How Time Consuming Is It To Be A Canadian Director? Special Report 2014 In Partnership with Patrick O’Callaghan and Associates Counting the Hours: How Time Consuming Is It To Be A Canadian Director? A fter more than twenty years of studying Canadian board practices, including fourteen years of in-depth surveys on focused governance issues 1, one of our key observations is how significantly the roles of the board, committees, board and committee chairs, and the individual director have changed: đƫ %.!0+./ƫ$2!ƫ0'!*ƫ+*ƫƫ)1$ƫ)+.!ƫ,.+0%2!ƫ* ƫ!*##! ƫ+2!./%#$0ƫ.+(!ƫ %*ƫ.!/ƫ/1$ƫ/ƫ/0.0!#%ƫ,(**%*#Čƫ.%/'ƫ)*#!)!*0ƫ* ƫ/1!//%+*ƫ,(**%*#Ďƫ đƫ #+2!.**!ƫ,.0%!/ƫ$2!ƫ!2+(2! ƫ".+)ƫ!.(5ƫ.!(0%2!(5ƫ/%),(!ƫ-1!/0%+*%.!/ƫ0+ƫ %*ġ !,0$ƫ*(5/%/ƫ+"ƫ!$ƫ.!Čƫ%*ƫ*ƫ!û+.0ƫ0+ƫ!*/1.!ƫ+. ƫ!û!0%2!*!//Ďƫ* đƫ 0$!ƫ.!#1(0+.5ƫ!*2%.+*)!*0ƫ%/ƫ)+.!ƫ !)* %*#ƫ.+//ƫ/!0+./ċ ((ƫ+"ƫ0$!/!ƫ$*#!/ƫ$2!ƫ$ ƫ*ƫ%),0ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ0$0ƫƫ %.!0+.ƫ/,!* /ƫ"1(ü((%*#ƫ$%/ƫ+.ƫ $!.ƫ+. ƫ.!/,+*/%%(%0%!/ċ $!ƫ%*.!/!ƫ%*ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ$/ƫ!!*ƫ3!((ƫ +1)!*0! ƫ%*ƫ0$!ƫ*%0! ƫ00!/Čƫ 3$!.!ƫ0$!ƫ0%+*(ƫ//+%0%+*ƫ+"ƫ+.,+.0!ƫ%.!0+./ƫ$/ƫ0.'! ƫ0$%/ƫ0+,%ƫ%*ƫ%0/ƫ**1(ƫ “Public Company Governance Survey”ƫ"+.ƫ/!2!.(ƫ5!./ċƫ0ƫ/$+3/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ2!.#!ƫ**1(ƫ 0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ"+.ƫƫċċƫ %.!0+.ƫ$/ƫ#.+3*ƫ".+)ƫāĊĀƫ$+1./ƫ%*ƫĂĀĀĆƫ0+ƫĂăćƫ$+1./ƫ %*ƫĂĀāăƫăċƫ$0ƫ%/ƫƫĂąŌƫ%*.!/!ƫ%*ƫ!%#$0ƫ5!./ē $!.!ƫ3!.!ƫ*+ƫ/%)%(.ƫ* %*ƫ/00%/0%/Ďƫ$+3!2!.Čƫ".+)ƫ+1.ƫ.!#1(.ƫ %/1//%+*/ƫ3%0$ƫ %.!0+./Čƫ3!ƫ'*!3ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ2!.#!ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ"+.ƫ* %*ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3/ƫ(/+ƫ %*.!/%*#ċƫ!ƫ&1/0ƫ % *Ě0ƫ'*+3ƫ5ƫ$+3ƫ)1$ċ $!ƫ,1.,+/!ƫ+"ƫ+1.ƫ"+1/! ƫ/1.2!5ƫ0$%/ƫ5!.ƫ%/ƫ0+ƫ/$! ƫ(%#$0ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ !)* /ƫ+"ƫƫ * %*ƫ %.!0+.ċƫ*ƫ0$!ƫ/,.%*#ƫ+"ƫĂĀāąČƫ3!ƫ/1.2!5! ƫāĂĀƫ %.!0+./ƫ.+//ƫ* ƫ+10ƫ 0$!%.ƫ!4,!.%!*!/ƫ* ƫ+,%*%+*/ƫ3%0$ƫ.!#. ƫ0+ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ.!-1%.! ƫ+"ƫƫ %.!0+.ƫ0+ 5ċƫ!ƫ$+,!ƫ0$0ƫ0$%/ƫ3%((ƫ/!.2!ƫ/ƫƫ!*$).'ƫ"+.ƫ"1.0$!.ƫ* %*ƫ/01 5ƫ * ƫ+),.%/+*ƫ%*ƫ"101.!ƫ5!./ċ !ƫ,,.+$! ƫ0$%/ƫ/1.2!5ƫ".+)ƫƫ*..+3Čƫ10ƫ !!,Čƫ,!./,!0%2!ċƫ$!ƫ,.+!//ƫ3/ƫ +),.!$!*/%2!Čƫ3%0$ƫ)+/0ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫāĂĀƫ %.!0+./ƫ,.0%%,0%*#ƫ%*ƫ,!./+*(ƫ%*0!.2%!3/ċƫ !ƫ/'! ƫ0$!)ƫ0+ƫ!4)%*!ƫ((ƫ+"ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. ƫ0%2%0%!/ƫ* ƫ0.5ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ/ƫ1.0!ƫ/ƫ ,+//%(!ƫ/ƫ0$!5ƫ!/0%)0! ƫ$+3ƫ0$!5ƫ !2+0! ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ƫ0+ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. ƫ.