scs DUALSTAGE MODEL?7O2 CENTRALAIR CONDITIONER FORRECREATIONALVEHICLES EVAPORATORCOIL. 17-112" X 31'X 2.1/8"WITH 1/2" DIAMETERTUBES. L A R G E F A C E A R E A A N D W I D E F I N S P A C I N G M I N I M I Z EA I R F L O W RESTRICTION. C o N D E N S E RC O | L -1 8 - X 3 2 ' , X 2 - 5 1 8 " . 3 / 8 " D I A M E T E RT U B E SA R E ' R I F L E D "I N T E R . N A L L YT O I N C R E A S ER E F R I G E R A N T TURBULENCEAND RESULTINGHEAT T R A N S F E RF. I N SA R E " L O U V E R E D ' T O F U R T H E RE N H A N C EP E R F O R M A N C E . EVAPORATOR BLOWER.12.518ALUMINUMWHEEL DIAMETER W I T H A 1 / 3 H . P . , 1 0 7 5 R . P . M .M O T O R .P R O D U C E SE X C E P . HAVING HIGH TIONALAIRVOLUMEIN DUCTEDAPPLICATIONS STATICRESTRICTIONS. W I R I N G B O X . A L L C A P A C I T O R SA N D S T A R T ASSISTSARE EASILYACCESSIBLEFOR SERVICE. R O T A R Y C O M P R E S S O R S. P R O V I D E S M O O T HT, R O U B L EF R E EP E R F O R M A N C E . C O N D E N S E RF A N . 1 6 DIAMETERBLADEWITH A 1 / 4 H . P . ,1 6 2 5R . P . M . M O T O R .P R O V I D E S E F F I C I E N TC O N D E N S E R C O O L I N GW I T H M I N I M U M POWER CONSUMPTION. VALVESTHERMOSTATIC EXPANSION M E T E R R E F R I G E R A N TF L O W I N R E . S P O N S E T O C H A N G I N GC O O L I N G LOADS.CONSTANTLYMAINTAINOPTIMUMCOILCAPACITYWHILEPROTECT. I N GT H EC O M P R E S S O RASG A I N S T LIQ. U I D S L U G G I N G .F E A T U R E" R A P I D BLEED'PORTSTO OUICKLYEQUALIZE H I G HA N D L O W P R E S . COMPRESSOR SURESAFTERSHUTDOWN. C A B I N E T . 2 0 G A U G EG A L . VANIZEDSTEELTHROUGHOUT. PRINTEDWIRINGBOARD. ALL RELAYSAND I N T E R C O N N E C T I NCGI R C U I T R YA R E INTEGRATEDIN ONE EASILYREPLACED A S S E M B L YN . O M A Z EO F W I R E SO R D I A G R A M SA R E N E C E S . COMPLICATED SARY. A B S D R A I NP A N .W I L LN O T R U S TO R C O R R O D E . t Model2702eliminatesthe RVAC'spatented problems noise,appearance, andwaterdrain associatedwith rootmounted airconditioning is designedto mounlbelowfloorlevelwiththe units'condenser coiltacinglhe outerskinotthevehicle.Theunitis equippedwith twocompressors whichareconnectedto dualcircuitedheatexchangers. Thecompressors are powersdby separateI 15 Volt,20 Amp electricalinguts. Whenussdwiththe oplionalthermostatPartNo.63002,the unitwilloperatein dualcompressor modeif bothinputsare powered.When th€vehicles'interiorcools to within2' of thedesiredthermostat setling,onecompressor willswitchottandthelanswilldropto lowspeed. The unitwillautomatically switchbackto dualcompressor andhighfan modeif a risein interiortemperature is detected. AVAIL A B LEI N T W O C O N F IG U R A T IO N S: PART NUMBER 12001- Designedfor open bay applicationsin whichthe unit is mountedbehindthe outer skin of the vehicleand the area surrounding the unit is not enclosed.Outdoor air is drawn in throughthe top, bottom,and sidesof the unitto cool the condensercoil.Hotair is dischargedout theside of the vehicle. PART NUMBER 12002-Designedfor enclosed bay applications. Outdoorair is drawn in through the outer skin of the