Expert TA: Instructor User Manual

Expert TA: Instructor User Manual
Last Updated: May 26, 2016
Expert TA Basics: Table of Contents
Logging In................................................................................................................................... 4
Class Management..................................................................................................................... 4
Performing Actions on a Class ................................................................................................. 5
Add/Create a Class ............................................................................................................... 5
Edit a Class ........................................................................................................................... 5
Create News ........................................................................................................................ 5
Student/TA Registration ......................................................................................................... 6
Student Registration ............................................................................................................ 6
TA Registration .................................................................................................................... 6
Restrict Enrollment .............................................................................................................. 6
View/Manage Class Roster ..................................................................................................... 7
Editing Student ID Number .................................................................................................. 8
Hiding Students from your Grade Sheet and Dropping Students Entirely from your Class ... 8
Students with Disabilities..................................................................................................... 8
Managing Assignments .............................................................................................................. 9
Create an Assignment ............................................................................................................. 9
Naming, Describing, and Weighting an Assignment ........................................................... 10
Selecting Problems ............................................................................................................ 10
Filtering Selected Problems by Difficulty and Type ............................................................ 10
Specify Assignment Availability Dates ................................................................................ 10
Timing an Assignment ........................................................................................................ 11
Changing the Problem Order and Deleting a Problem ....................................................... 11
Setting Problem Weights ................................................................................................... 11
Manage Extensions for an Assignment .............................................................................. 11
Manage Extensions for a Student ...................................................................................... 12
Editing an Assignment .......................................................................................................... 13
Deleting an Assignment ..................................................................................................... 13
Saving and Exiting the Assignment Edit Create Window .................................................... 13
Setting Grade Preferences .................................................................................................... 14
Grade Templates ............................................................................................................... 14
Individual Custom Preferences .......................................................................................... 15
Copy Assignment .................................................................................................................. 16
Viewing Assignment Solutions .............................................................................................. 17
Take Assignment ................................................................................................................... 18
Student Practice Area ........................................................................................................... 19
View Printable Assignment ................................................................................................... 20
Viewing and Managing Grades ................................................................................................ 20
Working with Sections .......................................................................................................... 23
Grading Manually ................................................................................................................. 24
Help ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Changing Your Password.......................................................................................................... 26
Logging Out.............................................................................................................................. 27
Expert TA: Student Registration Instructions ........................................................................... 28
Step 1: Enter your Class Code. .............................................................................................. 28
Step 2: Enter your email....................................................................................................... 28
Step 3: Choose a password. .................................................................................................. 29
Step 4: Enter Your Name (and Student ID) ............................................................................ 29
Step 5: Check-out.................................................................................................................. 30
Step 6: Payment.................................................................................................................... 30
A) Payment with Access Code ............................................................................................ 30
B) Payment with a Credit Card ........................................................................................... 31
Step 7: You can now begin using Expert TA........................................................................... 31
Figure 1: Log in
Logging In
From the Expert TA home website, click on Log In in the
top right corner of your screen. This will take you to the
log in window in Figure 1.
Enter the user name and password you were given with
the software, and click the Log In button. This will take
you to the main Class Management page. If you happen
to have forgotten your password, click on the blue
words Request Password Reset Email and you will be
presented with a new screen, where you will enter the
email to which you wish your new password to be sent,
and then click on the Request Reset button.
Figure 2: Request Password Reset
To exit from this screen without requesting a new
password, use the back arrow key on your browser.
Class Management
When you first log in to Expert TA you will be taken to the Class Management page (see Figure 3). At the top of the page
you will see a blue menu with the words Class Management, Instructor, and Help. These are menu items that will be
discussed later in this document.
On this main screen you will find three windows. The left window is for the names of the classes you will be teaching
that are using Expert TA. This window may already have your class names entered into it. The middle window will
contain the assignments you create for each of the classes, and the right window will contain the problem numbers for
each assignment you create.
