van der Waals energies of cylindrical and spherical single layer systems N. S. Witte Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 99, 8168 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.465644 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Freezing lines of colloidal Yukawa spheres. I. A Rogers-Young integral equation study J. Chem. Phys. 136, 024507 (2012) Monte Carlo computer simulations and electron microscopy of colloidal cluster formation via emulsion droplet evaporation J. Chem. Phys. 135, 244501 (2011) Inhomogeneous fluids of colloidal hard dumbbells: Fundamental measure theory and Monte Carlo simulations J. Chem. Phys. 135, 234510 (2011) Kinetics of phase separation and coarsening in dilute surfactant pentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether solutions J. Chem. Phys. 135, 234503 (2011) Transient cage formation around hot gold colloids dispersed in polymer solutions J. Chem. Phys. 135, 224905 (2011) Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see van der Waals energies of cylindrical and spherical single layer systems N. S. Witte School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia (Received 29 March 1993; accepted 19 July 1993) The van der Waals energies for cylindrical and spherical single layer systems are obtained, in the nonretarded limit, from the heuristic procedure of summing the normal surface electromagnetic mode frequencies. Both the zero and finite temperature results are presented. The geometrical dependence of the energies for the cylindrical and spherical systems is shown to satisfy inequalities involving simple model dielectric configurations. The exact energies have a first-order correction to the planar case, for a large inner radius in comparison to the film thickness, which is proportional to the mean curvature with a new Hamaker coefficient. It is conjectured that this applies to arbitrarily shaped smooth films with small curvature. In the two-body summation approximation the energies factorize into a geometrical factor, for which exact analytical forms are found, and the standard Hamaker constant. The effect of geometry on the van der Waals energy is shown to be important, in that the effective Hamaker constants for curved films of inner radius r and layer thickness w rises rapidly at r~ 2.6w for the cylindrical and at r~ 1.8w for the spherical system. I. INTRODUCTION The interplay of the geometry and scale of neutral macroscopic bodies interacting with each other as a result of long-range electromagnetic van der Waals forces is of importance in the stability of colloid systems, and in biological assemblies to name a few examples. The thermodynamic effects of the van der Waals interaction in systems of interfaces and films in planar, cylindrical, and spherical geometries, including full retardation has been investigated by the group of Belosludov, Nabutovskii, and Korotikh. Their method utilizes the finite temperature Green's functions for the fluctuating electromagnetic fields and their boundary relations across the various interfaces, first developed by Dzyaloshinski, Lifshitz, and Pitaevski 1 (DLP). Their work also provides a more detailed description in each case, by providing the chemical potential density, the density of mass variation, and the tangential components of the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, as well as the normal stress components which are simply related to the free energy. Their work is reviewed in Ref. 5. While this work is more general in respect of the effects of a finite propagation speed for the electrodynamical interaction, and thus is correct in describing the van der Waals forces at larger separations, d~ 10- 6_10- 7 m, the overlap with the present work is quite minimal. van Kampen et af. 2 showed that a simpler theory of summing allowed normal mode frequencies, which was identical to that obtained from the Green's function procedure of DLP. The advantage of employing the "simple" or "heuristic" method of summing the zero-point energies of the fundamental oscillators is that the total free energy of more complex geometries and configurations can be explored. The disadvantage is that one finds only a total free energy for the global system considered as a whole compared to the completely diassembled layers, and this 8168 method can provide no insight into the individual discontinuities in the normal stress components across a given interface, for example. The problem of van der Waals energies of cylindrical and spherical films was initially undertaken using this method in Parsegian and Weiss,14 but we believe these results are in error and seek to present the corrected version. The purpose of this paper is to derive the energies associated with single layer systems of dielectric media due to van der Waals interactions, or dispersion forces, and to provide a thorough analysis of these results. The single layers (denoted by SL) separate two distinct dielectric media in three geometrical configurations: the plane parallel, the cylindrical, and the spherical geometries. The single layers themselves will be composed of three distinct dielectric media. The calculations will be made initially at zero temperature, but this can be fully generalized to finite temperatures. The expressions for the van der Waals energies for the three geometries are derived in Sec. II, where numerous notations and definitions are set out. IneqUalities for the general energies are developed in Sec. III, which are related to sets of simpler dielectric model configurations. The large radius expansions are discussed in Sec. IV, and first-order corrections in the radius of curvature of the nonplanar geometries are found. In addition, it is shown that the nonplanar results map smoothly into the planar in the limit. Small radius expansions are investigated in Sec. V, which provide some simple expressions for the single layer energies. Because the appropriately scaled energies depend only on the ratio of the inner radius to the width of the intermediate layer the above two limiting behaviors covers all the possible cases. The two-body summation approximation (TBSA) of the van der Waals energies, ,arising from just the pairwise interactions, is investigated in Sec. VI. This will lead to useful analytical results for effec- J. Chern. Phys. 99 (10). 