+(!/ċƫ $!ƫ%*0!.2%!3/ƫ3!.!ƫ.!2!(%*#ċƫ*5ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3!.!ƫ/01**! ƫ3$!*ƫ0$!5ƫ/0.0! ƫ+1*0%*#ƫ 0$!ƫ$+1./ċƫ0ƫ3/ƫ(!.ƫ0$0Čƫ3$%(!ƫ %.!0+./ƫė'*!3Ęƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ3!.!ƫ,100%*#ƫ%*ƫ)+.!ƫ0%)!ƫ "+.ƫ((ƫ+"ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /Čƫ0$!5ƫ$ ƫ*+0ƫ01((5ƫ0((%! ƫ0$!ƫ*1)!.ƫ+"ƫ$+1./Čƫ*+.ƫ%*(1 ! ƫ0$!ƫ .*#!ƫ+"ƫ0%2%0%!/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ!*##!ƫ%*ƫ/ƫƫ %.!0+./ċƫ$!ƫ+10+)!ƫ3/ƫ()+/0ƫ(35/ƫ $%#$!.ƫ0$*ƫ0$!5ƫ$ ƫ%)#%*! ċ Average Time a Director Spends per Board in Canada WEEK 304 Hours 4 38 Days 7.6 WEEK 2 4 WEEK 1 Weeks May 5 1.9 June une July 6 Augu ugust Months “This was an eye opener. Yes it is a lot of work and it has become more and more noticeable, but I had not actually counted hours. Once calculated, it was a lot more time than I realized, much more than I would have estimated.” 1 Corporate Governance and Director Compensation in Canada, Patrick O’Callaghan and Associates and Korn Ferry, Annual Reviews from 1993 to 2014 3 The 2013-2014 NACD Public Company Governance Survey data is from 1,019 survey responses. 4 Assumes 8 hour day 5 Assumes 40 hour week and 5 working days per week 6 Assumes 4 weeks month ā 51% 25% YES +"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ/00! ƫ0$0ƫ0$!%.ƫ +. /ƫ$ ƫ %/1//! ƫ0$!ƫ !)* /ƫ+*ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!Č +"ƫ0$+/!ƫ %.!0+./ƫ$/ƫ/% ƫ 0$!ƫ%//1!ƫ.!#1(.(5ƫ.%/!/ƫ * ƫ.!)%*/ƫƫ+*!.*ċƫ NO Directors of the Larger Companies Put in the Longest Hours. 2.4 9.7 2.1 48.5 8.4 41.8 Months Weeks Days Hours 1.4 5.4 1.3 5.3 26.9 27.1 215 217 335 388 * !.ƫĆĀĀ ĆĀĀƫ0+ƫā āƫ0+ƫĆ 2!.ƫĆ 388 ĵƫ1.2!5ƫ.0%%,*0/ƫ5ƫ+),*5ƫ//!0ƫ%6!ƫ* ƫ2!.#!ƫ+1./ƫ"+.ƫ.%).5ƫ+. .+)ƫ+1.ƫ %/1//%+*/ƫ3%0$ƫ %.!0+./Čƫ3!ƫ!(%!2!ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ+..!(0%+*ƫ!03!!*ƫ+),*5ƫ /%6!ƫ* ƫ %.!0+.ƫ0%)!ƫ.!(0!/ƫ0+ƫƫ*1)!.ƫ+"ƫ"0+./ċƫ/ƫ+),*%!/ƫ#.+3Čƫ0$!%.ƫ+,!.0%+*/ƫ !+)!ƫ)+.!ƫ+),(!4ƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ#!+#.,$%ƫ.!$ƫ!+)!/ƫ)+.!ƫ#(+(ċƫ$%/ƫ#!*!.((5ƫ .!/1(0/ƫ%*ƫ)+.!ƫ!),(+5!!/Čƫ)+.!ƫ+),(!4ƫ+,!.0%+*/Čƫ* ƫ)+.!ƫ.!#1(0+.5ƫ%//1!/ċƫ $!/!ƫ((ƫ0.*/(0!ƫ%*0+ƫ*ƫ%*.!/! ƫ*1)!.ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3%0$ƫƫ.+ !.ƫ.*#!ƫ+"ƫ !4,!.%!*!/Čƫ)+.!ƫ+))%00!!/Čƫ)+.!ƫ,.!,.0%+*ƫ0%)!ƫ"+.ƫ+. ƫ* ƫ+))%00!!ƫ )!!0%*#/Čƫ* ƫ)+.!ƫ0.2!(ƫ* ƫ %.!0+.ƫ! 10%+*ƫ"+.ƫ %.!0+./ċƫ Ă Time Demands are Greater if you are a Board or Committee Chair 41.5 days 8.3 weeks 2 months 39.8 days 8 weeks 2 months 32.3 days 6.5 weeks 1.6 months 259 319 332 Committee Member Committee Chair Board Chair hours hours hours ĵƫ 1.2!5ƫ.0%%,*0/ƫ5ƫ+(!ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ* ƫ2!.#!ƫ+1./ƫ"+.ƫ.%).5ƫ+. 0ƫ%/ƫ*+0ƫ/1.,.%/%*#ƫ0+ƫ/!!ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ$%.ƫ/,!* /ƫ*!.(5ƫĈăƫ$+1./ƫ+.ƫĊƫ)+.!ƫ 5/ƫ ,!.ƫ5!.ƫ0$*ƫƫ %.!0+.ƫ3%0$ƫ*+ƫ(! !./$%,ƫ.!/,+*/%%(%0%!/ċƫ$!ƫ+. ƫ$%.ƫ$/ƫ*ƫ !*+.)+1/ƫ%),0ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ!û!0%2!*!//ƫ+"ƫƫ+. ċƫ $0ƫ3/ƫ.!2!(%*#ƫ3/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ !)* ƫ+*ƫ+))%00!!ƫ$%./ƫ3/ƫ.1/$%*#ƫ 1,ƫ#%*/0ƫ0$+/!ƫ+"ƫ+. ƫ$%./ċƫ(0$+1#$ƫ3!ƫ!(%!2!ƫ0$0ƫ0$%/ƫ%/ƫƫ.!(0%2!(5ƫ*!3ƫ !2!(+,)!*0ƫ+2!.ƫ0$!ƫ,/0ƫü2!ƫ5!./Čƫ%0ƫ%/ƫ+*/%/0!*0ƫ3%0$ƫ0$!ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ,!./,!0%2!/ƫ 1.%*#ƫ+1.ƫ%*0!.2%!3/ƫ* ƫ3%0$ƫ+1.ƫ+3*ƫ%*0!.0%+*ƫ3%0$ƫ+. /ƫ.+//ƫ* ċƫ$!ƫ !)* ƫ+*ƫ+))%00!!ƫ$%./ƫ%/ƫ(/+ƫ,,.!*0ƫ%*ƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ.!ƫ/!!%*#ƫ0$!ƫ)+/0ƫ%*.!/!ƫ %*ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0čƫćĊŌƫ+"ƫ+))%00!!ƫ$%./ƫ.!,+.0! ƫ0$0ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ%/ƫ 0.!* %*#ƫ1,3. 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Directors need to add value and at the same time provide effective oversight. It’s a tough role to play.” Canada vs United States 304 236 38 29.5 Hours Hours Days 7 Days 7 VS WEEK 7.6 WEEK 5.9 WEEK 2 WEEK 1 Weeks May WEEK 2 WEEK 1 8 Weeks 1.9 June une July Jul Aug ugust 9 Average Canadian director Months Average U.S. director 10 May 8 1.5 June une July Aug 9 August Months * %*ƫ+. /ƫ+"0!*ƫ(++'ƫ/+10$ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ+. !.ƫ"+.ƫƫ+),.%/+*ċƫ$!ƫ0%+*(ƫ //+%0%+*ƫ+"ƫ+.,+.0!ƫ%.!0+./ƫāāƫ.!,+.0! ƫ*ƫ2!.#!ƫ**1(ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ +"ƫĂăćƫ$+1./ƫ"+.ƫƫċċƫ %.!0+.ƫ%*ƫĂĀāăċƫ$!ƫƫ/1.2!5! ƫāČĀāĊƫ %.!0+./Čƫƫ)1$ƫ (.#!.ƫ/),(!ƫ#.+1,Čƫ/+ƫƫ,.!%/!ƫ+),.%/+*ƫ0+ƫ+1.ƫ* %*ƫ+$+.0ƫ%/ƫ %þ1(0ċƫ !2!.0$!(!//Čƫ0$!.!ƫ%/ƫƫ/0.+*#ƫ%* %0%+*ƫ0$0ƫ* %*ƫ %.!0+./ƫ/,!* ƫ.+1#$(5ƫ ĉƫ 5/ƫ)+.!ƫ0$*ƫ0$!%.ƫċċƫ+1*0!.,.0/ƫ0ƫ0$!%.ƫ %.!0+.ƫ.!/,+*/%%(%0%!/ċƫ*!ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3!ƫ/1.2!5! ƫ,.+2% ! ƫ$!.ƫ,!./,!0%2!čƫ “U.S. boards are less concerned with government controls and regulation. They are much more customer driven. Canadian boards are very concerned about social license, reputation and community.” “ I think U.S. boards achieve some time efficiency by combining the roles of board chair and CEO.” ą 7 Assumes 8 hour day 8 Assumes 40 hour week and 5 working days per week 9 Assumes 4 weeks per month 10 2013-2014 NACD Public Compay Governance Survey, published by the National Association of Corporate Directors. 