ECONOMICS OF UPGRADING SWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Nasser Hosseinzadeh1 and John Rattray2 1. Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Vic 3122, Australia 2. Central Queensland University, Australia Abstract- This paper reports on the various means by which Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) distribution systems may be upgraded, comparing the various limits that are associated with each method and the economic costs of its deployment. An existing overloaded SWER system, Mistake Creek North in Central Queensland - Australia, has been used as a concrete example. Conclusions are drawn about the appropriateness of each method and recommendations are made. Keywords: SWER; Single Wire Earth Return; Electrical Power Distribution Systems; Rural Electrification I. INTRODUCTION Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) distribution systems provide electricity to rural areas from the central network where it wouldn’t otherwise be economic- by using a combination of light-weight, high-tensile conductors and an isolating transformer so that the earth itself forms the return path. The choice of conductor minimises the number of poles required (about 50% of the number for normal aluminium conductors) and the single wire means no cross arms, narrower easements, and lighter poles. This provides a substantial saving over traditional single phase on longer lines that covers more than the additional cost of the transformer and the higher losses in the high tensile conductor [1]. SWER distribution systems have long been recognised as the most cost effective way of distributing electricity over long distances to sparsely populated areas. A good introduction to this technology can be found in [2]. The World Bank has been encouraging the expansion of simple systems for rural electrification to reduce the cost of the grid extension [3]. Although the utilisation of SWER initiated in New Zealand followed by Australia, other nations have used this technology for supplying their rural areas, too [4]. Within the Australian context, SWER networks are widely used with a total length estimated at over 190,000 km. The first SWER line in Queensland was built in 1959, and following a State government drive (the RESS program) to increase rural electrification, rapidly expanded in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Today, little new SWER is being built as coverage of the easily accessible rural areas is nearly complete; consequently the bulk of SWER lines are between 25 and 49 years old. After about 30 years of approximately 3% compound growth, many are now reaching or exceeding their original design limits. This growth is compounded by the recent wide spread deployment of affordable air conditioners and equipment such as faxes and computers, which are sensitive to poor quality supply. As the loads on these networks have increased, the problem of increased losses and voltage drop at high loads is now a common problem. On the other hand, at the off-peak times increased level of voltage due to line charging is observed. With the recent increased demand for high power electrical appliances, the increased load on SWER networks makes it difficult to maintain good voltage regulation without utilising methods to improve the network performance [5]. Traditional upgrades are expensive on a per customer basis often exceeding $25,000 per customer (in rural areas) or $10,000 per km. However, modern power electronics and control systems offer alternatives albeit at the cost of added complexity and points of network failure [6]. The total installed length of SWER within Ergon Energy Corporation in Queensland is approximately 64,000 km with 26,000 customers spread over 865 schemes, making up 5% of Ergon’s business by customer numbers and 9% by asset base. The average customer consumes approximately 9 MWh per annum which is about 20% more than the average urban customer consumption [7]. This paper reviews how various technologies can be used to effectively upgrade SWER lines as they reach the limits of their current capacity. In order to substantiate generalities, an actual SWER line was chosen against which to evaluate the various upgrade options. The study has concentrated on modelling Mistake Creek North SWER line, which is typical of many of the more heavily loaded lines within Ergon’s distribution area. The study has been conducted using the PSSSINCAL modelling tool produced by Siemens. II. MISTAKE CREEK NORTH SWER Mistake Creek is located near the small rural town of Clermont in Central Queensland. Built in 1987, it was originally designed for an After Diversity Maximum Demand (ADMD) of 200kVA. It has been upgraded over time to 400kVA by the addition of a second 200 kVA isolating transformer and a single phase voltage regulator. The currently estimated maximum ADMD of 380 kVA occurred in 2004; subsequent peak loads being depressed because of the drought conditions occurring over much of the