There is a drop-down menu under the Classes window, which enables you to perform different functions on a class. Each
one of these menu selections will take you to another screen. Alternately, you can right-click on the class name to access
the same menu.
Figure 3: Class Management Page
Create Class Option
Click here to
display student/TA
registration codes
Click here to create news
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Performing Actions on a Class
There are many actions that you will want to perform that are associated with a class. You will want to create a class,
edit a class, create a class assignment, register students and TAs, create news for your students, view and manage class
grades, view and manage the class roster, view problem solution s, and take assignments in tutorial mode.
To perform an action on a class you must first select the class. Note that if you have only one class, it will automatically
be selected. With the desired class selected you can choose from available actions from the drop-down menu on the
Class Management page. These are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4: Add Class Window
Add/Create a Class
To add a new class, select Create Class from the drop-down menu on
the Class Management page. You will be presented with a pop-up
window as seen in Figure 4.
Complete the information called for on this screen to create a new
class. Select the Save button to save your creation, or the Cancel
button to exit the window without saving.
Edit a Class
To edit a class, highlight the class you choose to edit in the Class
Management page, and then select the Edit Class option from the
drop down menu under Classes. This will take you to the pop-up
screen for adding a class, but the fields will be populated with the
information you input before. Make the desired changes and click
either the Save or Cancel button.
Figure 5: Edit a Class
Please Note: Semester dates are different for every school. And high
schools pay for yearly access. Therefore, whenever you create a new
class or edit the academic year/semester, you will need to contact
your Expert TA account manager in order to make sure your semester
dates are correct. You should only need to do this when you first set
up a class.
Create News
You may occasionally want to broadcast news to your entire class, such as notice of
an upcoming test or holiday. To do this, navigate to the Class Management page,
then select Create News from the drop-down menu under Classes. A small pop-up
window (see Figure 5) will allow you to enter news for your students, which will
show on the right panel of the students’ Class Management page.
Please Note: There are not dates automatically displayed with the class news. So,
you will want to include some date/reference point in the body of the
announcement. Announcements are listed in the order they are posted, with the
most recent announcement/news listed at the top.
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Figure 6: News Window
Student/TA Registration
Figure 7: Student/TA Registration Codes
On the Class Management page, with the drop-down menu
under Classes, select Student/TA Registration to see the
student registration information. This is the information you
will need to provide to your students for them to join your
class on Expert TA.
Student Registration
Simply provide the registration link and the student class code
to your students. We recommend putting this information on
your syllabus or your course website, if you have one. Student
Registration Instructions which outline the registration process
in detail are available at the end of this document.
TA Registration
Setting up your TAs is simple. Click on the “Get TA Class Code”
button shown in Figure 7. This will cause the TA code to be
displayed. You can either set up your TAs or ask that they go
through the process themselves. Simply go to the provided link , enter the TA code
and go through the four-step procedure.
Restrict Enrollment
You can restrict the enrollment by clicking on the blue words Registration Options. This will take you to a screen as seen
in Figure 8, which will allow you to limit the enrollment into your ETA class. Below you will find explanations of what
checking each box will do. The registration options screen also allows you to upload your class roster, as long as it’s in
string mode and csv format.
Open Enrollment Validation: An Open Enrollment period can be specified by checking this box. By default the system assumes you
want an open unrestricted enrollment. You must check this setting and set the start and end date for the open enrollment period. If an
open enrollment period is explicitly set, it will allow any student to register regardless of the roster.
User/Email Suffix Validation: This requires that any students registering for a class have the matching suffix in their user/email login
name. For example, if all of your students have an email, then you could use this in this field, so that would validate but would not.
Roster Validation: This setting requires that all users registering for a class have a matching user/email address in the registration
roster. You can submit a comma separated list of users in the entry box below.