vehicle and into the condenser.Hot air is exhaustedout the bottomof the unit throughan openingin the bay floor. J v -c::= ----)-=--: c:= BY: MA N U FACTURED SPECIFICCLIMATESYSTEMS,INC. 12OOW E S T R ISI NG ERRO AD - c:::=-l n a t t U.S. Patent5,307,645 rll v. l. FORTWORTH,TX 76134 P H ON E817- 293- 5313 FAX 817-293-8014 sGs RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SERVICEMANUAL TABLEOF CONTENTS Test CoolingPerformance 2-4 5 6-10 TroubleShooting SystemWiring ServiceParts UNITSPECIFICATIONS ModelNo. Nominalcapacity- BTUH type Compressor oil Compressor R-22 charge weight blowermotor Evaporator blowerwheel Evaporator blowerspeeds Evaporator Condenserfan motor Condenserfan fan speeds Condenser input Electrical size(Min.) Generator amps Nameplate Circuit#1 Circuit#2 Inputwiring(coppeQ 0-25' 25-40', (2 reqd.) Circuitprotection Fuseor HACRBreaker Unitweight Shippingweight 2702 27,000 ATMOSM60or equivalent 36 Oz. eachcompressor 1/3 HP, 1050/875RPM, PSC TYPe Dia.aluminum 12-518" 2 RPM, PSC Type 114HP, 162511250 16" Dia.,4 blade 115 VottsAC, 60 Hz, 1 Phase 5.0 KW 16.4 14.6 #12AWG #10AWG 20 Amp 192Lbs. 221 Lbs. scs RV CENTRALAIR CONDITIONER SEFIVICEMANUAL COOLINGPERFORMANCECHECK Beforeperformingan extensiveperformance diagnosis,be suresomeoftenoverlookedbasicsare checked: . Checkthe returnair filter . Checklor blockagein returnair ductor grille . Checkfor leakagein supplyductsystem . Checktor openwindowsand vents Next,checkthe voltageat the P.C.BoardCircuit#1 andCircuit#2 inpulconnectors. lf the voltageat eithercircuitis less than105whilethecompressors aretryingto stan,it is likelythatanycoolingproblemsarecausedbyan inadequate power source.Checkfor shorelinesthat areloo smallin gaugeor too longor otherpowersupplyproblems, 75 lf theinputpoweris adequate, theunitinletandoutlettemperaturesshouldbechecked andcompared withtheCooling PerformanceGraph.Keepin mindthat the graphwas developed basedon laboratoryconditionsof 95ooutdoorair with SO% relative humidity. changesintheseconditions cangreailyaffect the pedormance obtained. 70 t! o I G. 65 o60 E Tochecktemperatures, starttheunitandletit runfora minimum of fifteenminutesin highblowermode.Checkthe returnair temperature atthereturn airgrille. Checkthe discharge airatthe register nearest theunit.Thistemperature shouldroughly agree withtemperature shownon the graph. Anotherindicator of properperformance iscurrent consumption inAmps.Aftertheunithasbeenrunning fora minimum offifteen minutesin highblowermode,clampan ammeteraroundthe Circuit#1 blacksupplyleadandrecordtheAmpreading. Next, checkthe inputvoltsat the Circuit#1 connector. Correctthe measured valuesto standardAmpsusingthe formulashown and comparethe resultto the Circuit#1 Amp Drawgraph. Repeatthe aboveprocedure for circuit#2. .LRR vv' o 9, o50 45 60 65 85 90 15 @ o. 414 = o F13 o= L,n'o: P{1{ ) c t\J U' 212 o () AMP CO RRE CT I ON F OR M U L A : 70 75 80 RETURN A I R- ' F rrl ,{ II F STD. AMPS = MEASUREDAMPS X 115 MEASURED VOLTS As inthetemperature test,humidity canaffectunitperformance and