DO I NEED A PERMIT FOR A GENERATOR? Permits for Permanently Installed Power Generators A permit is required for all permanently installed generators. While a permit is not required for a portable generator, only one generator, either portable or permanently installed, is allowed per residential lot. HOW DO I GET STARTED? The following items are required at the time of application: Information on Regulations Associated with Power Generators and Submittal Requirements to Obtain a Building Permit A completed permit application. The application must note the size of the generator in terms of KW’s and cubic feet. A detailed site plan which indicates property lines, drawn to scale. The site plan shall note the location of the proposed generator as well as the required screening and landscaping. The site plan also needs to show the location of the transfer switch. Information will also be required for the size and material of the gas line used to provide gas to the generator. If a contractor is doing the work, the contractor must have a valid City of Leawood license and Johnson County Contractor license. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Both portable and permanently installed generators are permitted to be used only for emergency use during periods of power outages. Permanently installed generators are permitted to be turned on for testing and maintenance once a week for a maximum period of twenty (20) minutes. This testing is permitted to take place between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm, Monday through Saturday. Permanently installed generators must be fueled by either natural gas or propane. Permanently installed generators must be installed in the rear yard such that the generator is located in the yard space defined by the outside corners of the house. The generator cannot be located within any setback requirement and must be no more than five (5) feet from the primary structure, unless otherwise required by the manufacturer. The noise from any generator cannot exceed 60 decibels as measured at the property line. If the noise is greater than 60 decibels, noise mitigation will be required. SCREENING REQUIREMENTS Screening must be provided for all permanently installed generators. Screening may be a fence or wall with approved materials. Screening in the form of a wall must be constructed of materials compatible with the materials on the primary structure. Screening in the form of a fence or wall is limited to a maximum of four (4) feet in height. The Codes Administration Division strives to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Leawood through education, accurate plan reviews and inspections, reasonable code interpretations, and timely responses to permit issuance, inspections, and inquiries. Screening must be within three (3) to five (5) feet of the generator, unless provided otherwise in the generator manufacturer’s specifications. screening and design subject to approval by the Governing Body. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Instead of a fence or wall, screening may be provided with evergreen plantings that will substantially shield the generator from the view of neighboring properties. The plan relating to location, screening and landscaping is subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development or the Governing Body – see Size of Generators below. APPROVED SCREENING MATERIALS Allowed fencing materials shall be limited to cedar, redwood, ACQ treated wood, wrought iron, aluminum designed to have the appearance of wrought iron, chain link, PVC coated chain link or vinyl to have the appearance of wood. PROHIBITED SCREENING MATERIALS Electric and barbed wire fences are prohibited. Construction fencing is also prohibited. SIZE OF GENERATORS The electrical work associated with the transfer switch is subject to a rough-in inspection. Any gas line extension requires an air test and a visual inspection. In addition, a final inspection is required upon the completion of the generator installation, including all required screening. A decibel reading will be taken at the final inspection to verify the maximum level of 60 decibels at the property line. PORTABLE GENERATORS FOR MORE INFORMATION City of Leawood Codes Administration Division Community Development 4800 Town Center Dr Leawood, Kansas 66211 (913) 663-9165/(FAX) (913) 339-6736 Portable generators must be removed from the exterior of the residential dwelling within 48 hours of power being restored following the power outage or emergency for which it was being used. Portable generators may be powered with natural gas, propane, or gasoline. The noise from the portable generator cannot exceed 60 decibels as measured at the property line of the residential dwelling it serves. If the noise is greater than 60 decibels, noise mitigation will be required. Permanently installed generators for residential dwellings equal to or smaller than 20 KW or 48 cubic feet shall be required to be reviewed as part of a final landscape plan relating to location, screening and design subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. Permanently installed generators for residential dwellings larger than 20 KW or 48 cubic feet shall be required to be reviewed as part of a final landscape plan relating to location, The Codes Administration Division strives to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Leawood through education, accurate plan reviews and inspections, reasonable code interpretations, and timely responses to permit issuance, inspections, and inquiries.