Particle accelerators Agen-689 Advances in Food Engineering Accelerators Accelerators solve two problems for physicists: Since all particles behave like waves, physicists use accelerators to increase a particle's momentum, thus decreasing its wavelength enough that physicists can use it to poke inside atoms. The energy of speedy particles is used to create the massive particles that physicists want to study How do accelerators work? Basically, an accelerator takes a particle, speeds it up using electromagnetic fields, and bashes the particle into a target or other particles Surrounding the collision point are detectors that record the many pieces of the event. How to obtain particles to accelerate? Electrons: Heating a metal causes electrons to be ejected. A television, like a cathode ray tube, uses this mechanism. Protons: They can easily be obtained by ionizing hydrogen. Antiparticles: To get antiparticles: first have energetic particles hit a target. Then pairs of particles and antiparticles will be created via virtual photons or gluons. Magnetic fields can be used to separate them. Accelerating particles Accelerators speed up charged particles by creating large electric fields which attract or repel the particles. This field is then moved down the accelerator, "pushing" the particles along. Accelerating particles In a linear accelerator the field is due to traveling electromagnetic (E-M) waves. When an E-M wave hits a bunch of particles, those in the back get the biggest boost, while those in the front get less of a boost. In this fashion, the particles "ride" the front of the E-M wave like a bunch of surfers. Accelerator design There are several different ways to design these accelerators, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Fixed target: Shoot a particle at a fixed target. Colliding beams: Two beams of particles are made to cross each other. Accelerator design Accelerators are shaped in one of two ways: Linacs: Linear accelerators, in which the particle starts at one end and comes out the other. Synchrotrons: Accelerators built in a circle, in which the particle goes around and around and around... Fixed target experiment A charged particle such as an electron or a proton is accelerated by an electric field and collides with a target, which can be a solid, liquid, or gas. A detector determines the charge, momentum, mass, etc. of the resulting particles. Fixed target experiment An example of this process is Rutherford's gold foil experiment, in which the radioactive source provided highenergy alpha particles, which collided with the fixed target of the gold foil. The detector was the zinc sulfide screen. Colliding beam experiments Two beams of high-energy particles are made to cross each other. The advantage of this arrangement is that both beams have significant kinetic energy, so a collision between them is more likely to produce a higher mass particle than would a fixed-target collision (with the one beam) at the same energy. Since we are dealing with particles with a lot of momentum, these particles have short wavelengths and make excellent probes. Colliders Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 tells us that energy and mass are equivalent. Thus the energy of a particle beam can convert into mass, creating a fascinating wealth of additional particles, many of them highly unstable and not normally found in nature. However if the incoming beam is simply slammed into a stationary target, much of the projectile energy is taken up by the target's recoil and not exploitable. Much more energy is available for the production of new particles if two beams traveling in opposite directions are collided together. How they work? something to accelerate the particles, something to bend them, something to focus them, a vacuum for them to travel through plus something to house the whole lot The basic principles All particle beams start from a particle source. The simplest source is a hot wire, like the filament inside a light bulb. This is the kind of source used by television sets. Negatively charged electrons boil off the wire, and accelerate in a vacuum towards and through a positively charged electrode. Electromagnetic fields then sweep the beam across the screen. The points where the beam strikes the screen glow, building up a picture. A similar filament is also used in a linear electron accelerator Linacs accelerate particles to much higher energies than a television, but the principle is the same. In a linac, particles accelerate from one electrode to the next, gaining energy with each one they pass. Television Televisions use the same principles as LINAC, but on a much smaller scale. Televisions and particle accelerators have a lot in common: a particle source accelerating electrodes (televisions have one, accelerators have many more) electromagnetic fields to deflect the particles... a particle detector (in a television, this is the screen) Basic components Accelerating component Bending component Focusing components The race track The accelerating component: The cavity Charged particles receive the energy needed to reach a speed close to that of light from sophisticated accelerating cavities like the one illustrated here. These cavities