Nuclear fission and radiation protection - CORDIS

C o m m unity re s e a rch
Nuclear fission and
radiation protection
Protecting the public and ensuring
safe, secure and sustainable energy
options for Europe now and
in the future
Reactor systems
Nuclear power generates one third of all the electricity consumed in the
EU today, at the same time emitting no greenhouse gases. Thanks to
nuclear, the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by some
14% a year – more than 700 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, equivalent
to that produced by all the private cars in Europe.
Nuclear power contributes significantly to helping the EU meet its current
commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and it offers options for sustainable
energy supply into the future.
© Courtesy of GIF
Euratom FP7 research is focused on ensuring the continued safe operation
of existing nuclear power installations and also preparing the ground for
future options that can provide diversity and security of energy supply
in Europe whilst combating climate change. Advanced nuclear technology
could deliver even safer, more resource-efficient and more competitive
nuclear energy.
Euratom is a member of GIF with the JRC coordinating the Community’s
input. Other members of GIF are Canada, France, Japan, South Korea,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. China, Russia
and South Africa are all set to join in 2007.
Euratom research will investigate aspects of the selected advanced
reactor systems and associated fuels, in particular to assess their potential
and viability, proliferation resistance and long-term sustainability.
European research in areas such as materials science, fuel cycles and
waste management are also generically applicable to the Generation IV
Nuclear safety
A new generation
Nuclear power technology has evolved in three distinct design generations:
the initial prototype reactors; the second generation of reactors that form
the current park of operating power plants; and an evolutionary third
generation of reactors with enhanced safety and competitiveness
being realised in new-build plant today in Finland and France.
A fourth generation of reactors is now being researched and designed
that could be available for commercial exploitation from around 2025.
The so-called Generation IV concepts are truly innovative and revolutionary.
As well as being economically competitive and extremely safe, with
increased reliance on intrinsic and passive safety features and zero off-site
impacts in severe accident scenarios, they would make best use of
natural uranium resources, minimise waste production. They could
enable cogeneration of electricity and heat for use in processes such as
hydrogen production and other industrial applications. Many of the
Generation IV reactor designs operate with fast as opposed to thermal
neutrons. This will enable closed fuel cycles to be developed and the full
energy potential of uranium fuel to be harnessed, at the same time
recycling and burning the most radiotoxic elements and greatly enhancing
resistance to nuclear proliferation.
Research and development on Generation IV concepts is a global collaborative effort that is coordinated under the Generation IV
International Forum (GIF). Six different reactor systems have been selected
that offer the greatest promise for the successful achievement of the
Generation IV goals.
Nuclear power plants are complex technological systems and research
into their operational safety is multi-faceted. It can involve tasks such as
plant life assessment and management, safety culture to minimise the
risk of human and organisational error, advanced safety assessment
methodologies, numerical simulation tools, instrumentation and control,
and prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, with associated activities
to optimise knowledge management and maintain competence.
Particular issues of immediate interest include research to link advanced
numerical tools with experimental data for current and future reactor
systems. This would lead to the creation of a European ‘pole of excellence’
in reactor safety computation. Other ‘hot’ topics include the improved
prediction of irradiation effects on reactor internal structures and cladding
to model corrosion effects and therefore increase accuracy in forecasting
safe reactor lifetime.
The interface between man, machine and organisation is also an important
area for research. An increasingly multinational working environment could
impact on safety culture in complex installations – as can increased
© Courtesy of Electrabel, BE
© Courtesy of TVO, FI
Ensuring the continuing safety of the existing nuclear power plants
operating in Europe and neighbouring states is paramount.
Management of radioactive waste
A common European view on the disposal of hazardous radioactive
waste has developed over the past decade amongst a wide spectrum
of stakeholders. This view embraces the disposal of waste in deep
geological formations as the most appropriate, viable and long-term
solution. Research carried out under previous Euratom programmes will
enable FP7 activities to be truly implementation orientated – aiming to
establish a sound scientific and technical basis for demonstrating the
safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The objective is to show
clearly that the technology and practices are safe, economic and available
for deployment now.