local countryside. The climate of the area is typical of Central Queensland with hot 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 1 TABLE I MISTAKE CREEK SWER CUSTOMER DEMAND GROWTH 2007 Peak 2009 (2004) 2011 2013 2015 2018 Peak kW 285 345 360 380 400 420 440 Avg kW 115 137 145 150 160 167 176 Min kW 71 86 90 95 100 105 113 Peak kVA 336 404 424 445 468 492 530 % of installed kVA 30 35.9 37.7 39.6 41.6 43.7 47.1 The kVA figure assumes a power factor of 0.85 and the percent of installed kVA is calculated on a base of 1.125 MVA distribution transformers, which supply the SWER line. Note also that these figures represent summed customer demand. To derive the demand at the isolating transformers, a load flow must be run to calculate system losses, charging currents, etc. Figure 1 shows the estimated future demand. Figure 1. Mistake Creek North estimated future demand The power losses of this SWER line are shown in Figure 2. Existing Network Losses 100 25% 90 80 20% 70 60 kW summers (an average of 60 days in excess of 35oC) and cool winter nights. The area receives considerable sunlight, but little wind with average wind speeds between 10 and 11 km/h. The load on the SWER consists of 68 customers and 123 metering points with a total of 1.1 million kWh recorded consumption in 2007. Of this, the top 6 customers used 30% of the energy and the bottom 32 customers 7.7%. Residential loads (including residential component of farms) made up 84% of the load by usage and 55% by number of connections, with the remaining connections consisting of small commercial and off-peak farms. Off-peak tariffs made up 15% of the load by usage and 31% by number of connections. The loads on the SWER system are both larger in size and smaller in number than on the average distribution feeder. This means that individual customer actions have a larger impact on the total demand on the SWER line expressed as a percentage than is the case for loads on a normal distribution feeder. In terms of the shape of the load duration curve, this is mainly governed by the degree of co-incidence of loads which in turn depends on the statistical correlation between loads and external factors such as temperature and time of day with the stronger the correlation, the more ‘peaky’ the curve. SWER loads are likely to be less strongly correlated than the feeder, as they contain more loads such as pumping that do not depend on external factors. The currently accepted average growth rate per customer over the whole state is 3% per annum; however, given that the area is in the middle of a significant drought and suffering some depopulation, the average load growth on this SWER line has been arbitrarily reduced to 2.5% for the purpose of this study. The consumption peaked in 2004 at an estimated 345 kW and since then has been reducing slightly, probably due to the drought and cooler summers. The peak demand has been estimated by summing the non-controlled tariffs and adding in 1/3 of the time of day tariffs (excluding night-only usage) to reflect the uncertainty of the actual peak load time. This was reduced to a daily consumption, of which 40% was assumed to occur as a peak half hour load. The actual 2004 peak value was assumed to be the maximum potential demand in 2007, which was then projected forward at a steady 2.5% growth over the period of the study. The Average value was calculated as 40% of the peak and the low as 25% of the peak. The result is shown in table I. 15% 50 40 10% 30 20 5% 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0% 450 Customer Load kW Line Losses Total Losses Percentage of Load Figure 2. Power losses of the existing network at Mistake Creek North III. MODELLING Mistake Creek North SWER was modelled using PSSSINCAL software package by isolating the system from the rest of the network at the isolating transformers and adding an infinite bus to supply the required power at 1 per unit. Loads were assumed to be proportional to the size of the distribution transformers and uniformly at 0.85 lagging power factor. This treats the distribution transformer losses and the change in power factor caused by the transformer inductance as customer loads. It also ignores any voltage drop between the distribution transformer and the customer connection point. 