Evaluation of Shunt and Series Power Conditioning Strategies for Feeding Sensitive Loads Bingsen Wang Giri Venkataramanan Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, WI 53706-1607 Email: bingsen@cae.wisc.edu Abstract— Proliferation of electronic equipment in commercial and industrial processes has resulted in increasingly sensitive electrical loads to be fed from power distribution systems. In this paper, series and shunt compensation schemes for feeding sensitive load centers are studied. The purpose of the system-level study is to reveal insights about these two mitigation strategies so that designers may select an appropriate compensation strategy for a given application. The paper presents analytical models for comparing series and shunt power conditioning approaches on the basis of power converter rating. Operating strategies, computer simulations and experimental verification of a series power conditioning approach are presented. I. I NTRODUCTION In the recent past, dramatic improvements in productivity have been realized in the high technology sector as well as in the traditional industrial sector. From a point of view of the electric power supply to these segments of loads, this increase in productivity has led to a concomitant increase in the number of loads that are sensitive to power quality. Some of the industries that have such large sensitive loads include semiconductor manufacturing, textile mills, paper mills and plastic injection molding, etc. Of course, a number of smaller, but equally critical loads such as computers and electronic data processing equipment are also sensitive to power quality. The tolerance levels of computer equipment are specified by the ITI/CBEMA (Information Technology Industry/Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers’ Association) curves [1]. Similar performance specifications for voltage quality have been developed for semiconductor manufacturing industries as well. Fig. 1 illustrates such voltage sag susceptibility curves. These curves plot the percent of nominal voltage at the load terminals as a function of duration in cycles of the ac supply (60 Hz). They represent the susceptibility of systems to voltage sags that are repetitive and intermittent. The CBEMA curves represent the boundary of the ac input voltage envelope that can be tolerated (typically) by most computerbased equipment. When the supply voltage is between the upper curve and the lower curve, the equipment will continue to function normally. When the supply voltage falls outside this boundary, the equipment typically stops functioning. As seen in Fig. 1, the steady state range of tolerance for sensitive equipment is 10% from the nominal voltage, i.e., the equipment continues to operate normally when sourced by any voltages in this range for an indefinite period. Similarly, 0-7803-8269-2/04/$17.00 (C) 2004 IEEE Fig. 1. Curves that indicate acceptable power quality power levels of sensitive equipment. voltage swells to magnitude 120% of the nominal value can be tolerated for about 0.5 s or 30 cycles; voltage sags to 80% of nominal for 10 s, i.e., 600 cycles can be tolerated [2]. When the supply voltage is outside the boundaries of the susceptibility curves, improvement of quality of power supplied to sensitive loads is essential in order to avoid a possible interruption in their operation. The most straightforward way of ensuring adequate power quality levels is the use of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems. However, as the size of plant increases, this solution becomes uneconomical. Alternative solutions to the problem stem from a careful study of the nature of power quality problems in the field. Various field power quality surveys indicate that the majority of events that result in process disruption are caused by voltage sags. Moreover, over 90% of voltage disturbances in the utility lines are single-phase voltage sags caused by momentary single-line to ground (SLG) faults in distribution systems [3]. The short circuit faults can be caused by lightning strokes, storms, animals and other unpredictable factors. Therefore, improvement of power quality levels should begin with reduction of voltage sags, particularly in a per phase basis. Although the voltage sag levels can be reduced at the power system level by oversizing the components of the 1445 distribution system installations, often such solutions are too costly to implement. Alternatively, utilities and customers turn to the practical solution of feeding premium power to sensitive loads, which is realized by the mitigation equipment at the distribution feeder close to the customer. This solution is also called Custom Power (CP) [4]. Among CP technologies, both