resultingAmp draw.However,Amp valuessignificantly aboveorbelowthose showninthegraphcanindicate aninternal problem. SCS SPECIFICCLIMATESYSTEMS,INC. 12OOWEST RIS]NGERROAD FORT WORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313 ru 11 CE E () 10 80 85 90 100 95 - "F OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE MODEL 2702 COOLINGPERFORMANCE J u n e1 6 ,1 9 9 4 PAGE 1 sGs RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SERVICEMANUAL CHECKINGSYSTEMOPERATION Startingwiththe systemswitchin lhe OFFposition,the displaywill be blankand no partof eilherthecoolingor heating systemswill be operating. Thecoolingsystemfanoperatescontinuously. Movethesystemswitchto FAN.Thedisplayindicatesroomtemperature. No othercomponentsor syslemsare operating. AdjusttheCOOLSETsetpoint3to 5 degrees Movethesystemswitchto COOL,thedisplaywillindicateroomtemperature. Movethe aboveroomtemperatureand relurnlo aclual. Movethefanswitchto LOWON,thefanoperatesconlinuously. fanswitchto HIGHON,the fanwill remainon. Movethetanswitchto LOWAUTO,thefanwillstop. Movethefan switch and relurnto to HIGHAUTO,the tan will remainoff. Adjustthe COOLSETset point5 degreesbelowroomtemperature actual(lf the thermostathas beenpoweredfor morethan3 minutes,firststagecoolingandthe coolingfan willcomeon approximately 1 minutelater). ll the thermostathas nol been poweredlor morethan 3 minutes,firststagecoolingand the coolingfan will comeon 30 secondsafterfirst an)Mherefrom30 secondsto 3 minuteslater. (Secondstagecoolingwillcomeon approximately stage.)Withthe fan switchin HIGHAUTO,thefan willoperateat highspeedandcyclewithstage1 compressor.Move thefan switchto LOWAUTO,the fan willoperateat lowspeedandcyclewithstage1 compressor.Oncebothstagesof aboveroomtemperature coolingand bothfan speedshavebeenverified,adjustCOOLSETset pointto a temperature andreturnto aclual. After15to 30 seconds,bothfirststagecoolingandthe coolingfanwillcycleoff. Firststagecooling an not be restartedunlila 310 3 1/2 minutetimedelavhasoccurred. TROUBLESHOOTINGPROCEDUBE and coolingset lf an electricalproblemis suspected,notethe thermostatselectorswitchpositions,actualtemperature, (indoor) pointtemperature. appropriate speeds forthe evaporator refer logic Page 5 to determine the Then to the tableon Alsodeterminewhich compresso(s)should settingsobserved. blowerandlhe condenser(outdoor)tanforthethermostat control box. be in operation.Note:Compressor#1 is nearestthe electrical lf the motorsor compressorsdo not operateproperly,consultthe ElectricalTroubleShootingChartto determinethe probablecause. J u n e1 6 ,1 9 9 4 MODEL 2702 TROUBLESHOOTING SCS INC. CLIMATE SYSTEMS, SPECIFIC ROAD 12OO WESTRISINGER FORTWORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313 scs RV CENTRALAIR CONDITIONER SERVICEMANUAL THERMOSTAT P.C. BOARD C I R C U I T# 1 115 V A C IN P U T I I o llM -; I L___i | |tr.21 HE I PRESSTO VIEW ACTUAL TEMP. llLow i >voLrAGE z ) PrNS, E VAPHI PI NS AP LO PI NS COOL SET POINT, HEAT SET POINT dl_4_/h Flr-r.grt=l r--r_ | | ---'-- | SnrmnU-6 IN\ | = al SELECTOR