Dear Instructor: Thank you for your continued support of American

Dear Instructor:
Thank you for your continued support of American Red Cross training programs.
In an effort to go green and to reduce expenses, we will no longer be providing an instructor authorization certificate. You
will be able to access an electronic transcript on-line. It will include all of the courses that you are authorized (now being
called “certified”) to teach. It will also show “Acquired” when an instructor is fully authorized to teach that program.
To access your instructor certification transcript:
1. Go to You need to type it directly into the URL bar.
2. Enter your username on the username line and then your password on the line beneath it. Click on “Log In”.
3. A generic password of “Welcome1” has been set up for all instructors. You may be prompted to change your
username (to your e-mail address is the recommendation) and password the first time you log on.
4. The system will open up to the home page. Click on the “Reports” tab.
5. On the “Resources” line, click on the plus sign next to the word “Resources”.
6. Click on the “American Red Cross-Learner’s Instructor Profile” line. This will bring up your Instructor
Certification Transcript.
7. The report will include the following:
o Your name and username
o Street Address, City, State, Zip
o Phone numbers
o Email address
o Current Instructor certifications and expiration dates
If you need your username, contact the Training Support Center at 1-800-REDCROSS (733-2767) or via e-mail at
To view your training history, follow the above steps through number 5.
• Click on “ARC Instructor Assignments”
• Enter class (now being called “offering”) start date beginning range
• Enter class/offering date ending range
• Click on “Submit”
When accessing your file in SABA, please review for accuracy and completeness. Should any information be missing or
is incorrect please make any changes. Let us know if you are not able to make any changes so that we may work with you
to correct it. All aquatic instructors should contact Jack Harder at (203) 683-4292 or via e-mail at All other instructors can contact me at 401-831-7700 ext. 121 or
Thank you for your time and commitment to the American Red Cross.
Peggy Jimenez
Account Manager, AP/LTP