In parallel, the use of techniques such as partitioning and transmutation
continue to be investigated, with the aim of enabling waste quantities
to be minimised and reducing significantly the time over which any
waste remains a potential radiological hazard.
Geological disposal
Research in the field of geological disposal of high-level and/or long-lived
radioactive waste involves engineering studies and demonstration of
waste repository designs as well as aspects such as radionuclide
migration, gas generation and alkaline intrusion. In-situ characterisation
of repository host rocks, both generic and in site-specific underground
research laboratories, will be undertaken as will other studies on the
repository environment.
© Courtesy of SKB, SE
Finding acceptable solutions for managing long-lived radioactive waste
and spent nuclear fuel is an issue key to the nuclear industry and society
alike. It is a challenge that the European community must address today
and not pass on for subsequent generations to deal with. And it is
a challenge that will remain no matter what policy decisions are made with
respect to the contribution of nuclear power to future energy supplies.
Repository demonstration
A significant part of the programme will focus on engineering studies
and design demonstration that show effective technical solutions to
the key issues in a geological repository do exist. Initially these may
include aspects such as safe on-site transport, feasibility of construction
and proof of long-term integrity of seals. The operational feasibility of
disposal reversibility – i.e. the ability to recover the waste – and its
impact on the integrity of the repository system may also be investigated.
The emphasis of this work will be to fulfil the requirements for licence
applications. The actions undertaken may be broader than purely technical,
including development of arguments for the safety case and communication
activities to enhance public confidence.
Partitioning and transmutation (P&T)
These techniques involve physical and chemical methods to separate
the more hazardous radionuclides from the waste stream (partitioning) and
their nuclear transformation into less hazardous or shorter lived elements
P&T research could lead to systems that effectively reduce the volume
and long-term toxicity of radioactive waste emanating either from the
reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel or the spent fuel itself. Research will
also explore the potential for new reactor concepts and/or fuel cycles to
produce less waste during operation of nuclear power plants. This has
important links with the research effort on Generation IV systems.
Partitioning processes for viable recycling strategies will need to be
developed to a full demonstration at pilot plant level. Initially, work may
concentrate on extending the technically mature aqueous chemical
separation processes that are compatible with both fuel fabrication and
future fuel recycling strategies. In parallel, the development of pyrochemical techniques for partitioning will be continued in line with roadmaps for this technology outlined under FP6.
The work in this area will lay the groundwork for future sustainable nuclear
fuel cycle strategies, whether involving transmutation in a dedicated
waste-burning Accelerator Driven System (i.e. sub-critical reactor) or in
future Generation IV power plants.
© Courtesy of SKB, SE
A multidisciplinary approach effectively integrates the work of experimentalists, modellers and engineering designers and the results are
also fed into governance and societal debates that aim to reassure the
public and help to promote public acceptance of these waste disposal
techniques. Studies on such governance issues also form part of the
10 000
MA +
1 000
Relative radio toxicity
Results from important on-going research will progressively feed into
the FP7 effort. This includes studies on the near field (the waste material itself and the engineered barriers in the repository) and the far-field
(bedrock and other potential pathways for the radioactive elements to
migrate back into the biosphere), together with work to develop robust
methodologies for overall performance and safety assessment.
PU +
MA +
Spent fuel
No reprocessing
© Courtesy of CEA-Saclay, FR
By recycling and then ‘burning’ all the higher actinides in this way, the
period over which high-level radioactive waste remains hazardous
could theoretically be reduced from hundreds of thousands of years
down to a few hundred years.
Uranium ore (mine)
P&T of
minor actinides (MA)
1 000
10 000
Time (years)
100 000
1 000 000
Radiation protection
The safe use of radiation in medicine and industry relies on a sound
radiation protection policy and its effective implementation. Research
under the Euratom programme plays a key role in maintaining and
improving the standards of protection, in particular enabling a rapid
and effective response to emerging safety issues.
