Lab Safety *read before coming to lab

Lab Safety
*read before coming to lab*
Before coming to lab:
When dressing for lab you should keep in mind:
Feet, legs, and torso should be covered
Long hair should be pulled back
Clothing should be comfortable, but not so baggy that it will drop into dissecting trays and specimens
In the lab:
Personal protective gear that will be provided in lab:
Latex gloves, let your on-site instructor know if you are allergic to latex
Aprons or other torso and lap cover
You may bring your own protective gear and/or any that you would like to use that is not provided
During dissection:
Pay close attention to what you are doing
Limit distractions, cell phones should be put away except for emergencies
Remember blades are sharp, be mindful of where the blade is at all times and keep it a safe distance from
others, don’t carry it around, and make sure both lab partners know where it is at all times
Be respectful of the feelings of those around you; don’t joke with or about the specimens for dissection
Listen to the instructor and follow instructions!!!
Keep food and beverages, purses, and coats away from the dissecting area
If anything is spilled, let everyone around you including the on-site instructor know, and clean it up ASAP.
Spills can lead to injuries.
What to do if preservative is spilled on skin, eye, or ingested:
The specimens are preserved in chemicals which may include formaldehyde and methanol.
If you get them on your skin wash the area with soap and water.
If you get them in your eye, flush your eye with running water for several minutes.
Two kinds of preservatives may be used: formalin which contains formaldehyde and methanol, and carosafe which does not contain formaldehyde and methanol. If you ingest formalin call poison control
immediately and induce vomiting. If you ingest caro-safe drink plenty of water and call poison control,
but DO NOT induce vomiting. The instructor will let you know which preservative was used for each
If irritation continues after any exposure you should see a doctor.
Alert the on-site instructor of any accidents.
In the event of an emergency, call 911.
Most accidents occur because of carelessness. The best way to prevent them is to be mindful of what you are
doing and what is going on around you.
Emergency numbers:
Poison control : 1.800.222.1222
Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center
After you have carefully read the following safety rules, initial each statement and sign your name.
1. I have received and read the “Lab Safety Handout” with instructions for first aid and emergency contact
numbers. _____
2. I will think about what I am doing at all times. I will know the hazards before I begin an experiment and be
prepared for the unexpected. I will not only think of my own safety but that of others working around me. ____
3. I will wear safety glasses, safety goggles or prescription safety glasses when conducting dissection lab work. ____
4. I will wear a plastic laboratory apron or lab coat to help protect my body and/or clothing from chemical spills.
I will not wear floppy, loose clothing such as neckties or scarves. I will wear close toed shoes and no sandals or flip
flops. I will wear gloves when handling corrosive, irritant chemicals or specimens. ____
5. I will report at once any accident or spills however minor, to the MESA instructor/AHEC staff. ____
6. I will not conduct any unauthorized experiments/dissections in the lab. I will only do the lab dissections specified
by the instructor. ____
7. I will know the location of the restroom or nearest eye wash station and first aid kit. ____
8. I will not aim the opening of a test tube or flask in which a reaction is taking place at myself or anyone
else. I will never point a sharp instrument at others and will use caution when using instruments at all times. ____
9. I will not leave my station unattended unless I ask permission to leave the room (i.e. to use the restroom or make an
emergency phone call.) ____
10. I will be very cautious when handling specimens and the chemicals that they are transported in by not splashing
chemicals on myself or the floor etc… ____
11. I will never put anything in my mouth while working in the laboratory. I will not eat, drink, or smoke in the lab.____
12. I will not rub my eyes unless I am absolutely certain that there are no chemicals on my hands. ____
13. I will wear my hair in a pony tail, back out of my face if I have long hair since long hair is a serious fire hazard. ____
14. I will never throw paper, glass, or any other solid into the troughs or sinks on the laboratory benches. ____
15. I will place my cell phone on silent or vibrate while in the dissection lab. ____
16. I will never take any chemicals or organs out from the laboratory unless instructed to do so. ____
17. I will clean up my work station, including dissection trays, dissection instruments, and dispose of the organs as
directed by the MESA instructor. ____
I have read and understood these laboratory safety rules in their entirety and have retained a copy for my
reference. I will adhere to them at all times while I am in the laboratory or participating in MAHEC sponsored
M.E.S.A. workshops or lab procedures.
Print your name :______________________________
Date: _________________________
Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center
Parent Consent Form
Medical Explorations in Science & Anatomy (MESA Anatomy Dissection)
I, ____________________________ (Parent/Guardian) of ______________________ (student) hereby consent
that my child may participate in Medical Explorations in Science & Health (MESA Anatomy Dissection) on October
20, 2015. My child and I have both read and understand the MESA Laboratory Safety Rules and my child will bring
an initialed copy of these Rules to the activity.
I do hereby release the Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center (NEMO AHEC) and its’ staff; all MESA
Anatomy Dissection staff, the event host facilities (A.T. Still University); and any other acting under NEMO AHEC’s
permission or authority from any responsibilities of injury or accident as a result of Anatomy Dissection activities. I
understand that any payment for treatment of injury or accident as a result of Anatomy Dissection activities is my
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________Date____________
I authorize the Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center (NEMO AHEC) and those acting under its
permission or authority, to use and publish any (for lawful purpose whatsoever) video pictures/photographs of me
in which may be included in whole, or in part, or any words I have spoken about Anatomy Dissection activities.
I waive my right that I may have to approve the finished product or copy or use to which it may be applied. I
release and discharge NEMO AHEC and those acting under its permission or authority, from any liability for the use
of any picture of me, or of any words I have spoken about the Anatomy Dissection program and its workers.
I have read the release before signing it, and am fully familiar with the contents thereof.
Student Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________ Date_____________