Date of Application Month Day PROGRAM Year please select one PERSONAL DETAILS First Name Middle Name Gender Civil Status --- --- Nationality Last Name Nickname Citizenship Birthdate Month Age Day Year Address City / State / Province Telephone (Country Code + Area Code + Number) Country Postal Code Mobile (Country Code + Area Code + Number) EDUCATIONAL HISTORY Bachelor’s Degree Name of University / College E-Mail Address Address Name of the Degree and Specialization Date Graduated Month Master’s / Doctorate Degree Name of University / College Honors / Awards Received Year Address Name of the Degree and Specialization Date Graduated Month Honors / Awards Received Year PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Note: If not employed, provide a separate sheet for previous employment/s. Present Employer / Company (if self-employed please indicate the name of the business) Department / Division Position Date of Employment Month Year Total Years & Months of Work Experience Years Months Years & months in Managerial Level Brief Description of Job Responsibilities Company Information Address City / State / Province Country Postal Code Telephone (Country Code + Area Code + Number) Mobile (Country Code + Area Code + Number) E-Mail Address Industry Products / Services Sector --FINANCIAL SUPPORT Self-Financed Company Sponsorship Loans BPI-AIM Loan (applicable to Filipinos only) Others (please Specify) ________________________________________________ Years Months PERSON TO CONTACT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY First Name Middle Name Last Name Relationship Address City / State / Province Country Telephone (Country Code + Area Code + Number) HOUSING AIM Dormitory Mobile (Country Code + Area Code + Number) E-Mail Address Off-Campus SOURCE OF INFORMATION ABOUT AIM Alumni Friends Advertisements Company What is your objective in attending this program? Postal Code Letter from AIM AIM Brochure For continuing education Networking Career enhancement / improvement AIM Webpage Other (please specify) _________________ To know the current industry trends Others (please specify) _________________________ ESSAY Instructions: Please answer the essay questions appropriate to your program. Each question must be answered in essay form, typed single-spaced, on separate letter-sized paper, with one-inch margin on all sides. Type your name at the top of each page. MASTER IN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 1. What is your career objective for the next (10) years? 2. What benefits do you expect from your participation in the MDM program? 3. What are your strengths? What ideas could you improve on? 4. What was your most significant involvement in community activities? Specify its duration and mention awards received, if any. 5. Discuss any matter other than those already mentioned that you believe will strengthen your application for admission. EVENING EXECUTIVE MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION / EXECUTIVE MBA IN MARITIME MANAGEMENT 1. Describe your greatest accomplishments and awards to date. 2. Briefly describe your firm's principal activities, your organizational unit's role in it and your current responsibilities. 3. How do you see your future work and career? 4. Explain how the program can contribute to your future work and career. 5. Specify, in order of importance, the areas that you think you need to develop most to enable you to assume higher managerial positions in your company. EXECUTIVE MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1. Describe your greatest accomplishments and awards to date. 2. Briefly describe your business’ principal activities and your current responsibilities. 3. How do you see your future business? 4. Explain how the program can contribute to your future business. 5. What alternative opportunities is your business looking at? DECLARATION By submitting this form you hereby agree to comply with the rules on admission and enrollment of AIM; to notify the Admissions Board of AIM if there is any change in the information you have given in this application; and you understand that documents submitted in support of this application shall become property of AIM; that AIM may change or revoke any decision if the information supplied is incorrect. Finally, you declare that the information in this application form is true and correct.