15 November 1993 0021-9606/93/99(10)/8168/15/$6.00 @ 1993 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies tive Hamaker constants that are valid for all sizes and thicknesses of the media components. II. DISPERSION ENERGIES FOR THE THREE GEOMETRIES 8169 Medium 2 . _ _---.J'--_---'-_ _..... X The macroscopic theory of dispersion forces for condensed media has a solid foundation that is adequately discussed elsewhere, and it is only necessary to point out the two essential limitations to the theory presented here. One is the fact that all the systems predict divergent behavior as the inner layer thickness, w ..... o, which is due to the neglect of the spatial dispersion of the atomic and molecular polarizabilities. At the same time, however, large thicknesses and radii greater than approximately the order of 500 ..... 1000 A are beyond the validity of the calculations made here, and require the incorporation of full retardation effects. This upper limit derives from the wavelength of the highest-frequency peak of the integrand appearing in Eq. (2.19), etc., and usually occurs in the ultraviolet. Numerical calculations4 for the retarded PSL and Plane Triple Layer systems clearly reveal the limitations of the nonretarded approximations. In presenting the nonretarded theory here we are not implying that the inclusion of full retardation is insignificant, or unnecessary, but that it should be seen as the next step following these investigations and that because of the complexity of the expressions involved a step by step approach needs to undertaken. Furthermore, as will be seen later, we believe that many of the results presented here will survive the inclusion of retardation effects, and the appearance of these new results in a simpler model serves to promote understanding of their origin. z ~ r:::: MedIum 1 3 r,--> I<-w---" . -----~ ,-. --- --. --.-~-- . ." z Medium The three geometries, the plane, the cylindrical, and the spherical, and coordinates of the interfaces are defined in Figs. l(a)-l(c). Following van Kampen,2,9 one seeks solutions for the surface electrostatic modes, with no free charges or currents, i.e., in an isotropic homogeneous dielectric media with no spatial dispersion characterized by a single dielectric function, which depends only on the frequency and, of course, thermodynamic parameters, VXE=O. 2 "2 A. Mode-summation derivation V· D=O, 3 (2.1 ) The electrostatic potential <f; introduced as a solution to Laplace's equation is subject to the continuity conditions across interfaces j and j + 1, <f;/Xj) =<f;Hl(X), (2.2a) E'JIl' V<f;/Xj) =€Hln. V<f;HI (x). (2.2b) One then decomposes the most general solution into the individual modes appropriate to the geometry. Treating the energy contribution from such individual modes separately one sums these at the end of the calculation. One conventionally defines a transfer matrix, M, which relates the set of coefficients, A and B, of the eigenfunction 3 FIG. 1. Plane single layer PSL system with coordinates XI' X2' and distance w. Cylindrical single layer CSL system with radii rl' r2' and distances rand w. Spherical single layer SSL system with coordinates rl' r2' and distances rand w. expansion for the electrostatic potential in one layer (layer + 1), such that j) to those of a neighboring layer (layer j (~) HI =Mjj+l(X)(~) / (2.3) Use will be made of the definitions of the dielectric parameters' 8t=I+€/Ej, 8ij=I-€/€j. One has, for the plane parallel case, J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see (2.4) N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8170 1 (Oh+l M jj +l(Xj)="2 0- ~ . +2kx· jj+le J f) ' 2kx Oll+le0+ . jj+l (2.10) (2.5) . where k is the magnitude of the transverse wave number in the x-y plane, i.e., ~=~+TS and ranges from zero to infinity. For the cylindrical case, one obtains _! (Oh+l +oll+l~m +s;,-:-."...J M j j+l(rj)-2 uJJ+l"-'jm s;, rll Ujj+l-ull+l"-'jm MC/SSL=M23(r2)M12(rl), where the three cylindrical functions defined as (2.12) and· gSSL (a> ) = ( 1- 21 0m=2P/m(Pj)I'",(pj), cfm=2p jK m(pj)K'",(pj)' have the arguments P= Iklr. The 1m and Km denote the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kinds with index m. The dash denotes a derivative with respect to the argument. It is understood that the above transfer matrix corresponds to the multipole of order m appearing in the Bessel functions, and often this index will be suppressed for the sake of simplicity. The one-dimensional eigenvalue k ranges over the entire real line. For the spherical geometry the transfer matrix for multipole 1'>0 is simply (2.8) The total transfer matrix is then formed from the product of all the interfacial transfer matrices. The 11 component of the total transfer matrix relates the coefficient of the unbounded eigenfunction (say as r-O or x-- ~ (0) on one side of the multilayer system to the coefficient of the bounded eigenfunction on the other side of the system (in this case as r-- 00 or x __ + (0). Naturally the former coefficient must vanish while the latter remains finite. Because the dielectric functions are taken to be functions of frequency alone, this places a constraint on the frequency, leading to electromagnetic surface mode frequencies given by the dispersion relation g(a» = (M T ) 11=0. The multilayer energies, at zero temperature, are found in the semiclassical approximation by summing over the zero-point energies of these modes. B. Single layer energies and leads to (2.9) (2.13) The g( a», being meromorphic functions, enables one to use the relation, which gives the sum of the zeros minus the poles of g(a» on the right-half complex plane, oy L ([Zeros =- 1 21Ti of g(a»] - [Poles of g(a»]} f+iOO -ioo g'(a» a> g(a» da>. (2.14) The summation over the allowed spectrum of frequency modes is further replaced by an integral along the imaginary frequency axis, over 5= - ia>, as shown in Ninham and Parsegian. 3 These SL energies are, however, formally infinite and meaningless without suitable subtraction of a zero-energy reference, and the appropriate, and only choice of the zero occurs when the media 1 and 3 layers are separated by an infinite distance. This then leads to the requirement on the renormalized dispersion function G( a> ), which enters into the expression for the contribution to the total energy from a particular multipole that and limw~oo G(a» =1. For the PSL geometry this prescription for the renormalized G(a» is given simply by GpSL lim gPSL . w-oo 1+.!l21.!l32e-2kw. gPSL (2.15) Here the dielectric reflection coefficient, .!lij' is defiiled as .!l .. = €i-€j lj- (2.16) €i+€j However, in the case of cylindrical multilayer systems some care needs to be exercised. A satisfactory renormalized dispersion function is the ratio of the second term of Eq. (2.12) to its first term, i.e., GcsL=l For a single layer system with a composition of media types 1, 2, 3, then one has for the planar case (PSL), ~ 1 °i2 ) ( 1- 21 ~ 1 023 ) +(~I~1 0i2f t 21+1) (;;:\ 023r2 21- 1). (2.7) ~m= -pAl'",(p)Km(p) +lm(pj)K'",(p)], MpSL=M23(X2)M12(Xl) , (0i'2+0i2Q) (8i3+023~) -oi2023cfcf , (2.6) (2.11) which leads to