Low and protracted doses
Building on important work currently being undertaking in FP6, a key
objective for Euratom FP7 will be to resolve current controversy on the
risk from exposures to radiation at low and protracted doses. A better
understanding of this scientific and regulatory issue has important cost
and health implications for the use of radiation in both medical and
industrial applications.
© Courtesy of IRSN, FR
Better quantification of the risk, including variations in individuals’ response,
will be assessed using epidemiological studies. Non-cancer health effects
will also be studied and initial research in FP7 will assess the feasibility of
establishing and monitoring a trans-national group of young children
who have received significant medical radiation doses. Overall, an
improved understanding of the mechanisms will be gained through
cellular and molecular biology research.
Medical uses
The use of therapies (including nuclear medicine) and diagnostic techniques employing ionising radiation is increasing. The safety and efficacy
of such practices must be monitored and improved and new technological
developments assessed to maintain the appropriate balance between
medical benefit and risk.
Initial research will look at methodologies to reduce patient exposure to
radiation but maintain or improve clinical information, as well as methodologies to better assess and reduce the exposure of medical staff.
Improved methodologies will also be developed to assess and reduce
doses to peripheral tissues across all treatments, but in particular for
more advanced and innovative procedures.
In this way, key information will be acquired to form the basis for judgmentmaking on the use of radiation in medicine. Quality criteria may also be
developed for use by the various standards authorities across Europe.
Emergency Management
Europe has maintained a strong, cross-continent emergency system that
allows a unified and coordinated response to any nuclear emergency
within or outside the Community. During Euratom FP7 work will be
undertaken to further improve the coherence and integration of this
system including the characterisation of contamination and rehabilitation
of accidentally contaminated territory. This will involve the development
of common tools and strategies which will be tested in operational
In particular, the first steps will be made to develop a methodology for
optimising the design of monitoring systems that can make a timely
and effective impact on the decision-making process. This is especially
important as over the next decade many of the monitoring systems put
in place following the Chernobyl accident will require replacement or
Security threats
With new security challenges facing society, there is a need to develop
robust and practical approaches in response to the malevolent use
of radiation or radioactive materials, in particular to minimise the impact
of nuclear and radiological terrorism. The Euratom programme will work
closely with the FP7 Cooperation Specific Programme on Security
to ensure complementarity and that expertise and experience acquired
in previous Euratom programmes is available to Security researchers.
© Courtesy of Leiden University, NL
Euratom FP7 will also be working to ensure that national research activities
in areas such as natural radiation, radioecology, environmental protection,
dosimetry, occupational exposure and risk governance are more effectively
integrated at the European level for the benefit of all.
Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection in FP7
Nuclear fission remains a viable option for those Member States wishing
to use this technology in a balanced mix of energy supplies. Research and
training activities are of paramount importance in ensuring continued
high levels of nuclear safety both now and in the future, maintaining the
progress towards implementation of sustainable waste management
solutions, and improving efficiency and competitiveness of the sector
as a whole. Research in radiation protection constitutes an essential
aspect of this policy, ensuring optimal safety of the public and workforce
in all medical and industrial applications.
© Courtesy of AREVA NP - Framatome, FR
For maximum effectiveness, a concerted approach at the EU level is
required with continued co-operation between Member States and
significant efforts to maintain infrastructures, competences and know-how.
Research must also explore new scientific and technological opportunities
and enable Europe to respond in a flexible way to new policy needs arising
during the course of the Framework Programme. Euratom FP7 seeks to
address all these challenges.
Many of the activities in Euratom FP7 will be a continuation of long-term
research supported in previous Community programmes. It will encourage
greater cross-fertilisation amongst the various thematic priorities of the
programme, with specific mention in the work programme of topics
that cut across the various themes. A typical example is research on
advanced materials for both waste transmutation technologies and
Generation IV reactors, where the challenges and problems are very similar.
In Euratom FP7, the Commission is keen to encourage enhanced international cooperation. This may be facilitated via existing or new bilateral
international R&D agreements with third countries, or on an ad hoc basis
at the level of project consortia. Third country partners would normally
be expected to participate using their own sources of funding.