series and shunt devices have been applied to solve the voltage sag/dip and flicker problems and some of these devices are commercialized [5], [6], [7]. Due to the project-oriented nature of CP design, few general rules can be found in literature. Although extensive research work on the device, either series or shunt, has been carried out [8], [9], most of them are focused on the device, not at the system level. In this paper, the series and shunt compensation schemes are studied at the system level. The purpose of this system-level study is to reveal more insights about these two compensation strategies so that designers of the CP device would have some guidance when selecting compensating strategies at the very beginning of a project. Another motivation of this work is to lay a ground for the application of H-bridge multilevel convert to dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). Different operation strategies are evaluated and compared regarding the rating issues, operation and fault modes. At the outset, one of the first steps in evaluating a particular power conditioning approach is to determine the VA rating of the power converter illustrated as a voltage source converter (VSC) in Fig. 2. Rating of the power converter depends on the load to be serviced, the depth of voltage sag to be compensated and the properties of the power system at the load location. The dependencies among these quantities for the two compensation approaches are developed in Section II. Once the power conditioning system ratings have been determined, their operation during sags can be steered such that there is no active power supplied by the power conditioner, when the operating conditions permit. These operating boundaries are determined and presented in Section III. Furthermore, when the operating conditions demand that active power need to be supplied by the power conditioner, it would be desirable to draw the least possible amount of active power from the storage device to maximize the ride-through capability. Operation under these conditions is presented in Section IV. Computer simulation results under this mode of operation are presented in Section V. Experiment with 7-level H-bridge cascaded multilevel converter has been carried out and experimental results are included in Section VI. Transitions between various operating modes, faulted and bypassed conditions are discussed in the concluding section. Fig. 2. Schematic representation of commonly used mitigation approaches to improve voltage sag immunity of sensitive loads: (a) series type; (b) shunt type load as an impedance ZL , with a power factor angle φ. For the purpose of sizing the VA rating of the power conditioner, the series device is modelled as a voltage source Vinj and the shunt device is modelled as a current source Iinj . For a general load with a wide variation in power factor to be fed under deep sag conditions, the power conditioner typically has to supply active power and reactive power. The size of the power conditioner, including interface transformers if any, is determined by the apparent power injection. Without any loss of generality, the following assumptions have been made to size the power conditioner used as the compensation device: • II. P OWER C ONVERTER R ATING - M INIMUM A PPARENT P OWER • The simplified single-line equivalent circuits for the series and shunt compensation approaches are illustrated in Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 4(a), respectively. The source is modelled by its Thevenin equivalent voltage source Vs and series reactance Xs seen at the point of common coupling (PCC), and the The magnitude of the load current is 1 per unit. Its phase angle is referenced to the load voltage. The magnitude of the compensated load voltage is maintained at 1 per unit. With these assumptions, the problem of minimizing apparent power turns to minimizing the injected voltage for series compensation while minimizing the injected current for shunt compensation. 1446 Fig. 3. Illustration of series compensation approach to improving power quality: (a) single-line equivalent circuit representing key parameters; (b) phasor diagram of salient quantities Fig. 4. Illustration of shunt compensation approach to improving power quality: (a) single-line equivalent circuit representing key parameters; (b) phasor diagram of salient quantities A. Series Compensation Strategy For a series compensation approach, the following phasor equations are readily written from circuit representation as shown in Fig. 3(a). Vs = V pcc + jI L Xs VL = V pcc + V inj VL = I L |ZL |e (1) jφ where the under-bars (“ ”) with voltage and current variables indicate they are phasor quantities. In the following