gcsda» = -oll+lcfm) s;,+ while in the cylindrical (CSL) and spherical (SSL) cases, one has .!l32.!l21 cfcf ;;0;;0 (1 +.!l32"-'i)( 1+.!l21"-'i) . (2.17) One can easily show that this approachs unity as w tends to infinity. The spherical single layer dispersion function can be found using the method as in the plane case, and is given by J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies r G -1 __ SSL- + ( r+w )2/+1 41(1+1)il 32il 21 (21+1+il 32 )(21+1+il21 )' (2.18) The energy contribution per unit area, denoted by ~, from all of the individual modes in each of the three geometries are summed or integrated over all the spectra of eigenvalues appropriate to the geometry to give the total interaction energy. For the planar case, one has =- fz 32ff2w2 f+oo _ 00 ds g3 ( - (2.19) .:i 32.:i21 ), where g3 (z) is the trilogarithm function defined in Appendix B. The results for the cylindrical and spherical layer systems are fz ~csL(r,w)=~ 8171 m=-oa f +OO -00 dk f+oo -00 dsln GCSL (2.20) (2.23) for any appropriate function f The result for the retarded stress tensor for a CSL system can be found in Korotkikh and Nabutovskii, 8 although they present no result for the nonretarded limit, while a few other specific limiting cases are investigated. Because of a typographical error (?) for the expression 8~~8 in their Eq. (10), there is some ambiguity surrounding their final result in Eq. (15). Equation (15) of their work sets out the form for ilia' (RI,d) and il 2a' (R 2 ,d), which is of direct relevance to this work. The full retarded stress tensor for a SSL system was found in Refs. 6 and 7, and their limiting case of rl' '2 ~1L0 yields an expression for the nonretarded ilaLz (w). Both of these quantities are the contributions to the jump discontinuity in the normal stress component across the interf~ces (1 ..... 2, 2 ..... 3 respectively), due to interactions across the sandwich layer, medium 2. As is evident from their Eqs. (22) and (23) (apart from a typographical error) this is identical to that formed from the expressions for the total energy 41Tri~ SSL(rl,r2) stated here, via the relations and (2.24) fz 00 ~ssdr,w)=~ L_ (21+1) lorr 1-0 f+oo dslnG -00 ssL · (2.21 ) The energies of single and multilayer systems are often expressed in terms of the effective Hamaker constant, A = -121Tw2~, as well. The energy used here is an energy per unit area of the inner interface. At this point an initial check of the results for the cylindrical renormalized dispersion function can be made in the limit as the inner radius tends to infinity, while the layer thickness w and the multi pole order m remains finite. This corresponds to using the asymptotic expansions of the cylinder functions for large argument, as given in Eq. (Al). One finds that only the product of CI at the inner radius and of cK at the outer radius survive to give GCSL ..... GpSL ' The wave number eigenvalue k in the cylindrical geometry naturally maps over to the restricted wave number magnitUde in the planar geometry. Also, in the spherical case a direct check can be made in the same limit as above with one difference. As well as letting the inner radius r=rl tend to infinity, one must let the angular momentum number I also tend to infinity, such that x=l/r is constant, and it is this later quantity that corresponds to the planar wave number. Using the limiting definition of the exponential function, (2.22) one finds GSSL ..... GpSL after the identification of x with k. All the above results can be easily generalized to finite temperatures by the simple replacement of the frequency integration with the summation over the Matsubara frequencies, Sn=21TkBTn/fz, For the cylindrical case the corresponding connection with the total van der Waals energy, expressed in terms of WCSdrl,r2), would be a -ari (21Trl ~ csd/21Tri=ilaj (Ri,d), i= 1,2. (2.25) Also, in Parsegian and Weiss,14 one finds an identical expression for the energy per unit area for the SSL. Although this work treats the large radius limit of the CSL energy no general form for the energy is derived or used. III. EXTREMAL DIELECTRIC MODELS In their study, Parsegian and Weiss 14 briefly investigate a simple model case for the cylindrical single layer, without approximation in the relative radii of layers, or making any expansion concerning the differences in the dielectric media. In this section this idea is extended and systematized in order to provide strong limits on the behavior of an arbitrary cylindrical or spherical single layer system. As noted earlier, the dielectric difference functions ilij' or physically the "transmission coefficients" are always real and greater than equal to - I and less than or equal to + 1 for all imaginary frequencies is. In what fol- TABLE I. Dielectric configurations for the extremal single layer systems. £1 00 1,00 0,1 ° £2 £3 0,1 1,00 I 1,00 0,1 00 ° - P=A 21 -1 -I +1 +1 q=A32 Realization -1 +1 -1 +1 £1>£2>£3 J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see £1' £3>£2 £2>£1'£3 £3>£2>£1 N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8172 lows we take a single-frequency term from the finite temperature Matsubara sum and investigate all possible "maximal" or "minimal" extreme cases of the dielectric behavior, where Aij= ± 1. For the single layer one has the following cases enumerated in Table I. An example of an arrangement of dielectric layers where such a case may arise from the above is when only the zero Matsubara frequency contributes as 4,0 CSL 3,0 2.0 ::;. 1.0 . \ .......... L ..... F ... 0 ...., .... \\ ........ ~\ I- ........ ....... \, ~-1.0 \ -\ .Q \, -2.0 "',T-'- ...... \, "\ -3,0 A. Cylindrical layers For the above four cases, one finds that the free energy per unit area contribution of a single term is simply expressible in terms of one function, 2 Tp,q(O) +", =~;. m=~oo f+'" du ») T+'+\.. 0 0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 loglC( w/r ) SSL (3.1) I<j!)(uO-1)K<;J(u) , 2,0 where the superscripts a=(1+p)/2 and (3=(1-q)/2 of the modified Bessel functions show the order of the derivative with respect to the argument, and O=r1/r2' The T functions defined here are related to a single term of the Matsubara sum for the energy per unit area If a by I ------Tp,q Ifa k B T-161Tr .......... 