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Bay-2 Quote: The web-based solution for electronics
manufacturer – efficient and quick
The worldwide electronics market has been growing for many years and will also continue to grow at twodigit growth rates per annum in future. It is particular remarkable hereby that not only in the electronics industry itself, but also in further industries such as e.g. automotive, medical technology, automation technology, energy technology, machine tool construction the share of electronics solutions and products is increasing constantly.
Therefore, the answer to the question, with which
measures companies can distinguish themselves
from the competition in the growing electronics
business, is becoming more and more important.
An essential competitive edge lies increasingly in
a consistent integration of all business processes
which are optimised to meet the requirements of
the customers, based on automated flows without
media disruption, with the aim among others to
quickly receive high-quality calculations of electronic assembly groups of an informative value in
order to create, among others, offers, benchmarks, layouts.
Against this background the inherently consistent
IT industry solution Bay-2 was developed for the
electronics sector in Bay- Soft GmbH with a team of
experienced developers from the electronics field.
The industry-specific key areas such as development, procurement, production and sales are serviced by Bay-2 to an optimum extent.
the component parts are converted into a standard
structure and description. With the help of the BOM
converter, the so-called “Golden BOM” is prepared
for the user automatically with a standardised structure and standard description with the access to databases filled with reference data relating to all occurring alternative forms of designation with regard to,
among others, manufacturers, distributors, component part descriptions or forms. This “Golden BOM”
is the basis for all other automated flows with regard
to the calculation, thus among others for the search
for identical and similar parts of component parts
through the technology database or for the webbased search for new component parts.
The special highlight in this lean-based solution is the
module Bay-2 Quote for the calculation of electronic
assembly groups. This module can be linked as a
single module with all customary ERP systems, such
as SAP, Infor, Baan, proalpha, abbas, etc. via an
SQL database. Therefore, a supplementary use of
this premium software is possible in electronics companies or in electronics Business-Units of companies
or groups of all industries without a great deal of Bay-2 Quote WEB-Gate, for the orientational offer
work and with at the same time high use effects.
Using Internet search engines, Bay-2 WEB Gate
screens purchase prices and availability of compoThis module includes the following innovative unique
nents at different online distributors. The results are
selling propositions, which allows the use (among
converted into a standard format, checked, and withothers purchasing department, purchase controlling,
in minutes automatically made available to the Bay-2
development) to create high-quality calculations of
Quote for calculation.
electronics solutions within the shortest period of
Advantages of WEB Gate are:
BOM converter, “Golden BOM“
For an automatic processing of the BOMs based on
Excel it is important that the manifold structures and
contents incl. the most varied forms of description of
Rapid Pricing: Prices from online distributors
are available within minutes
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Availability check: Availability and delivery
time of the components are checked at the
individual distributors
Across distributors: Prices and availability of
well-known distributors are taken into consideration
Saving of working time: No manual effort for
price inquiries and availability checks
Both the own, as well as the group Line-Card are
available for the calculation unit so that the individual
procurement environment can also be taken into
The available warehouse stocks per location are
imported via an interface and assessed at the cost
price. These data are used for the price determination and the calculation of the delivery capability.
Bay-2 Quote PartFinder
Group supplier, customer and enquiries can be managed so that quantity effects and group prices can be
Bay-2 Quote PartFinder is an additional module for
used. Moreover, group annual price enquiries can be
the Bay-2 Quote WEB-Gate. The PartFinder remade at all times.
searches with incomplete manufacturer article numbers and technical features with the help of Internet
Experiences of users show that reductions in work of
search engines at distributors and manufactures for
up to 70% and thus associated reductions in the
identical and similar component parts.
response time of up to 50% are achieved with the
use of the system Bay-2 Quote with the preparation
The results such as, among others, technical feaof BOMs, component part researches, price enquirtures, EOL, RoHs, lead-free, packaging, datasheet
ies, calculations as well as with the creation, among
are converted into a standard format and stored in
others, of offers and benchmarks.
the technology database. Prices and availability for
these component parts are determined as a suppleFor example, a first feedback in the form of reference
ment with Bay-2 Quote WEB-Gate.
or orientation prices could be given in various application cases within one day already. Therefore this
Among others the following benefits with the use of
also means that more time is available to the stratethe module Bay-2 Quote PartFinder are derived from
gic purchasing, the purchase controlling or the dethis:
velopment for assessing alternative solutions or for
low amount of manual work for identical and
the optimisation of the price structure.
similar part search in the Internet
fast examination of EOL of the components
To summarise it is to be noted that the differentiation
(insofar as available in the Internet)
feature a short response time, with at the same time
provision of links to datasheets and photos of
high-quality information with regard to calculations of
the building forms
electronic assembly groups will be a competitive
automatic provision of technical features for
edge which is becoming more and more important in
a manufacturer article numbers
the growing electronic business for obtaining orders.
maintenance of the technology database with
With the system Bay-2 Quote this competitive edge
high system support
can be used to an optimum extent and be further
expanded quickly.
Therefore, an elegant tool is available to the developer as well as technician for his activity, with which
he can develop alternative solution concepts with
information regarding costs and availability quickly
and efficiently.
Bay-2 Quote Group Corporation
With Bay-2 Quote Corporation, several calculation
units (sites) can access a common database (technology database, pricing database).
On the one hand, this reduces the expenditure for
the acquisition and administration of data considerably, and on the other hand it leads to better purchase
prices. The master data, such as supplier number
and customer number, are provided with a prefix so
that the individual calculation units can maintain their
numbering system.
Dr. Bodo Dahl
Bay-Soft GmbH
Sales Department Salzburg
and Key Account
Helmut Krautwurm
Bay-Soft GmbH
Managing Director
Headquarters Obernzell
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