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Figure 8: Enrollment Validation and Restriction
View/Manage Class Roster
On the Class Management page, with the drop-down menu under Classes, select View/Manage Class Roster to see a list
of the students in the currently selected class who have registered. (See Figure 9)
Figure 9: View/Manage Class Roster
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This table lists all the students who have registered in the class. To edit information on each student, click on the word
“Edit” to the left of the student’s user name.
Figure 10: Edit Information on a Student
Click here to update or cancel.
Editing Student ID Number
In many cases the Student ID is used to match up grades when exporting and importing grades into other programs
such as Blackboard, Desire2Learn and Moodle. If a student enters in the wrong ID or leaves this information out, it can
cause errors when trying to do such imports and exports. While students do have an interface that allows them change
their own Student ID, and you can request that they all get their own information accurate, errors may still occur. The
edit screen will allow you can to change the Student ID in order to avoid errors.
Hiding Students from your Grade Sheet and Dropping Students Entirely from your Class
You can decide here whether to show the student in your Grade Sheet. If a student has dropped or is auditing your
class, you can choose to hide them from your grade sheet. This will also keep their grades from being included in any
grade exports. If you have hidden a student and need to show them again, this is a reversible action.
NOTE: The student will still be able to see their own grades, your class material, take assignments, view solutions, etc…
You can also change the student’s status from Active to Dropped (or from Dropped to Active). This will not only remove
them from the grade sheet, but will cut off their access to your class entirely. The student will not have access to any of
your course materials. This is also a reversible action. If you drop a student accidentally, you can simply change their
status back to ‘active’ to reinstate them to the class fully.
Students with Disabilities
Many students need additional time on timed assignments. For these cases you can set extra time (from 0 to 100
percent) for a student in your class roster. This extra time will then be afforded automatically for this student on ALL
timed assignments that are created during the semester. Example Case: If you set a student’s extra time at 50, then that
student would be allowed 150% of the amount of time as all the other students in the class (90 minutes for a 60 minute
Test). You can key in this percentage, or use the up/down arrow keys to change it in increments of five percent.
When you have completed editing the settings for this student, click on either Update or Cancel in blue at the right
side of the screen.
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Managing Assignments
Create an Assignment
To create a class assignment, on the Class Management page, first highlight the class for which you want to create the
assignment (if there is only one class, then that class will already be highlighted), then select Create Class Assignment
from the drop-down menu under Classes. Or, you can select the class and right click to see the same menu.
Figure 11: Create Class Assignment
This will take you to the Assignment Edit/Create window, as seen in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Assignment Edit/Create Window
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Naming, Describing, and Weighting an Assignment
Near the top left corner of the Assignment Edit/Create screen, your class information will be displayed. Beneath that,
you will give the assignment a name and a description (up to 100 characters). Next to the area for the assignment’s
name, you can key in the weight for an assignment, from 1 to 999, so be careful when keying this information in. Or, you
can use the up and down arrow keys to change the weight number. The next item to the right allows you to give the
assignment a grade Template (that you will create in the Instructor Grade Preferences Templates window described in
the Error! Reference source not found. section)
Selecting Problems
Note that, if available, the textbook for your classes has already been configured for you. You browse the problem
library by selecting from the drop-down menus beneath Chapters in the Create/Edit Assignment window. This will
populate the bottom of the window with available problems in that chapter from which to choose. Problems can be
added to an assignment by simply clicking on the box in the upper left corner of the problem. To include problems from
multiple chapters, select a different chapter from the drop-down menu and choose the problem’s you’d like to include.