Technology platforms
As Euratom FP7 evolves, the aim is to establish European Technology
Platforms in appropriate fields across the programme. Technology
platforms bring together a broad spectrum of stakeholders to formulate
and implement common research agendas in strategic areas which could
have significant impact on Europe’s competitiveness and sustainability
A sustainable contribution
Nuclear power is the most significant European source of carbon-free
base-load electricity and is an important element in combating climate
change and minimising Europe’s dependence on imported energy
Advances in nuclear technology offer the prospect of significant improvements in efficiency and use of resources, whilst ensuring even higher
safety standards with decreased production of waste compared to current
Nuclear safety remains, as always, the top priority. The European Union has
an outstanding nuclear safety record, however research must continue in
order to maintain this high level of safety and to understand better the
risks and hazards associated with the use of radiation in medicine and
industry. In all uses of radioactive materials, the overriding principle is to
protect citizens and the environment.
The European nuclear sector is characterised by cutting-edge technology
and provides highly skilled employment for several hundred thousand
people. To ensure our safety both now and in the future requires skilled
people and well-equipped nuclear research facilities. The availability of
these resources is a crucial prerequisite for maintaining safety no matter
what the future holds for the nuclear power sector.
The budget for research on Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection, not
including activities undertaken by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), for the
period 2007-2011 is just under € 290 million (including administrative costs).
In other fields of R&D, technology platforms have a strong industry presence.
In the nuclear sector the same industry (or ‘implementer’) involvement is
important, and this will be complemented by the major nuclear
research-orientated organisations and other stakeholders. Currently two
platforms are being planned: one covers all aspects of current and future
nuclear systems, including safety research, the fuel cycle, appropriate R&D
infrastructure and human resources; the second covers research, development and demonstration in the specific field of geological disposal of
radioactive waste.
Establishing these platforms would be a key step in the development of
a more effective R&D sector in the field of nuclear fission.
The best equipment
Research infrastructures are an essential part of research in nuclear and
radiological sciences and range from large, expensive laboratory complexes
to informatics tools such as numerical modelling platforms.
Support may cover design, refurbishment, construction and/or operation
of key infrastructures. This could include material test facilities and training
reactors, underground research laboratories and radiobiology facilities
and tissue banks. All are necessary to maintain high standards of technical
achievement, innovation and safety in the European nuclear sector.
Support for trans-national access to these infrastructures also ensures
maximum use of existing facilities.
New infrastructures may be supported where there is clear added value
from EU-level intervention. This is especially so if this can help establish
critical mass in a field of research or there is a need to replace aging, but
expensive facilities. However, the size of the Euratom fission budget limits
the support that can be given to major developments. Useful evaluation
of planned infrastructures is provided through the European Strategy
Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) process.
The best people
An adequate level of expertise and human resources needs to be maintained in all areas of nuclear fission and radiation protection in Europe.
Indeed, our current high level of nuclear safety is critically dependant on
retaining and recruiting people with the necessary scientific competence
and know-how.
To guarantee the availability of suitably qualified researchers, engineers
and technicians in the long-term, further development of scientific
competence and human capacity (for instance through joint training
activities) is necessary. Coordination between educational institutions
across the EU will be further improved and the training and mobility of
students and scientists facilitated.
Nuclear education and training schemes will be further harmonised
and extended to meet stakeholder needs in areas of reactor systems,
radioactive waste management and radiation protection. This will help to
provide attractive international opportunities for young people wanting
to enter the field. To support this, Euratom fission training schemes may
be organised in areas where gaps in training provision are perceived.
This truly pan-European approach will provide the incentives for a new
generation of nuclear scientists and engineers who will face tomorrow’s
scientific and technological challenges in an increasingly integrated
sector on behalf of Europe’s citizens.
© Courtesy of NRG, NL
Infrastructures also have a crucial link with education and training
of scientists and engineers.
Human resources and infrastructures
For more information
DG Research:
Europe Direct Enquiries Service:
DG Research
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels