DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND THE TEST OF TIME. C O N T E N T S 01 Why DuChâteau 03 Features & Benefits At the peak of luxury, DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe Collections stand proud with 13 Vinyl DeLuxe Classic a lasting beauty and low-maintenance durability that is unmistakable. 33 Vinyl DeLuxe Click 47 Specifications 49 Warranty It is not easy to choose a luxury flooring that is meant to offer welcomed relief and be strong enough to handle daily life in both commercial and residential spaces. With an uncommon textured elegance, DuChâteau ® Vinyl DeLuxe ® Collections bring a new level of warmth and resiliency to the world of vinyl. Vinyl Deluxe Classic | Arctic 2 01 L O W - M A I N T E N A N C E DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe offers a tough stain-resistant finish that is easy to clean and won’t trap dirt – all that you want out of a hardwood floor without any of the upkeep. 3 Vinyl Deluxe Classic | Nile R E A L I S T I C W O O D 02 S U R F A C E We should never move so far away from nature that we forget our roots. DuChâteau Vinyl Collections feature realistic wood surfacing that bring that sense of nature indoors, while still meeting the needs of your design space. Don’t just imagine the difference our floors make; see and feel the difference. Vinyl Deluxe Click | Tundra 6 03 D U R A B L E Strong enough for high-traffic residential and commercial spaces, DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe is made to endure, retaining its distinctive looks year after year. 7 Vinyl Deluxe Classic | Arctic 04 I N S T A L L A T I O N With DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe Classic and Click Collections, you always have a choice. Our Classic Collection provides commercial spaces the ability to use the standard glue-down installation method for heavy traffic, while residential and light commercial spaces can take advantage of our Click Collection’s click-into-place system for glueless installation. It’s that simple. Vinyl Deluxe Click | Bandsawn Cask 10 05 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y DuChâteau’s Vinyl DeLuxe® Collections feature a variety of top quality simulated wood grain textures and patinas that were previously found only in our hardwood floors. The very same look and feel of our signature hardwoods can now be achieved in this ultradurable, low-maintenance alternative. FloorScore® certified for low-VOC, DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe Collections now coordinate flawlessly with a luxury lifestyle that can only be found with DuChâteau. 11 Vinyl Deluxe Classic | Greystone D U C H Â T E A U ’ S V I N Y L D E L U X E ® C L A S S I C Available in 16 stunning colors, DuChâteau’s Vinyl DeLuxe® Classic Collection is the premier glue-down flooring option that meets both residential and commercial applications for high-traffic environments in need of a luxury hardwood alternative. Beautifully Stunning 13 Antique White Smoke Davos Artic Matterhorn Kasteel San Tropez Olde Dutch P A L E T T E White Oiled Arno Como Lugano Greystone Nile Natural Oak Oslo W H I T E O I L E D VD-WHO7 S M O K E VD-NIL7 A N T I Q U E VD-AWH7 W H I T E C O M O VD-COM7 A R N O VD-ARN7 A R T I C VD-ARC7 D A V O S VD-DAV7 G R E Y S T O N E VD-GRS7 L U G A N O VD-LUG7 K A S T E E L VD-KAL7 M A T T E R H O R N VD-MAT7 N A T U R A L VD-NAT7 O A K N I L E VD-NIL7 O L D E D U T C H VD-OD7 S A N T R O P E Z VD-STR7 O S L O VD-OSL7 Luxuries Finest D U C H Â T E A U ’ S V I N Y L D E L U X E ® C L I C K With 10 available colors, DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe® Click Collection offers an easy-to-install floating floor option that does not require the use of adhesives. A luxury hardwood alternative best suited for residential and light commercial applications is finally here. 33 Bandsawn Cask Weathered Brown Birchwood Greywood Tundra Fossil Stout Weathered Black P A L E T T E Bandsawn Ivory` Weathered Grey F O S S I L VDCK-FOS7 B I R C H W O O D VDCK-BIR7 B A N D S A W N VDCK-BSC7 C A S K B A N D S A W N VDCK-BSI7 I V O R Y G R E Y W O O D VDCK-GRE7 S T O U T VDCK-STO7 W E A T H E R E D VDCK-WBRW7 B R O W N W E A T H E R E D VDCK-WGRY7 G R E Y W E A T H E R E D VDCK-WBLK7 B L A C K T U N D R A VDCK-TUN7 VINYL DELUXE CLASSIC VINYL DELUXE CLICK MOULDINGS Specifications Specifications All of our mouldings feature the same color treatments as our flooring. A P P L I C AT I O N S PLANK SIZE W E A R L AY E R FINISH I N S TA L L AT I O N PER BOX WA R R A N T Y ENVIRONMENT F E AT U R E S Residential or commercial 7” x 48” • Thickness: 3 mm 0.55 mm (22 mil) Prime urethane and ceramic bead coating, anti-microbial nano-silver particles Glue–down over slab or subfloor 15 planks / 34.88 sf 20–year residential; 10–year commercial 100% Recyclable, FloorScore® - Low VOC, CA 01350 Compliant (IAQ), Contributes to LEED® Credits Low–Maintenance; Slip–Resistant; Water–Resistant; Heat–, Light– and Chemical–Resistant A P P L I C AT I O N S PLANK SIZE W E A R L AY E R FINISH I N S TA L L AT I O N PER BOX WA R R A N T Y ENVIRONMENT F E AT U R E S Residential or light commercial 7” x 48” • Thickness: 4 mm 0.3 mm (12 mil) T E C H N I C A L P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S C HARACTE R ISTIC PVC Laminated Floor Covering Application Commercial, Residential Surface Treatment PU w/Ceramic Coating Profile Microbevel Tile Size ASTM F2421-05 7” X 48” Overall Thickness (mm) ASTM F386-02 2.0, 3.0, 4.3, 5.0 Wear Layer Thickness (mm) EN 429 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 EN 13501-1 Bf1-S1 ASTM E 648 Class 1 ASTM E 84 75 or less Mekel Burner Test Pass Heat Stability ASTM F1514-03 Pass Dimensional Stability after exposure to heat EN 434 Length: -0.08 Width: -0.09 Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 3884 0.1% Loss Resistance to Chemical ASTM F925-02 No Change Residual Indentation ASTM F 1914-07 Average 0.085 Fire Rating TRANSITION Width: 2” | Length: 94” | Thickness: 1” 10 planks / 23.65 sf 25–year residential; 6–year light commercial Slip Resistance ADA Exceeds ADA requirement FloorScore® - Low VOC, CA 01350 Compliant (IAQ), Contributes to LEED® Credits Static Load Limit ASTM F970-07 Average 0.007 Coefficient of Friction ASTM C 1028-2007 0.70 Low–Maintenance; Slip–Resistant; Water–Resistant Residual Indentation EN 433 ≥6 Color Fastness ISO 105-B02 ≥6 Stain Resistance ANSI Z124/CSA B45.5 sec. 5.11 Pass; ≥65 Dimensional Stability EN 434 Pass Flexibility of Resilient Flooring ASTM F137-03 No Breaks, No Cracks S TA I R N O S E Width: 2” | Length: 94” | Thic kness: 1” Recyclable 47 SP E CIF ICATION Type & Composition UV Coating Click into place STA NDA R D VOC Emission Test Yes ASTM D 5116-06 Pass 48 R E S I D E N T I A L & C O M M E R C I A L P R O D U C T S L I M I T E D WA R R A N T Y R E S I D E N T I A L & C O M M E R C I A L P R O D U C T S L I M I T E D WA R R A N T Y D U C H ÂT E A U ® V I N Y L D E L U X E ® C L I C K C O L L E C T I O N D U C H ÂT E A U ® V I N Y L D E L U X E ® C L A S S I C C O L L E C T I O N WA R RA N T Y OW N ER This warranty extends only to the original end-user. Warranties are nontransferrable. No installer, retailer, distributor or agent, or employee of DuChâteau may alter the obligations or limitations of any DuChâteau warranty. Q UA L IF YI N G PRODUC T Vinyl DeLuxe Collection Click Overall Thickness of Plank Products – 4mm. Wearlayer Thickness - .3mm/12mil. PRO D U CTS DuChâteau warrants its Luxury Vinyl DeLuxe Click Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects for the period of time specified below from the date of purchase. 2 5-Y E A R RESI DEN T I AL LI M ITED WAR RANTY DuChâteau warrants its Luxury Vinyl DeLuxe Click Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects in residential environments for 25 years from the date of purchase. 