4,0 _", 1<;:) (u)K~) (UO- 1 Xln ( I -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 ......... T-'+ '\. T+'- -4.0 (a) ...... \ - N 1.0 L ..... o ]-10 .2 . -2,0 All four of these functions are displayed in Fig. 2(a) over the full range of their arguments. The two mixed forms are positive with T- 1, + 1> T+ I, -I > 0, while the remaining two are negative, 0> T+ 1,+ I> T-1,-I. From the general properties of the cfJ, cT, and cK functions outlined in Appendix A, and of the Aij constants, it is possible to establish that 1<GCSL(rl ,r2.i A,A') cfcf =G- 1,-I(r"r2), in the case where AA' > 0. For the remaining case of AA' <0, one has to consider the two further subcases of this, namely, A32 > 0, A21 < and A32 < 0, A21 > 0, because of a fundamental assymetry between them. In these two it is straightforward to show that ° A2IAdl-C?) (1 +~) + (1+A 21 C?) (1 +A32~»0, (3.2a) (3.2b) -3,0 -4,0 -2.0 -1.5 -1,0 -0.5 (b) 0 0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 loglO( w/r ) FIG. 2. (a) Exact cylindrical single layer energies for extremal model dielectrics labeled (+ 1,+ 1), (+ 1,-1), (-1,+ 1), and (-1,-1) vs w/r. (b) Exact spherical single layer energies for extremal model dielectrics labeled (+1,+1), (+1,-1), and (-1,-1) vs w/r. In this way the consequent inequalities hold, 1>Gcsdr"r2i A21 < 0,A32 > 0) >G- 1,+I(rl,r2), 1>GcsL (rl,r2i A21 > O,A32 <0) >G+ 1,-I(rl,r2)' Thus, in summary, it is clear that anyone term of the Matsubara sum has a lower bound of T-1,-1 when A32A21 > 0, while each term with A21 > 0, A32 < has an upper bound of T+ 1, - " and that with A21 <0, A32 >0 has an upper bound of T- 1,+ I. If each term in the Matsubara sum satisfies one of these bounds, then the complete sum must. For the completely general set of media dielectric dispersion different cases may arise at various frequencies so that the above bounds may not be of great use numer- J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see ° N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies ically, but in some sense an average of the bounds may apply. But certainly they will give useful bounds if not rigorous ones. B. Spherical layer In an entirely analogous way model or extremal forms can be derived for the spherical layer case also. For the four cases above, one finds the simple models to be 00 TM(e)= L 1=1 ( 2 1 + I-~(p+q) 2/ 1) (2/+I)ln I+pq e + 2/+ I +Hp+q) Clearly one has T- I .- I > T+ I .+ I >0 and 0> T- I .+ I = T+ I.-I. In this case the T functions defined here are related to a single term of the Matsubara sum for the energy per unit area 'if! 0 by 'if! 0 I -----TM . Note that there is a difference of a factor of 2 with the CSL definition. A real difference in this case with the cylindrical one is that one has a symmetry in the two mixed cases being identical. All three cases are plotted in Fig. 2(b). The general G SSL will also satisfy inequalities similarly. From the observation that 0< (2/+2)-2 «2/+ l+a32 )-1(2/+ l+a21)-1 «2/) -2, and if il32a21 > 0, then 1<GSSL(rl,r2Iil32il21 > 0) <G- 1.- 1(rl ,r2). Noting that (2/+ 1+il) (2/+ 1+il') +4/(1+ l)ilil';;;.O, when ilil' <0, one can directly show that G-l.+l(rl,r2)<Gssdrl>r21 1 and spherical cases due to a dependence of the form w- 2 • As in the case of the plane layer systems, this divergence is a direct consequence of the neglect of nonlocal contributions arising from the individual atoms or molecules in the media. The spatial dispersion occurring in real systems introduces a length scale, of atomic dimensions, that this continuum model lacks, and the interaction energy would then have a finite limit. • (3.3 ) k BT-S1T? 8173 a 32a 21 <0) <1. 1 Thus, in summary, T- .+ is a lower bound for T(il 32 ,a21 ) when il32il21 <0, whereas T- I .- I is an upper bound for T(a 32 ,a21 ) when a 32a 21 > O. A. Cylindrical layers As the inner radius of cylindrical multilayer systems approaches infinity, successive individual terms of the integrand In G in the muItipole sum differ little from each other, and these merge together into a continuum with only a weak dependence on the multipole order. Thus the dominant contribution to the sum comes from a large range of m values, including large absolute values of m, and so the sum over m tends into an integral over a new variable, Y'=.m/r, written in the limiting form as +00 f+oo dy ;~~ F(yr,r,w), as- r--> rI m~oo F(m,r,w) -+ -00 00, ( 4.1) where F is an arbitrary function of m, r, and w. An expansion form for this plus first- and second-order correction terms is given later in Eq. (4.3). The consequence of this is that one must -find the asymptotic expressions for the integrands for large argument and large order, but carefully retaining the subtle differences between factors evaluated at slightly different radii. The appropriate expansions of the modified Bessel functions, a variant of the Debye expansions, which are asymptotic expansions with respect to r or m and uniform with respect to k, y, and d, can be found in Eqs. (A2) of the Appendix A. Considering the CSL case in detail one finds that the substitution of these expansions equations (A3) leads to the cancellation of prefactors in c! and cK, namely 1i1Te2m7] and 1Te- 2m7], and thus the intermediate result to order O(r-I), IV. LARGE RADIUS EXPANSION In this section the relationship between the planar on the one hand, and the cylindrical and spherical layer systems on the other, is explored more fully in order to provide a check on the energies presented here, and to indicate how the latter two geometries map into the first in the limits of large inner radius. The case of the sandwich layer vanishing, w-->O, with finite values of r is identical to just this case, as there are no other length scales in the problem in which the effective Hamaker constant only depends on r/w. This would only be true in the nonretarded limit. The interesting fact that emerges in the limit as the inner layer vanishes is that the energy diverges for both the cylindricAl ( I + il 21 C?) (1 + a32i1) = _e- 2w (k2+I) 112 (4.2) Continuing along this direction the next step is to take out the entire zeroth order or r= 00 factor and expand the logarithm of the remaining factor in an asymptotic series up to and including second order in r-I. The other part of the asymptotic development in large radius involves the J. Chern. Phys.• Vol. 99. No. 10. 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8174 use of the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to perform the summation over m, also taken up to second order in 1/r, CSL 3.0 r- 1 mX", f(m,r,w) =2 fo'" dy f(yr,r,w) ·2.0 -~ r- %"Iy=o +... . 