11 2013-2014 NACD Public Company Governance Survey, published by the National Association of Corporate Directors. Time Demands Makes filling Director, Board Chair and Committee Chair Roles More Challenging *(5ƫăĂŌƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ0+( ƫ1/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ3!.!ƫ#%2!*ƫ*ƫ!/0%)0!ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ 3$!*ƫ0$!5ƫ&+%*! ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /Čƫ* ƫ+"ƫ0$%/ƫ#.+1,ČƫĆćŌƫ"+1* ƫ0$!ƫ!/0%)0!ƫ1.0!ƫ* ƫ ąąŌƫ"+1* ƫ%0ƫ0++ƫ(+3ċƫ+3!2!.Čƫ0$!5ƫ*+0!ƫ0$0ƫ+. /ƫ0+ 5ƫ.!ƫ*+3ƫ)1$ƫ)+.!ƫ1,".+*0ƫ 3%0$ƫ,+0!*0%(ƫ*+)%*!!/ƫ0+ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ+10ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ċ “I am concerned that financial institutions will have an increasing challenge to fill board vacancies due to the high workload that comes with our regulatory demands.” “Potential directors must understand that it is serious and time consuming. Don’t take it on if you are not prepared for the work.” 3!*05ƫ,!.!*0ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ0+( ƫ1/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ$2!ƫ01.*! ƫ +3*ƫ0$!ƫ.+(!ƫ+"ƫ$%.Čƫ+.ƫ +))%00!!ƫ$%.ƫ+*ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /ƫ!1/!ƫ0$!ƫ,.+&!0! ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ3/ƫ0++ƫ$%#$ċ “I turned down the Board Chair role because it can be close to a full time job, which would mean giving up my other boards.” 20% Talent, Culture and Leadership %.!0+./ƫ".!-1!*0(5ƫ,+%*0! ƫ+10ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ(%.!ƫ+"ƫ0$!%.ƫ"!((+3ƫ %.!0+./ƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ $%.Čƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ+2!.((ƫ1(01.!ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ$/ƫ*ƫ!*+.)+1/ƫ%),0ƫ+*ƫ0$!%.ƫ%* %2% 1(ƫ 0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0/ċ “In my experience, board and committee chairs influence time requirements for directors. More industry and subject knowledge at the committee chair level leads to more precise and effective materials and much more efficient meetings.” “Keeping board members engaged and passionate is critical.” “When directors are new or ineffective, directors’ time commitment increases. We recently had a replacement of 75% of the board. Prior to this time, most directors had served an average of 8 years. Experienced, long-term directors are much more efficient, even though the new directors bring fresh perspectives.” “We have effective, efficient board chair leadership. This is very important for us to stay on track and focused.” Ć 82% Board Chair 42% Committee Chair 37% CEO ƫ(.