text, current and voltage variables without under-bars represent corresponding magnitude of those phasors. The phasor diagram illustrating the relationship expressed by (1) is shown in Fig. 3(b). In the phasor diagram, the load current is conveniently chosen as the reference phasor for the series circuit and the line voltage is represented by the phasor OA, leading the current by a phase angle φ. It is clear from the phasor diagram, that the locus of the voltage at PCC is an arc (with radius = Vs ) centered at O , which is vertically displaced from the center of the locus arc of vector Vs by IL Xs . In this case, the phasor of the injected voltage is collinear with the segment O A, and represents its minimum value. Other values of injected voltage values may be possible while maintaining 1 p.u. output voltage, but will not represent a minimum value of injected voltage. Using geometric relationships, the magnitude of the injected voltage under this condition can be expressed as Vinjmin = VL2 + (IL Xs )2 + 2VL IL Xs sin φ − Vs . (2) It may be noted that the magnitude of the minimum injected voltage increases as the Thevenin impedance of the system increases. B. Shunt Compensation Strategy In a similar manner, for the shunt compensation approach, the following phasor relations will hold from Fig. 4(a). Vs IL = V pcc + jI L Xs = I s + I inj VL = I L |ZL |e (3) jφ The phasor diagram illustrating the above relations is shown in Fig. 4(b). In the phasor diagram, the load voltage is conveniently chosen as the reference phasor for the parallel circuit and the load current is represented by the phasor OA, lagging the voltage by a phase angle φ. The locus of the source current is the arc (radius = Vs /Xs ) centered at O , which is vertically displaced from the center of the locus arc of vector Vs by VL /Xs . The minimum injected current lines up with the segment O A. In this case, the injected current can be expressed as VL 2VL IL Vs Iinjmin = ( )2 + IL2 + sin φ − . (4) Xs Xs Xs It may be noted that the magnitude of the minimum injected current decreases as the Thevenin impedance of the system increases. 1447 90 Shunt Injection with Vs=0.8 SCR= 8 SCR= 4 SCR= 2 SCR= 1 60 90 Series Injection with Vs=0.8 30 60 30 φ φ 0.5 1 VA rating (pu) 0 1.5 (a) 0.5 1 1.5 VA rating (pu) 2 2.5 3 0 (b) Fig. 5. Power converter VA ratings for 20% sag for (a) series (b) shunt compensation approaches. (Radius corresponds to the VA rating of the converter and the angle of corresponds to the power factor angle of the load respectively.) Fig. 6. Variation of power converter VA ratings as a function of power factor and (sagged) source voltage with SCR=8 for a series injection strategy. C. Comparative Ratings Based upon the above relationships (2) and (4), the ratings of the power conditioner may be illustrated in the form of polar plots as shown in Fig. 5, with radius and angle coordinates. In these plots, the radius represents the VA rating of the power conditioner and the angle represents the lagging (as is commonly the case in an industrial power system) power factor angle of the load current while correcting a sag of 20% depth below the nominal voltage. As may be observed from (2) and (4), the VA ratings depend on the system impedance and hence the short-circuit ratio (SCR) at PCC. This behavior is readily evident in the various curves plotted in Fig. 5, for different values of SCR ranging from 1 to 8. It may be observed from the figure that the VA rating of the shunt device is greater than the series counterpart for the case of SCR larger than unity. In practical distribution system, the SCR is generally greater than the cases shown in the plots. So the converter sizing favors series compensation approach if the voltage correction is the main goal of the application. Therefore, further discussions are primarily focused on the series compensation strategy, although aspects of the shunt compensation approach will be pointed when appropriate. In the case of a series compensation approach for a given system (with fixed SCR), the VA rating depends on the load power factor and voltage sag depth. The relation is illustrated in Fig. 6 for series injection strategy with the power rating represented by the surface. III. Z ERO ACTIVE P OWER O PERATION S TRATEGY Once power converter ratings have been fixed on the basis of operating power factor and desired depth of sag to be corrected, various operating modes may be used to mitigate typical voltage sag conditions. If the load is not sensitive to the voltage phase jump, it is possible to correct voltage sag with purely reactive power compensation (RPC). Although RPC Fig. 7. Phasor diagram of salient quantities for series compensation under RPC mode of