Selected problems will appear in the Selected Problems area, beneath the assignment description. If you need to see
what the subject matter of the problem is from this screen, hover your mouse over the problem number and a pop-up
window will give you a preview of that problem. There is no limit to the number of problems you can add to an
Figure 13: Selecting Problems
Filtering Selected Problems by Difficulty and Type
Near the center of the Assignment Edit Create screen is the Filter panel. You can filter the problems from which to select
by difficulty (1-5, with 5 being most difficult), and/or by type, with the choices being conceptual, calculus, or algebra
based, by clicking the box next to your choices. You may see a letter “T” in parenthesis next to the problem name. This
indicates that this problem is available in Tutorial mode. If you need to see what the subject matter of the problem is
from this screen, hover your mouse over the problem number and a pop-up window will give you a preview of that
Specify Assignment Availability Dates
On the upper right portion of the Assignment Edit Create screen, you will be able to specify the start date, the due date,
and the end dates and times that an assignment will be available to your students (students can be allowed to complete
the assignment after the due date for a certain % of the grade, if you choose). In addition, you can hide an assignment
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from your students after a specified date, by changing the date next to Visible. Simply key in the date and time or use
the convenient drop-down calendar or up/down arrows. Please note that 12:00 AM is the first minute of the day.
Note: the program will not allow you to have an end date happen before the due date. That would cause the assignment
to be inaccessible to the students. Instead the program will automatically change the due date to match that of the end
Timing an Assignment
With the Create/Edit Assignment window you can limit the time allowed on an assignment. To do this, click the box next
to Timed Assignments, then specify how many minutes the students will be allowed to complete it. You can also use the
up and down arrow keys to change the number.
If you have students that require more time on a specific assignment, you can adjust their time allowance under
“Extensions”. (See Manage Extensions for a Student section for directions.) If you have students that require more time
on every assignment, you can set this up to occur automatically throughout the semester in the Class Roster area. (See
Students with Disabilities section for directions.)
Changing the Problem Order and Deleting a Problem
The Selected Problems area on the Assignment Edit Create screen gives you the option to change the order the problems
are presented to the students. These are tabs that you can drag to the left or right, and drop into the placement order of
your choice. You can also delete problems from the Selected Problems area by clicking on the x next to the problem
Setting Problem Weights
Beneath each selected problem in the Selected Problems area on the Assignment Edit Create screen is the Problem
Weights area, where you can specify the weights for each problem. As a default, all assignments have a weight of 1 and
they all count equally. The schema in Expert TA is that of a standard weighted average; the average is calculated by
summing each assignment grade times the weight, and that sum is divided by the sum of the weights.
Figure 14: Problem Weights
Manage Extensions for an Assignment
On the Assignment Edit/Create screen, you can change the due date on an assignment, as long as no students have
submitted answers for that assignment. Simply choose the End date from the drop-down date selection on the top right
corner of the window.
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Manage Extensions for a Student
To manage extensions for a student, click the Manage Extensions button on the right side of the Assignment Edit Create
screen. This will create a pop-up window as seen in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Assignment Extensions
When you click on the Add New Extension button, the pop-up window will change to what is seen in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Adding an Extension for a Student
All of your students are available in the drop-down menu next to Student. You can use the drop-down next to Student
to see a list of the students in that class and then highlight the one for whom you wish to add the extension. Start typing
a last name to narrow the search. Next to Total Minutes is an area where you can key in the minutes or use the
up/down arrow keys to enter them. You can change the Start Date and Time and the End Date and Time in a similar
manner. When you have the settings where you want them, click the word Update to save or Cancel to exit without
saving. You will see any extensions created in this screen now.
Figure 17: Assignment Extensions Screen with Extension Added
You can now add another extension, or edit or delete one that has already been created. Then, to exit the Assignment
Extensions window, click on the x box in the upper right corner of the pop-up window.
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Editing an Assignment
After you have created an assignment, you may want to edit the assignment. From the Class Management page, select
the course with which you wish to work, then select the assignment you wish to edit, then either right click on the
assignment name or use the drop-down menu to select Edit Assignment. This will take you to the same window you
used to create the assignment, where you will perform actions similar to adding an assignment.
Figure 18: Editing an Assignment
Deleting an Assignment
You can delete an entire assignment by clicking on the Delete Assignment button on the right hand side of the
Assignment Edit/Create window. All associated assignment problem and grade data will also be deleted, so be extra
cautious about using this option, as it cannot be undone.