#!ƫ)&+.%05ƫĨĉĂŌĩƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ.*'ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ$%.ƫ/ƫ0$!ƫ)+/0ƫ%),+.0*0ƫ,!./+*ƫ"+.ƫ !*/1.%*#ƫ0$!ƫ!û!0%2!ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!ċƫ$!5ƫ.!ƫ)+.!ƫ %2% ! ƫ+*ƫ3$+ƫ%/ƫ/!+* ƫ%*ƫ %),+.0*!ƫ3%0$ƫ.!#. ƫ0+ƫ!*/1.%*#ƫ!û!0%2!ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!Čƫ3%0$ƫąĂŌƫ,(%*#ƫ0$!ƫ +))%00!!ƫ$%./ƫ%*ƫ/!+* ƫ,(!ƫ* ƫăĈŌƫ0$!ƫċƫ %.!0+./ƫ(/+ƫ*+0! ƫ0$!ƫ%),+.0*!ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ0(!*0ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ/!*%+.ƫ!4!10%2!ƫ0!)Čƫ * ƫ0$!ƫ.!(0%+*/$%,ƫ!03!!*ƫ0$0ƫ0!)ƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ+. ċ đƫ $!ƫ-1(%05ƫ+"ƫ0(!*0ƫ0ƫ0$!ƫ!4!10%2!ƫ(!2!(ƫ$/ƫƫ %.!0ƫ+..!(0%+*ƫ3%0$ƫ+. ƫ,.+ 10%2%05ċ đƫ $!ƫ+. ƫ$%.ƫ+.ƫ+))%00!!ƫ$%.ƫ*ƫ%*ý1!*!Čƫ10ƫ0$!ƫƫ%/ƫ.!/,+*/%(!ƫ"+.ƫ putting information together and getting the right people in place to talk to issues. đƫ $!ƫƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ$2!ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ2!.5ƫ!4,(%%0ƫ3%0$ƫ!$ƫ+0$!.ƫ+10ƫ3$0ƫ0$!5ƫ need from each other. What Issues are Driving Up Director Time Commitments? %.!0+./ƫ$2!ƫ//1)! ƫƫ)1$ƫ)+.!ƫ,.+0%2!ƫ.+(!ƫ%*ƫ,.+2% %*#ƫ+2!./%#$0ƫ+"ƫ +.,+.0!ƫ.!/1(0/Čƫ/0.0!#5Čƫ.%/'/Čƫ+,!.0%+*(ƫ,!."+.)*!Čƫƫ* ƫ!4!10%2!ƫ ,!."+.)*!ƫ* ƫ+),!*/0%+*Čƫ* ƫ)*#!)!*0ƫ/1!//%+*ƫ,(**%*#ċƫ*#!)!*0Čƫ 0$!ƫ+. ƫ* ƫ/$.!$+( !./ƫ!4,!0ƫ %.!0+./ƫ0+ƫ,.+2% !ƫ2(1!Čƫ* ƫ0+ƫ10%(%6!ƫ0$!ƫ/'%((/ƫ * ƫ!4,!.%!*!ƫ0$!5ƫ.%*#ƫ0+ƫ0$!ƫ+. ƫ0+ƫ//%/0ƫ0$!ƫ+),*5ƫ%*ƫ/!00%*#ƫ* ƫ$%!2%*#ƫ +0$ƫ(+*#ƫ* ƫ/$+.0ġ0!.)ƫ+&!0%2!/ċƫ %.!0+./ƫ.!ƫ!*##! ƫ%*ƫ!2(10%*#ƫ0$!ƫ,!."+.)*!ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ+. 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We have become more involved in the development of the strategic plan as opposed to simply endorsing one presented by management. We spend more time discussing and debating performance against strategy at nearly every board meeting.” “You need to ask the question - why are we looking at this? What value can the board provide? Why are we looking at this now? If the board does not directly require oversight of an issue, or add real value, the agenda item should be removed.” “You can look into things like the efficiency of the material provided to the board pre-meeting as well as focusing some issues primarily to committees; however the time demanded by boards is increasing because more issues come on to the agenda such as risk management, succession planning and environmental focus. These issues require time, thought and knowledge.” What are Boards Doing to Make the Best Use of Directors’ Time? $!*ƫ3!