2 (4.3) One combines these two asymptotic expansions, again up to second order. By transforming from Cartesian coordinates (y,k) to polar coordinates (e,q), one can analytically perform the angular and radial integrations and arrive at the final result, fz 'iff CSL= 'iff PSL - 64-n2rw ~ "~ l- e -1.0 -2.0 (4.4) Large radius expansions for the CSL have been reported in Parsegian and Weiss 14 and their result, which can be compared to our first-order correction, differs from ours. We believe their result is incorrect for two reasons. First, even assuming their method to be correct there is an omission of a factor of r (their definition not ours) from the second term in the brackets on the right-hand side of their Eq. (21). This error propagates through their analysis thereafter. However, even taking this omission intoaccount the result would still be incorrect. The essence of the error lies, in that they have only used an exponential approximation to the modified Bessel functions, which is completely incapable of giving rise to an expansion in w/r. Thus the method is satisfactory to reproduce the zerothorder or plane parallel limit, but not for any higher orders. In fact, the exponential form they have taken is quite inappropriate as the basis for the development of higherorder corrections. A quantitative investigation of the large radius expansion can be most simply made with the extremal model functions of Eq. (3.1). In comparison, the approximate expression fOUIid from our large radius expansion, Eq. ( 4.4), yields the following: - - 0 OJ .Q f+'" _'" dS[g3( -Ll32Ll21) - (Ll32 +Ll21)gl ( -Ll 32 Ll21)] +0(r- 2 ). 1.0 T-l'-I=_~ t(3) (~r (~t(3) +In 2) (~) +0(1), -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 (a) 0 I0910( 0.5: w/r } 1.0 1:5 2:0 SSL 2.0 n 0 ~ "+ , 1 sl order I-- '0 OJ-2.0 .Q Olh order c c c -4.0 c c -6.0";:;'::!-'-'-';-';:-'-U:-7'-'-!::"=-,-~:-'--'-'c..::l:""""~.J...U~'-'-'-l.d -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 . '0' 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 (b) FIG. 3. (a) Exact, zeroth- and first-order approximations to the cylindrical single layer energies for the_extremal model dielectric labeled ( - 1, + 1) vs w/r. (b) Exact, zeroth- and first-order approximations to the spherical single layer energies for the extremal model dielectric labeled (-1,+ 1) vs w/r. (4.5a) T-1,+I=t(3) (~) +~ t(3) (~) +0(1), (4.Sb) 1 T+ ,-I=t(3) (~r +~ t(3) (~) +0(1), (4.Sc) 2 T+l'+I=_~ t(3) (~r + ( -~ t(3) +In 2) (~) +0(1). (4.5d) In Fig. 3(a) we have plotted the exact value of T- 1,+1, as given by Eq. (3.1), as well as the zeroth-, the first-, and the second-order scaled corrections, as given by Eq. ( 4.Sb), successively applied. This is the same function computed by Parsegian and Weiss, 14 and the qualitative shape of our exact result appears to be the same as theirs, although there is a In 2 shift and a different log base along the y axis between the two results. Clearly our first order is a significant improvement over the zeroth order. It should be noted that if the Parsegian and Weiss 14 result were correct then the first-order correction would vanish, and clearly this is Imt the case (in fact, this conclusion is just as evident from their graph). Also, in dielectric models where medium I is identical to medium 3 so that Ll32 + Ll21 =0, then first-order corrections still remain, so that the planar approximation is not enhanced in this dielectric arrangement. A further observation on the merit of the inclusion J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 8175 N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies of first-order terms can be clearly seen in Fig. 2(a). Here the T- 1.- 1 and T+ 1.+ 1 differ at the first order and their two curves separate early, at low values of w/r, whereas the T+ 1.- 1 and T- 1.+ 1 differ only at the second order and their two curves separate much later, at higher values of w/r. The various approximations are seen, in this case, to bracket the exact result, with the zeroth order underestimating the magnitude of the exact result and the first-order approximation overestimating it. The range and usefulness of the large radius approximation is also demonstrated by Fig. 3(a). At the 10% error level the zeroth-order approximation fails when 10glO(w/r) - -0.68 or when w/r~0.21, whereas the first-order approximation fails when 10glO(w/r) - +0.45 or when w/r- 2.8. B. Spherical layer A similar limiting process operates in the case of the SSL as it does in the CSL for large inner radius. In this case the I summation goes over to an x integration, where x==.l/r and both 1 and r tend to infinity, while x and w remain finite, ?1 Lco o (21+ l)F(l,r,w) ->2 lco dx x lim F(xr,r,w), r~oo 0 as r-> (4.6) 00. Retaining only the highest-order terms in I, which ensures cancellation between the numerator and denominator in Eq. (2.18), and using the limiting definition of the exponential function, one can simply show the planar case is recovered, lim ~ssL(r,p,w)=Wpsdp,w). Finally, making use of the integral representations of the polylogarithms (see Appendix B), one arrives at fz WSSL= WPSL - 32-n2rw f+oo _ dS[g3 ( 00 Ll32Ll 21) - (Ll 32 +Ll21 )gl (-Ll32Ll 21)] +0(r- 2 ). (4.10) In respect of the result found in Parsegian and Weiss, 14 their w- 2 and w- I terms in Eq. (41) both agree with the zeroth- and first-order results arrived at in this work. However, their next-order term, with the In(w) dependence, is incorrect as it stands. A sign error first appears in the [b/(b+ l)f term of the preceding equation (40), and this mistake propagates into Eq. (41) uncorrected. Furthermore, the logarithmic term alone is not a complete secondorder correction, as there are O( 1) or constant terms with respect to w not included. These omitted terms, in general, would also be of comparable magnitude numerically to any logarithmic term. The approach taken by them to derive Eq. (40) is not useful in finding such 0(1) terms because all orders in the 1 expansion [in Eq. (39)] beyond third order are required to give them. Just as in the CSL case the large radius forms of the Extremal SSL models have the following indicative forms, where the expressions are obtained from the asymptotic expansions given in Appendix C, in terms of an ascending series in w/r, T-I.-l=~ s(3) (~) + (~S(3) +1n 2 ) (~) 2 (4.lla) (4.7) In finding the r- I corrections to the spherical layer systems, a similar procedure to that in the cylindrical case is used. In applying the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to the sum (4.11b) 00 r- 2 L (21+1)1(l,r,w) 1=0 = Jooo dx(2x+r- 1 )/(xr,r,w) +~ r- 2/(0,r,w) 1 2 -1 2 r- ( 2/(0,r,w) + ~II=J +0(r- 3 ), (4.11c) (4.8) and expanding the integrands, one finds that the second, third and higher terms are all of order r- 2 • Thus,' it is only necessary to expand the integrand of the first term up to order r-I. In this the following expansion for large n is used: (4.9) where the C, to, and t+ are pure numbers, like the coefficients, and expressions as well as values are given for these by Eqs. (Cl). In Fig. 3(b) the exact expression for T- 1.