Figure 19: Deleting an Assignment
Saving and Exiting the Assignment Edit Create Window
To save your assignment without exiting the screen, click on the Save Assignment button on the right side of the
window. To save your assignment and return to the Class Management page, click on the Save and Exit button.
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Setting Grade Preferences
Grade Templates
There are two ways to set grade preferences: Globally or Individually. To set grade preferences globally, on the blue
menu across the top of your page, hover your mouse pointer over Instructor. A drop-down menu will give you the
option to select Grade Preferences. Click on this and it will take you to the following screen.
Figure 20: Setting Global Grade Preferences
On the left side of the Grade Preferences screen is a panel that allows you to create Templates for grade preferences. At
the bottom of this panel is a drop-down menu which will allow you to add or delete a template. If you elect to not create
any templates, the default grade preferences for each assignment will remain as is shown in the window on the right
side of this screen. Use the drop down menu under Grade Preference Templates to select Add Template.
Figure 21: Adding Grading Template
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Type in the name of the preference you wish to add, and click the Save button. With the panel on the right, you can set
your preferences for that template you just named. In Figure 22 the preferences have been set to the default values,
which allow the students to access Hints, but 4% of their grade for that assignment is deducted for each Hint accessed.
They can make 3 submission attempts for each assignment, but lose 5% of their grade for time they make incorrect
submissions. Finally, they can access Feedback, but lose 1% of their grade for each time Feedback is accessed. If you use
the left scroll bar on the right of the window, you will find three more Grade Preferences you can change: Feedback
Style allows you to choose between Socratic and Direct; students can be allowed to access the correct answer to each
problem; and a percentage of the grade can be deducted for each problem the correct answer is accessed. When you
have these preferences set click Save Preferences to save your work. Now when you create or edit an assignment, you
can set the grade template for that assignment to adhere to these settings.
Late Work Percentage
In the grade preferences table you will also see an item labeled “Late Work Percentage”. This allows you to give
students an incentive to complete an assignment, even if the due date has passed. In the Assignment Management area
you will be able to set a start date, due date, and end date for an assignment. Students will earn full credit for any work
done between the start and due dates. For any work done between the due date and the end date, the student will earn
whatever score they get, multiplied bythe late work percentage. The Late Work Percentage is the credit the student will
earn; and not the deduction percentage.
Example: You have an assignment with 10 problems and you have set the Late Work Percentage to be 75%. A student
completes six of these problems perfectly, prior to the due date. The student is not able to attempt the other four
problems at all. The student would have a 60 on the assignment as of the due date. If the student later completed the
other four problems without error, they would earn an additional 40*.75 = 30 points, bringing their final grade to a 90
Individual Custom Preferences
To set grade preferences individually, after you have created an assignment, in the Assignment Edit Create screen, pull
down the menu next to Grade Template and select Custom. You will be given the Assignment Custom Grade Template
screen, as seen in Figure 22.
Figure 22: Assignment Custom Grade Template
In this screen you can change the grade preferences for that assignment only, and when you are finished, click the Save
button. To exit without saving, click the x button on the top right corner of the screen.
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Copy Assignment
You may wish to copy an assignment with all its accompanying settings. To do this, first navigate to the Class
Management window. Select the assignment you wish to copy, then, from the drop-down menu under the Assignments
panel, select Copy Assignment.
Figure 23: Copy Assignment Drop Down
Figure 24: Copy Assignment Window
You will be presented with the pop-up window shown in Figure 24
From this window you can select the class(es) to which you choose to
copy the assignment, and then click the Copy button. Click the
Cancel button to exit without copying. You can then go into the
Assignment Edit Create window and modify the settings for the
copied assignment, if desired. You might pay particular attention to
the assignment’s dates.