SWITCHES rll l, 5t tl I ,---,--tr 4J. C O N DH I P I N S C ONDLO PI NS l . , . . . w l CTTtJ() o COMPONENTTESTPROCEDUFES llt\-.6 ctRcutT#2 115VACINPUT Caution: Be sure all electrical power is disconnected belore proceeding. COMPRESSOR: Removethe wirestromcompressor terminals"C",'S", and'R'. Usingan Ohmmeter,checkfor continuitybetweeneach ofthethreeterminals. Lackotcontinuity betweenanyoftheterminalsis anindication ofanopencircuitinthemotorwindings andlhe compressormustbe replaced. To determinewhetherthe windingsare shorled,scrapethe paintotf the compressorhousingand checktor continuity betweeneach of the threeterminalsand the metalhousing.lf continuityexistsbetweenany of the terminalsand lhe housing,the windingsare shortedandthe compressor mustbe replaced. C OM PB ESSOR SIABT ASS'ST Disconnect betweenitsh,voterminals.ll nocontinuityexists,lhestart lhe leadwiresandcheckthestartassistforcontinuity assistis defectiveand mustbe replaced. COM PRESSOR OVEBLOAD PBOTECTOR The overloadprotectorwill interupt powerto the compressorif over-heating occurs.To checkthe overloadprotector, disconnectit andcheckfor continuitybelweenitstwo leads.lf no continuityexists,the overloadis defectiveand mustbe replaced. EVAPORATOR AND CONDENSERMOTORS Disconnect the threewireplugfromthe P.C.Boardandthe brownleadsfromthecapacitor. Checkforcontinuitybetween eachofthe five leads.Lackof continuitybetweenanypairofleadsis an indicationof an opencircuitin the motorwindings and the motormustbe reolaced. To determinewhetherlhe windingsare shorted,checktor continuitybetweeneachot the tive leadsand an un-painted surfaceof the motorhousing.lf continuilyexistsbetweenanyof the leadsandthe housing,lhe windingsareshortedand the motormustbe replaced. J u n e1 6 , 1 9 9 4 SCS SPECIFICCLIMATESYSTEMS,INC. 12OOWEST RISINGERROAD FORT WORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313 MODEL2702 TROUBLESHOOTING PAGE 3 -12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? :+F tr o a a +12VDC AT LOWVOLTAGE PIN#5? o C) +12VOCAT THEHMO. STAT'Yl'? YES NO o z NO tr U) UJ o C) o z NO ks cc r- 11sVACAT P.C. BOARDCIRCUIT #1 INPUT? kq EJ o (t!r o. 11sVACAT P.C. BOAHDCIBCUIT #1 INPUT? REPAIRTHERMOSTAT GROUNOWIRE REPAIRBLACKWIRE BETWEENLOW VOLTAGE P I N# 3 A N D T H E R M . ' G H ' +12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'R'? -12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? +12VDCAT THERMO. STAT'Gt'? 11sVACOUTPUT AT P.C.BOARD .EVAP LO'PINS? @ REPLACETHERMOSTAT CHECK2 AMP FUSE AND WIRING SEE COMPONENT TEST PROCEDURES (cHECK COMP.#2) f I @ nepruneLuewrne l eerweeNTHERMo-| REPLACETHERMOSTAT CHECK2 AMP FUSE AND WIRING SEE COMPONENT TEST PROCEDUBES (EVAP.MOTOR) GA OI +12VDCAT THERMO. STAT'Y2'? 7z Uff z +12VDCAT THEBMOSTAT 'R'? tr TU 2= uro OJ t 15VACAT P.C. BOAROCIBCUIT #1 INPUT? PAGE 4 SEE COMPONENT TEST PROCEOURES (EVAP. MOTOR) CHECK2 AMP FUSE AND SEE COMPONENT TEST PROCEDURES (coND. MOTOR) REPLACEP.C. BOARD REPAIF THEBMOSTAT GROUNDWIRE REPAIRBLUEWIRE BETWEENTHERMO. S T A T ' B ' A N D P I N# 4 REPLACETHERMOSTAT +12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'R'? .12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? +|2VDCAT THERMOSTAT'Y1'? 