How to complete the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier application form Contents About these notes 2 Further information 2 Before you begin 2 How to use these notes and complete your application 3 Step 1 – Complete Section 1: Applicant Details 3 Step 2 - Complete Section 2: Proposed agreement details 4 Step 3 - Complete your Farm Environment Record map(s) 6 Step 4 - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 8 Step 4a: Complete Annex 1: Agri Environment 8 Step 4b: Complete Annex 2: Woodland Support 13 How to score your Woodland Support application 18 Step 5 - Complete the Woodland Support agreement map 24 Step 6 - Complete Section 3: Environmental Benefits 24 Step 7 - Complete Section 4: Declaration and undertakings 27 Step 8 - Complete the Checklist 28 Step 9 - Submit your application 28 What happens next? 28 CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 1 of 28 v1 (03/16) About these notes These notes set out the information needed to complete your application form to apply for a Countryside Stewardship (CS) Higher Tier Agri Environment (with or without Woodland Support) or Woodland Support only agreement in 2016 for a 1 January 2017 start date. Please read the notes carefully and refer to them as you work through your application. Take the time to ensure you complete your application accurately. If you complete the application form in full and include all supporting documents it will help Natural England make a decision on your application as quickly as possible. Further information If you have read the notes and are still not sure how to complete the form please contact Natural England using the contact details at the top of the letter which was sent with your form. Before you begin Before you complete your application: 1. Read: The CS Higher Tier Manual available at The CS Higher Tier options and capital items guides using the CS grants finder tool available at 2. Make sure that: You, and the land that you are including in your application, are eligible for Countryside Stewardship (see Section 3 ‘Who can apply’ of the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier Manual 2016). You have read and understood the Countryside Stewardship scheme rules and requirements including the terms and conditions in the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier Manual 2016. You have registered all of the land in your application on the Rural Payments service (including notifying RPA of any corrections required via an RLE1 form) and that you have a Single Business Identifier (SBI) number and a Vendor number. Please note if you wish to apply for capital items or Maintenance of Weatherproof Traditional Farm Buildings outside of your land, that land, which may include a farmyard will need be registered on Rural Payments. Failure to register all land parcels may result in significant delays in finalising an agreement offer. For information on registering your land see the ‘Register land with the Rural Land Register’ guidance at Note that the references in that guidance to empowering agents do not apply to Countryside Stewardship and a CS Agent Authorisation form (available from will need to be completed to authorise an agent to submit the application and/or manage the proposed agreement. You have a County Parish Holding (CPH) number. For information on obtaining a CPH number see the ‘Get a CPH number from the Rural Payments Agency’ guidance at You have all of the necessary supporting documents required for this stage of your application (for example supporting documents for organic applications). Once you are content that your application pack is complete and you have all the information and supporting documentation you need, use the guidance below to complete your application. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 2 of 28 v1 (03/16) How to use these notes and complete your application The notes below are a step by step guide to filling in the application form and annexes. Each step describes what you need to tell us, gives details of any supporting documents that you must send in with your application and provides links to further information, where applicable. To complete your application follow the steps below in the order shown. Step 1 – Complete Section 1: Applicant Details Complete this section to record the applicant(s) details. Question 1. Complete (a) to (h) with the applicant details for the proposed agreement. For partnership agreements you should enter the names of all partners in (a). If there are more than four partners please use a continuation sheet. The Business name in (b) should be the name (beneficiary) that is registered with the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) for the applicant’s SBI at Question 4. These details will continue to be used to contact you about your agreement if your application is successful. You should inform us immediately of any changes to your contact information. Question 2. If the applicant named in Question 1 is not the main contact, please complete (a) to (h) with the details of the person who should be contacted about this application. Question 3. Enter the six digit Vendor number of the applicant named in Question 1. Question 4. Enter the nine digit Single Business Identifier number of the applicant named in Question 1, i.e. the SBI that the land in the application is registered under. Question 5. Enter the County Parish Holding (CPH) number of the applicant named in Question 1. You should enter the CPH of the land you are including in the application. If you have more than one holding please enter the CPH of your primary holding. Question 6. If applicable only, enter the VAT registration number of the applicant named in Question 1. Question 7. If the applicant has been declared bankrupt in the past 5 Years, tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. Question 8. Tick one box only to let us know the legal trading status of the applicant Question 9. Tick the box to confirm that: Question 10. all of the land in the application has been registered on the Rural Payments service; for all of the parcels in the application, the land details held on the Rural Payments service as shown online are correct at the date of submitting the application or; RPA have been notified of any corrections required via an RLE1 form (a) If the applicant currently has management control of all of the land being included in the application for the entire length of the proposed agreement and can meet the Declaration and Undertakings in Section 4, tick ‘Yes’ and continue to Question 11, otherwise tick ‘No’ and complete Question 10 (b). (b) You will need to make a countersigned application with each person who would take over the applicant’s responsibilities should they cease to have management control over part/all of the land – this would normally be the landlord or other person who actually has the management control. Arrange for each counter signatory to complete a CS Land Ownership and Control form (available from Once this has been done tick the box at 10 (b) to confirm that you have attached a CS Land Ownership and Control form for each counter signatory required for your application. For more information see Section 3.2 ‘Management control, eligibility and scheme rules’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 3 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 1 continued – Complete Section 1: Applicant Details Question 11. (a) If any of the land being included in the application is common and/or shared grazing land, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 11(b), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 12. (b) You will need to read the Countryside Stewardship: common land and shared grazing supplement and include a CS common land and shared grazing supplementary application form with your application. Once this has been done, please tick the box at 11 (b) to confirm that you have read the supplement and attached the form with your application. For more information see Section 3.2.6 ‘Common land and shared grazing’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( Question 12. (a) If you are an agent (or a partnership representative acting as an agent) on behalf of the applicant(s) tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 12 (b), otherwise tick ‘No’ and go to Section 2 of the application form. (b) You and the individual(s) on whose behalf you are applying must complete a CS Agent Authorisation form (available from Once this has been done please tick the box at 12 (b) to confirm you have attached a CS Agent Authorisation form with your application. Step 2 - Complete Section 2: Proposed agreement details Complete Section 2 to record the details of the agreement you are applying for. Question 13. Tick one box to confirm whether you are applying for an Agri Environment (without Woodland Support) agreement, an Agri Environment (with Woodland Support) agreement or a Woodland Support only agreement. Question 14. Enter the title that you wish the proposed agreement to be known by, for example the land or farm name. Question 15. (a) If the applicant has held an Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreement on the land under the SBI in the last ten years tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 15 (b), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 16. (b) Complete the table with details of the agreement numbers and expiry dates of any ES agreements which are still live. If any agreements on the land in the application are still live and do not expire before the 1st January 2017, the land will need to be transferred out of the agrienvironment agreement. You can find information on how to complete a land transfer at The land transfer will need to be complete by the time your Countryside Stewardship agreement goes live on the 1st January 2017. It is strongly advised that you begin any land transfer processes as soon as you apply for Countryside Stewardship to ensure your application is able to progress. Question 16. (a) If the applicant has held an English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) agreement (excluding Woodland Management Plans) on the land under the SBI in the last ten years tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 16 (b), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 17. (b) Complete the table with details of the agreement numbers and expiry