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Viewing Assignment Solutions
From the Class Management page, select View Assignment Solutions (full solutions) which will take you to the full
solutions for the problems in the assignment you had highlighted, with hand-written answers, where available.
Figure 25: View Assignment Solutions (Full Problems)
If you select the View Assignment Solutions (Basic/Answers) instead, you will get more basic solutions shown in the
figure below. You can flip back and forth from the full solutions to the basic solutions by using the blue link at the top of
the page.
Figure 26: View Assignment Solutions (Basic Answers)
This link will take you to the Full Solutions
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Take Assignment
From the Class Management page, first highlight the appropriate class in the Classes panel, then highlight the
assignment you wish to take, in the Assignments panel. Then, from the drop down menu at the bottom of the
Assignments panel, select Take Assignment (see Figure 27). This will take you to the first problem in the assignment as
the students see it.
Figure 27: Take Assignment
At this point you can complete the assignment, experimenting in real time with how the system works, without affecting
any settings. You may choose to make changes to the assignment or its settings after having experienced taking it. At
any time, you can cancel taking the assignment by clicking on any selection in the blue menu at the top of your screen.
If you decide you want to take the assignment again
(perhaps after changing grade preferences), click on
the blue words Instructor/TA Admin, near the
bottom of your screen (See Figure 28).
Figure 28: Instructor/TA Admin Link
The window will expand and you will be able to see
the problem name, along with buttons to reset your
data. Use the Assignment button to reset data for
the entire assignment; use the Problem button to
reset all the data for that particular problem, use the
Part button to reset your answers for that part of the problem only, and use the Last Submission button to reset just the
last submission you entered, regardless of where it was in the assignment.
You may wish to see previous submissions to this question. To do so, click on the blue words detailed view on the right
side of the screen. To exit from Take Assignment, make a selection on the blue menu at the top of your screen.
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Student Practice Area
Taking a Tutorial assignment is like taking a homework assignment, except the scores aren’t recorded. You can take a
tutorial assignment just like the students. From the main Class Management page, select Student Practice Area from the
drop-down menu under Classes. This will take you to the Tutorial window seen in Figure 29.
Figure 29: Student Practice Area
Select one of the books from the provided list, if there is more than one available. Select the desired chapter from the
list that is displayed. Moving your cursor over a problem will give you a preview of that problem. To add problems to
your practice assignment, select a problem from the Problems list and use the click on the box next to the problem
number to add it. You can add additional problems, from that chapter or other chapters, in the same way. Once you
have added all of the desired problems to your practice assignment, click the Take Tutorial Assignment button. Each
time you take a Tutorial assignment, all previously attempted answers and hints are cleared and the problems are
presented as they were the first time they were accessed.
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View Printable Assignment
From the Class Management page, highlight the assignment you wish to print. Then select View Printable Assignment
from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the center panel. This will display the entire assignment, which you can then
print. To exit this view, make a selection from the blue menu at the top of the window.
Viewing and Managing Grades
From the Class Management page, select View/Manage Class Grades from the drop-down menu under the Classes
panel. You will be taken to a view similar to what is shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30: Viewing Grades
This spreadsheet shows each student’s individual grades on homework, quizzes, and tests completed to date. In the light
blue bar, you can see the weight of each assignment. You can view all the students in the class simultaneously or
individually. To see more detail for a particular assignment, click on the assignment header. Also from the Class
Management page you can select View Grades (Spreadsheet) to view the screen shown in Figure 31.
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Figure 31: Grade Sheet at the Secondary Level View
These represent
the weighted
You can now see the weights
for each problem or assignment
This screen shows you the grades accomplished on each particular problem in that homework assignment. To see even
more detail, select the student’s grade, and you will be given a detailed list of the work that student completed on each
problem, including the Hints and Feedback the student accessed. From this screen you can override grades and/or reset
the number of attempts for that particular student.
