21, rue d'Artois, F-75008 Paris http://www.cigre.org A1-208 Session 2004 © CIGRÉ STATOR DEFORMATION OF LARGE HYDROGENERATORS AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE MACHINES C. AZUAJE* A. MILLAN C.V.G. ELECTRIFICACIÓN DEL CARONI, C.A. (EDELCA) (Venezuela) SUMMARY This paper is about the evaluation of a stator roundness of hydrogenerators in some of the EDELCA´s hydroelectric complexes in Venezuela. Large hydrogenerators frequently have several parallel groups on stator windings. These generators also have a neutral unbalance current and a phase unbalance current protection. During the operation of these units, high values of current unbalance between neutrals/groups in parallel per phase were found, reaching alarm and sometimes trip values causing the shut down of operation of the generators. Complete vibration measurements of units were performed and normal values were found; all vibration measurements taken on bearings and static parts had acceptable values. In addition air-gap and displacement of stator bases were measured during operating conditions and it was found that some of the sliding bases that were suppose to slide in the radial direction during heating expansions and contractions were stacked, not allowing the stator to keep its round shape for the operation. Due to magnetic unbalance caused by a non uniform air-gap, the effect on the rotor structure was investigated on a generator of 250 MVA at Macagua Power Plant using the Finite Elements Method. As a conclusion of this study, limits for stator roundness were established to avoid fatigue on rotor spider structure as a consequence of the cycling forces caused on the rotor structure at the rotating speed frequency. Keywords: Hydrogenerators - Stator Deformation - Synchronous Machine - Magnetic Force Air-gap. cazuaje@edelca.com.ve 1. INTRODUCTION Air-gap uniformity in rotating machines is very important for their performance. Large hydraulic machines always have non-uniformities in the air-gap that causes stator and rotor vibrations, wear or damage on guide bearings, poles looseness, etc. During operation, generator’s air-gap can be evaluated by direct or indirect methods; one of the indirect methods utilizes unbalance current measurements. In EDELCA unbalance current measurement systems have been installed in Power Houses 2 and 3 at Macagua. Direct methods have been developed in the last 20 years. At this time direct measurement systems have been installed in 12 generators of 250 MVA at Macagua II Project. In a generator, a very uniform air-gap would produce very low unbalanced currents, while for a non-uniform air-gap unbalanced currents would be higher. In conclusion, it is possible by these measurements, to know generator’s air-gap quality. Due to unbalanced phase current protection trips on generator 12 at Macagua Power Plant, an investigation was initiated to determine the cause of high values of currents. The developed study purpose was to know air-gap conditions, stator behavior and lack of roundness effect. It is important to underline that unbalanced currents do not indicate quantitative uniformity of the air-gap and only give qualitative information about it. A generator with a non-uniform airgap suffers of magnetic unbalance, vibrations and non-uniform temperature distribution on stator. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENERATOR The characteristics of the hydrogenerators at Power House 2 of Macagua Project, where this study was conducted, are shown in the following table: Table I: Characteristics of generators at Macagua Project. MVA Voltaje (KV) # of phases # of groups / phase Winding connection # of slots # of slots/pole # of poles # of camping bars / pole External stator radius (mm) 250 13.8 3 4 Υ 576 6,5454 88 4 7625 External rotor radius (mm) 7232 Air-gap (mm) 18 Current transformers were installed to measure unbalanced currents of parallel groups on “A” and “C” phases of the generators. Stator windings have four groups in parallel per phase, each one distributed in not more that 180° of the stator geometry, comparing the air-gap between diametrically opposed winding groups as shown in Figure 1. 