+ 1 as given by Eq. (3.3) and the zeroth-order, firstorder approximants to this, as found in Eq. (4.11b), are plotted. Again it is found that that zeroth order is sufficient to the 10% level up to w/r-0.40, and the first order is sufficient up to w/r~0.33. While at first sight it appears that the first order is worse than the zeroth order, this is not a complete description of their relative merits. In fact, for values of w/r;$ 0.20 the first order is closer to the exact value than the zeroth order, and increasing so as w de- creases below this. J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 99. No. 10. 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8176 In the conclusion of this section one finds that the cylindrical and spherical layer systems map continuously into the plane layer case, and one can find r- 1 corrections (and higher orders) to the later case. This correction for the spherical case is twice that of the cylindrical, which can be understood on the basis that the sum of the inverses of the principal radii of curvature for the sphere is 2/r and that of the cylinder 1/r. This would lead one to conjecture that the r- 1-order corrections for the local van der Waals energy per unit area of a smooth, but otherwise arbitrary curved surface layer with principal radii of curvature Rl and R2 is . X (~(z) cf(z») (1+a21 ) [1+a 32ig(z)] + [1+a 32Cl(z)] +O(?), (5.1) and this vanishes in the limit as the inner cylinder tends to zero. This is quite obvious, given that one remains with a single interface separating two media in the limit, and all such systems have a reference energy of zero. The small radius expansions of the Extremal CSL models take the following forms: (5.2a) (4.12) (5.2b) In general, the next-order corrections involve logarithmic dependence on wand terms involving the dielectric properties alone, for both the cylindrical and spherical cases. Thus, one finds the presence of nonalgebraic forms as well as terms possibly involving squares of the mean curvature, and the Gaussian curvature. It is significant that the scaled total free energy w2 '11 c/ssdr,w) is riot an analytic function about the planar limit w=O. However from just two specific cases it does not seem possible to extract the universal form, at this order at least. r+ 1,-I=!e3 +0(lf), (5.2c) r+ 1,+I= -W3 +0(lf). (5.2d) B. Spherical systems For the case when the inner radius is much smaller than the thickness of the SSL one need retain only the leading term of the ascending expansion of the logarithm in Eq. (2.18) and Eq. (2.21). Furthermore, multipole contributions higher than the 1= 1 term are now much smaller than the 1= 1 dipole term (the 1=0 always vanishes), leading to V. SMALL RADIUS LIMITS In this section the limiting case where the inner radius of the cylindrical and spherical layer systems vanishes is investigated for a number of reasons. First, it furnishes a check of the general results of this paper against those on solid rods and spheres, from the work of Langbein. 11 Second, it provides some intermediate results, which will be of use in understanding the interrelationships of the general results. It will have been noticed that the interaction energies per unit surface area were defined with the inner surface rather than some other surface, such as the outer one. This can reinforce some tendency to singular behavior as r->O that is not otherwise present in the total energy. Thus the energy per unit area possesses a finite limit, namely zero, which is the correct result for a single dielectric sphere immersed in another dielectric medium. The Extremal models for the SSL take the forms r-1,+I=r+1,-1 (5.4b) A. Cylindrical systems To implement this expansion one requires the ascending expansions for the cylinder functions CJ and d, which are given in Eqs. (A5a) and (A5b). In the CSL case the renormalized dispersion function has an expansion of the form GcsL =1+a?+0(r4 ), so that the logarithm of this has a lowest-order term of ? Furthermore, the leadingorder term of C~(z) for multipoles higher than 2 is of higher order than ~ and one can neglect these, leaving only the m= -1,0, + 1 multipoles. The leading-order term for the energy per unit area is (5.4c) VI. TWO-BODY SUMMATION APPROXIMATION In this section an approximation will be explored that allows the separation of geometrical effects from all others in a nontrivial way, in contrast to the limits discussed in earlier sections. It is often found that the general trends exhibited in this approximation are close to the exact re- J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No.1 0, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies (6.1 ) TABLE II. Location of the maxima in the geometry factors, S(ra,rb)' and its values at these points for CSL and SSL systems with x=r/w. Xo= So= Cylindrical Spherical 2.560 886303 1959 1.0667163992208 1.843 893 1904266 1.158 10749221689 8177 In the following material a dimensionless ratio defined as x=r/w will prove to be useful. A convenient notation for the Hamaker coefficients will be adopted in the form (6.2) suIts. This limit is found from the expansion of the normalized dispersion functions G in powers of aij up to quadratic order and the logarithm as well. This yields a clean and simple separation of the energies into factors with the frequency dependence, which defines a Hamaker factor, and factors with geometry and size dependence. The results presented here will be in terms of an effective Hamaker constant, A, as well as the energy per unit area, for two reasons. It first allows for easy comparison between results of the different geometries, and second because it is a scale invariant quantity-scaling all the sizes by a constant factor, does not change the effective Hamaker constant. This is defined as with ra> rb to ensure convergence, and this result is proved in Appendix A. Referring to the general expression for the S factor of the CSL in Eq. (6.5), it is clear that it is zero when x=O, but it also rises to a single maximum and then slowly declines to a value of unity as x tends to infinity. The partie- A. Cylindrical layers With the CSL, one has (6.3) so that the effective Hamaker constant becomes (6.4) where the geometrical-size factor SC(ra,rb) is defined as ular values of Xo and S~ at this point are displayed in Table II, and the variation of SC with x is displayed in Fig. 4. B. Spherical layers As in the case of the CSL, this limit of the SSL is also found from the expansion of G, as given in Eq. (2.18) in powers of aij up to quadratic order. This yields, after expansion, to 1.20 ; ,/'" ...... 1.00 ------------- .'SSL --.;.-.;.--;;,.--"---~-----_;;,.