMOS and TTL Technologies
Z. Jerry Shi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Connecticut
CSE2300W:Digital Logic Design
Gates are basic digital devices
A gate takes one or more inputs and produces an output
– Can be considered as a function
– Inputs are either 0 or 1
• Although they may have very different values of voltage
Example of basic building blocks: AND, OR, NOT
Truth Table
XOR gates
• Like an OR gate, but excludes the case where both inputs are 1.
• XNOR: complement of XOR
Physical states representing bits
State Representing Bit
Relay logic
Circuit open
Circuit closed
CMOS logic
Transistor-transistor logic
Light off
Light on
Capacitor discharged
Capacitor charged
Electrons trapped
Electrons released
Fuse blown
Fuse intact
Flux direction N
Flux direction S
No pit
Dye in crystalline state
Dye in noncrystalline
Fiber optics
Dynamic memory
Nonvolatile, erasable memory
Bipolar read-only memory
Magnetic tape or disk
Read-only compact disc
Writeable compact disc (CD-R)
CMOS logic levels
Undefined region is inherent
Switching threshold varies with voltage, temp, process, phase of the moon
– Need “noise margin”
– The average weekly count of failure in Q in Los Alamos Lab is 47.1
The more you push the technology, the more “analog” it becomes
– Logic voltage levels decreasing with process
– 5 Æ 3.3 Æ 2.5 Æ 1.8 V
Noise margins
Low voltage CMOS logic
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Transistors
Voltage-controlled resistance
CMOS Inverter
Inverter behavior
Example of LS-TTL gates: 2-input NAND
TTL Logic Levels and Noise Margins
• Asymmetric, unlike CMOS
• CMOS can be made compatible with TTL
– “T” CMOS logic families
CMOS vs. TTL Levels
TTL Levels
CMOS with TTL Levels -- HCT, FCT, VHCT, etc.
TTL features
TTL families7400 series
– 74 (standard), 74H(high speed), 74L(low-power), 74S(Schottky),
74LS(low-power Schottky), 74AS(Advanced Schottky), 74ALS
(Advanced low-power Schottky), 74F(Fast)
Unused gate inputs can be left unconnected, but should be connected to be
– An output of other gates
– 1 or 0 through pull-up or pull-down resistors
– Totem pole
– Tri-state
– Open-collector
CMOS features
• CMOS families:
– 4000 series
– 7400 series:
74HC (high-speed CMOS),
74HCT(High-speed CMOS, TTL compatible)
74AC(Avanced CMOS)
74ACT(Advanced CMOS, TTL compatible)
74FCT(Fast CMOS, TTL compatible)
74FCTT(Fast CMOS, TTL compatible with TTL VOH)
• Do not leave unused gate inputs unconnected
• Output
– Regular, Tri-state, Open-drain
Chip density for various scales of integration
Timing specifications
Maximum: the longest delay a circuit may have
– The delay of the path is never longer than the maximum
– What does never mean?
• Depends on manufacturers and logic families
• 74LS: VDD = 5V, T = 25ºC, no capacitive load
• 74ACT: full operating voltage and temperature range and a load of 50pF
Typical: what you see from a device that was manufactured on a good day and
is operating under near-ideal conditions
Minimum: The smallest delay that a path will ever exhibit
– Most well-designed circuits work even if the minimum delay is 0
– Needs to be considered in some circuits
• Help designers to meet the hold-time requirements
Propagation delay of selected 5-V CMOS and TTL SSI parts
In nanoseconds
MSI parts
In nanoseconds
Fan-in and Fan-out
• A logic family’s fan-in is the number of inputs that a gate can
– More inputs Æ more resistors in series Æ long delay
– Faster to cascading multiple gates
• Fan-out refers to the number and type of device inputs and other
loads that are connected to a given output
– Large fan-out Æ more load Æ long delay
– Large load Æ inadequate noise margins