store up electrical energy, transferring a small amount to the particles each time they pass. They act like a short section of linear accelerator. The bending component: The dipole magnet Magnets called dipoles are used to keep the particles moving in a circle. Each time more energy is pumped into the particles, the magnetic field has to be increased to prevent them from skidding off the ring. The focusing component: The quadrupole and sextupole Other magnets, called quadrupoles and sextupoles, are used to keep the particles tightly packed within the beam. They work in much the same way as lenses do with light. The race track: The vacuum chamber In particle accelerators, to ensure that particles are not lost by colliding with molecules of air, they travel inside a pipe, from which all the air has been removed. Vacuum pumps all around the ring ensure that there is even less matter inside the beam pipe than there is in outer space. The Large Electron Positron accelerator The LEP is a collider. Its 3368 magnets bend two particle beams and keep them on orbit. Where negatively charged electrons bend one way, positively charged positrons bend the other. This allows LEP to circulate 90 GeV beams of electrons and positrons in opposite directions using the same magnets. The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), uses the same technique to circulate protons in one direction and anti-protons in the opposite direction. Charged particles accelerators To induce nuclear reactions with positively charged particles (protons, alpha) Particles must have sufficient KE to overcome the barrier created by the repulsion between the positive charges of the particles and the nucleus Charged particles accelerators To achieve higher KE the particles have to be ionized These ions can be accelerated through a potential difference thus acquiring some additional KE To obtain the desired KE: Production of the charged particles Acceleration thru the required potential difference Ion source – the principle is bombarded by energetic electrons The atoms of the gas are ionized Positive ions are produced A gas H2 Gas B1 Hot Filament cathode B3 B2 e Beam anode S1 S2 vacuum H+ Ions Ion source – the principle H2 flows into region above filament Electrons are accelerated to an anode (dV over B1-B2 = 100 V) Electrons passage thru the gas cause ionization Positive ions are extracted by attraction to a negative electrode (dV over S1-S2 = 1-10 kV) into the accelerator region Vacuum at beam extraction is 10-4 Pa, ionization area 102 Pa H2 Gas B1 Hot Filament cathode B3 B2 e Beam anode S1 S2 vacuum H+ Ions Single-stage accelerators Developed by Cockcroft-Walton - 1932 The total potential produced from a highvoltage generator is imposed across the accelerator Between the source and the target Single-stage accelerator Principles The total potential produced from high voltage generator is imposed between the ion source and the target The KE of the particle is: Ekin = nqV # stages =1 Potential across acceleration gap Charge of accelerated ions, C Single-stage accelerator Recently, small versions of the Cockcroft-Watson accelerator Transformer-rectifier accelerators Used for acceleration of electrons or acceleration of deuterons for production of neutrons: 3 1 H + H → He + n 2 1 4 2 Tritium targets are bombarded by accelerated deuterons Tunneling of the Coulomb barrier results in good yield for this reaction (even for 0.1 MeV) Single-stage accelerators D2 molecules leak thru a heated palladium foil into the vacuum of the ion source There high frequency electric field decomposed the D2 molecules to form D+1 ions and electrons Ions are extracted with low negative potential to enter the acceleration tube with 2.5 keV KE Accelerator tube D2 Gas Concentric electrodes target Ion source 100 kV +<3 kV Particle path magnet Radio frequency +100 kV vacuum Cooling water Electron extractor High voltage generator Single-stage accelerators The 100 kV is obtained from a transform and rectifier unit coupled to a set of cylindrical electrodes connected by a resistor chain The beam particles exit the last electrode and drift thru a short tube and strike the target (titanium with absorbed tritium) The target is cooled by water to minimize tritium evaporation Accelerator tube D2 Gas Concentric electrodes target Ion source 100 kV +<3 kV Particle path magnet Radio frequency +100 kV vacuum Cooling water Electron extractor High voltage generator Single-stage accelerators With 100 keV and 0.5 mA This accelerator can produce 1010 n/s with 14 MeV Can reduce KE to thermal values (0.025 eV) by placing water or paraffin around the target Flux of thermal neutron = 108 n/cm2 Production rate of neutrons increases as the beam energy and beam current increases Accelerator tube D2 Gas Concentric electrodes target Ion source 100 kV +<3 kV Particle path magnet Radio frequency +100 kV vacuum Cooling water Electron extractor High voltage generator Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG) Developed by van de Graaf in 1931 Can provide beams of higher energy than the single-stage C-W accelerators The tandem-VdG can produce 20 MeV protons and 30 MeV α-particles VdG can also accelerate electrons and positive ions of higher