1 Figure 1: Parallel groups comparison on phases “A” and “C”. We can observe the axes of comparison of parallel groups of the same phase; one of the axes compare two groups of phase “A” and the other, two groups of phase “C”. The two axes are at 75° between them as shown in Figure 1. With this arrangement it is possible to know the orientation of the air-gap deformation or eccentricities between stator and rotor. By this physical winding distribution, a relative eccentricity between stator and rotor is followed by unbalanced currents between groups of the same phase. In this way the winding group located on lower air-gap side would have higher induced voltage due to an increase of flux density; the winding group of the same phase located on the side with higher air-gap would have lower induced voltage. Unbalanced currents would flow from the group with higher voltage to the group of the same phase with lower induced voltage. If eccentricity is not aligned with any of the two axes, we would have unbalanced currents in all groups, but with higher value on groups closer to the eccentricity axis. 3. MEASUREMENTS Due to the activation of the unbalance current protection on Unit 12 of Macagua Power Plant, and with the purpose of evaluating the cause of the problem, it was decided to do the following measurements on this generator: air-gap, phase and neutral unbalance currents, stator bases displacement and vibrations for different operating conditions of the machine. 3.1. Air-gap For air-gap evaluation, Mechanic Tolerances for Hidrogenerators criteria shown in Table II [1] were applied. Measured values were compared with Table II to determine conditions of stator and rotor roundness and air-gap non-uniformities. Table II Guide of Tolerances of VibroSystm. Generator Air Gap* Erection Air Gap Variation 13% Stator Roundness 7% Stator Concentricity 5% Rotor Roundness 6% Rotor Concentricity 1.2% * Deviations in % of nominal air gap value Accept 20% 12% 7.5% 8% 2.5% Critical 30% 20% 10% 10% 4% 2 For the Generator 12, stator roundness was 3.05 mm, which is 16.94% of rated air-gap. A polar graphic of air-gap from the monitor system shows a minimum air-gap at 46° and a maximum at 303°. Minimum air-gap is aligned with the phase “A” axis. Figure 2: Air-gap polar graphic. A 23.4% of rated value of Air-gap variation was found, which is higher than the acceptable value of 20% shown in Table II. Generators of Macagua Project were designed to operate within 2.11 mm of eccentricity. Eccentricity value found during measurements was acceptable. 3.2. Neutral and Phase Unbalance Currents. Unbalance phase currents wave forms are not regular and it is possible to identify two components, a component of constant amplitude indicated by the minimum peak to peak value and a modulated component at rotation frequency. The component of minimum amplitude indicate that there is a deformation or eccentricity in generator’s stator, and the modulated component indicate a deformation in the rotor. It can be observed in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3: Phase “A” unbalance current. 3 Figure 4: Phase “C” unbalance current. Comparing amplitude of phase “A” signal with phase “C”, it can be observed that the constant component is higher in the phase “A” axis. This condition indicate an eccentricity in both comparing axes, being higher in the phase “A” axis direction, such as it was observed in the air-gap monitor system. On Figure 5 is it possible to observe a neutral unbalance current which is a result of phase unbalance conditions due to the air-gap deformations. Figure 5: Neutral unbalance current 3.3. Stator Frame Bases Displacement. The generator’s stator under study is supported over 12 soleplates which guide the frame stator structure for thermo expansions and contractions in radial direction. Displacements of bases were recorded during measurements under full load operating condition. 4 Figure 6: Polar diagram of stator bases displacement. On Figure 6 it is possible to observe that displacement of stator bases is not uniform, causing a non-regular stator circular geometry. On the figure we see that bases # 2, 7 and 11 have smaller displacement than others, the possible cause is higher friction on these bases. This condition causes an excessive displacement of bases # 3 and 10 during the expansion period due to a temperature raise. Base 3 is located near the position of maximum air-gap and base 11 is located on the area were minimum air-gap is. 3.4. Vibration Measurements. Vibration measurements were also performed simultaneously with unbalance currents, air-gap and bases displacement on the generator under study. Displacement sensors were installed at guide bearings of turbine and generator. To evaluate vibration levels the standard ISO 7919-5 [2] was applied. As can be observed in Figure 7, vibrations of the hydrogenerator under test were high at 60 MW, which is normal for partial load on a Francis turbine. For full load, vibrations are of maximum amplitude of 150 microns peak to peak which is considered as acceptable for continuous operation. Figura # 1 Amplitudes Globales de Vibración Unidad 12 400 350 250 200 150 100 50 M W 19 7 M W 18 0 16 0 M W M W 14 0 12 0 10 0 M W M W M W 80 M W 60 M W 40 M W 20 va c_ ex c 0 va cí o Micrones (p-p) 300 Condición Cojturb 0° Cojturb 90° Cojgen 0° Cojgen 90° Figure 7 Vibration amplitudes. 