11sVACOUTPUT AT P.C.BOARD .COND HI' PINS? .12VDC AT THEBMOSTAT 'B'? REPAIRINPUTWIRING +1ZVDC AT LOWVOLTAGE PIN#5? CHECK2 AMP FUSEAND WI REPAIRBLUEWIRE BETWEENTHERMO. S T A T ' B ' A N D P I N# 4 HEPAIR REDWIRE BETWEENLOWVOLTAGE P I N# 1A N DT H E R M . ' G L ' REPAIBORANGEWIRE BETWEENLOW VOLTAGE P I N# 6 A N D T H E R M . ' Y 2 ' o REPAIRBLUEWIRE BETWEENTHERMO. S T A T ' B ' A N D P I N# 4 .12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'B'? .12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? +12VDC AT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #6? trl A- o z NO 11sVACOUTPUT AT BOARD . E VP.C. AP HI'PINS? HEPAIRINPUTWIRING (r C)'lt YES .I1sVAC OUTPUT AT P.C.BOARD .COND LO'PINS? -12VDC AT THERMOSTAT 'B'? REPAIRYELLOW WIRE BETWEEN LOW VOLTAGE P I Nf 5 A N D T H E R M . ' Y 1 ' SEECOMPONENT TESTPROCEDUBES (coND.MOTOR) HEPLACEP.C. BOARD REPAIB THERMOSTAT GROUNDWIRE +12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'R'? ) BETWEENTHERMO. FIEPLACE P.C, BOARD FEPAIBTHERMOSTAT GBOUNDWIRE +12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'R'? +12VDCAT THERMO. STAT'GH'? +12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE P I N# 1 ? 9= 6a NO REPAIROBANGE WIBE .BETWEEN LOW VOLTAGE PIN #6 AND THERM.'Y2' REPAIFINPUTWIRING (r oc0 z NO REPAIRBLUEWIRE REPLACEP.C. BOARD O cc (L'uJ s3 d9 YES .12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? +12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #3? O- o(n z 11sVACOUTPUT YES AT P.C.BOAHD .COMP NO 2'PINS? REPAIRINPUTWIRING E. s= 69 NO I YES ..I2VDC AT YES THERMOSTAT 'B'? NO NO +12VDCAT THEHMO. STAT'Y2'? YES YES YES (r 1'tsVAC AT P.C. BOARDCIHCUIT #2INPUT? f REPAIRTHERMOSTAT GROUNDWIRE +12VDCAT THERMOSTAT 'R'? .12VDCAT LOW VOLTAGE PIN #4? +12VDC AT LOWVOLTAGE PIN#6? o a / NO REPAIRYELLOW WIRE .BETWEENLOW VOLTAGE PIN #5 AND THERM,'Y1' YES SEE COMPONENT TEST PROCEDURES (CHECKCOMP.#1) REPLACE P.C. BOARD YES REPAIRINPUTWIRING OJ :tF (L 1lsVACOUTPUT YES AT P,C. BOARD .CO MP 1 ' P I N S ? NO .12VDC AT THERMOSTAT 'B'? NO (r 11sVAC ATP.C. BOARDCIRCUIT #1INPUT? NO YES l'U (L YES REPAIR BLUEWIBE BETWEEN THERMG STAT'B'ANDPINf4 CHECK2 AMP FUSE AND MODEL 27A2 ELECTRICAL TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART WIRING DIAGRAM COMPRESSOR 1 12VDC C IR C U IT#1 P OW E R 1 20V A C ,60 H Z IN P U T OVERLOAD PROTECTOR oL1 .l . -l F t --r--- l- 63002 THERMOSTAT - 'WHT- - -BLK- - I r :f +- I GL (BLWRLO) GH (BLWRHt) INVERTEB r-r ll lr.rlffi ffil'-'lo r\vn\-/l B (-12VDC) R (+12VDC) I I f w (HEATTNG) [---il RL1 I lqLs i-----J =RL3| .l d [- 'atl Y 1 ( C O M P1 ) . - , , Y2 (COMP2) I CAPACITOR Effi COMPRESSOR 2 K OVERLOAD PROTECTOR oL2 =--- IRL6 I I _ EIB t-- OUTDOOR FAN l"*l A CAPACITOR lHl\ f | YEL , cl ) ] \-zO I L .9g11-L-'wHT-FACTORYWIRING r -l lF - E - - E - FIELDWIRING CIRCUIT#2 POWER 1 2 0 V A C 120VAC,60 HZ INPUT 1 2 V D C + 3 E 120VACrrrrr 1 2V D C LOGICTABLE SCHEMATIC 2 AMP FUSE CAPACITOR