operation. mode of operation is limited in terms of voltage sag depth, it does not deplete the power conditioner energy storage, and hence can provide ride through for an infinite period of time. To be sure, the injected values of voltages will have to be within the design limits of the converter chosen on the basis of the discussion in the previous section. The phasor diagram of various quantities of the system under RPC mode of operation are illustrated in Fig. 7. In this case the injected voltage leads the load current by 90 degrees. In contrast, the injected current lags the load terminal voltage by 90 degrees for the shunt compensation approach. The limiting case for series compensation to operate under RPC mode may be determined to be Vs(min RP C) = VL cos φ. (5) Furthermore, at the operating condition, the required voltage 1448 90 Series Injection with Vs=0.8 SCR=1 SCR=2 SCR=4 SCR=8 60 30 φ (P) 0.5 1 VA rating (pu) 1.5 2 0 Fig. 8. Power converter VA injection for 20% sag under RPC mode of operation. (Radius corresponds to the VA rating of the converter and the angle of corresponds to the power factor angle of the load respectively.) Fig. 9. Phasor diagram of salient quantities for series compensation under minimum active power mode of operation. 90 can be found to be Vinj = VL sin φ − Series Injection with Vs=0.8 SCR=1 SCR=2 SCR=4 SCR=8 60 Vs2 − (VL cos φ)2 + IL Xs . (6) The converter VA injection of series compensation is plotted in Fig. 8 for 20% voltage sag. The polar plots in the figure show the variation of converter VA ratings for different SCRs, as the load power factor angle varies. It is clear that the operation region under zero active power compensation mode will be limited by the load power factor. Of course, it will be also limited by available device ratings. 30 φ 0.5 IV. M INIMUM ACTIVE P OWER O PERATION S TRATEGY When the operation conditions are beyond the limits of pure reactive power compensation, a minimum active power (MAP) injection strategy may be used so that the energy storage elements can be minimized, or the depletion rate of stored energy is minimal for servicing the load at a given operating condition. In particular, the source voltage falls below the limits given by (6), the RPC strategy fails, and one needs to resort to active power injection. To minimize the active power injection from the power conditioner, active power extraction from the source Vs should be maximized. The phasor diagram of the salient quantities of the system under this mode operation is shown in Fig. 9. For series compensation, the active power supplied by the source is maximized under unity power factor operation, i.e. source voltage is in phase with load current. This minimizes the power to be supplied from the VSC. This is also clear from the phasor diagram that Vinj has minimum projection on IL . In this case, the injected voltage becomes Vinj = (VL cos φ − Vs )2 + (VL sin φ + IL Xs )2 . (7) The converter VA injection required for 20% sag is plotted in Fig. 10. The MAP strategy can be considered to be an extension of RPC. When the converter operating conditions fall outside the operating region possible with RPC or MAP, 1 VA rating (pu) 1.5 2 0 Fig. 10. Power converter VA injection with minimum active power operation strategy for 20% voltage sag. (Radius and angle of the plot correspond to VA rating of the converter and power factor angle of the load, respectively.) the converter is operated in the minimum apparent power (or baseline) operating mode. V. C OMPUTER S IMULATION R ESULTS In order to verify the operation of the system according to the analytical models, a computer simulation has been carried out for a series power conditioning device using Matlab and Simulink [10], [11]. The block diagram of the controller is shown in Fig. 11. Selected results from the system operating under RPC mode are shown here. The structure of the controller and its design are beyond the scope of the current paper and are discussed elsewhere [12]. The parameters of the system used in the simulation are: √ Ls = 1.4 mH, L = 10 mH, R = 2 Ω, VAC = 480/ 3 V(rms). These parameter settings correspond to SCR = 8.0, load power factor= 0.47. The simulation results with a 20% voltage sag in three phases are illustrated in Fig. 12. The figure illustrates the source voltage, injected voltage, load voltage, load current and inverter dc bus voltage. After transient, only 1449 Source voltage Injection voltage −500 −200 0.5 0 5 10 15 a b c 0 −500 0 5 10 15 100 a b c 0 0 5 10 15 DC bus data 1 700 680 0 5 10 15 Source voltage Fig. 12. Computer simulation results of the series compensation approach under a three-phase balanced sag (the plots are source voltages, series injection voltages, load terminal voltages, load currents and device internal dc bus voltage, respectively, from top to bottom.) 