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 2 In order to evaluate the impact that changes to the SWER network has on the rest of the feeder, a second model was constructed of the Capella feeder. In this model the lines were pared down to a single branch connecting the Mistake Creek SWER with the zone substation and replacing the other SWER lines on this line with single loads. Loads on the Cappella branch were replaced by a single load at the point that it branched off from the line. IV. SWER LIMITS SWER systems typically have slightly different limits than do standard distribution feeders. These limits are evaluated for the existing system and then for each of the upgrade technologies. A. Voltage Variation The regulatory limits at the customers connection point is 240 V ± 7%. Allowing for the nominal output voltage of the distribution transformer being 250 V and a drop of between 0 and 1% between the transformer and the connection point, gives an allowable range of 1.027 and 0.907 pu at the distribution transformers. As the voltage limits apply to the customer connection point, but the study models the system at the distribution transformer, adjustments were made to the model to ensure that the regulatory limits are met. B. Isolating Transformers The two isolating transformers have a combined rating of 400 kVA, the assumption being that they are matched closely enough to evenly share the load. As for any transformer, power ratings are limited by the temperature rise caused by heat generated through losses. SWER isolating transformers tend to be a little less affected by short term over rating as they are pole mounted and are therefore more exposed to cooling from the prevailing wind. However, SWER lines also tend to be in the hotter parts of Queensland and therefore the winds tend to be warmer. Note that there is no regulatory requirement for redundancy in the supply of electricity to SWER lines and therefore the limit is the combined throughput of both transformers. C. Isolating Transformers Current As all of the SWER line current flows through the isolating transformer earth, a voltage rise occurs between the ground and the case of the transformer due to the impedance of the earth connection. Ergon Energy has found that this impedance is typically in the order of 2 Ω in the dry sandy soils typical to Central Queensland. They also limit the voltage between the case and the ground to 20 V meaning a maximum of 10 Amps per earth. In the case of Mistake Creek having two earth connections (one per transformer) this means a limit of 20 Amps to the line current. D. Fault Currents As SWER systems use very lossy conductors, fault currents are typically quite low, compounded by the faults themselves typically having high impedances – e.g. a line dropping over a bush or tree branch. These faults cannot be detected by measuring the presence of an earth current (as is common on balanced three phase systems). Therefore, the safe design of the line often requires additional protection to be added and the line to be segmented. For the purposes of this study, these limits will be mentioned only in passing, except where particularly relevant, e.g. distributed generators. E. Impact of SWER on the System As SWER lines appear to the rest of the network as large loads across two phases and as they are highly variable in size, a large SWER system has a considerable impact on the phase voltages in the rest of the network. The problem is compounded when multiple systems are on the same feeder as the variability of the loads may make it impossible to balance the system. For example, a feeder which is balanced when SWER A is at a peak will be unbalanced when SWER B is peaking and A is back to average. Consequently, the traditional distribution feeder analysis assuming a balanced system with loads of constant power factor is of doubtful accuracy when applied to lines in which SWER systems form a considerable part of the load. V. TRADITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS OF SWER NETWORKS A. Upgrade of Isolating Transformers There are two limits that are impacted by the arrangement of the isolating transformers: 1) The capacity of the transformers; 2) The voltage rise between the transformers and earth. To relieve the capacity issues, three solutions are apparent: 1) Upgrading the two transformers from 200kVA units to say twin 300 or 350 kVA units; 2) Changing the twin units for a larger single unit; 3) Add a third 200 kVA transformer in parallel with the two existing transformers. The preferred option will depend on details of the site and the availability of equipment including spares in case of failure. Adding a third 200 kVA transformer is the most likely option if the engineering difficulties of additional land and matching the existing units can be overcome. In all cases, however, the earth mat must be improved or extended which will add considerable additional expense. The installation of a new isolating transformer and earth mat is currently estimated as costing in the vicinity of $100,000. B. Upgrade of Distribution Transformers By changing the customers distribution transformer to a tapped transformer up to an additional 5% may be gained to the bottom voltage. However, the maximum allowable voltage also drops by 5% as the voltage variation cannot be 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 3 greater than 14% and the taps are fixed. On this SWER, all customers at low loadings have a voltage in the order of 1.0 to 1.01 pu. This limits the maximum additional boost to 2.5% to avoid breaking the voltage range at the top end at times of light loads. Costs have been estimated at around $8,000 per replacement