o 9 INDOORELWR INVERTERINPUT 120 VAC,60 HZ (SEE NOTE) :<F d =RL4 THERMOSTAT READING MORE THAN 2" ABOVE SET POINT THERMOSTATSEL- FAN AUTO ECTOR SWITCHES HI LO : GL & PIN #.I 0 PIN #2 0 :EE ls8 58p >Z 5 OUTDOOBFAN j- GH & PIN#3 + l2V EHg t:Ful B & P I N # 4 .12V FAN ON HI +12V 0 0 0 0 +12Y -'t2v .12V LO ATOR BELOW SET PO]NT 2'OR LESS ABOVE SET PO]NT FAN AUTO HI +12Y 0 FAN ON FAN AUTO FAN ON LO HI LO HI LO HI LO +12Y 0 +12\ 0 0 0 +12V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +12v 0 + 12 ! 0 0 0 112V 0 -12V - 1 2 V -12V -12V .'l2v -'t2v -'l2v -12V -12V g ) J F 002 > >;; ffi=E 702 FJO COMP2 R CONSULT RVAC MANUALNO. 95005 FOR CONNECTIONOF OPTIONALOTR SYSTEM dt ctRcun 12 120VAC,60HZ 0 0 LO LO 0 0 0 LO LO LO LO LO LO LO OFF OFF LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO OFF OFF OFF OFF COMP 1 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ai COMP2 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF oo EVAPBLWF H I = = oo CONO FAN HI LO HI LO LO LO COMP1 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON LU U' (r (E uJ rrJ YF 0 0 0 COND FAN =E cro HY :d ctBcutT rl 120 VAC,60 HZ 0 Y2 & PtN#6 + 1 2 V +12Y +12Y + 1 2 V 0 EVAPBLWF LO o rO in< = lr, -o x$ c oLl J't OTRCONNECTOR (sEENorE) NOTE: 0 Yl & PIN#5 +12Y +12V t12V +12Y +12Y + 1 2 V+ 1 2 V + 1 2 V 0 LO HI LO OFF OFF LO LO LO LO OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF LO LO LO LO (L (L ECC 60 ]OMP 2 ON OFF J u n e1 6 , 1 9 9 4 SPECIFIC CLIMATE SYSTEMS, INC. WESTRISINGER 12OO ROAD FORTWORTH,TX 76134 SYSTEM WIRING PAGE T c scs RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SEHVICEMANUAL CONTROLASSEMBLY S EE PA GE7 BASE ASSEMBLYWITH COILS SE E PA G E8 (1) 1 . 071-00350 covER,(LouvERED) (1) 071-00359 covER,(NoN-LOUVERED) 2. 071-00353 PANEL, LEFTS|DE(LOUVERED) (1) (1) 071-00360 PANEL,LEFTStDE,(NON-LOUVERED) (1) 3. 071-003s2 P A NEL ,C OR N E R ,L R P A N E L,C OR N E R R 4. 071-00351 , R 5. 071-00354 PANEL, SIDE,(LOUVERED) RTGHT (1) (1) (1) PANEL, RIGHTStDE,(NON-LOUVERED) 071-00361 (1) 6. 071-00355 PANEL, CORNER, RF (1) 7. 071-00403 covER, coNTRoL BOX November22,1995 MODEL 2702 SERVICEPABTS SCS SPECIFICCLIMATESYSTEMS,INC. WEST RISINGERROAD 12OO FORTWORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313 scs RV CENTRALAIR CONDITIONER SEFIVICEMANUAL NOTES: 1. CHECKCONDENSERMOTORNAMEPLATE: FASCOBRAND USE 5 MFD/370VAC G.E. BRAND USE 7.5 MFDISTO VAC 2. CHECK EVAPORATORMOTOR NAMEPLATE: FASCOBRAND USE 5 MFD/370VAC G.E. BRANDUSE 1OMFD/370VAC 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 071-00356 03s-00013 070-00332 SEENOTE1 031-00009 NPN SEENOTE2 070-00331 071-00358 058-00044 021-00038 025-00039 PANEL,CONTROLBOX CAPACITOR,COMPRESSORRUN C AP ST R AP ,C O MP R E SS O R CAPACITOR,CONDENSERMOTOR STARTASSIST BRACKET,STARTASSIST CAPACITOR,EVAPORATORMOTOR STRAP,MOTORCAP PLATE,CONTROLMOUNTING L A BE L ,GR O U N D SUPPORT,CIRCUITBOARD SCREW,#6 X 3/8 PPH (1) (2) (2) (1) (2\ (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (6) (4) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. . . . . . . . (2) GROUND 