-'- ___ ! . J__ ... _ (6.6) CSL and the relatively simple separation of the energies into factors with the frequency dependence, which defines a Hamaker constant, and a factor with the geometry and size dependence, 0.80 -0. t.. ;'0.60 t.. Ci'i 0.40 0.20 (6.7) 0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 The summations over I can be carried out exactly, and one .. --finally obtains r/w (6.8) FIG. 4. Cylindrical and spherical single layer geometry factors SC(rZ,rl) and SS(rZ,rl) within the two-body summation approximation versus x=r!w. where the S factor is now J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8178 (6.9) The spherical geometry exhibits a strong effect, as can be seen in Fig. 4, where SS(x) rises from zero as x increases from zero, until a maximum and then declines slowly to asymptote at SS equal to unity as x -> 00. The numerical values locating this maximum are also given in Table II. These two geometrical factors can be derived directly from the Hamaker theory of pairwise summation applied to concentric cylinders or spheres. The vdW potential energy of interaction at a point r in medium 3 (I r I > r2) across medium 2 due to the r- 6 law integrated over the inner cylinder or sphere of medium 1 is denoted by Ep( Ir I). Then the total energy of interaction is this potential energy integrated over the outer cylinder/sphere of medium 3, and the energy per unit hiller surface area yields the same geometrical factor. The existence of a maxiIna in this S factor can be understood in terms of two competing factors within such a double integration over the two volumes. The first factor, the integral E p ' evaluated at the outer radius of the layer, r2, is a monotonically increasing function of the inner radius, rising rapidly from zero, and plateaus out to a constant value as the system approaches the planar geometry. The other factor is given approximately by the surface area of the outer radius divided by the surface area of the inner radius. Because of the extremely rapid falloff in the vdW force law with separation of the particles the major contribution to the total interaction energy comes from a thin shell about the inner and outer radii, i.e., is given by the product of the above factors. This second factor is a monotonically decreasing function of the inner radius, which also plateaus out to a finite value, unity. Thus their product rises from zero to a maxima and then decays slowly to a finite value. The difference between the cylindrical and spherical parameters given in Table II can also be understood from the above discussion. Because the cylindrical case is intermediate in curvature between the planar and spherical cases, its maxima occurs at a greater x value, i.e., at a larger radius relative to thickness. Also, its maximum value is slightly suppressed in relation to that of the spherical system. for the theory to become quantitatively predictive for a variety of nontrivial applications. In the general case it has been shown that the energies are bounded by various simple expressions that arise from the "extremal" dielectric models, whose dependency on the ratio of the film thickness to inner radius was extensively explored. Furthermore, a number of useful analytical expressions have been found for the limiting cases of large radii, of small radii, and in the pairwise summation approximation. As an indicator to the energy for smooth thin films of arbitrary curvature and shape we conjecture a result that the total energy is siInply the integral of a local energy per unit area summed over the complete surface. Part of the conjecture is that the energy per unit surface area of the film include the planar contribution plus a term that is proportional to the mean curvature with a dielectric coefficient akin to the Hamaker constant, W(1 1) 1 1 1f=-121TW2Ao -121Tw2 2 R I +R 2 AI' where the planar and first-order Hamaker constants are - (.6.32 +.6.21 )gl ( - .6.32 .6.21 ) ]. The limitations of such expressions was explored for some of the extremal dielectric models, and it was clear that they are aCcurate for large values of r;(; ~w and r;(; 3w for the cylindrical and spherical cases, respectively. It was found that the pairwise summation approximation leads, naturally enough to a factorization of the energy into -the Hamaker constant and a geometrical structure factor, which has a compact analytic form in both cases. In both cases this structure factor rises quickly to a maximum and then tends slowly to unity as r/w increases from zero. This structure factor is not simply relatable to the other geometric functions examined here, for example, the extremal models, because the two sets are valid in complementary regions-the first when dielectric differences are small and the latter when they assume an extreme difference. However, it is clear that one can potentially bracket all behavior of a real system by considering both of these. ACKNOWLEDGMENT VII. CONCLUSION In summary this work has extended the semiclassical theory of van der Waals interactions amongst condensed dielectric media in the direction of nonplanar singlelayer geometries, namely cylindrical and spherical films. While some of the exact and general expressions f01" the energies have stood in the literature for some time now there were some erroneous results, which have been reexamined here. There have also been gaps in the full understanding of the general properties of cylindrical and spherical films, which this work has addressed. This work is necessary in order The author acknowledges the Australian Research Council Fellowship in support of this work. APPENDIX A: BESSEL IDENTITIES AND EXPANSIONS The product of Bessel functions defined in Eq. (2.7) have the following general properties: (1) c;.,(p) >0, (2) C~(p)<O, (3) O<~(p)<l, for all m and p. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies The Bessel function identities that have been used in the body of the paper can be found in Refs. 16 and 17, or simply derived from relations given therein. The asymptotic expansions for large arguments lead to the following expressions for the products of Bessel functions of order m appearing in the cylinder functions defined by Eq. (2.7), 8179 "..,[( _ -2Z( m+1 (m-1)(m+3) l.-;;'(z) - -1Te 1 + 4z + 32~ (m-I)(m 2+2m-27) -4 ) + 384; . +O(z ) . (A1c) 1. Uniform asymptotic expansions 3(m-1) 5 16; +O(z-), 1 2z "..J _2. 2z( _m+1 l.-;,.(z) - 1T e 1 4z + (Ala) (m-1)(m+3) 32~ (m-1)(m2+2m-27) 4 ) 384; + O(z-) , (Alb) The Debye asymptotic expressions for large orders and arguments, Eqs. (9.7.7)-(9.7.11) on p. 378 of Ref. 18 have been used as a starting point, and these treat Bessel functions of the form ev ( vz) for large v and arbitrary z. The essence here is that they are asymptotic expansions in v, and uniform with respect to z. In the form that they are required here it is necessary to derive expansions of Bessel functions with index v and argument vx+d, i.e., for large v but x*O and arbitrary d. This is achieved by substituting z=x+d/v in the above-mentioned formulas and expanding the expressions for large v and then combining these with the original asymptotic expansion. The operations described here lead to the following asymptotic expansions in v, which are now uniform with respect to x and d, (A2a) (A2b) (A2c) (A2d) where t=(1+x2 )-1I2 and 'l]=r l +ln[xt/(1+t)]. In this way the various cylinder functions appearing in this work have the following asymptotic expansions in r or m and are uniform with respect to k, y, and I1rj' k?C}m=2r (k?