dates of any EWGS agreements which are still live. Question 17. If the applicant has applied for or will apply for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) on the land in the application in 2016, tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 4 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 2 continued - Complete Section 2: Proposed agreement details Question 18. If the applicant receives or has applied for any other funding other than BPS for the management of any of the land parcels included in the application, tick ‘Yes’ and enter details of the other funding in the box below question 18, otherwise tick ‘No’. For more information see Section 3.4 ‘Land receiving other funding’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( Question 19. (a) If the applicant is a tenant, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 19 (b), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 20. (b) If the applicant has any obligations in their tenancy to carry out environmental management tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 19 (c), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 20. (c) Please tick to confirm that the applicant is not seeking funding for the obligations at 19 (b) in their application. Question 20. If any land included in the application is designated by HM Revenue & Customs as national heritage property under the conditional exemption tax incentive (heritage property relief) tick ‘Yes’, enter details in the box below Question 20 and attach a copy of the map of the designated property and the anonymised undertakings, plus relevant extracts from any supporting Management Plan, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 21. For more information see Section 3.4.9 ‘Inheritance Tax or Capital Gains Exemptions’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( Question 21. Enter ‘1’ in the box which best describes the primary enterprise and ‘2’ in the box which describes the secondary enterprise (if applicable) of the land in the application. If you enter ‘1’ or ‘2’ in the ‘Other’ box, please give brief details in the box to its right. The farm enterprise(s) should be as determined by the applicant based on how they define their business. Question 22. If the applicant is a member of a Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund Group tick ‘Yes’ and provide the group’s name in the box below Question 22, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 23. For more information on the Countryside Stewardship facilitation fund see Question 23. If a Catchment Sensitive Farming officer (CSFO) has previously given you any advice for the land covered by the application, tick ‘Yes’ and enter the name of the CSFO in the box below Question 23, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 24. Question 24. If the holding is in a protected landscape, i.e. a National Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or World Heritage Site, tick ‘Yes’ and enter the name of the landscape in the box below Question 24, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 25. If you are not applying for organic options (OR1-5 or OT1-6) you do not need to complete questions 25 to 31. Please go to Step 3. Question 25. If you wish to continue with the Organic Management and/or Conversion options should the non-organic element of the application be unsuccessful, tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. Question 26. (a) If the applicant is registered with a Defra licensed Control Body (CB), tick ‘Yes’ and continue to Question 27, otherwise tick ‘No’ and complete Question 26 (b). (b) If the applicant has completed a Viability Assessment and is including it with the application, tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’, read the note below Question 26 (b) and continue to Section 3. Question 27. Enter the name and address of the applicant’s licensed Control Body. Question 28. Enter the applicant’s Organic Licence number. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 5 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 2 continued - Complete Section 2: Proposed agreement details Question 29. Please tick the box to confirm that you have read the definition of an ‘active farmer’ contained in the ‘The ‘Active Farmer’ Rule’ section of the ‘Basic Payment Scheme: Rules for 2016’ guidance and that the applicant meets this definition. The ‘Basic Payment Scheme: Rules for 2016’ guidance is available from: Question 30. If you are considering the organic conversion options (OR1-5) please tick the box to confirm that you have completed and agreed with your Control Body a Conversion Plan for all land and business you are entering into CS, otherwise leave the box blank and continue to Question 31. Question 31. Please tick the box to confirm that you are including copies of the current Schedule and Certificate from the applicant’s Control Body that cover all relevant land parcels in your application, otherwise leave the box blank and go to Section 3 if you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Agri Environment agreement or Section 4 if you are applying for a Woodland Support only agreement. Step 3 - Complete your Farm Environment Record map(s) If you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Woodland Support only agreement you do not need to complete this step. Please go to Step 4b. Complete your Farm Environment Record (FER) map(s) to record all environmental features and areas on the land parcels to be included in the application and mark parcels that are at risk of run off or soil erosion. The application does not have to cover the whole holding but it must include all land parcels that will support rotational options plus any SSSI or Scheduled Monuments within your control. It is a condition of Countryside Stewardship that you identify, map and retain these features and areas. Please note Basic Payment Scheme cross compliance requirements apply across the whole holding. Mark your environmental features and areas on your map To complete your FER map(s) you will need to mark all of your FER features on the map(s). Walking your holding will inform you which parcels are suited to Countryside Stewardship options and allow you to mark the environmental features (as shown on your FER map’s key) within them on a copy of your FER map, helping make sure that you do not miss any. Your Environmental Information map, included in your application pack, may also indicate features that require marking on your FER map(s). Take time to complete your FER map(s) as clearly and accurately as you can. As long as the markings you make are clear and understandable Natural England will be able to accept your map(s). Use the colours on the FER map’s key for marking each feature. Confirm that you have a feature on your land by marking the corresponding blank symbol on the right side of the map key with the coloured pencil you have used to mark that feature on the map. The completed map(s) must be submitted as part of your application. For the following features, please note the following specific information: Marking ‘boundaries with trees’ Only boundaries with, on average, one or more eligible trees per 100 m need to be marked as ‘boundaries with trees’. For example, a hedgerow of 400 m would need to have at least four eligible trees along its length. Eligible trees are those that are native species, standing within 1 m of a hedgerow and over 30 cm diameter at breast height. These boundaries should be marked with a green cross over the boundary line, as shown in the FER map’s assigned colour key (In-field trees still need to be counted and marked as shown on the key). CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 6 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 3 continued - Complete your Farm Environment Record map(s) Marking hedges On accepting a CS agreement you will be agreeing that you will not cut more than 50% of hedges in any one year. This is a scheme baseline requirement that covers all hedges in Mid Tier and Higher Tier agreements. It covers all hedges marked on the FER which meet the following CS hedge definition: ‘any planted boundary lines of shrubs (a woody plant where the distance between the ground and the base of the leafy layer is less than 2 m) which are over 20 m long and less than 5 m wide (between major woody stems at the base) and are composed of at least 80% native shrubs’. This does not apply to road and trackside hedges that need to be cut annually or more frequently for public safety. To mark the cutting regime of the hedges on the FER map you will need to use two different types of marking as indicated in the FER map’s assigned colour key, as applicable to the definitions below: i. Hedgerow (meets 50% cutting limitation). For those hedges that are managed as the baseline of the scheme and no more than 50% of these hedges are cut in any one year (this includes hedges that are to be included in CS capital or revenue options and will therefore have specific management prescriptions). If hedges are in specific CS hedge management options, these specific prescriptions should be followed by the agreement holder and checked on inspection, rather than the baseline requirement. ii. Hedgerow (exempt from the cutting limitation). For hedges that are exempt from this as they need more regular cutting to maintain public safety. Identify and mark parcels identified with ‘run-off and soil erosion risk’ Prior to completing the FER, you should consider whether any of your land is at risk from surface run-off and soil erosion. If it is you should consider including it within the application area with an appropriate management option or item. Controlling the problem could protect the environment and improve the productivity of your land. For all of the land parcels on the farm site you must assess the risk of run-off and soil erosion. The risk assessment should be based on the consideration of three types of risk, which include: Inherent Risk Proximity and connectivity Managed Risk Inherent Risk, focussing on the risk of pollution associated with the topography, soils and naturally occurring land conditions. Inherent risk can be greatly reduced if the management and use of that land is done in a way sympathetic to the natural limitations. For example a field of great inherent risk due to slope and soil texture might be of only moderate importance if that field