transformer with a per unit reduction if multiple transformers closely located are being replaced. C. Additional Regulators Adding additional single-phase voltage regulators to troublesome parts of the line looks attractive as the installed cost is in the order of $40,000 and multiple clients are assisted. However, there is a major technical and regulatory problem when multiple voltage regulators are placed on the same line caused by the delay between a change in the voltage and the subsequent tap change to control the voltage. The following scenario illustrates this point: 1) A line with three regulators is at or near maximum demand – a typical hot summer day and all voltage regulators are consequently on maximum tap; 2) A lightning strike occurs on the line and one of the automatic reclosing relays cuts off a substantial part of the load; 3) The total boost on the line from the three voltage regulators all at +10% results in a voltage of 1.33 pu; due to the light load and the Ferranti effect there is little or no voltage drop over the length of the line to compensate for the rise from the regulators. Therefore the entire voltage of 1.33 or 319 V appears at the connection point and through to the customer switchboard of any customers still connected following the final voltage regulator. D. Upgrade of Lines Another traditional solution is to replace lines with heavy currents with conductors of lower resistance; therefore, reducing voltage drops and losses. Costs for this type of work for the case study have been estimated at $20,000/km. Therefore, the total cost over 40 km is around $800,000. E. Convert to Duplex This represents a major upgrade in the size of the SWER system with a potential near doubling of capacity. As such, it represents a major investment in a limited number of customers and, given the uncertainties around continued load growth, there is a major risk of having stranded assets in the future. Technically duplex SWER systems consist of two single independent SWER systems. They are isolated from the feeder in one of two ways depending on the major constraint that is being addressed: 1) If the earth current is a limiting factor, then the two SWER lines are constructed with a feed from the same two phases, but with reverse polarity (180 degrees apart). The earth point is the middle point between these two and the earth current represents the difference in demand. Therefore, one can have a combined total of 800 kVA on the SWER with zero voltage rise at the earth point if the loads are evenly split over both systems. However, this load appears on only the two phases and represents a considerable imbalance. 2) If the impact on the feeder is the limiting factor, then all three phases are used as a source and the phase difference between the two SWER systems is 120 degrees. In this case the load is more balanced on the feeder with it being split approximately 25%, 50% and 25% over the three phases. In terms of construction, the second system is normally built on separate poles and is therefore free to take whatever path the designer regards as best to pick upload and minimise costs. Ergon energy has estimated an approximate cost of $2 million for this upgrade, consisting of around 70 km of new line, additional isolating transformers, voltage regulators and changing connections from the old line as appropriate. This scenario, therefore, represents the base solution against which all others should be measured. VI. IMPROVEMENT OF SWER NETWORKS USING NEW TECHNOLOGIES A. Low Voltage Regulators Low Voltage Regulators (LVR’s) are power conditioning units designed to supply power at a settable constant voltage and at unity power factor within a broad range of input voltages and power factors. Within the SWER context they are likely to be used to: 1) Support low voltage levels at a customer supply point where other methods of support are unavailable or too expensive; 2) Reduce voltage variation at a customer supply point to fall within ±7%; 3) Improve power quality by removing peaks and sags. They have some limitations such as: 1) As the units are owned by the utility, they will be typically installed on the distribution transformer pole. They will therefore not help customers with excessive voltage drops between the meters and customer loads. 2) On a fault, they fail to a pass-through mode and the customer is supplied with power at the network voltage. Depending on the reliability of the units, there may be a decrease in system reliability to a customer. They will modify power demand by: 1) The conversion of constant impedance loads to constant power loads, which is likely to reduce demand in times of light demand and increase it in times of high demand. The size of this effect will vary dynamically with the supply voltage and also the types of loads installed on the system. 