-+y2)-3/2+0(r- 2), j=1,2, (A3a) 2. Ascending expansions in argument The small argument expansions can be found from angular integral definitions, to be found in Ref. 16, 2 G%(z) =- (_)m 1T i1T/2 de cos(2me)2z cos eK (2z cos e), 0 (A4a) x [3k?-+2r+ 12y2(k2+y2)l1r/l +O(r- 2) ), j=l, dfm= _1Te(-2mT/-2d/xt) X ( 1+ l~r (k?-+y2)-3/2 (A3b) 2 cfn(z) =- (_)m . 1T i1T/2 de cos(2me)2z sin ell (2z sin e), 0 (A4b) X [3k?-+2y2 + 12y2(k?-+y2)l1r/l +O(r- 2) ), j=2, I (A3c) and substituting the ascending expansions for the modified Bessel functions and integrating these term by term one arrives at J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 8180 N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies m- 2 ~(z)=SmO+ k~O (1 (-2'Z)2k+2(2k+2)! )2k+2 (2k+2)!(m-k-2)! 00 '2z k!(k+l)!(k+l+m)!+2(-)m k=~-1 k!(k+l)!(k+l-m)!(k+l+m)! X [In z-~t/J(k+ 1) +~t/J(k+~) -~t/J(k+2-m) -~t/J(k+2+m)], (A5a) q(z) =~IF2a;2,2;~), (A5b) 3. TBSA cylindrical geometry factor One requires the m summation and k integration found in the cylindrical geometry factor in Eq. (6.5), that is zi_ Y +00 f+oo L Z1Z2 dk~ m=-=-oo -00 - The full equation, Eq. (A6), becomes the double infinite sum, - -~ m=-oo f n=max{lml-l,O} (ZI)2n Z; ~-- rcn+m+~)rcn-m+~)r(n+~)rcn+~) and this can be done exactly. As a first step one uses the addition theorem found in Ref. 15 to express the product of 1m and I:" in terms of an integral over an angle of a single II Bessel function, and one then integrates this term by term to give the convergent series: 1 =-4Iklzl 00 akz 1 )2n L n.'( n+ 1)'. n=max{lml-l,O} (2n+2)! X (n+ I-m)!(n+ 1+m)! . X =r--=-(n-+-m-+-2=-=-)-=r:-:(-n---m-+----::c 2 ):-::r=-(:-n-+---:2:-:-)=rC"":"(n-+---:-:-1) , (A9) and this can be reordered into an infinite n sum and finite msum, -(A7) n+l X The next step involves the substitution of this product into the k integration of the original equation so that the k integral becomes L m=-n-l r(n+m+~)rcn-m+~) rcn+m+2)r(n-m+2) . (AW) The finite m sum in the above equation is simply 'IT, and using the standard power series definition for the Hypergeometric function the final result for Eq. (A6) is = - (n+~)z2"2n-4 Loo du u2n+2K~(u) (All) =_22nZ2"2n-4 r ( n+m+~)r( n-m+~) rcn+~)rcn+~) X r(~n+3) (A8) One requires the transformation formula for the hypergeometric function suitable for expansion about Z= 1, which can be found in Eq. (15.3.12) on p. 560 of Ref. 15, J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No.1 0, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 8181 N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies (AI2) and keeping only terms to orders less than linear ones in the differences of distances, Ira-rbl, i.e., 5 3 ~) 2Fl ( 2:'2:;2;~ a 1[ + 41T In 8 r! 2"; ~31T (l.-rt)2+31Tl.-?. a b a b (,.;-~) 19] +0 (,.;-~) 1"6;r +6" ----;;- . (A13) and it can be verified that the accuracy of the first- or second-order terms of the expansion in this variable is much more accurate over a wider range of values than if one used wlr. For the mixed Extremal model, one finds 00 (Bl) '" = n! (2w)n+l gn+l (-A), (B2) o dx xn In (1 +Ae- ) = ~ (2w)n+1 gn+2( -A). Some of the commonly used polylogarithms are gl (z) = -In( l-z), 1 -l:1 k 02k+I Ok (02k_1)2 In(1-0) 1 -2 11 1 = -2: ;(3)tf; -12 In tf;+so+2: tf; which is valid for Izl <1 if m=#=1 and Izl < 1 if m= 1, and is satisfied for all the applications presented here. The general reference is Lewin.lO Some of the integral definitions of polylogarithms encountered in this work are 2xw (2/+1)(1_0 21+ 1) 1=1 The general integral-index polylogarithm gm(z) is defined by J'" L r.-1.+1= APPENDIX B: POLYLOGARITHMS AND RELATED FUNCTIONS ~ + 2k+l k k~1 (2k+2)! ~ ;( 1-2k) X [(I-2k+l)B2k+2+2k+2], where again 0=rl/r2 and So is a number given below. The infinite summation is not a convergent one, but asymptotic in nature. However, it is quite accurate over a wide range of values of tf; due to the initial rapid decrease of the coefficients. For the other two models the results are significantly more complicated, and only the leading-order terms will be given, although exactly z go(z) =-1-' -z z (l-z)2 . In addition to the polylogarithms we adopt the standard definitions of the Riemann zeta function, denoted by ;(s) and the Bernoulli numbers Bn. r+l,+I= f (2/+ 1) (1+_1_ 021+ 1) 1=1 APPENDIX C: SPHERICAL ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSIONS Here we give the general asymptotic expansions for the three extremal SSL energies, but omit the technical proof. They are obtained by a completely independent method from that describedjn the text of this work, that of Mellin Transform techniques. The interested reader is referred to Ref. 15 for the details. For large inner radii, there is a more natural expansion variable than wlr, and this emerges from the analysis in the above reference. This is defined as 1+ 1 3 1 ="8 ;(3)tf;-2-ln 2 tf;-I +S+ -4 ln tf;+0(tf;). A numerical value for the O( 1) coefficient So is SO=112 (-lni-r+~;'(2)+I) = -0.049 896 613 6, J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see (CIa) N. S. Witte: van der Waals energies 8182 The other two numbers, s_ and s+, are related in terms of known numbers plus two new constants, y + and y _, and when combined with the other ones appearing in the above one has 5 3 3 3 1 s_= -g-4 ln 2-2ln 2- 4 y-3t'(-I) -2y + = -1.602 053 774, (Clb) 1 1 C=+2 ln 2+ 32 t(3) +s+, 3 3 1 .. s+=g-4 ln 2- 4 y-3t'( -1) -2y_ =0.235823291 7, (Clc) 1 I t+=-2 1n 2+ 32 t(3) +s+. 11. E. Dzyaloshinski, E. M. Lifshitz, and L. P. Pitaevskii, Adv. Phys. 10, 165 (1961). 2N. G. van Kampen, B. R. A. Nijboer, and K. Schram, Phys. Lett. A 26, 307 (1968). 3B. W. Ninham and Y. A. Parsegian, J. Chern. Phys. 52, 4578 (1970). 4W. A. B. Donners, J. B. Rijnbout, and A. J. Yrij, J. Colloid Interface Sci.60, 540 (197'7). 5y. M. Nabutovskii and Y. R. Be1os1udov, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 3, 171 (1989). 6y. R. Be1os1udov and Y. M. Nabutovskii, SOY. Phys. Solid State 18, 732 (1976). 7y. R. Be1os1udov and Y.-M. Nabutovskii, Theor. Math. Phys. 28, 858 (1976). 8A. M. Korotkikh and Y. M. 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Phys., Vol. 99, No. 10, 15 November 1993 Downloaded 16 Jan 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see