ƫ/'! ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3$0ƫ )!/1.!/ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /ƫ$2!ƫ 0'!*ƫ0+3. /ƫ)'%*#ƫ)+.!ƫ !û!0%2!ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!Čƫ 0$!ƫ+2!.3$!()%*#ƫ(! !.Čƫ .!,+.0! ƫ5ƫĉĀŌƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./Čƫ 3/ƫ0%#$0!.ƫ!4!10%2!ƫ/1)).%!/ƫ * ƫ+. ƫ,'#!/ċƫ*+0$!.ƫ ąĊŌƫ.!,+.0ƫ0$0ƫ+. ƫ)0!.%(/ƫ .!ƫ!%*#ƫ %/0.%10! ƫ!.(%!.ċ BOARD MATERIALS EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES & BOARD PACKAGES Ĉ “All materials are prepared in the context of ‘what is the board being asked to do’ and ‘why is the information included?’ If it is not critical, it is moved to the appendix. At times, volume is a necessary evil but it is the exception here. More focus on value adding instead of wading through a lot of extraneous information.” “An effort on quality of pre-meeting materials continues to improve things. Well-prepared and focused information is key so the meetings can focus on discussion, not presentation.” !$*+(+#5ƫ%/ƫ(/+ƫ%),+.0*0ƫ3%0$ƫćąŌƫ.!,+.0%*#ƫ0$0ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /ƫ.!ƫ1/%*#ƫ 0!$*+(+#5Čƫ/1$ƫ/ƫ% /Čƫ0+ƫ!ƫ)+.!ƫ!þ%!*0ƫ* ƫćāŌƫ.!ƫ1/%*#ƫ ! %0! ƫ+. ƫ ,+.0(/ƫ+.ƫ%*0.*!0/ċƫ+3!2!.Čƫ/+)!ƫ %.!0+./ƫü* ƫ0$0ƫ%0ƫ$/ƫ+0$ƫ .3'/ƫ * ƫ 2*0#!/č INTRANETS “It really is helpful to have it easily accessible and to be able to review past board materials through online access.” USE IPAD “With the increased use of electronic transmission of board material, management tends to send volumes of information to the board. It is too easy to “dump” superfluous materials in the site and that way they can’t be criticized for not supplying all the information.” “I find the board portal more difficult to use in that it takes more time and doesn’t allow for flipping back and forth between documents.” The most frequently reported measures being used to make more effective use of directors’ time Ĩ*+0!čƫ/+)!ƫ %.!0+./ƫ.!,+.0! ƫ)+.!ƫ0$*ƫ+*!ƫ)!0$+ ĩ tighter executive summaries/board packages 80% earlier distribution of board material 49% use of technology such as iPads 64% consent agendas 47% regular CEO communications between meetings 61% more active meeting facilitation/leadership 34% board portal or intranet 61% improved summaries of industry and competitive info 32% greater work delegated to committees 57% 8 tele/video conference meetings 20% “We still run our meetings in the same time block as 10 years ago while we have tripled in size and complexity. We have had to become very efficient at using our time.” “We have maxed out the efficiency gains from technology (portal, ipads, etc.). We have made more progress recently with consent agendas and tighter management summaries.” “These measures have been helpful, but the key is not sacrificing the core for the sake of speed and efficiency. This is the responsibility of the Chair.” “These measures have made a bit of a difference but not huge. How the Chair and CEO work together really determines how you spend your time.” “The primary effect has been to minimize the continued growth of time demands, but not to reduce them.” !ƫ(/+ƫ/'! ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3$0ƫ!(/!ƫ0$!5ƫ 3+1( ƫ$*#!Čƫ%"ƫ0$!5ƫ+1( Čƫ0+ƫ)'!ƫ !00!.ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ċƫ$!ƫ)+/0ƫ".!-1!*0ƫ .!/,+*/!/ƫĨ5ƫĂćŌƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ĩƫ3!.!ƫ +10ƫ"+1/%*#ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ƫ+*ƫ3$!.!ƫ0$!5ƫ *ƫ,.+2% !ƫ0$!ƫ)+/0ƫ/0.0!#%ƫ2(1!Čƫ* ƫ (!//ƫ+*ƫ+,!.0%+*(ƫ* ƫ.!#1(0+.5ƫ%//1!/ċ We need to devote more time to developing the strategic plan and ensure that all decisions are tied back to supporting the strategic direction agreed upon. It is when a corporation strays from the plan (or they consciously adjust the plan and adopt a revised one) that the board bogs down attempting to deal with activities that were not anticipated and/or are not core to the business.” “More effective reporting on operations would reduce the time spent on this topic and make more time for areas where we can be of more value.” !/,%0!ƫ0$!ƫ"0ƫ0$0ƫĉĀŌƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ(.! 5ƫü* ƫ0$0ƫ0$!%.ƫ+. /ƫ.!ƫ%),.+2%*#ƫ0$!ƫ -1(%05ƫ* ƫ0%)%*#ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ)0!.%(ƫ0$!5ƫ.!!%2!ČƫāĆŌƫ/0%((ƫ*+0! ƫ0$0ƫ0$!5ƫ3+1( ƫ(%'!ƫ0+ƫ /!!ƫ)+.!ƫ%),.+2!)!*0ċƫ “We need better material with more concise and clear takeaways.” 3!(2!ƫ,!.!*0ƫ+"ƫ %.!0+./ƫ!(%!2!ƫ0$0ƫ%),.+2! ƫ#!* ƫ !2!(+,)!*0ƫ * ƫ)!!0%*#ƫ(+#%/0%/ƫ3%((ƫ$!(,ƫ0+ƫ)'!ƫ!00!.ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ċ “I continue to press for tighter meetings and holding to those schedules.” “We need to focus on a well-developed agenda; there is too much drift in meetings.” “Work with management on how to communicate effectively to the board, to use executive summaries better, and to highlight the “so what” factor for directors.” Ċ External Forces: Regulators and Major or Activist Shareholders !#1(0+./ƫ* ƫ)&+.ƫ+.ƫ0%2%/0ƫ/$.!$+( !./ƫ*ƫ#.!0(5ƫ %*.!/!ƫƫ+. Ě/ƫ3+.'(+ ċƫ$%/ƫ$/ƫ!+)!ƫƫ"0ƫ+"ƫ (%"!ƫ%*ƫ)+ !.*ƫ+. ƫ#+2!.**!Čƫ* ƫ%0ƫ%/ƫ*+0ƫ#+%*#ƫ0+ƫ #+ƫ35ċƫ%.!0+./ƫ0!((ƫ1/ƫ0$0ƫ0$!ƫ!/0ƫ35ƫ0+ƫ !(ƫ3%0$ƫ /0* . Čƫ+*#+%*#ƫ.!#1(0+.5ƫ%//1!/ƫ%/ƫ0+ƫ)'!ƫ0$!ƫ .!#1(0+.5ƫ+),(%*!