Full Text - European Journal of Public Health

'Publications received
Akademie fur Offentliches
Gesundheitswesen In DGsseldorf. Publk
health an den Universitaten und
Offerrtilcher Gesundheitsdienst.
Perspektlven for die Zusammenarbeit.
(Memorandum, undated.)
Bruce N, Springett J, Hotchkiss J,
Scott-Samuel A (eds). Research and
change in urban community health.
Aldershot, United Kingdom: Avebury
1995. 429 pp. ISBN 1-85972-159-1
Busby C Wings of death. Nudear pollution
and human hearth. Aberystwyth, Wales;
Green Audit Books 1995. 340 pp.
ISBN 1-897761-03-1
Chabot J, Hammeljer JW, Streefland PH
(eds). African primary health care in times
of economic turbulence. Amsterdam:
Royal Tropical Institute 1995. 151 pp.
ISBN 90-6832-087-4
Chevaiier S, Choinlere R, Ferland M, Pageau
M, Sauvageau Y (eds). Community hearth
indicatory Definitions and interpretations.
Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for
Health Information 1995. 224 pp.
ISBN 1-896104-08-8
Cohen LK, Gift HC (eds). Disease prevention
and oral health promotion. Sodo-dental
sciences In action. Copenhagen:
Munksgaard 1995. 590 pp.
ISBN 87-16-11095-1
Hawkins AH, Ballard JO, Blaisdell T (eds).
Time to go. Three plays on death and
dying wtth commentary on end-of-lrfe
issues. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press 1995. 118 pp.
ISBN 0-8122-1519-2
Levin IS, McMahon L, Ziglio E (eds).
Economic change, social welfare and
hearth In Europe. Copenhagen: WHO
Regional Office for Europe 1994. 131 pp.
ISBN 92-890-1318-4
Mautsch W, Sheiham A (eds). Promoting
oral health in deprived communities.
Berlin: German Foundation for
International Development 1995. 515 pp.
ISBN 3-924441-75-8
Mazo JF, Rappaport AM, Schieber SJ (eds).
Providing hearth care benefits in
retirement. Philadelphia: Pension Research
Courtdl and University of Pennsylvania
Press 1994. 263 pp. ISBN 0-8122-3270-4
Muir CS, MdOnney P. A strategy of cancer
control In Scotland. Glasgow. Scottish
Forum for Publk Health Medicine 1994.
45 pp. ISBN 0-9518742-2-5
Muraskin W. The war against hepatitis B. A
history of the International Task Force on
Hepatitis B Immunization. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press 1995.
248 pp. ISBN 0-8122-3267-4
Rogers M. Public sector accounting.
Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Stanley
Thornes Publishers Ltd 1995. 305 pp.
ISBN 0-7487-1908-3
Scrivens E. Accreditation. Protecting th«
professional or the customer?
Buckingham, United Kingdom: Open
University Press 1995.184 pp.
ISBN 0-335-19491-5
Silman AJ. Epidemlological studies: a
practical guide. Cambridge, United ,
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
1995. 175 pp. ISBN 0-521-43979-5
Smith SI. Skk and tired of being sick and
tired. Black women's hearth activism In
America, 1890-1950. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Pntss 1995.
247 pp. ISBN 0-8122-1449-8
Spencer BE. The condom effectiveness
matrix An analytical tool for defining
condom research priorities. Paris; Les
editions INSERM 1994. 83 pp.
ISBN 2-85598-581-1
Strasser T, Gallagher J (eds). The ethics of
hearth communication. Responsibilities
towards the public Marburg: Kilian
Verlag 1994. 107 pp. ISBN 3-9803688-4-X
Stossel U (td). Gesundheltsforderung und
Public Hearth In der arztllchen
Ausblldung (Health promotion and
public health in medical education).
Freiburg: Koordinierungsstelle
Gesundheitswissenschaften/Publk Health,
Aibert-Uidwigj-UniversrUt 1995. 247 pp.
ISBN 3-9803627-3-6
Nriagu JO (ed). Arsenic in the environment.
Part I: Cyding and characterization.
Part II: Human health and ecosystem
effects. New York; John Wiley & Sons
1994. Part 1:430 pp, ISBN 0-471-57929-7.
Part II: 293 pp, ISBN 0-471-30436-0
Taylor D, Bloor K. Health care, health
promotion and the future general practice.
London: The Royal Sodety of Medidne
Press and Nuffield Provincial Hospitals
Trust 1994. 201 pp. ISBN 1-85315-243-9
Deeg DJH, Westendorp-de Seriere M (eds).
Autonomy and well-being In the aging
population I. Report from the
Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
1992-1993. Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij
1994.112 pp. ISBN 90-5383-336-6
Nuffleld Provinical Hospitals Trust. Report
and accounts for the year ended 31st
March 1995. London: Nuffleld Provincial
Hospitals Trust 1995. 53 pp.
Tyler VE. Herbs of choke. The therapeutk
use of phytomedidnals. New York:
Pharmaceutical Products Press 1994.
209 pp. ISBN 1-56024-895-5
O'Connor BB. Healing traditions. Alternative
medicine and the hearth professions.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Press 1995. 287 pp. ISBN 0-8122-1398-X
Vaughan PJ, Badger D. Working with the
mentally disordered offender In the
community. London: Chapman & Hall
1995. 257 pp. ISBN 0-412-56740-7
Dowler E, Cahvert C Nutrition and diet In
lone-parent families in London. London:
Family Policy Studies Centre 1995. 60 pp.
ISBN 0-907051-79-0
Popple K. Analysing community work. Its
theory and practice. Buckingham, United
Kingdom: Open University Press 1995.
131 pp. ISBN 0-335-19408-7
Frenk J. Hearth and the economy. Proposals
for progress in the Mexican health
system. Overview. Mexico: Fundadon
Mexkana para la Salud 1995. 55 pp.
ISBN 968-6186-34-4
Pratt J. Practitioners and practices - a conflict
of values? Oxford: Raddhfe Medical Press
1995. 104 pp. ISBN 1-85775-140-X
Yamazaki JN, Fleming LB. Children of the
atomic bomb. An American physician's
memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the
Marshall Islands. Dunham, USA: Duke
University Press 1995. 182 pp.
ISBN 0-8223-1658-7
Cronin N. Families in Britain. London:
Family Policy Studies Centre 1995.
13 pp. ISBN 0-907051-86-3
Davey B (ed). Birth to old age: health in
transition. Buckingham, United Kingdom:
Open University Press 1995. 244 pp.
ISBN 0-335-19207-6
Haveman MJ. Buntinx WHE (eds). Family
needs and family support in mental
retardation. An international perspective.
Reijneveld SA. The measurement of local
public hearth. Studies on the health
status of an urban population
(dissertation). Amsterdam: Gemeentelijke
Geneeskundige en Gezondheidsdienst
Zijthoff ten P, Vtrheij R, Bakker de D.
Urban-rural variations in hearth and
hearth services utilization: an annotated
bibliography. Utrecht: Netherlands
Institute of Primary Health Care 1994.
157 pp. ISBN 90-69O5-261-X
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Cartwright K (ed). Meningococcal disease.
Chlchester John Wiley a Sons 1995.
316 pp. ISBN 0-471-95259-1
Maastricht; Stichting Wetenshappelijk
Instituut en Historisch Centrum 1994.
99 pp. ISBN 9O-7413O-13-5
and University of Amsterdam 1995.
161 pp. ISBN 90-5348-052-8