5 It is important to observe that relative eccentricity between rotor and stator due mainly to stator deformations, do not produce significant higher vibrations observables from static parts of the machine. 4. STATOR DEFORMATION AND CYCLIC FORCES ON ROTOR STRUCTURE. Important stator deformations on hydrogenerators cause cyclic forces due to magnetic unbalance over the rotor structure. In some cases, excessive deformations on the stator of a generator have caused fatigue over parts of the rotor structure. Due to the importance of the matter of stator deformation and the effect on rotor structure, a three dimensional Finite Element Method (3D-FEM) analysis was performed on the generator’s rotor structure, to determine the maximum forces due to magnetic unbalance, acceptables for continuous operation. In this way it was possible to determine the limit of acceptable stator deformation for continuous operation of generators at Macagua Project. Figure 7: Maximum magnetic unbalance 5. TOLERABLE STATOR DEFORMATION BY FEM ANALYSIS. Based on rotor design characteristics of generators of Power House 2 at Macagua Project, an investigation project was developed in cooperation with Simon Bolivar University. A 3DFEM analysis was applied over the complete rotor model; it was determined the maximum acceptable force due to magnetic unbalance under rotating conditions at rated speed. Once it was determined the maximum acceptable force for magnetic unbalance that for its cyclic effect can produce fatigue on components of the rotor structure after long period of operation, simulations with FLUX2D, a 2D-FEM application in electromagnetic fields, were developed. The FEM analysis in electromagnetic was applied to determine the air-gap nonuniformity caused mainly by stator deformation or eccentricity between stator and rotor, that would cause the magnetic forces that would fatigue the rotor structure. Simulation results showed that an eccentricity or stator deformation higher than 10% of the 18 mm of nominal air-gap of Power House 2 generators at Macagua Project, would produce fatigue caused by magnetic unbalance after long periods of operation. 6 VARIACIÓN DE ESFUERZO EN CARA POLAR 300 250 Fuerza (kN) 200 Valor critico: (16.3 mm, 203 kN) 150 Valor nominal: (18 mm, 170 kN) 100 50 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Entrehierro (mm) Figure 8: Magnetic force behavior vs. Air-gap per pole. 6. 7. CONCLUSIONS. • To maintain the integrity of the generators at Macagua Power Plant and to increase their expected operating life, it was determined that stator deformations have to be under 10% of rated air-gap, in order to minimize the induced cyclic forces on the rotor caused by magnetic unbalance. • Depending of design, for a large hydrogenerator it is important to determine the stator acceptable deformation limit for a continuous operation without having any damage on the rotor structure after long periods of operation. Magnetic unbalance produced by a generator air-gap deformation, would cause cyclic forces on the rotor structure that might cause fatigue over support parts. • Stator deformations not necessarily cause significant vibrations on stationary parts of the machine. A complete evaluation is required utilizing other tools such as: air-gap measurements during operation, phase unbalanced currents and displacement of stator bases measurements are recommended. Application of all these tools can give the required information to make the necesary analysis in order to make proper decisions to correct the problem. REFERENCES. 1. VIBROSYSTM: Hydrogenerator Mechanical Tolerantes. www.vibrosystm.com 2. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION: Mechanical Vibration of Non-Reciprocating Machines - Measurements On Rotating Shafts And Evaluation Criteria - Part 5: Machine Sets In Hydraulic Power Generating And Pumping Plants First Edition. ISO 7919-5. 1977/02/15. 7