6 -Y E A R LI GH T COMMERC I AL WAR RANTY DuChâteau warrants its Vinyl DeLuxe Click Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects in commercial spaces for 6 years from the date of purchase. Light commercial includes, but is not limited to, small retail shops, waiting rooms small office, and trade booths. INSTA L L AT I ON DuChâteau warrants the installation integrity of these products provided the floor was installed according to the DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe Click Installation Instructions. Installation integrity signifies that the products are installed to the recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer and installation guidelines. WO R KM AN SH I P DuChâteau does not warrant installers’ workmanship. Workmanship errors should be addressed to the contractor who installed the floor. Your DuChâteau floor should be professionally installed by contractors who have demonstrated expertise in installing commercial floors. T E RMS If a defect covered by this warranty occurs and is reported in writing to the merchant from which the flooring was purchased within the warranty period specified above as applicable, DuChâteau will supply new flooring material of similar color and quality to replace the defective area. DuChâteau will NOT pay or be responsible for any labor costs. L IMITAT I O N ON DAMAG ES DuChâteau excludes and shall NOT pay any incidental or consequential damages under this warranty. This shall include any liability for lost profits or any indirect, special or consequential damages. The remedies contained herein are the only remedies available for a breach of warranty of any kind. DuChâteau’ sole obligation and Distributor’s sole remedy for claims arising hereunder for any and all losses and damages resulting from any cause shall be that DuChâteau shall repair, at the option of DuChâteau, or replace the defective material. In no event, including in the case of a claim on negligence, shall DuChâteau be liable for incidental or consequential damages. 49 E XCLU SIO N S The following exclusions are NOT covered under this warranty agreement: •Improper installation. Improper maintenance. Any dissatisfaction related to the two. •Differences in color between products, samples and/or photographs. •Indentation from improper loading including high heels, spiked shoes, rolling loads, chairs or other furniture not using floor protectors. •Discoloration, including but not limited to, U.V. light and heat sources. •Failure of the floor to adhere to the subfloor due to, for example, moisture, alkaline or hydrostatic pressure from the subfloor. •Inappropriate end-user activities. •Damage caused by fire, flooding or intentional abuse. •Exterior applications. •Loss of gloss. •Failure to follow manufacturer’s installation instructions. •This limited warranty is void if, prior to installation, this flooring is not acclimated to room temperature (between 65°F and 85°F) at job site between 24 and 48 hours and, if post-installation, such flooring is not continuously maintained at such temperature. THE R E A R E N O OTHE R WA R RA N TIE S B E YO N D T H I S E X P R E S S WA R RA N T Y. A L L OT H E R WA R RA N TIE S, IN CLU D IN G WA R RA N T I E S O F M E RC H A N TA B I L I T Y O R F I T N E S S FO R A PA RTICU L A R P U R P O SE (IN CLU D IN G SLI P R E S I STA N C E , F I R E R E S I STA N C E O R A N Y OT H E R SA F E TY FACTO R S N OT SE T FO RTH IN COM PA N Y ’ S S P EC I F I C AT I O N S ) , A R E E XC LU D E D. N O IM P L IE D WA R RA N TIE S O F A N Y KIN D A R E P ROV I D E D. E XC E P T AS H E R E I N E X P R E S S LY STATE D, THE R E A R E N O WA R RA N TIE S O R CO N D I T I O N S , E X P R E S S O R I M P L I E D, BY O P E RATIO N O F L AW O R OTHE RWISE , FO R A N Y B R E AC H O F CO N T RAC T, P RO D U C TS L IA BIL ITY, STR ICT L IA BIL ITY, N EGL IGE N C E O R PA RT T H E R EO F F U R N I S H E D H E R E U N D E R . THE PA RTIE S AGR E E THAT THE IM P L I E D WA R RA N T I E S O F M E RC H A N TA B I L I T Y A N D F ITN E SS FO R A PA RTICU L A R P U R P O S E A N D A L L OT H E R WA R RA N T I E S A N D/ O R GUA RA N TE E S, E X P R E SS O R IM P L IE D, A R E E XC LU D E D F ROM T H I S T RA N SAC T I O N A N D SHA L L N OT A P P LY FO R THE CO N TRACT P RO D U C TS . Questions regarding the terms of this warranty, please contact DuChâteau at 1 . 