Z Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG) A rapidly moving belt accumulates positive charge as it passes an array of sharp spray points Which transfer electrons from the belt to the spray points The positive charge on the belt is continuously transferred by the movement of the belt away from the ground Steel tank target Insulating supports pulley Accelerating tube ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + - E1 belt Ion source pulley A E2 Removable lid Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG) At the high-voltage terminal, (a hollow metal sphere) another set of spray points neutralize the charges on the belt by electrons emitted from the spray points This results in positive charge to the sphere The continuous process of transferring positive charge to the sphere can built a high potential on the sphere Steel tank target Insulating supports pulley Accelerating tube ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + - E1 belt Ion source pulley A E2 Removable lid Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG) The limit of the voltage that can be accumulated in the hollow electrode is determined by the discharge potential to the surrounding housing If it is insulated by some pressurized gas (N2, CO2 of SF6) about 16 MV can be achieved This can be used to accelerate protons to energy of about 15 MeV in a single stage Steel tank target Insulating supports pulley Accelerating tube ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + - E1 belt Ion source pulley A E2 Removable lid Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG) The energy of the beam produced by the VdG generator is extremely precise The current (10-100 µA) is less than that of other accelerators The beam current i (A) is: Net charge of the beam particle i = qI o = ezI o Incident particle current (particles/s) Particle charge (C) Multi-stage accelerators The potential obtained from a high voltage generator can be used repeatedly in a multi-stage accelerator process The linear accelerator operates in this principle Wideroe Multi-stage accelerators The accelerator tube consists of a series of cylindrical electrodes – drift tubes The electrodes are coupled to a radio frequency generator The high voltage generator gives a maximum voltage V The voltage is applied to the electrodes by the RF so that the electrodes alternate in the sign of the voltage at a constant frequency Ion source Vacuum chamber Ln n-1 Drift tube n A target n+1 B V ~ RF oscillator Wideroe Multi-stage accelerators If the particles arrive at the gap between electrodes in proper phase with the radio frequency, the particles are accelerated across the gap They receive an increase ion energy of qV (for n electrodes = nqV) Inside the drift tubes no acceleration takes place Ion source Vacuum chamber Ln n-1 Drift tube n A target n+1 B V ~ RF oscillator LINAC Is a particle accelerator which accelerates charged particles electrons, protons or heavy ions - in a straight line. Charged particles enter on the left and are accelerated towards the first drift tube by an electric field. Once inside the drift tube, they are shielded from the field and drift through at a constant velocity. When they arrive at the next gap, the field accelerates them again until they reach the next drift tube. This continues, with the particles picking up more and more energy in each gap, until they shoot out of the accelerator on the right. The drift tubes are necessary because an alternating field is used and without them, the field would alternately accelerate and decelerate the particles. The drift tubes shield the particles for the length of time that the field would be decelerating. Cyclotons The cyclotron is a particle accelerator conceived by Ernest O. Lawrence in 1929, and developed, with this colleagues and students at the University of California in the 1930s. Cyclotons A Cyclotron Consists of two large dipole magnets designed to produce a semi-circular region of uniform magnetic field, pointing uniformly downward. These are called Ds because of their D-shape. The two D's are placed backto-back with their straight sides parallel but slightly separated. A Cyclotron An oscillating voltage is applied to produce an electric field across this gap. Particles injected into the magnetic field region of a D trace out a semicircular path until they reach the gap. The electric field in the gap then accelerates the particles as they pass across it. A Cyclotron The particles now have higher energy so they follow a semicircular path in the next D with larger radius and so reach the gap again. The electric field frequency must be just right so that the direction of the field has reversed by their time of arrival at the gap. The field in the gap accelerates them and they enter the first D again. A Cyclotron Thus the particles gain energy as they spiral around. The trick is that as they speed up, they trace a larger arc and so they always take the same time to reach the gap. This way a constant frequency electric field oscillation continues to always accelerate them across the gap. The limitation on the energy that can be reached in such a device depends on the size of the magnets that form the D's and the strength of their magnetic fields.