ƫ/,!0ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ+. Ě/ƫ3+.'ƫ/ƫ /5/0!)0%ƫ/ƫ,+//%(!ƫ3%0$+10ƫ(+/%*#ƫ+2!./%#$0ċ MAJOR SHAREHOLDER REGULATORS %.!0+./ƫ(/+ƫü* ƫ0$0ƫ .!//%*#ƫ/$.!$+( !.ƫ%//1!/ƫ* ƫ 1*1/1(ƫ.!#1(0+.5ƫ%//1!/ƫ%/ƫ!/0ƫ +*!ƫ0$.+1#$ƫ!û!0%2!ƫ 0.*/,.!*5ƫ* ƫ+))1*%0%+*ċƫ “Major shareholders, primarily pension fund managers, are demanding more and more from boards. This isn’t going to change or decrease, you just have to find a way to do it efficiently and work at the relationship with them.” “Shareholder activism is requiring more director time for issues like say on pay. This means less time on targeted issues.” Moving Forward - Less Time, or More Effective Use of Time? +)!ƫ%),+.0*0ƫ+*(1/%+*/ƫ)!ƫ+10ƫ+"ƫ+1.ƫ %/1//%+*/ƫ3%0$ƫ %.!0+./ƫ0$%/ƫ5!.č đƫ 0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ !)* ƫ%/ƫ*+0%!(5ƫ$!2%!.ƫ0$*ƫ%*ƫ0$!ƫ,/0Čƫ10Čƫ%*ƫ)*5ƫ/!/Čƫ %.!0+./ƫ.!ƫ!,0%*#ƫ%0ƫ/ƫ,.0ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ.+(!ƫ+"ƫ*ƫ!*##! Čƫ)+ !.*ƫ+. Ďƫ* đƫ %.!0+./ƫ/!!)ƫ(!//ƫ+*!.*! ƫ+10ƫ !.!/%*#ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ƫ+))%0)!*0ƫ0$*ƫ )'%*#ƫ0$!ƫ!/0ƫ1/!ƫ+"ƫ%0Ďƫ0$!5ƫ3*0ƫ0+ƫ/,!* ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ƫ,.+2% %*#ƫ.!(ƫ2(1!ċƫ This year directors would like... MORE SPEND TIME EFFECTIVE PROVIDING USE REAL VALUE OF TIME āĀ $%/ƫ3/ƫ*+0(5ƫƫ/)((Čƫ10ƫ2!.5ƫ%*ġ !,0$Čƫ/01 5ċƫ!ƫ$ ƫ0$!ƫ+,,+.01*%05ƫ0+ƫ/%0ƫ +3*ƫ* ƫ.!((5ƫ %/1//ƫ* ƫ %//!0ƫ$+3ƫ %.!0+./ƫ/,!* ƫ0$!%.ƫ0%)!ċƫ$.+1#$ƫ0$%/ƫ ,.+!//ƫ3!ƫ"+1* ƫ0$0ƫ)*5ƫ %.!0+./ƫ3!.!ƫ-1%0!ƫ/1.,.%/! ƫ+10ƫ$+3ƫ0$!ƫ$+1./ƫ ! ƫ1,ċƫ !3ƫ %.!0+./ƫ0+ 5ƫ!4,!0ƫƫ %.!0+./$%,ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ*ƫ1* !)* %*#Čƫ,.0ġ0%)!ƫ.!0%.!)!*0ƫ .+(!Ďƫ0$!5ƫ.!ƫ.! 5ƫ* ƫ,.!,.! ƫ0+ƫ,10ƫ%*ƫ0$!ƫ0%)!ƫ* ƫ0$!ƫ3+.'Čƫ* ƫ0$!5ƫ!4,!0ƫ0+ƫ )'!ƫƫ2(1(!ƫ+*0.%10%+*ċƫ$!5ƫ.!ƫ0$!.!ƫ0+ƫ ƫ2(1!Čƫ* ƫ+. /ƫ0$0ƫ.!ƫ*+0ƫ !þ%!*0ƫ* ƫ!û!0%2!ƫ3%0$ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!ƫ.%/'ƫ(+/%*#ƫ+10ƫ%*ƫ0$!ƫ+),!0%0%+*ƫ"+.ƫ0(!*0ƫ 0ƫ0$!ƫ+. .++)ƫ0(!ċ /! ƫ+*ƫ+1.ƫ %/1//%+*/ƫ3%0$ƫ %.!0+./ƫ* ƫ+1.ƫ!4,!.%!*!ƫ%*ƫ3+.'%*#ƫ3%0$ƫ+. /Čƫ 3!ƫ.!+))!* ƫ0$0ƫ+. /ƫ,!.%+ %((5ƫ//!//ƫ$+3ƫ0$!%.ƫ %.!0+./ƫ.!ƫ/,!* %*#ƫ0$!%.ƫ 0%)!ƫ* ƫ !0!.)%*!ƫ3$!0$!.ƫ$*#!/ƫ*!! ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ) !ċƫ Boards should consider: đƫ +!/ƫ5+1.ƫ+. ƫ"+1/ƫ00!*0%+*ƫ+*ƫ+. ƫ+),+/%0%+*Čƫ! 10%+*ƫ* ƫ leadership? ƫ +. ƫ* ƫ+))%00!!ƫ$%./ƫ$2!ƫƫ$1#!ƫ%),0ƫ+*ƫ %.!0+./Ěƫ0%)!ƫ0$.+1#$ƫ /!00%*#ƫ0$!ƫ#!* /ƫ* ƫ,,.+2%*#ƫ%*"+.)0%+*ƫ,'#!/ċƫ%.!0+./ƫ*!! ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ %*"+.)! ƫ* ƫ! 10! ƫ!*+1#$ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ%* 1/0.5ƫ0+ƫ!ƫ(!ƫ0+ƫ//!//ƫ3$0ƫ%/ƫ * ƫ%/*Ě0ƫ*!! ! 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