BAEN 580C – Innovation and Sustainability Course Outline

BAEN 580C – Innovation and Sustainability
Course Outline
Instructor: Dr. Tamara Etmannski
Term/period: P6
Section number: 001
Course duration: Sept 8, 2015 – Oct 17, 2015
Office hours: By appointment
Office Phone: 604.827.3045
Course website: Connect
Class meeting times: T/Th 8-10am
Classroom location: HA 132
This course explores sustainability as an opportunity for innovation. The term sustainable business
refers to competitively advantageous strategies and practices that firms adopt to grow revenues,
cut costs, improve market share, enhance brands, and redesign products and processes to reduce
or eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts. Innovation is conventionally associated
with the invention of new products, however this course will introduce and explore Keeley’s
framework of ten types of innovation (2013). This course will consider and critique the multiple ways
that sustainability is contested and understood across various industries, including its biophysical,
political, economic, institutional, ethical and technological implications. Students will look at the
drivers of corporate innovation, strategic shifts, and new markets; learn to identify innovation
opportunities; and recognize the tools, concepts, standards and frameworks used by companies
currently pursuing a sustainable business model.
Recognize tools, concepts, standards and frameworks used in sustainable business
Analyze current realities, market opportunities and issues related to sustainability across a
range of industries
Integrate creative innovation strategies utilizing and combining the ten types of innovation
Synthesize, apply and communicate sustainability knowledge to innovation strategies
Case Write Ups (10% x3) = 30%
Group Project (Report: 20% & Presentation: 30%) = 50%
Class Participation (Attendance: 10% & Constructive Involvement 10%) = 20%
Case Write Ups: Students will be expected to complete three 2-page case reports, each worth
10% of the student’s final grade. Reports will be submitted electronically before 8am on the day it
is due. Each case is an examination of selected company’s sustainability initiatives.
Group Project: Students will form groups to create a short report (<5 pages) and present on one
or more different types of innovation.
Class Participation: Participation grade is split between constructive involvement in class and
attendance. This is not a lecture-based course. Classroom discussion is a vital part of your learning
experience. You will need to come to class prepared to discuss the day's case and readings and
to respond to the ideas and comments of others. I expect your interactions to be informative, wellreasoned and respectful. No bystanders. Students will also be expected to attend all classes and
where you are unable to attend to notify me of your absence at least 24 hours in advance,
participation marks will be deducted.
BAEN 580C – Innovation and Sustainability
Course Outline
Week and
Class #
Week 1,
Class 1
Tues Sept 8
Course orientation and expectations. Definitions, history
and trends of sustainability & innovation
Week 1,
Class 2
Thurs Sept 10
Realities of Sustainability: Planet
Week 2,
Class 3
Tues Sept 15
Clean Tech case studies
Week 2,
Class 4
Thurs Sept 17
Realities of Sustainability: People
Week 3,
Class 5
Tues Sept 22
Social/Human-centered innovation case studies including
but not exclusive to Medical (Med.) Tech and Education
(Ed.) Tech
Case 2 (People) Due Before Class – 8am.
Week 3,
Class 6
Thurs Sept 24
Realities of Sustainability: Profit
Chapters 9 & 10 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Week 4,
Class 7
Tues Sept 29
Financial (Fin.) Tech case studies
Week 4,
Class 8
Thurs Oct 1
10 Types of Innovation:
Week 5,
Class 9
Tues Oct 6
10 Types of Innovation:
Week 5,
Class 10
Thurs Oct 8
10 Types of Innovation:
Week 6
Group Presentations
Chapters 1 & 2 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Historical context of environmental issues, Climate
change, Greenhouse gases, Carbon taxes, Enviro
standards and certifications, CSRs
Case 1 (Planet) Due Before Class – 8am.
Chapters 3 & 4 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Chapters 5 & 6 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Stakeholder engagement, Working conditions,
Compensation and benefits, Diversity and inclusion
Chapters 7 & 8 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Profitability and added value, Operational efficiency,
Stagnation, Regulatory risk and hidden cost of
Case 3 (Profit) Due Before Class – 8am.
Chapters 11 & 12 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Chapters 13 & 14 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Profit Model Innovation, Network Innovation, Structure
Innovation and related case studies
Chapters 15, 16 & 17 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Process Innovation, Product Performance Innovation,
Product System Innovation and related case studies
Chapter 18, 19 & 20 (Keeley et al., 2013)
Service Innovation, Channel Innovation, Brand
Innovation, Customer Engagement and related case
Group report due date of presentation.
BAEN 580C – Innovation and Sustainability
Course Outline
Required text: Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs (2013), Larry
Keeley, Helen Walters, Ryan Pikkel, and Brian Quinn. (~$25 on Amazon and also available in the
UBC Bookstore)
Class specific readings: The final reading list will be provided on the first day of class, and it will
be expected that all readings will be completed before class time ready to critique and discuss
during class time. All readings will be accessible electronically under existing UBC license
Late Policies: No late assignments are accepted. Failing to submit by the due date will result in a
zero grade. In exceptional circumstances, contact me as soon as possible. You are expect to arrive
to class on time. An attendance sheet will be passed and collected at the beginning of each class
to ensure student presence. Arriving late to class will prevent you from receiving credit for
Electronic Devices: You are expected to use phones, tablets and laptops in ways that are
respectful of me as the instructor and of your peers (volume and vibrate off, laptops down during
discussion, no answering phone in class, etc.).