were to be under woodland or extensive grassland management. Factors to consider when defining the inherent risk include: Soil texture (risk of detachment or poor infiltration); Steepness of slope angles and slope length should be assessed to determine the relative overall risk of an area of land; Flooding frequency: land that floods is susceptible to erosion and run-off, particularly when under cultivation. This run-off may carry very fine soil particles, soluble pollutants such as plant nutrients and pesticides or manures to watercourses. The observed water run-off is usually, but not always, discoloured. The following table provides a guide to field classification for risk of run-off based on slope. Soil type All soils Steep slopes >7° Moderate slopes 3°– 7° Gentle slopes 2°– 3° (>12.3% gradient) (5.25-12.3% gradient) (3.5-5.25% gradient) High Moderate Lower Slope length, soil texture and flooding frequency must then be considered, and risk class adjusted accordingly. For example, lighter soils on moderate slopes may have high risk of run-off leading to soil erosion. Land that floods regularly (inundated at least 1 year in 3) must be regarded as being at high risk of erosion and run-off (even at less than 2° slope). CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 7 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 3 continued - Complete your Farm Environment Record map(s) Proximity and connectivity to target waterbody must then be considered. Fields that pose a relatively high inherent risk for producing pollution may actually be less significant if those fields are not well connected to a watercourse or waterbody. As a result the risk may need to be tempered or enhanced through the consideration of that connectivity. For example: Fields directly adjacent to target watercourse or waterbody is likely to increase the risk and likelihood of pollution. In addition there may be increased risk where drains, ditches, tracks or other flow paths directly connect field to target watercourse, waterbody or sensitive aquatic habitat. Where there is at least one field between this field and the target watercourse or waterbody and there are no flow pathways is unlikely to be higher than moderate risk. Where there is little connection between this field and the target waterbody the risk class is likely to decrease the risk of pollution. Managed risk is primarily defined by land use and the identification of historic run-off and pollution problems on that field. Signs of surface water run-off that may be associated with each of the risk classes are described below: High Risk Areas – Run-off or ponding seen in most years during wet periods. Moderate Risk Areas – Run-off seen in some years during wet periods and in most years during very wet periods. Lower Risk Areas – Run-off seen in some years during very wet periods The criteria given for the risk assessment are guidelines and professional judgement should be used to upgrade or downgrade a site, taking into account additional factors such as: soil structure (i.e. sensitivity to compaction, detachment and transport) organic matter content (higher organic matter content usually increased infiltration) valley features which tend to concentrate run-off water long unbroken slopes (150m or longer) rainfall (intensity relative to infiltration) land use Using the above risk assessment you must mark on the FER all fields that have been identified as moderate or higher risk of surface run-off and soil erosion in brown hatching. Step 4 - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Step 4a: Complete Annex 1: Agri Environment If you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Woodland Support only agreement you do not need to complete this step. Please go to Step 4b. Annex 1 is an Excel spreadsheet, made up of worksheets for recording your application’s land, options and capital items and worksheets to provide summary information and totals for your application. The worksheets can be accessed by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the page. The tabs are coloured red to indicate that input is required or blue to indicate that they are for information only. As you enter data on the spreadsheet, the later worksheets are populated with information from the earlier worksheets, saving the need to enter information more than once. Therefore, it is imperative that you begin at the ‘START HERE’ worksheet and complete Annexes 1a-e in order. Please complete Annex 1 following the guidance for each worksheet below. Note that guidance is provided below for all worksheets, but you should only complete the START HERE worksheets and Annex 1a initially. Your adviser will work with you to agree your options and capital items and complete the remaining annexes later in the process. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 8 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 START HERE worksheet This worksheet must be completed for all applications. Purpose: to enter details of the application’s lead applicant and Single Business Identifier (SBI). Field Entry required Name of Lead Applicant Enter the lead applicant’s full name. This must match a named applicant on the application form. Single Business Identifier Enter the application SBI. This must match the application form. Please select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if you have a Site of Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable in both the Site of Special Special Scientific Interest or Scientific Interest and Scheduled Monument drop down lists. Scheduled Monument on your holding: Annex 1a: Land summary This worksheet must be completed for all applications. Purpose: to provide details of and information about the land parcels being included in the application. Column heading Action required ID Unique identifier for each parcel automatically generated when a land parcel is entered, which can be used to cross reference parcels easily between all of the annexes. OS Map Sheet ref/National Grid no. Details of all of the land parcels relating to your application will be prepopulated in these columns. Total land parcel size If you find that some of your eligible land parcels are not shown in Annex 1a: LFA Status If the parcels are visible on the map provided with your application pack please add the details of the parcel to this sheet, otherwise please contact us using the contact details at the top of the letter that was sent with this application form. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Are you including this parcel in your application? Note: you must select ‘Yes’ for every parcel that you wish to include in your application otherwise the parcel will not be populated/available for selection in Annexes 1b-e. Parcel name (Optional): Enter the name that you use to identify the land parcel. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Run-off/soil erosion risk? For more information on run-off/soil erosion see Step 3 - Complete your Farm Environment Record map(s) of this guidance. Enter the BPS land use code for the land parcel. BPS land use code For details of land use codes, see the latest list of codes on the ‘How to apply for the Basic Payment Scheme in 2015’ page at Note if RPA update the codes for 2016 the link above may not work and you may need to search for a later version of the list on gov uk. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 9 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 1a: Land summary continued Column heading Entry required Will Soil and Water/Resource protection options/capital items be used on this parcel? Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. For more information on water quality see Question 37 of this guidance. Do you wish to include this parcel in the Wild Pollinator & Farm Wildlife Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Package? Does this parcel contain a SSSI? Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Note: if you selected ‘No’ to the SSSI question on the ‘START HERE’ worksheet this cell will be greyed out and you do not need to complete it. Does this parcel contain a Scheduled Monument? Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Note: if you selected ‘No’ to the SM question on the ‘START HERE’ worksheet this cell will be greyed out and you do not need to complete it. Annex 1b: Non-rotational options This worksheet must be completed if you are including non-rotational options in your application. Purpose: to provide the locations and details of the non-rotational options in your application. Column heading Entry required ID Automatically populated: Unique identifier for the parcel allocated on Annex 1a, populated once a parcel is selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Land parcel Please select the land parcel you wish to add a non-rotational option to from the drop down list. Note if the parcel you require is not shown in the drop down list, please check Annex 1a and make sure that you selected ‘Yes’ in the ‘Do you wish to include this parcel in your application’ column. Total land parcel size Automatically populated: Land parcel size of the parcel selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Boundary number For boundary options only, please enter a unique reference number for each boundary where the option will be carried out, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. Option group If you know the option group the option is in, please select a group to filter the option drop down list in the next column by group. If you do not know the group leave this column blank. Option Please select the required non-rotational option from the drop down list. If you selected a group in the previous column the drop down list will be in group > code order. If you did not select a group, the drop down list will be in option code order. IMPORTANT: for Option BE3 on both sides of a hedge you must allocate EACH side of the hedge to the land parcel that it is directly adjacent to and enter individual quantities for each length of hedging on those land parcels. Unit Automatically populated: Unit of measurement for the option selected in the ‘Option’ column. Quantity Please enter the quantity of the option to two decimal places for ha, metres and tonnes and as a whole number for all other units. