Legislative History:
Document dated November 21, 1968.
At its meeting of October 28, 1968, the Academic Council voted to adopt the following policy on an
Interim basis presented by Dr. Frederic Weed, Chairman of the Ad Hoc F.M. Radio Policy
Committee, (amended November 18, 1968):
"Approved." Signed: Robert D. Clark, December 6, 1968.
F 68-4
The general objectives of the F.M. Radio Station at San Jose State College are: a. To provide in the Public Interest a communication medium for reaching the college and the community with programs in the areas of education, culture, entertainment and information. b. To strengthen the professional training of students, under faculty supervision, by providing laboratory type experience in radio broadcasting.
1. The operation of the F.M. Station shall comply with all Federal and State Laws and their administrative regulations which cover radio broadcasting. Programming shall comply with the rules and policies established by the Federal Communication Commission and with the provision of the latest
application filed by the Federal Communication Commission.
2. Full and fair discussion shall be allowed on issues of interest to the college, community, state, and the nation.
3. It is imperative that every effort be made to encourage the broadest student/faculty participation in all aspects of the operation and programming of the radio station.
4. While commercial advertising is forbidden, public service announcements of college activities and recognized public service agencies shall be encouraged.
5. Since listeners will tend to judge San Jose State College on the quality of its products, all KSJS programs shall be in good taste and proper decorum.
A. Assigned Time for Professional and Technical Personnel.
1. The demands on time by faculty involvement in the operations of the station should be periodically examined by the college administration to assure that adequate time is allowed for supervision and administration of the station.
2. The College administration shall provide a yearly budget appropriation for technical assistance in the operation, improvement, repair and maintenance of the station which will reflect the best state of the art.
B. F.M. Policy Committee
1. The F.M. Policy Committee shall be appointed by the College President, upon nomination by the
Academic Council. The faculty members shall he appointed on a staggered term of three years. The committee will frequently review and evaluate the general operation and administration of the station. It shall report annually to the President of the College and the President of the Associated Students.
2. The committee shall consist of eight members and one ex officio member. There shall be four faculty members, four student members and one ex officio member to vote in case of tie only. The ex officio member shall be the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for Student Government or his designee. Student members shall be nominated by the President of the Associated Student Body with the approval of the
Student Council for a one year term. Every effort should be made to recruit members who show genuine interest in the station.
3. In case of conflict of opinion or interest in the operation and programming of the F.M. station, the
committee shall be empowered to resolve the conflict in the best interest of the college.
4. The committee shall meet at the request of a member and on call of the chairman.
C. F.M. Operations Committee
1. The F.M. Operations Committee will be responsible for the fulfillment of the objective and policies of the F.M. Station.
2 The F.M. Operations Committee will be concerned with the practical problems arising from the operation and programming of the F.M. station Examples Systems management, programs to be aired, equipment maintenance, hours of broadcasting, personnel training.
3. The F.M. Operations Committee shall consist of two faculty members: the Station Manager, and the
News and Public Affairs Adviser; and three students: the Student Station Manager, the Program
Director, and one student elected by the student staff.
4. The F.M. Operations Committee shall be chaired by the Faculty Station Manager. He shall call committee meetings at least once a week or on the request off any member.
D. KSJS Staff and Advisors
1. The KSJS Station Staff shall be open to all interested members of the college community. Persons appointed to staff positions shall be selected by the Faculty Station Manager and approved by the F.M.
Operations Committee.
2. The KSJS faculty advisors shall be the Faculty Station Manager and the News and Public Affairs
Department Director.
3. Normal day-to-day operating decisions shall be made by the Student Station Manager in consultation with the Faculty Station Manager. However if special circumstances exist which call for immediate action, the Faculty Station Manager shall have ultimate authority to act, within prescribed station policies, subject to the established college policies concerning faculty and student rights and . responsibilities, and in accordance with college obligations under the Federal Communications Act.
4. KSJS staff positions shall consist of:
Student Station Manager
Program Director
Business Manager
Chief Engineer
Broadcast Technicians
Director of Education
News Director
Public Affairs Director
Public Relations Director
Music Director
Sports Department Director
Secretary and any additional position or positions as deemed necessary by the F.M. Operations Committee.
E. Diagram of F.M. Station Administration
[Original policy contains a diagram of F.M. Station Administration, on file at the Academic Senate