500 a b c 0 −500 0 5 10 15 200 a b c 0 −200 0 5 10 15 500 a b c 0 −500 0 5 10 15 100 Load current TABLE I PARAMETERS USED IN EXPERIMENT. Load power factor a b c t Injection voltage A laboratory prototype voltage conditioning system has been developed using a H-bridge cascaded multilevel converter. The converter has been used to verify the predictions from the analytical modelling during operation in RPC mode. The parameters of the laboratory prototype system (in pu), with a base power of 35 VA and a base voltage of 25 V, are listed in Table I. 1.0 15 500 660 Load voltage VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS Load impedance ZL 10 720 reactive power is injected, which can be seen from the steady state settlement of dc bus voltage, which is purely capacitive. The injection voltage is about 103 V(rms), or 0.37 pu. This result is indicated as point ’P’ in Fig. 8. It is clear this result matches the prediction. Although the analytical model and the controller have been developed only for a balanced three phase system, the performance of the system for a more typical system with unbalanced sag may be studied readily using computer simulations. The response of the system With the same controller under a single phase voltage sag is shown in Fig. 13. 0.115 5 0 Controller block diagram Source impedance Xs 0 200 −100 Fig. 11. a b c 0 Load current Load voltage 500 a b c 0 −100 0 5 10 15 Selected traces from the experimental system are shown in Fig. 14. The injected voltage (the 2nd trace) leads the load current (the 4th trace) by 90 degrees, indicating that only reactive power is being injected from the VSC. The source voltage Vs = 0.115 with the load voltage and load current both are one per unit. With the measured quantities and parameters given in Table I, the series injection voltage can be DC bus 710 vdc 700 690 680 0 5 10 15 t Fig. 13. Computer simulation results of the series compensation approach under a single-phase voltage sag (the plots are in the same order as in Fig. 12). 1450 Other operating issues such as storage system management, fault management, bypass, mode transitions, controller design issues etc. are current issues being studied further and the results from these studies will be presented in future publications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge support from Wisconsin Electric Machine and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The work made use of ERC shared facilities supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under AWARD EEC9731677. The laboratory prototype system used for the experimental work was developed by Mr. Yusuke Fukuta through support from the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014-01-1-0623. R EFERENCES Fig. 14. Traces of source voltage, series injected voltage, load terminal voltage and load current, respectively, from top to bottom obtained from the laboratory prototype system. calculated as 0.741 pu by use of equation (6). The measured injection voltage is 0.752 pu. This small error between the analytical predictions and experimental measurements (about 1.5%) may be attributed to parameter uncertainties and losses in the system. VII. C ONCLUSIONS The application power quality conditioning devices to meet stringent demands of sensitive loads is continuing to grow. Although series and shunt compensation approaches for providing power quality conditioning have been proposed and demonstrated, clear association between operating scenarios and their characteristics have not been definitively known. This paper has presented a simple but useful analytical modelling approach to quantify the the power converter ratings required for the two approaches. On the basis of the modelling results, it may be concluded that series power conditioning approach is suitable for strong ac systems and shunt power conditioning approach is suitable for weak ac systems. Based on the analytical model different operating strategies that either eliminate the need for real power exchange from the power converter, minimize the amount of real power exchange, or minimize the apparent power exchange have been identified, depending on the sag level and load power factor. A detailed computer simulation model for the system including the dynamic and control elements has been developed and used to verify the analytical model. A laboratory scale experimental prototype system has also been used to confirm the results from the computer simulations. [1] ITI (CBEMA) Curve Application Note, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Std., 2000. 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