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 10 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 1b: Non-rotational options continued Column heading Entry required Area of linked BEHTA feature If the option has been selected to protect/enhance an environmental feature, enter the feature’s measurement (e.g. length, area, unit etc), otherwise leave the column blank. Payment rate Automatically populated: Payment rate for the option. Will not populate until an option is selected in the ‘Option’ column. Value Automatically populated: Value of the option on this parcel. Will not populate until the parcel’s size, option and quantity columns are complete. Annex 1c: Rotational land This worksheet must be completed if you are including rotational options in your application. Purpose: to provide details of the land parcels you will use for rotational options during the life of the proposed agreement. Column heading Entry required ID Automatically populated: Unique identifier for the parcel allocated on Annex 1a, populated once a parcel is selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Please select the land parcel you will use for rotational options. Land parcel Note if the parcel you require is not shown in the drop down list, please check Annex 1a and make sure that you selected ‘Yes’ in the ‘Do you wish to include this parcel in your application’ column. Annex 1d: Rotational options This worksheet must be completed if you are including rotational options in your application. Purpose: to provide the locations and details of the rotational options in your application. Column heading Entry required ID Automatically populated: Unique identifier for the parcel allocated on Annex 1a, populated once a parcel is selected in the ‘First year location’ column. Please select the land parcel that you will locate the rotational option on in the first year from the drop down list. First year location Note if the parcel that you require is not shown in the drop down list, please check Annex 1c and make sure that you have selected it on that Annex. Total land parcel size Automatically populated: Land parcel size of the parcel selected in the ‘First year location’ column. Option group If you know the option group the option is in, please select a group to filter the option drop down list in the next column by group. If you do not know the group leave this column blank. Option Please select the required rotational option from the drop down list. If you selected a group in the previous column the drop down list will be in group > code order. If you did not select a group, the drop down list will be in option code order. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 11 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 1d: Rotational options continued Column heading Entry required Unit Automatically populated: Unit of measurement for the option selected in the ‘Option’ column. Quantity Please enter the quantity of the option, to two decimal places for ha and tonnes and as a whole number for all other units. Payment rate Automatically populated: Payment rate for the option. Will not populate until an option is selected in the ‘Option’ column. Value Automatically populated: Value of the option on this parcel. Will not populate until the parcel’s size, option and quantity columns are complete. Annex 1e: Capital items This worksheet must be completed if you are including capital items in your application. Purpose: to provide the locations and details of the capital items in your application. Column heading Entry required ID Automatically populated: Unique identifier for the parcel allocated on Annex 1a, populated once a parcel is selected in the ‘First year location’ column. Please select the land parcel you wish to add a capital item to from the drop down list. Land parcel Note if the parcel you require is not shown in the drop down list, please check Annex 1a and make sure that you selected ‘Yes’ in the ‘Do you wish to include this parcel in your application’ column. Total land parcel size Automatically populated: Land parcel size of the parcel selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Capital item group If you know the capital item group the capital item is in, please select a group to filter the drop down list in the next column by group. If you do not know the group leave this column blank. Capital item Please select the required capital item from the drop down list. If you selected a group in the previous column the drop down list will be in group > code order. If you did not select a group, the drop down list will be in option code order. Unit Automatically populated: Unit of measurement for the capital item selected in the ‘Capital item’ column. Quantity Please enter the quantity of the capital item to two decimal places for ha and metres and as a whole number for all other units. For capital items which are paid as a percentage of actual costs enter the actual cost to two decimal places. Payment rate Automatically populated: Payment rate for the capital item. Will not populate until an option is selected in the ‘Capital item’ column. Value Automatically populated: Value of the capital item on this parcel. Will not populate until the parcel’s size, capital item and quantity columns are complete. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 12 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Grant totals worksheet Purpose: this worksheet shows a list of all of the options and capital items in your application and the total quantity and value of each option/capital item. Note that the worksheet will not populate fully until you have completed Annexes 1a-e. Application summary worksheet Purpose: this worksheet shows the total values of non-rotational options, rotational options and capital items in your application and the overall value of your application (excluding any capital items which are paid as a percentage of actual costs). Note that the worksheet will not populate fully until you have completed Annexes 1a-e. Step 4b: Complete Annex 2: Woodland Support If you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Agri Environment without Woodland Support agreement you do not need to complete this step. Please go to Step 6. Annex 2 is an Excel spreadsheet, made up of worksheets for recording your application’s land, options, capital items and scores and worksheets to provide summary information and totals for your application. The worksheets can be accessed by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the page. The tabs are coloured red to indicate that input is required or blue to indicate that they are for information only. As you enter data on the spreadsheet, the later worksheets are populated with information from the earlier worksheets, saving the need to enter information more than once. Therefore, it is imperative that you begin at the ‘START HERE’ worksheet and complete Annexes 2a-e in order. Please complete Annex 2 following the guidance for each worksheet below. START HERE worksheet This worksheet must be completed for all applications. Purpose: to provide information about Annex 2 and to enter key details about your application. Entry/Question Entry required Name of Lead Applicant Enter the lead applicant’s full name. This must match a named applicant on the application form. Single Business Identifier Enter the application SBI. This must match the SBI entered on the application form. Agreement title: Enter the agreement title, for example the land or farm name. This must match the agreement title entered on the Application form. In which county is the majority of the land in your application? Please enter the county in which the woodland your application relates to is located. If your woodland crossed a boundary please specify the county in which the greater proportion is found. Which Forestry Commission area team will be advising you? Please select the Forestry Commission (FC) Area in which the woodland your application relates to is located from the drop down list. If your woodland crosses a boundary please select the area in which the greater proportion is found. A list of the 5 FC areas and their extents can be found at CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 13 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 START HERE worksheet continued Field/Question Entry required What is the grid reference of the centre of your woodland? Please enter a central, six-figure, OS grid reference for the woodland, formatted as two letters followed by a space, three digits, a space and then the final three digits, e.g. GR 123 456. Enter the Forestry Commission reference number for your approved woodland management plan. This is usually a 5 digit number. Approved woodland management plan You must have a Forestry Commission approved, UKFS reference number: compliant woodland management plan, approved within the past ten years, to be eligible for Countryside Stewardship. Please select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate the Woodland Support you are applying for: Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable in each Woodland Support type’s drop down list. Please select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if you have a Site of Special Scientific Interest or Scheduled Monument on your holding: Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable in both the Site of Special Scientific Interest and Scheduled Monument drop down lists. Please select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if any of the area intended for your application (WD2, capital or infrastructure) contains the listed designations: Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable in each designation’s drop down list. Annex 2a: Land summary This worksheet must be completed for all applications. Purpose: to provide details of and information about the land parcels being included in the application. Column number/heading Entry required ID Unique identifier for each parcel automatically generated when a land parcel is entered, which can be used to cross reference parcels easily between all of the annexes. OS Map Sheet ref/National Grid no. Total area of this parcel LFA Status 1 Are you including this parcel in your application? Details of all of the land parcels relating to your application will be prepopulated in these columns. If you find that some of your eligible land parcels are not shown in Annex 2a: If the parcels are visible on the map provided with your application pack please add the details of the parcel to this sheet, otherwise please contact us using the contact details at the top of the letter that was sent with this application form. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable. Note: you must select ‘Yes’ for every parcel that you wish to include in your application otherwise the parcel will not be populated/available for selection in Annexes 2b and 2c. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 14 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2a: Land summary continued Column number/heading OPTIONAL 2 Entry required Column 2 is optional. If required use this column to enter the woodland compartments and sub compartments for the land parcel. Please note; if a parcel covers multiple woodland compartments you Compartments and sub compartments in may list multiple compartments in one row against a single land parcel. this parcel Compartment references you enter on Annex 2a will automatically populate the corresponding column in Annex 2b. Enter the BPS land use code for the land parcel. If no land use code is available for the parcel you must ensure you register the land use as ‘Woodland’ with the RPA as soon as possible. Agreements cannot be issued without this. 3 4 BPS land use code Existing EWGS agreement on this parcel? For details of land use codes, see the latest list of codes on the ‘How to apply for the Basic Payment Scheme in 2015’ page at Note if RPA update the codes for 2016 the link above may not work and you may need to search for a later version of the list on This question covers land that contributes to the area of a scheme as well as land with specific options on it. It does not include woodland management plans. Existing schemes on land parcels within your application may affect eligibility of and/or may require an amendment to the existing agreement. Select ‘Yes’ if there is an existing English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) on this parcel, or ‘No’ if there is no existing EWGS agreement. If you select ‘No’ you do not need to complete columns 5 - 7 and they will be greyed out. 5 How many ha of this parcel are under the EWGS agreement? Enter the ha of the parcel that is under the EWGS agreement, to two decimal places. 6 What is the EWGS agreement number? Enter the EWGS agreement number (e.g. 30000) 7 What is the expiry date of the EWGS agreement? Enter the expiry date of the EWGS agreement, in the format dd/mm/yy. 8 Existing ES agreement on this parcel? This question covers land that contributes to the area of a scheme as well as land with specific options on it. Existing schemes on land parcels within your application may affect eligibility of and/or may require an amendment to the existing agreement Select ‘Yes’ if there is an existing Environmental Stewardship (ES) on this parcel, or ‘No’ if there is no existing ES agreement. If you select ‘No’ you do not need to complete columns 9 -11 and they will be greyed out. 9 How many ha of this parcel are under the ES agreement? Enter the ha of the parcel that is under the ES agreement to two decimal places. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 15 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2a: Land summary continued Column number and heading Entry required 10 What is the ES agreement number? Enter the ES agreement number formatted with AG followed by 8 numbers, e.g. AG00000000. 11 What is the expiry date of the ES agreement? Enter the expiry date of the ES agreement in the format dd/mm/yy. Annex 2b: WD2 Woodland Improvement option This worksheet must be completed if you are including option WD2 in your application. Purpose: to provide details of the land parcels on which the WD2 Woodland Improvement option will be located and the work prescriptions you will be undertaking on each of those land parcels. Column number/heading Entry required Land parcel details columns These columns will be pre-populated from the information you entered in Annex 2a. You cannot edit these columns. If any information is missing the cell(s) will be highlighted in red. To add or change an entry you must edit the corresponding cell on Annex 2a. 1 Are you applying for WD2 on this parcel? 2 Hectares of WD2 Select ‘Yes’ if you are applying for WD2 on the parcel, otherwise select ‘No’. If you select ‘No’ you do not need to complete columns 2-20 and they will be greyed out. Enter the number of hectares of WD2 that you wish to apply for on the land parcel, to two decimal places. The WD2 option requires a number of work prescriptions to be undertaken. Each of the questions in columns 3-20 refers to an individual prescription. You must identify all of the prescriptions that apply to the land parcel. 3-20 As shown in worksheet Complete all of the columns as follows: If the prescription applies select ‘Yes’ or a quantity (as applicable to the column) If the prescription does not apply, select/enter ‘N/A’ or a zero (as applicable to the column) For example, if you will be coppicing three hectares of sweet chestnut within a land parcel, the area for coppicing must be specified in column 11 and the species to be coppiced in column 12. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 16 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2c: Capital items excluding Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) This worksheet must be completed if you are including capital items (excluding Woodland Infrastructure FY2) in your application. Purpose: to provide the locations and details of the capital items (excluding FY2) in your application. Column number/heading Entry required ID Automatically populated: Unique identifier for the parcel allocated on Annex 2a, populated once a parcel is selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Land parcel Please select the land parcel you wish to add a capital item to from the drop down list. Note if the parcel you require is not shown in the drop down list, please check Annex 2a to make sure it has been entered there. Automatically populated: Area of the parcel selected in the ‘Land Parcel’ column. Total area of this parcel Compartment(s) or sub compartment(s) You cannot edit this column. If the land parcel area is missing the cell will be highlighted in red. To add or change the area you must edit the corresponding cell on Annex 2a. This column is optional. If required use this column to enter the woodland compartments and sub compartments in which the capital item will be located. Select the capital item you wish to locate on the parcel from the drop down list. 1 Capital item Where an item has a split payment rate there will be corresponding options so that the right payment rate can be chosen – for instance there are three options in the drop down list for rhododendron control (SB6) reflecting three possible payment rates and you must chose the one that applies to you – see individual item guides if in doubt ( IMPORTANT: if a fence goes across two or more land parcels you must select the capital item on each land parcel the fence applies to and enter individual quantities for each length of fencing on those land parcels. 2 Unit Automatically populated: Unit of measurement of the capital item selected in the ‘Capital item’ column. Enter the quantity of the capital item, to two decimal places for ha & metres and as a whole number for all other items. 3 Quantity 4 Payment rate Automatically populated: Payment rate for the capital item. Will not populate until an option is selected in the ‘Capital item’ column. 5 Value Automatically populated: Value of the capital item on this parcel. Will not populate until the parcel’s size, capital item and quantity columns are complete. Note: for item SB2: Scrub control - difficult sites which pays as a percentage of costs enter the full estimated cost of the item to 2 decimal places. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 17 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2d: Capital item Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) This worksheet must be completed if you are including capital item Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) in your application. Purpose: to provide details of capital item Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) in your application. More information on Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) can be found at Column number/heading Total estimated costs of infrastructure including VAT and agents fees Entry required Please enter the total estimated cost of the infrastructure that you are applying for, to two decimal places. Please specify your full estimated costs (not the grant payment amount). Include any agent’s fees and any VAT applicable. To calculate an estimate of the costs of your project you can use the Forestry Commission civil engineering calculator available from Will your work be permitted development? Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop down list as applicable for each of these questions. Does your work require planning permission? Please note that due to time restrictions any works which require planning permission must have an application made to the local planning authority no later than the point at which you submit your Countryside Stewardship initial application (no later than the 31st May). If you have not done this your application may be withdrawn as you may not have all required consents in place in time. All final and complete permissions must be in place by the final application submission deadline of 30 September. Do you have planning permission in place? Please select 'Yes' to confirm that you have attached a detailed specification (including maps and technical drawings) of the project with your application. You must provide a detailed specification (including maps and technical drawings) for the proposed infrastructure project with your application (before 31st May). Select ‘Yes’ from the drop down list to indicate these have been completed and will be submitted with the form. How to score your Woodland Support application and complete Annex 2e Please read the guidance below carefully before you complete Annex 2e. How to score your Woodland Support application General Details: Countryside Stewardship support is competitive and targeted. Proposals need to be scored to determine which applications will ultimately receive support. Applicants must complete a self-score of their proposal to be associated with their applications which need to be submitted by the deadline of 31st May 2016. The proposal must achieve a minimum threshold score of 1100 to be eligible. If you do not reach this score you will not be able to proceed and should not submit your application. Annex 2e: Scoring should be used to self-score your proposal for the Woodland Improvement option/capital items you are including in your application. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 18 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 How to score your application continued Eligibility In order to progress the application will need to meet the following criteria: Area: An application will need to cover an overall area (see below for definition) of at least 3 hectares. Note: if the application includes an area of woodland SSSI applications will need to have an overall area of at least 1 hectare; if the application is accompanied by an agri-environment application for the same property the woodland application will need to have a minimum overall area of 0.5ha. Capital Value: The total value of capital items within applications needs to be at least £500. Minimum score: An application must reach an eligibility score of 1100 points. If you do not reach this score you will not be able to proceed and should not submit your application. After the initial application window is closed (31 May 2016) all applications nationally will be ranked against each other (on the basis of score) in order to determine which proposals are most likely to be successful. A further round of ranking will determine those final applications which will progress to be offered an agreement after the final submission deadline of 30 September 2016. Woodland Management Plan: All activity proposed within woodland improvement applications will need to be justified by a current Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan Defining area for scoring: All Woodland Improvement options/items are scored collectively using the overall area covered by the combined activities. For the WD2 Woodland Improvement option - the area to be scored is that on which the activity is taking place i.e. the area intended for receipt of a multi-year payment; For capital items, including Woodland Infrastructure FY2, the area is that which is impacted/benefitted by the investment – known as the ‘Area of Influence’. The area of influence is dependent on the capital item that is being used i.e. for a deer fence it would be the area within the fence; for woodland infrastructure it would be the area that the road brings into active management. For further information please refer to the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( Any area of land can only be scored once: Where multi-year and capital/infrastructure elements overlap the multi-year element will be used for scoring purposes. If infrastructure and/or multiple capital item areas of influence overlap only count the area once. Where more than one objective could apply to all or part of the area in the application it should only be scored once but a supplementary score can be added. See the third bullet under the ‘How score is calculated’ heading below. The area used for scoring purposes is the combined area covered (i.e. any overlap is not counted twice). Objectives and Land Information Search (LIS) Any area to be scored must fit into one of four Countryside Stewardship objectives: 1 Priority habitats; 2 Priority species; 3 PAWS restoration; 4 Water All of the land included in your application must be designated under at least one of these objectives which will correspond to ‘spatial layers’ on the Forestry Commission’s online system Land Information Search (LIS). You can access LIS at CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 19 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 How to score your application continued You should use this facility to determine which areas of your land fall within the spatial layers for any of the four objectives. When using LIS for this purpose you should select the ‘Advanced’ search option. You will need to navigate to your woodland and the spatial layers required for your scoring purposes will be detailed on the right hand side of the page. These can be activated or deactivated by clicking in their corresponding square tick boxes next to their names. Further instructions on how to use LIS is available on the LIS page – after you have selected ‘Advance’ search. You can also use LIS to measure areas of land. Across your whole application a total score must be calculated for each objective which will require opening the spatial layers in LIS – which layers are required for each objective are detailed in the table below. Please note the following: Where more than one objective could apply (i.e. more than one spatial layer applies to a section of land) then the applicant needs to determine which one is to be used for scoring purpose. This is discretionary and the applicant can decide on the basis of the relative scores. Supplementary points will be awarded later if your land is covered by more than one spatial layer. How score is calculated. The score for each objective is calculated through a combination of a predetermined ‘base score’ and the area score calculated by the applicant (including the area of influence of capital and infrastructure options – see the Defining area for scoring section above). For each objective a predetermined base score has been allocated by the Forestry Commission according to Countryside Stewardship priorities (this base score is prepopulated in the score form and cannot be changed). The applicant must establish the area to be scored against any relevant objectives. This area will be inserted into the score form and the final score will be automatically calculated. In some cases supplementary scores are added to the preliminary total. Supplementary scores are awarded for applications where Woodland bird assemblage, woodland SSSI and/or multiple objectives apply. See the table below for further details. The table below shows the ‘gateway’ criteria for each of the four priority objectives with guidance on how to verify that your land falls into the correct spatial layer. In order to score your application against any of the objectives you must meet the ‘gateway’ criteria. Gateway criteria for priority objectives You can access LIS at Biodiversity CS Priority Objective Gateway Priority Habitat 50% or more of the woodland for this objective must be in the higher priority habitat spatial layer. Woodland in lower priority areas must also be in a Countryside Stewardship priority area for priority species or woodland bird assemblage to be included in this objective. For conifer woodland, the intention for conversion to broadleaf must be identified in the management plan other than where specific SSSI requirements state otherwise. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes How to check LIS Layer Colour Higher Open the two separate data layers in the FC Land Information Search (LIS) titled ‘CS Biodiversity Woodland Improvement higher and lower spatial priority’ to check the priority area applicable (i.e. higher/ lower *). Page 20 of 28 Lower v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 How to score your application continued Gateway criteria for priority objectives continued Objective Gateway How to check LIS Layer Colour Priority Species Refer to the specific Countryside Stewardship Statement of Priorities for the list of priority species potentially within or adjacent to your woodland: countryside-stewardship-statementsof-priorities The area benefitting a priority species is defined by the area of activity/influence directly benefitting the priority species objective in the Woodland Improvement multi-year option or associated capital item(s). N/A PAWS restoration The area against this objective must be within a PAWS restoration area. The objective area must be predominantly conifer (i.e. 50% or more of the trees (canopy) are conifer) Open the data layer in LIS titled ‘CS Biodiversity - Priority Habitat Proximity - Ancient Woodland - PAWS’ Next open the High and Medium categories from the 'CS Biodiversity Priority Habitat Network' layer to check that the proposed PAWS restoration activity is in a priority habitat network area. CCF for Water The area against this objective must be within a water quality catchment area for acidification. The woodland will need to be managed to meet the UKFS Practice Guide titled ‘Managing forests in acid sensitive water catchments’ Open the spatial layer in LIS titled 'CS Water- Water quality- Acidification' to find out whether the application area is within the spatial layer. Water Biodiversity CS Priority Supplementary Scores Woodland The application area is made up of Bird blocks within or touching a Assemblage Woodland Bird Assemblage area. SSSI Multiple Objectives Open the following layer in LIS: 'CS Biodiversity - Priority Species Woodland bird Assemblage' to check whether the application is within the data layer. If this requirement is met an additional score of 1000 can be applied. All or part of the application is located within a woodland SSSI Open the data layer in LIS titled 'Sites of Special Scientific interest' to check how much of the application is in a SSSI. A 10% supplement is added to the score for the area which is in a SSSI. All or part of the application falls within multiple priority objective spatial layers If all or part of the application falls within the spatial layer for one or more priority objective(s) (Priority habitat, Priority species, PAWS restoration or CCF) in addition to the main scoring objective an additional score of 1000 points can be applied. N/A *Definition (for scoring purposes) of higher, lower priority for Priority Habitat: Higher Priority: All ancient woodland, all wooded SSSIs and any other woodland which is currently unmanaged (i.e. not subject to a stand-alone felling licence or grant scheme in the last fifteen years). Lower Priority: any other woodland (i.e. not ancient, not SSSI and other woodland which is currently subject to a stand-alone felling licence or grant scheme). CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 21 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2e: Scoring This worksheet must be completed for all applications. Purpose: to calculate a self-score for the options and items applied for in Annexes 1b-e based on the scoring framework described