Figure 32: Detailed Grade Information
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By clicking on the Grade Override option, you can change the grade that student made on that part of that problem and
enter a note to yourself for later reference. Click the Apply Grade Change button to keep your override or the Cancel
button to cancel.
You can also reset the student’s ability to submit answers for this part. Note that if the assignment has expired, you
must grant an extension for the student before he or she can retry the problem. Click the Clear Submission button to
keep the reset or the Cancel button to cancel.
Figure 33: Override Grade Option
You can also view grades as points if you click on the Points View box.
Figure 34: Points View
You can check this
box to see the
grades represented
with total points.
This student had a 96.19% grade.
Since it is worth two points the
student earned 1.9 points
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Rather than an average,
the right-most column
displays the total number
of points earned.
Working with Sections
Expert TA makes it easy to work with large classes that have recitation or lab sections. You will be able to assign
homework or quizzes to the entire class, but will be able to view and manage grades based on sections, as shown as the
section identifier in Figure 35. Expert TA inputs the section names/identifiers while setting up your class. Students
specify their section as part of the registration process by choosing from a drop-down list of the valid sections.
Figure 35: Exporting Grades
You can easily export grades in order to manage them from a program like EXCEL, but you can also utilize Sort and Filter
options within the Expert TA Grade Sheet. Figure 36 shows how you could display the grades for students only in section
“A” of the large class.
Figure 36: Sorting Based on Section
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Grading Manually
Expert TA's Grade Manually option is designed for instructors to quickly apply mass grade updates, or assess student
responses to open-ended questions. To access this feature, click the assignment you wish to grade and select Manage
Grades (Grade Manually) from the Assignment drop-down menu.
Figure 37: Grade Manually Home Screen
You will now see a list of every problem in the assignment, including links to each individual problem part. Select the
problem part you would like to assess or update.
Figure 38: Grade Manually Problem List
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Now you will see a list of your students, and their grades on the problem and part you have selected. Clicking on an
individual student will reveal their grade report for the associated problem and part.
Figure 39: Grading Manually Problem View
Here you can adjust their grade
manually and add comments
Click on the students
name to view their
completed problem.
Scroll down to see the student’s
answers and the hints and
feedback they used
You have two options to consider before applying a grade change.
1) Leave the box selected that indicates the change will be a "grade override for total part. This will modify the
student's grade for the entire part, so that the value in the Grade box will become the student's grade when you
click Apply Grade.
2) Un-check the "grade override for total part" box. This will affect only the student's final answer credit, and
include all associated deductions for submissions, hints, and feedback when calculating the grade.
Once you have determined the type of grade modification you would like to make, you are ready to alter the value in
the Grade box to the desired number between 0 and 100. Add any comments regarding the change you feel are
necessary and click Apply Grade.
The grade value and comments associated with a change will remain in the same state as you navigate to different
students, this will allow mass updates to be made quickly without opening up separate grade reports for each
student. If you are assessing open-ended questions, be sure to update the grade value and comments as necessary for
each individual student.
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From the blue menu at the top of your screen, select Help. This will take you to the following screen:
Figure 40: Help Screen
From this screen, you can access videos and PDFs that explain the most commonly requested help topics. If the help you
are seeking is not included in this screen, you can send Expert TA an email for more personalized instruction by clicking
on the blue email address.
Changing Your Password
On the right side of the black border at the top of your screen you will see your Username and the words My Account
and Log Out in blue. If you hover your mouse over My Account, a drop-down will appear. Edit Profile and Join Another
Class are for students.
Figure 41: Change Password Main
Table of Contents
Click on Change Password and the following screen will appear:
Figure 42: Change Password Screen
Enter your current password and then your new password, confirm your new password and click Save or use your
browser’s back arrow key to exit without changing your password.
Logging Out
On the right side of the black border at the top of your screen you will see your Username and the words My Account
and Log Out in blue. Click on Log Out to exit Expert TA.