037-00039 COTJNECTOR, e) 025-00077 scREW,#10-24 BOARD CIRCUIT 035-00016 PRINTED 023-00023 NUT,KEPS 1 CIHCUIT 058-00042 LABEL, 2 058-00043 LABEL,CIRCUIT 036-00156 WIREASSY,THERMOSTAT 036-00155 WIREASSY,MAIN , 4G A Y E LX 4 038-00028 W I R E 1 , 4G A O R GX 4 038-00029 W I R E 1 038-00026 W I R E 1, 4G A B L KX 4 038-00027 W I R E 1 , 4G A R E DX 4 - NOTSHOWN SCS SPECIFIC CLIMATE SYSTEMS, INC. 12OO WESTRISINGER ROAD FORTWORTH,TX 76134 817/293,5313 November22,1995 MODEL2702 CONTROLASSEMBLY PAGE 7 scs RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SERVICEMANUAL CONDENSERFAN ASSEMBLY S E E P A GE1O EVAPORATOR BLOWEHASSEMBLY SEEPAGE9 052-00057TUBE,SUCTION, SIDEB 041-00063COIL,EVAPORATOR 052-00056TUBE,SUCTION, SIDEA 052-00054TUBE,DISCHARGE, SIDEA 052-00055TUBE,DISCHARGE, SIDEB 037-00041 COVER, TERMINAL 032-00082THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH 022-OOO78SPRING, OVERLOAD 045-00288 GASKET, TERMINAL COVER 023-00056 NUT,TERMINAL COVER 045-00287 GASKET,NUT 034-00051 VALVE,EXPANSION 060-00345 PAN,DRAIN (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) 13. 022-00103 14. 021-00028 15. 025-00078 16. 094-00028 17.022-00101 18. 052-00052 ' 052-00053 19. 023-00043 20. 026-00022 21.021-00061 22. 021-00039 23. 071-00349 24. 040-00043 CLAMP, TUBE,1II2 SPACER scREw, #10-24 COMPRESSOR CLAMP, TUBE,1/4 TUBE,LIQUlD, SIDEA TUBE,LIQUID, SIDEB NUT,NYLONINSERT FENDER WASHER, SPACER GROMMET, COMPRESSOR PAN,BASE COIL,CONDENSER - NOT SHOWN (4 (6 (4 (2 A 6 6 4 November22,1995 MODEL 2702 BASE ASSEMBLYWITHCO'LS scs INC. SPECIFIC CLIMATE SYSTEMS, 12OO WESTRISINGER ROAD FORTWORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313 scs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SEFVICEMANUAL 071-OO4O2 BLOWER HOUSING ASSEMBLY 062.00274WHEEL,BLOWER 062-00273RING,TNLET 021-OOO4O BUSHING, VIBRATION MOUNT 021-00028SPACER (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 070-00330 021-00041 026-00040 025-00078 083-00102 BLOWER MOUNT,EVAPORATOR RING,VIBRATION MOUNT WASHER, FENDER SCREW MOTOR,EVAPORATOR (1) (3) (3) (1) (1) November22,1995 SCS SPECIFICCLIMATESYSTEMS,INC. 12OOWEST RISINGERROAD FORT WORTH,TX 76134 8171293-5313 MODEL2702 EVAPORATOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY PAGE I scs RV CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER SERVICEMANUAL 7rrt"' * nore ArRFLow DtREcrtoN ANDMoro+ BEzERI,ING LEADI PUSHER(CCW) 1. 071-00357P A NE L ,C O N D E N S ERF AN (PU SH ER ) 071-00348PANEL,CONDENSERFAN (PULLER) 2. 062-00275 F A N,CO N D EN SE R 3. 062-00437MOTOR,CONDENSER 4. 021-00040B US HI N GV, IBR AT IONM O U N T 5. 021-00028SPACER PULLER(CW) FASCO BRAND FASCO BRAND G.E. BRAND G.E. BRAND (1) (1) (1) (1) (4) (4) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 070-00322 MOUNT, FAN CONDENSER 021-00041 RING,VIBRATION MOUNT 026-00040 WASHER, FENDER 025-00078 scREW,#10-24 021-00042 BUMPER (1) (4) (4) (4) (4) November22,1995 MODEL 2702 CONDEruSEF FANASSEMBLY SCS SPECIFICCLlMATESYSTEMS,INC. 12OO WEST RISINGERROAD FORT WORTH,TX 76134 817/293-5313