above. Please ensure that you have read the whole of the ‘How to score your Woodland Support application’ section of this guidance before attempting to score your application. Priority objective scores Column/row Entry required Enter the total area of WD2 applied for each of the priority objectives (i.e. Priority Habitat, Priority Species, PAWS or Water). Column A Total Area (in ha) for WD2 (Priority) The sum of the areas within the individual objectives must not be greater than the total area of WD2 for which you have applied. All land for Woodland Improvement ‘multi-year’ WD2 applications needs to be attributed to a priority objective. Any single area cannot be attributed to more than one objective but your application as a whole may cover more than one of the objectives (see Defining Area for Scoring section in the ‘How to score your application section’ above). Enter any additional ‘area of influence’ for any capital items and/or infrastructure (FY2) against each priority. Column B Additional Area (in ha) for Capital items Column C Total Area (in ha) for Objective Automatically calculated: Totals of columns A and B. Will not populate until columns A and B have been completed. Column D Base Score Pre-populated: Base score for each of the priorities. Column E Area score Pre-populated: Area score for each of the priorities. Column F Applicant Self-Score Automatically calculated: The score for each of the priority objectives Please see Defining Area for Scoring section in the ‘How to score your application section’ above for details on how to calculate the area of influence. For Forestry commission use only: please do not enter anything in this column. Column G: FC Agreed Score Preliminary Totals row CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes If your application progresses following an initial ranking exercise your woodland officer will use this column to verify the final score following any alterations made to the application during the ‘developing applications’ period between the 31st May and 30th September. The total area and score for the priority objectives, i.e. before any supplementary objectives have been calculated. Page 22 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 4 continued - Complete Annexes 1 and/or 2 Annex 2e: Scoring continued Supplementary scores Please read the instructions in the Gateway criteria for priority objectives table above carefully to see if you are eligible for any of the supplementary scores and answer the following questions on Annex 2e. Question/row/column Entry required Is the application within the Woodland Bird Assemblage spatial layer? Select ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’ as applicable. If you select ‘Yes’ the ‘Applicant self-score’ column will show the supplementary score. Enter the area of the application that is within SSSI If any of the area in your application is in a Woodland SSSI enter the area of SSSI. If you enter an area the ‘Applicant self-score’ column will calculate and show the 10% uplift score. Does all or part of the application fall within the spatial layer for two or more priority objective(s)? Select ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’ as applicable. If you select ‘Yes’ the ‘Applicant self-score’ column will show the supplementary score. Grand Totals row Automatically calculated: The total of the preliminary and supplementary scores, i.e. the total score for your application. The total score must be 1100 or over for your application to be eligible. If it has not reached this score you should not submit your application. For Forestry Commission use only: please do not enter anything in this column. FC Agreed score If your application progresses following an initial ranking exercise your woodland officer will use this column to verify the final score following any alterations made to the application during the ‘developing applications’ period between the 31st May and 30th September. Grant totals and evidence worksheet Purpose: this worksheet shows a list of all of the options and capital items in your application, total quantity and value of each option/capital item and details the evidence requirements for each of the options/capital items. Note that the worksheet will not populate fully until you have completed Annexes 2a-e. Please check this table carefully to ensure it contains all of the elements you wish to apply for. If any element is not correct you will need to go back to the relevant worksheet and correct it, you cannot amend the application summary itself. Please read the evidence requirements for your application carefully, it is your responsibility to ensure the correct evidence is in place at the correct time. If you do not provide any part of the required evidence by the deadline indicated your application will be unable to proceed. Application summary worksheet Purpose: this worksheet shows the total values of options and capital items in your application and the overall value of your application (excluding any capital items which are paid as a percentage of actual costs). Note that the worksheet will not populate fully until you have completed Annexes 2a-e. Please check that the totals reflect what you wish to apply for. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 23 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 5 - Complete the Woodland Support agreement map If you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Agri Environment application without Woodland Support you do not need to complete this step. Please go to Step 6. The application pack sent to you by Natural England will include a base map covering the land parcels you wish to include in your woodland application. This will be your agreement map. The following must be included in the agreement map: The map must show all of the land parcels on which the woodland improvement application is to be located. Depending on the area of land in scope of the application this may cover more than one sheet The location of the proposed area of Woodland Improvement (WD2) and any area based capital works must be shown (capital works must be marked with a coloured pen and any capital code(s) should be listed next to them) For capital items the location must be shown and the capital code(s) indicated next to them Fence lines stating which type of fence (code) is being applied for. For example Deer fencing (FG9) or Temporary Deer Fencing (FG10) 9 Digit Single Business identifier (SBI); application year and agreement title (as detailed on the application form) should be indicated on the top right of the map. Use black ink for all annotations. If a mistake is made please strike through and correct, please do not use correction fluid. Step 6 - Complete Section 3: Environmental Benefits If you are applying for a CS Higher Tier Woodland Support only agreement you do not need to complete Section 3. Please go to Step 7. Section 3 should be used to record in summary the biodiversity, water quality and historic environment benefits your proposed agreement will provide. This information will be used to score the environmental value of your CS application against others to produce a ranked list of potential agreements. The environmental features and issues that are a high priority for CS are set out in the CS Statements of Priorities (see for your area. Please refer to that to help you fill in this section. More detail for your holding is provided through the magic (geographic information) portal at Question 32. Priority Habitat (a) If you are intending to manage existing priority habitat in the application, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Questions 32 (b) and (c), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to question 33. (b) Please record the existing habitats on your holding that meet the priority habitat summary descriptions provided in the ‘Priority Habitat – summary descriptions’ guidance (available from AND which you intend to manage under CS. (c) Please record the habitats specified in the table on your holding AND which you intend to manage under CS. Be aware that there are specific eligibility and targeting criteria that apply which your NE adviser will discuss with you. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 24 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 6 continued - Complete Section 3: Environmental Benefits Question 33. Habitat creation and/or restoration Countryside Stewardship supports both creation of new priority habitat1 and its restoration from degraded habitats2, in particular where such options are targeted to extend, link or buffer habitats and to improve water quality. 1 A range of priority habitats can be created on land currently under arable, intensive grassland or forestry usage. Creation activity will be highly targeted and will dependent on the land being assessed as having high potential for successful creation to the target priority habitat type. 2 Degraded habitats include sites that could be restored through appropriate management. Examples include fen from scrub woodland, drained sites on peat, afforested heathlands, some semi-improved grasslands, upland sites with low cover (less than 25%) of heather. (a) If you are interested in applying for Habitat Creation on your holding, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Questions 33 (b) and (c) as applicable, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 34. (b) If you wish to create habitat, please enter details in the box, otherwise leave it blank (c) If you wish to restore habitat, please enter details in the box, otherwise leave it blank. Question 34. Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package Options that deliver the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package need to cover a minimum of 5% of the farmed land of the holding. Farmed land is defined here as the area of arable land, temporary grassland and improved permanent grassland minus the area of any priority habitats (e.g. species-rich grassland, lowland heathland, woodland etc.) which may be put under CS options designed for these habitats You may already be delivering Environmental Stewardship options through your existing ELS or HLS agreement which will be similar to the Countryside Stewardship options that make up the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package such as pollen and nectar mixes, wild bird seed mixes and flower rich margins. (a) If you are intending to apply for the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package in this application, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Questions 34 (b) and (c), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 35. (b) If you are prepared to undertake the type and scale of land management required for the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package on your holding, tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. (c) Please tick the box to confirm that you have marked all the parcels you wish to be considered for the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package on Annex 1a. If you need further information and advice on how you would deploy the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package on your holding please refer to Section 8.3 ‘Applying with the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Package’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual 2016 ( and talk to your local Natural England adviser. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 25 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 6 continued - Complete Section 3: Environmental Benefits Question 35. Priority Species (a) If your holding or land near to the holding supports any known populations of priority species or species assemblages (see that require tailored management and advice as listed on the CS Statements of Priorities for your area (see, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Question 35 (b) to (d), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 36. (b) If priority species are present on your holding, please enter details in the box, otherwise leave the box blank and continue to Question 35 (c). (c) If priority species assemblages are present on your holding, please enter details in the box, otherwise leave the box blank and continue to Question 35 (d). For the priority species and the species assemblages you have listed at (b) and (c) you will need to carry out land management practices and capital works that meet the specific needs of these species. (d) If you agree to carry out land management practices and capital works that meet the specific needs of the species listed in 35 (b) and (c), tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. If you need further information and advice on how you would manage for priority species please talk to your local Natural England adviser. Question 36. Run off/soil erosion risk This question draws on knowledge of your fields and their inherent soil type, slope and risk. Identify parcels where run-off or soil erosion may occur, using the Identify and mark parcels identified with ‘run-off and soil erosion risk’ section in Step 3. If this is an issue on your land, mark these on the FER maps and tick next to the relevant parcels on your Annex 1a data sheet under the ‘Run-off/soil erosion risk’ column heading. (a) If any of the land in the application is at risk from run-off or soil erosion, tick ‘Yes’ and complete Questions 36 (b) and (c), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 37. (b) Please tick the box to confirm that you have marked any fields at risk from runoff/soil erosion on your Farm Environment Record (FER) maps. (c) Please tick the box to confirm that you have completed the ‘Run-off/soil erosion risk’ column in Annex 1a to show which parcels are at risk. Question 37. Water quality and flood risk management To access water quality information for your land use the MAGIC website The information is located under ‘Countryside Stewardship Targeting & Scoring Layers’, then ‘Water, and then ‘Countryside Stewardship Water Quality Priority Areas’. Note that this layer can then be made transparent using the slider under ‘Countryside Stewardship Targeting & Scoring Layers’. You will need to navigate to your land and then use the 'Identify' tool in order to check the information specific to your land parcels. The areas shown in red are those which have been identified as overall High Priority for water quality (Medium shown as yellow), however to complete the form use the specific pollutant details for your land which are accessed by using the identify tool. You may also wish to refer to your local CS Statements of Priority and the table in Annex 6 of the CS Higher Tier Manual 2016 ( called ‘Water quality options and their corresponding pollutant pressure and protected area’ for information. CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 26 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 6 continued - Complete Section 3: Environmental Benefits Question 37. continued Consider if you are able to change the land management practises on those fields and yards, and if you intend to apply an option or capital item to those fields. (a) If you are intending to apply for water quality and resource protection options and/or capital items tick ‘Yes’ and complete Questions 37 (b) to (d), otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 38. (b) Please tick the box to confirm that you have marked all parcels, including yards and tracks, you wish to consider for water quality and resource protection options/capital items in the ‘Will Soil and Water/Resource protection options/capital items be used on this parcel?’ column on Annex 1a. (c) Complete the table with the areas of land you are intending to enter under water quality options/capital items, relevant to the local pollutant pressures highlighted from MAGIC (see Only the land parcels identified on Annex 1a with the potential to improve water quality should be included in this table. (d) If you are interested in applying for constructed wetlands or a large scale sediment trap tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. Question 38. Livestock unit requirements for specific capital items If you are applying for RP29 Self-supporting covers for slurry stores and/or RP30 Floating covers (slurry stores and lagoons) tick ‘Yes’ and complete the table below Question 38 with details of your livestock, otherwise tick ‘No’ and continue to Question 39. Question 39. Historic Environment (a) If you have received and included a full copy of a 2015 Historic Environment FER (HEFER) for all the land and features in this application tick ‘Yes’, otherwise tick ‘No’. If you do not already have a HEFER one will be initiated by Natural England once your application has been assessed and scored. (b) Please complete the table with details known to you at this time from your Environment Information map, a previous HEFER response, or your own records. Step 7 - Complete Section 4: Declaration and undertakings Complete Section 4 to confirm that you have read and understood the requirements of the Countryside Stewardship scheme and the undertakings that you are making in submitting your application. Read the declaration, undertakings and warning carefully. Sign Section 4 and enter your name in block letters, your capacity (e.g. sole trader, company director, agent) and the date of your signature. Note for CS Higher Tier Woodland Support only applications you do not need to sign the form initially and will be asked to sign it later on, once a woodland officer has finalised your final application with you and completed a site visit. The party/parties that sign the application at Section 4 must have full authority and capacity to represent and bind the applicant. If the applicant is a partnership and the partners have not appointed an Application Submission Agent by completing a Countryside Stewardship Agent Authorisation form, all partners must sign. The Countryside Stewardship Agent Authorisation form is available from CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 27 of 28 v1 (03/16) Step 8 - Complete the Checklist Complete the checklist to make sure that you have fully completed your application and attached any required supporting documents and evidence, including photographs. Further information on the supporting documents and evidence you must submit with your application is available in Section 6.4 ‘Evidence: Record keeping and inspection requirements’ of the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier Manual ( the management option and capital item descriptions in the CS Grants tool at Step 9 - Submit your application Please send all Sections of the completed form together with maps and other supporting documents to the Natural England office or email address shown in the ‘Returning your form’ section of the ‘Important information about your application’ document attached to your application form. If you are submitting your application by post you will need to email Annex 1 and/or 2 (as applicable) to the email contact of the Natural England Technical Services site dealing with the county your application relates to. It is recommended that you obtain proof of postage for these and any other documents you post to Natural England. You are advised to retain a copy of your completed application form and maps. What happens next? What happens once you have submitted your application? Once your application has been received by Natural England, it will be checked to see that: you meet the eligibility requirements; all the necessary details have been entered on your application form and evidence received; and all of your maps have been completed If your application fails any of the above checks, we will contact you to explain what is wrong and how the failed check(s) can be corrected (if applicable). The Higher Tier grant is competitive, which means that not everyone who applies will be successful. A scoring process based on environmental benefit will be used to select successful applicants if the scheme is oversubscribed. What will happen if your application has been successful? If your application is successful you will be contacted by an advisor (Natural England or Forestry Commission depending on application type) and invited to work up your application towards a draft agreement. This will involve a site visit and possibly changes to your application as a result of advisor recommendations. What will happen if your application has been unsuccessful? We will tell you if your application has not been successful. If you are unsuccessful, you may appeal. For further details see Section 7.4.1 ‘Appeals process – disagreeing with a decision by Natural England’ of the CS Higher Tier Manual. ( CS Higher Tier Application form 2016 notes Page 28 of 28 v1 (03/16)