J99-4011 - Association for Computational Linguistics

Publications Received
Books listed below that are marked with a
t have been selected for review in a future
issue, and reviewers have been assigned to
Authors and publishers who wish their
publications to be considered for review in
Computational Linguistics should send a copy
to the book review editor, Graeme Hirst,
Department of Computer Science, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G4. All
relevant books received will be listed, but
not all can be reviewed. Technical reports
(other than dissertations) will not be listed
or reviewed. Authors should be aware that
some publishers will not send books for review (even when instructed to do so); authors wishing to enquire as to whether their
book has been received for review may contact the book review editor.
Readers who wish to be considered as book
reviewers for the journal should contact the
book review editor, outlining their qualifications, by sending electronic mail to gh@cs.
toronto.edu or by writing to the address above.
Second Language Acquisition and the
Critical Period Hypothesis
David Birdsong (editor)
(University of Texas)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, x+191 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-3084-7, $45.00, prepaid $19.95
Conversation and Community: Chat in a
virtual world
Lynn Cherny
(Excite, Inc)
Stanford: CSLI Publications (CSLI lecture
notes, number 94), 1999, vi+369 pp;
distributed by Cambridge University Press;
hardbound, ISBN 1-57586-155-0, $64.95;
paperbound, ISBN 1-57586-154-2, $24.95
The Concept of Logical Consequence
John Etchemendy
(Stanford University)
Stanford: CSLI Publications (The David
Hume series of philosophy and cognitive
science reissues), 1999, vii+174 pp;
distributed by Cambridge University Press;
originally published by Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990; paperbound,
ISBN 1-57586-194-1, $22.95
Language, Logic, and Concepts: Essays in
memory of John Macnamara
Ray Jackendoff, Paul Bloom, and Karen
Wynn (editors)
(Brandeis University and Yale University)
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999,
xxvii+470 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-262-10087-9, $45.00
tOptimality theory
Ren6 Kager
(Utrecht University)
Cambridge University Press (Cambridge
textbooks in linguistics, edited by S.R.
Anderson et al.), 1999, xiii+452 pp;
hardbound, ISBN 0-521-58019-6, $64.95;
paperbound, ISBN 0-521-58980-0, $24.95
tThe Mathematics of Syntactic Structure:
Trees and their logics
Hans-Peter Kolb and Uwe MOnnich
(University of Tiibingen)
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Studies in
generative grammar, edited by Jan Koster
and Henk van Riemsdijk, volume 44), 1999,
vii+347 pp; hardbound, ISBN 3-11-016273-3,
DM 198.00
Face[t]s of First Language Loss
Sandra G. Kouritzin
(University of British Columbia)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, xii+230 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-3185-1, $49.95; paperbound, ISBN
0-8058-3186-X, $22.50
Constructing (In)Competence: Disabling
evaluations in clinical and social
Dana Kovarsky, Judith Duchan, and
Madeline Maxwell (editors)
(University of Rhode Island, State
University of New York at Buffalo, and
University of Texas at Austin)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, vi+381 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-2590-8, no price listed; paperbound,
ISBN 0-8058-2591-6
The Emergence of Language
Brian MacWhinney (editor)
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
(Carnegie Mellon symposia on cognition,
edited by David Klahr), 1999, xvii+500 pp;
hardbound, ISBN 0-8058-3010-3, $99.95;
paperbound, ISBN 0-8058-3011-1, $45.00
tFoundations of Statistical Natural
Language Processing
Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich
(University of Sydney and Xerox Palo Alto
Research Center)
Cambridge, MA- The MIT Press, 1999,
xxxvii+680 pp; ISBN 0-262-13360-1, $60.00
Computational Linguistics
tA Descriptive Approach to
Language-Theoretic Complexity
James Rogers
(University of Central Florida)
Stanford: CSLI Publications and FoLLI
(Studies in logic, language and information,
edited by Robin Cooper and Maarten de
Rijke), 1998, x+205 pp; distributed by
Cambridge University Press; hardbound,
ISBN 1-57586-137-2, $59.95; paperbound,
ISBN 1-57586-136-4, $22.95
~Predicative Forms in Natural Language
and in Lexical Knowledge Bases
Patrick Saint-Dizier (editor)
(IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse)
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
(Text, speech and language technology,
edited by Nancy Ide and Jean V6ronis,
volume 6), 1999, viii+377 pp; hardbound,
ISBN 0-7923-5499-0, $132.00, £77.00,
Dr 220.00
~Lexical Semantics and Knowledge
Representation in Multilingual Text
Manfred Stede
(Technische Universitat Berlin)
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (The
Kluwer international series in engineering
and computer science, volume 492), 1999,
xv+219 pp; hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-8419-9,
$129.00, £84.00, Dr 265.00
The New Psychology of Language:
Cognitive and functional approaches to
language structure
Michael Tomasello (editor)
(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1998, xxiii+292 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-2576-2, $65.00; paperbound, ISBN
0-8058-2577-0, $29.95
Volume 25, Number 4
Cognitive Work Analysis: Towards safe,
productive, and healthy computer-based
Kim J. Vicente
(University of Toronto)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, xix+392 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-2396-4, $89.95; paperbound, ISBN
0-8058-2397-2, $45.00
Reading Chinese Script: A cognitive
Jian Wang, Albrecht W. Inhoff, and
Hsuan-Chih Chen (editors)
(Zhejiang University, State University of
New York at Binghamton, and Chinese
University of Hong Kong)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, ix+308 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-2478-2 $79.95 ($36.00 prepaid)
Lexical and Constructional Aspects of
Linguistic Explanation
Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and
Andreas Kathol (editors)
(University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, State University of New York at
Buffalo, and University of California at
Stanford: CSLI Publications (Studies in
constraint-based lexicalism, edited by
Andreas Kathol, Jean-Piere Koenig, and
Sam Mchombo), 1999, xi+401pp; distributed
by Cambridge University Press; hardbound
ISBN 1-57586-153-4, $64.95; paperbound,
ISBN 1-57586-152-6, $24.95
Dialects in Schools and Communities
Walt Wolfram, Carolyn Temple Adger, and
Donna Christian
(North Carolina State University and Center
for Applied Linguistics)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999, xi+239 pp; hardbound, ISBN
0-8058-2862-1, $49.95; paperbound, ISBN
0-8058-2863-X, $24.95