Fun Homework Activities - Cumbernauld Primary School

Fun Homework Activities
Intelligences: Seven
ways to be smart
I enjoy reading,
writing and
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six thinking levels
LEVEL OF CHALLENGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Write an A to Z
using key words
from your book
2. Summarise why we
should support Fair
Trade products
3. Write a radio advert
advertising your book
4. Investigate the
patterns in the
multiplication tables
5. Write a letter to your
local shop persuading
them to sell Fair Trade
6. Rate your method of
I enjoy working with
numbers and
7. List as many times
table facts as you
8. Play buzz with
9. Create a timetable
of activities for a Fair
Trade Fair
10. Play 20 questions
relating to your book
11. Work with someone
to create some division
worded problems.
I enjoy painting,
drawing and
13. Draw as many
Fair Trade products
as you can
14. Create a visual
representation of
fractions you know
15. Draw a portrait of
a character in your
17. Create a new front
cover for your book
I enjoy doing handson activities.
19. Act out a scene
from your book
20. Play stand apart –
state a length and in
pairs stand that
distance apart. Check
your estimate
21. Role play a farmer
who is now being paid
fairly for his/her
16. Investigate logos
for products. Use what
you have learned to
create a logo for Fair
Trade orange juice
22. Create a model of
a setting from your
12. Taste test some Fair
Trade products. Give
them a percentage
18. Discuss the best
way of creating a
model of a character
in your book
23. Produce a banner
showing you live in a
Fair Trade household
24. Evaluate your
performance of a
scene from your book.
I enjoy making and
listening to music.
25. Create a song
or rhyme showing
your knowledge of
31. Summarise your
book so far for
26. Choose a sound to
represent 5 Fair Trade
products and explain
27. Create a rhythm or
rhyme to remember
your multiplication
33. Share your ideas
and opinions about
your book
28. Ask someone to
read a a section of
your book. Create
sound effects
34. Discuss strategies
for remembering times
tables with someone
29. Use household
items to create a Fair
Trade jingle
30. Evaluate how well
you can estimate
length, weight and
36. Discuss/argue with
someone the
advantages of
supporting Fair Trade.
37. Write an
acrostic poem
about Fair Trade
38. Estimate the
volume of household
containers. Check your
39. Create a helpful
hints booklet to
remember times tables
40. Compare the Fair
Trade logo with other
well known logos
41. Predict what will
happen to the
characters in your
book after the story
I enjoy working with
I enjoy working by
32. Share some ideas
you have to promote
Fair Trade in the
35. Design a game to
test multiplication facts
42. Evaluate the
personalities of the
characters in your
book. Which character
are you most like?
Fun Spelling Activities
Multiple Intelligences:
Seven ways to be
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six thinking levels
LEVEL OF CHALLENGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I enjoy reading, writing
and speaking.
1. Write out your list of
words in your neatest
handwriting, then say
them out loud.
2. Write a paragraph for
each word that explains it’s
meaning in your own
3. Write an advert which
includes your words.
4. Investigate and record
the origins of your words if
you can!
I enjoy working with
numbers and science.
7. Find and record a
spelling rule that fits
some of your words.
8. Put your words to a
number code e.g. A = 1, B
= 2 etc. Then write them in
code for someone else.
10. Arrange your words in
alphabetical order.
I enjoy painting,
drawing and visualising.
13. Make an
inspiration chart with
your words and with
I enjoy doing hands-on
19. Play charades with
your words.
I enjoy making and
listening to music.
25. Chant your words
to a nursery rhyme
31. Sit back to back
with someone and ask
them to test you on
your words.
14. Write your words in
different fonts on the
computer and colour into
word families e.g. ‘ch’
20. Use sign language to
spell your words.
26. Underline your words in
poems and songs or out of
an article in a newspaper.
32. Play hangman with
someone. You could play
online at
38. Write a paragraph
missing out spelling words
and see if someone can
complete it.
9. Do a survey and
graph how many
people in your family
can, or cannot spell
your words.
15. Illustrate each of
your words with a
I enjoy working with
I enjoy working by
37. List spelling
activities you enjoy
most and ones you do
not enjoy.
5. Create limericks using
your words. Go to this
site if you can to see
some examples.
11. Devise and record
your own ways to
remember how to spell
your words.
6. Choose five of your spelling
words and explain why you
chose them.
16. Write or print out your
words, cut it into parts that
help you learn them and
stick them onto a piece of
22. Type your words onto
the computer and break
up into syllables.
17. Write out your words
in pencil and colour in
the vowels or the
18. Assess which activity has
helped you most to learn
your words and why.
23. Create a puppet
play which uses all of
your words.
27. Write a list of words
which rhyme with your
spelling words.
33. Brainstorm as many
words as you can which
belong to the same
word family,
28. Write your words to
music notation.
29. Compose a jingle
using your words.
34. Survey the class to find
out the way they learn
their words best.
35. Create a new
spelling activity to help
others learn new words.
24. Interview others to find
out which of these activities
they found most helpful and
put into a graph.
30. Judge the jingles of others
and be able to justify your
36. Play some games other
children have created and
make a list of positive and
constructive comments.
39. Use these words to
write silly sentences.
40. Put your words on a
scale of difficulty to spell
from 0℅ to 100℅
41. Map out a plan of
how you are going to
improve your spelling.
21. Put your words to a
rap and write out the
rap in your jotter.
12. Graph your spelling results
from last week.
42. Create a SWOT analysis of
your spelling (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities
and threats).
Primary 5 Homework Activities
(4 Week Cycle)
Core Activity
Write as many examples of each type of your phoneme i.e. ‘sh’ – shoe, ‘ti’ –
motion, ‘ch’ – machine.
PLUS one fun spelling activity
PLUS two fun homework activities
Mark your examples from last week using your diacritical marking code. Write down
the number of sounds in each word. Remember, diacritical marking can only be
used on words that you can sound out phonetically.
PLUS one fun spelling activity
PLUS two fun homework activities
Look at each of your common words. Select a strategy to use and use this strategy
on your words.
PLUS one fun spelling activity
PLUS two fun homework activities
Use your spelling words to write a story, including as many of your words as you
PLUS one fun spelling activity
PLUS two fun homework activities
Primary 5 Homework Activities
Welcome to Primary 5’s new homework grid! We hope that this will allow your child to learn in a fun and challenging
Spelling Homework
The spelling homework reflects the four week cycle we use in class. We learn our new phoneme (sound – e.g. ‘sh’) in
Weeks 1 and 2 and our Common Words in Weeks 3 and 4. The cycle is then repeated with new phonemes and
common words.
Each week the core spelling task should be completed. Children complete similar tasks in class and will be familiar with
them. As well as core spelling at least one fun task should also be chosen and completed from the ‘Fun Spelling
Activities’ grid. Please ask your child to highlight and date each task box when it is completed.
After completing the 4 weeks of core spelling your child should return to Week 1 and repeat the cycle with new
phonemes and common words.
Fun Homework
The ‘Fun Homework Activities’ grid contains a variety of activities to suit all children. Each week at least two tasks from
this grid should be completed. Again please ask your child to highlight and date each task box when completed.
Reading Homework
Each week your child will be informed of the pages to prepare for the next week.
As always please sign your child’s jotter underneath any homework completed in it. Due to the nature of the grids not all
homework will be recorded in their jotter.
Thank you for your continuing support.