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 4 B. Switched Reactors Traditionally shunt reactors have been added to the line to control the Ferranti effect of high voltages at the end of the line at light loads by adding inductance to the line. However, being fixed, they continue to add inductance at heavy loads and significantly worsen the low voltage constraint. A switched reactor topology was proposed by [8]. A prototype was designed and installed on Ergon Energy SWER line of Stanage Bay. Ergon energy is studying the conversion of the fixed reactors into dynamic elements that switch in and out depending on the voltage level. While a number of different control strategies are possible, this study reflects a low-cost approach by which the existing seven reactors are replaced with new controlled ones of the same size. The expected cost of the units is in the order of $6,000 on a replacement basis, assuming that multiple units are being replaced at the same time. However, as the units are not yet commercially available this could vary considerably in either direction. C. Distributed Support Distributed support means a series of highly distributed generators (negative loads) scattered throughout the network effectively connecting to the SWER line at the distribution transformers. The expectation is that these loads are customer owned and managed albeit with potentially substantial Ergon Energy subsidies or help. These negative loads may be: • Photovoltaic panels • Battery storage systems • Small (< 5 kW) generators • Or any other load support technology. Costs vary considerably depending on what subsidies the owner of the equipment is entitled to and the particular balance chosen between running costs and capital costs. The simplest and most widely available system are grid connected PV panels which are in the order of $10,000 a kW installed for multiple units and about $14,000 a kW for single lots. On our case study this comes to about $250,000 in direct costs. D. Point Support Point support represents equipment of an order bigger than distributed support loads and the same order as the total ‘near by’ load – typically in the order of 25kW. Examples of this would be a large number of PV panels associated with a school installation, a diesel generator next to a road station, or a large flow battery in a small hamlet. The major electrical differences with distributed support are: • The size of the installation, 25 kW+ as compared with 1-2 kW. • The location of the installation. They can be placed where in the network they will provide most support as compared with distributed support, which sits at the individual premises of people who wish to have it. Costs vary by the type of unit ranging from low capital costs and higher running costs of diesel units to moderate capital costs and low running costs of flow batteries. E. Load Management Load management is the generic term given to those techniques and technologies by which the nature of the electrical load is changed to better match the capabilities of the supply infrastructure. It comes in two broad flavours: Load reduction through which the size of the load is reduced; and load shifting through which demand is time-shifted to periods when the line is more capable of supporting it. Some examples of load management are using off-peak tariffs to control the supply of electricity, usage of replacement energy such as using sun to heat water and changing electric stoves to gas ovens, and load reduction techniques such as roof insulation and painting with reflective paint, changing to low energy lighting, etc. The major issue with these techniques is the degree of customer assistance required to implement them. VII. IMPACT ON VOLTAGE REGULATION Figure 3 shows the impact of various options of improving the SWER network on voltage regulation. Comparision of Voltage Regulation 90 80 Number of customers < 0.9 2) Decrease the demand for reactive power through motors. 3) Increase the demand for active power by removing current supply constraints caused by the poor quality of supply offered on many SWER lines. Installed costs are expected to be in the order of $5,000 per unit, depending on the distance from base and the number being installed at any one time, i.e. traveling time will have a significant impact on actual costs in a SWER context. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 Customer load kW Switched Reactors Point Support 25 kW PointSupport 50 kW Distributed Support 22 kW Line Upgrade Existing network 2nd Regulator LVR Figure 3. Comparison of the impact on voltage regulation of various techniques to improve SWER network operation 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 5 450 VIII. FINANCIAL COMPARISON A. Evaluation of Losses The price of electricity varies by time of day and season, with a large random element reflecting the availability of supply. Because of this random element in pricing and due to the variability in SWER demand, losses will be valued by calculating annual volume by average cost. To get a feeling for the value of losses, an average customer load of 140 kW has approximately 17% loss (expressed as a percentage of load from the energy delivered to the Supply Point). Applying this average figure to the annual metered consumption in 2007 of 1,127 MWh gives an estimated loss of 191,000 kWh. At an average wholesale price of 4.5 cents per kWh this corresponds to a value of approximately $8,500. Therefore, loss reduction or increase can have a significant impact on the overall cost of SWER upgrades and needs to be taken into account. This will be calculated by increasing the total number of MWh consumed each year by the annual growth percentage and recalculating the average loss percentage as the system moves into higher loss bands. A constant value of 4.5c per kWh will then be applied. B. Impact of Consumer Service Obligation Ergon Energy is required by the Queensland State government to supply all non-contestable loads at a standard tariff irrespective of the actual cost of supply. In order to compensate Ergon Energy for the losses involved in a transparent way, an agreement has been reached called the Consumer Service Obligation (CSO). The details of CSO are confidential. The CSO agreement effectively insulates Ergon Energy from changes in the cost of supplying rural customers. However, as Ergon’s shareholder, the State government is also the payer of the net CSO loss; thus, there is considerable wisdom in minimising these costs. Consequently, the value of system losses and the return on assets have been included in the NPV calculations. This effectively views the value of the network from the view of the State government. C. Summary of Cost Comparison A period of 10 years has been chosen for the financial analysis for the following reasons. 1) Given the substantial issues of climate change, drought, water usage, rural depopulation, fuel prices and technological change, it is unlikely that any growth scenario will be within cooee of the actual figures much past this period. 2) A number of the options examined are unproven and therefore commercially meaningful statements on equipment life are difficult to believe. This implies that maintenance costs have a large degree of risk attached to them. The three options for the improvement of SWER network considered in this section are: Option one. Converting the SWER to a duplex system. The SWER is converted in year one at a cost of $2 million. Option two. Converting the shunt reactors to switched reactors plus Point Support. The hardware upgrades consist of: • Switched reactors plus Point Support in year 1 • Additional isolating transformer in year 6 • Upgrade / refurbishment of point support in year 7 • LVR’s added to difficult customers in year 8 Option three. As for option two, but also reducing demand by 10% in year 1. The delay that this causes effectively moves the requirement for the LVR’s to outside of the study period and shifts the point support and isolating transformer upgrades back by three years. Table 2 shows the comparison of costs for these options. TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF COSTS FOR THREE OPTIONS OF IMPROVING SWER NETWORKS Duplex Switched Reactors + Point Support Option 2 + Demand Management Total discounted equipment costs -2,000,000 -265,411 -197,107 Total discounted return on Assets 1,040,065 104,313 68,523 Additional Losses 0 -9,588 -13,798 -25,658 -19,277 PS Maintenance Discounted book value of residual assets 528,745 70,007 71,513 Total NPV cost -431,190 -100,679 -90,147 The following remarks are in order with regard to Table 2. 1) The ‘total discounted return on assets’ is the cost of the upgrade recovered in the study period from the users of electricity in the broader community at Ergon Energy’s standard rate. For an efficient system this should be as small as possible. 2) The loss adjustment represents an estimate of the value of the ‘additional system losses’ caused by the upgrade and illustrates the sensitivity of this analysis to the price of power. If wholesale prices rise, so will this cost. 3) The importance of the ‘discounted book value of residual assets’ is that it illustrates the size of the assets at risk through shifts in demand or technological 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 6 redundancy. As can be seen duplexing the SWER leaves a substantially higher volume at risk. 4) The losses of the duplex SWER system are assumed to be the same as for the existing system; as although the total length of line has been substantially increased the current on that line has decreased but probably not to the point where the losses start to rise as a percentage. 5) The cost difference between options two and three represent how much could be spent on the load management and still be ahead. As can be seen, the variations in the NPV of the three options is considerable and certainly of sufficient size for Ergon Energy to take seriously both ‘load management techniques’ and the ‘new technology’ potentially available on SWER systems. IX. CONCLUSIONS This paper has reported on the various means by which Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) distribution systems may be upgraded. The conclusions of this study in regard to the upgrade options for a case study, Mistake Creek SWER, are: • • • ACKNOWLEDGMENT Ergon Energy Corporation sponsored this project. The authors would like to thank Mr. Jon Turner of Ergon Energy for his support to this project. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] The economically viable upgrade path for this SWER is to upgrade separately the constraints caused by voltage drops and transformer limits. In particular, voltage limitations are best dealt with through a combination of two experimental options: switched reactors and point support of the network. While little is known about the potential size of savings through load management, it would appear after making some reasonable assumptions that this is likely to be the second or third most economic method to upgrading the SWER. However, two substantial problems remain to be solved: 1) the lack of load diversity on SWER suggests that existing ripple control tariffs will not be particularly effective; 2) the high peak power costs suffered by Ergon Energy aligns with the low benefits accruing to the consumer of existing load management techniques. • Of the traditional methods, the cheapest option is to add a high-voltage regulator to the network if one is not already present. However, more than two on the network is likely to cause over-voltage problems and will significantly complicate the placement of fault protection. • The other traditional upgrade options of either converting the SWER line to a duplex or re-conductoring the line are either very expensive or just expensive and not very effective, respectively. • Low Voltage Regulators (LVR’s) if put into widespread use for relieving voltage constraints will most probably exacerbate network problems on both the SWER and its feeder. However, they do have a limited use for attacking localised problems that are otherwise unsolvable economically. Open-delta high-voltage regulators are unlikely to be suitable for use on feeders that have large SWER lines, as they do not independently compensate individual phases. With the lack of diversity on SWER systems, these can become significantly unbalanced and, therefore, limit the degree of boost available to well below the maximum capacity of the individual transformers. [5] [6] [7] [8] L. Mandeno, “Rural Power Supply Especially in Back Country Areas”, Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Engineers, Vol 33, 1947, Ferguson and Osborn Printers, Wellington, pp 234-271. C. W. Holland, “SWER, How does it work?”,, viewed Sept. 2008, or “Single-Wire Earth Return”, Wikipedia, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, “Reducing the cost of grid extension for rural electrification”, February 2000,, Accessed July 2005. T. R. Brooking, N. Janse van Rensburg, R. J. Fourie, “The Improved Utilization of Existing Rural Networks with the use of Intermediate Voltage and Single Wire earth Return Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON ’92 Conference, pp 228-234. A. Loveday and J. Turner, “Remedial treatment of voltage unbalance on three-phase distribution feeders caused by supply to large SWER systems”, Distribution Conference, Adelaide, November 2003, Paper No. 138. N. Hosseinzadeh, P. Wolfs, S. Senini, D. Seyoum, J. Turner and A. Loveday, “A proposal to investigate the problems of three-phase distribution feeders supplying power to SWER systems”, Proceedings of Australian University Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 26-29 September 2004, Brisbane, Australia. J. Turner, “Delivery Service Improvements Across Ergon Energy’s Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) Network”, Internal Ergon Energy document, 2005 P. J. Wolfs, N. Hosseinzadeh, S. T. Senini, “Capacity Enhancement for Aging Single Wire Earth Return Distribution Systems”, IEEE Power Engineering Society Annual General Meeting, Tampa Florida, 24-28 June 2007. Nasser Hosseinzadeh (IEEE-M’86) is currently with Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Earlier, he had worked as a senior lecturer at Central Queensland University in Australia, as a lecturer at Monash University Malaysia and as an assistant professor at Shiraz University. His special fields of interest include power system analysis and planning, power system stability, application of intelligent systems in engineering, power distribution networks and engineering education. Dr. Hosseinzadeh is a registered member of Engineers Australia, a member of IEEE and also is on the Australian Panel APC1 System Development and Economics of CIGRE. John Rattray is a recent graduate of Central Queensland University, Australia. 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08) Authorized licensed use limited to: SWINBURNE UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 3, 2010 at 18:41 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Paper P-171 Page 7