Figure 43: Log-Out
Table of Contents
Expert TA: Student Registration Instructions
Getting Started: Visit Expert TA’s registration page
You will be taken to the initial registration page, shown in Figure 44 below.
Step 1: Enter your Class Code.
Figure 44: Initial Registration Page
Your class code will be provided by your instructor.
- Choose 2 Part or 3 Part Code
- Enter the alpha numeric characters into their
respective boxes separated by the “ -“
- Be careful not to include the “-“ or leave any
spaces in the boxes
- Click Continue.
Step 2: Enter your email.
Your email will serve as your user name. You will be taken to a page similar to what you see in Figure 45 below. At the
top you will see the information about your class. You will be asked to enter your email address. This will serve as your
user name. Please remember which email address you use. Some schools assign more than one email to students.
You will only be able to log into Expert TA with the exact email you register with. Confirm your email address and click
the Continue button.
Figure 45: Enter your Email Address
Table of Contents
Step 3: Choose a password.
After entering a User ID (your email address), you will be taken to a page similar to Figure 46 and asked to enter a
password. Your password must be at least 7 characters and we recommend including a mixture of upper and lower case
letters, numbers, and at least one special character (ex: #, !, etc…). Click Continue.
Figure 46: Create a Password
Figure 47: Enter Personal Information
Step 4: Enter Your Name (and Student ID). Your
first and last names are always required fields. Your
school/instructor may or may not require you to enter your
Student ID. If this is required please take care while entering
your student ID number as your instructor needs this to keep
grades organized across sections. The student ID required here
is the one assigned by your school. Choose the Section from the
drop down menu.
The Student ID field may not be part of your registration
process. If you see this field, it will be required. This is the
student’s personal Student ID assigned by the college
Read the Terms of Service Agreement and check the box. By
checking the box you are saying that you have read the Terms of
Service Agreement and you accept and agree to them. When
you are finished, click the Continue button.
Registration is Complete and you are almost done!
Table of Contents
Step 5: Check-out.
You will see the screen shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48: Landing page with Check out
In the class roster, the student will have a status for payment
as “Complete paid $0”. After the trial period the student will
be prompted again with the payment screen.
- You will not be able to do
homework until you complete the
payment process.
- You will need to click on the check
box to confirm your purchase. After you
have clicked the check box, you will
choose your method of payment, as
shown in Figure 48. If you purchased an
access code from the bookstore, click
“Access Code”. Then, continue on to Step
6a below. If you do not purchase an
access code from the bookstore, and you
are using a credit card, click “Credit Card”.
Then, continue on to Step 6b below.
Step 6: Payment
Figure 49: Access Code
A) Payment with Access Code
- Enter in the Access Code at the bottom of
the card you purchased. There are 16 numbers
total, 4 in each box as shown in Figure 49.
- Click “Submit” to begin using Expert TA. If
a message appears stating “You have entered an
invalid access code”, try entering the code in
again. If you are still having trouble, contact
Table of Contents
B) Payment with a Credit Card
- After clicking “Credit Card” you will be redirected from our site to
- is an industry leader in secure payments and used by tens of thousands of companies.
- Enter your credit card information. (Note: Depending on your subscription, your price may be different from
what is shown in Figure 50.)
- Note: Pay careful attention when entering the address information. This information MUST match the billing
information on the card (this is normally your house; not your dorm address). If the zip code entered here
doesn’t match, the transaction will not process. This is a security measure that helps to keep people from using
your card if it is stolen.
Figure 50: Credit Card
For your security Expert TA
never takes your credit
card information and does
not handle the transaction.
Notice we have redirected
you to, a
trusted industry provider.
Make sure you use the address
and zip code associated with
your credit card. This is
normally your permanent
address, not your dorm.
Step 7: You can now begin using Expert TA.
You will be directed to the Class Management screen, and you will be ready to complete assignments and will have
access to Expert TA’s Tutorials.
Table of Contents