8 8 8 . D U CHATE AU. WA R RA N T Y OW N E R This warranty extends only to the original end-user. Warranties are nontransferrable. No installer, retailer, distributor or agent, or employee of DuChâteau may alter the obligations or limitations of any DuChâteau warranty. Q UA L I F Y I N G P RO D U C T Vinyl DeLuxe Collection Overall Thickness of Plank Products – 3mm. Wear layer thickness - .55mm/22mil P RO D U C TS DuChâteau warrants its Vinyl DeLuxe Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects for the period of time specified below from the date of purchase. 2 0 -Y E A R R E S I D E N T I A L L I M I T E D WA R RA N T Y DuChâteau warrants its Vinyl DeLuxe Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects in residential environments for 20 years from the date of purchase. 10 -Y E A R COM M E RC I A L WA R RA N T Y DuChâteau warrants its Vinyl DeLuxe Collection flooring to be free from manufacturing defects in commercial spaces for 10 years from the date of purchase. I N STA L L AT I O N DuChâteau warrants the installation integrity of these products provided the floor was installed according to the DuChâteau Vinyl DeLuxe Classic Installation Instructions. Installation integrity signifies that the products are installed to the recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer and installation guidelines. WO R KM A N S H I P DuChâteau does NOT warrant installers’ workmanship. Workmanship errors should be addressed to the contractor who installed the floor. Your DuChâteau flooring should be professionally installed by contractors who have demonstrated expertise in installing commercial floors. EXC LUS IONS The following exclusions are NOT covered under this warranty agreement: •Improper installation and/or improper maintenance. •Differences in color between products, samples and/or photographs. •Indentation from improper loading, including high heels, spiked shoes, rolling loads, chairs or other furniture not using floor protectors. •Discoloration, including but not limited to, U.V. light and heat sources. •Failure of the floor to adhere to the subfloor due to, for example, moisture, alkaline or hydrostatic pressure from the subfloor. •Inappropriate end-user activities. •Installing over radiant floor heating. •Damage caused by fire, flooding or intentional abuse. •Failure to follow manufacturer’s installation instructions. •This limited warranty is void if, prior to installation, this flooring is not acclimated to room temperature (between 65°F and 85°F) at job site for a minimum of 48 hours and, if post-installation, such flooring is not continuously maintained at such temperature. T H ERE A RE NO OT H ER WA RRA NT IES BEYOND T H IS EX P RES S WA RRA NT Y. A LL OT H ER WA RRA NT IES , INC LUD ING WA RRA NT IES OF MERC H A NTA BILIT Y OR FIT NES S FOR A PA RT IC ULA R P URP OS E ( INC LUD ING S LIP RES ISTA NC E , FIRE RES ISTA NC E OR A NY OT H ER SA FET Y FAC TORS NOT S ET FORT H IN COMPA NY ’S S P EC IFIC AT IONS ) , A RE EXC LUD ED. NO IMP LIED WA RRA NT IES OF A NY K IND A RE P ROVID ED. EXC EP T AS H EREIN EX P RES S LY STAT ED, T H ERE A RE NO WA RRA NT IES OR COND IT IONS , EX P RES S OR IMP LIED, BY OP ERAT ION OF LAW OR OT H ERW IS E , FOR A NY BREAC H OF CONT RAC T, P ROD UC TS LIA BILIT Y, ST RIC T LIA BILIT Y, NEGLIGENC E OR PA RT T H EREOF FURNIS H ED H EREUND ER. T H E PA RT IES AGREE T H AT T H E IMP LIED WA RRA NT IES OF MERC H A NTA BILIT Y A ND FIT NES S FOR A PA RT IC ULA R P URP OS E A ND A LL OT H ER WA RRA NT IES A ND/ OR GUA RA NT EES , EX P RES S OR IMP LIED, A RE EXC LUD ED FROM T H IS T RA NSAC T ION A ND S H A LL NOT A P P LY FOR T H E CONT RAC T P ROD UC TS . Questions regarding the terms of this warranty, please contact DuChâteau at 1.888.D UC H AT EAU. T E RM S If a defect covered by this warranty occurs and is reported in writing to the merchant from which the flooring was purchased within the warranty period specified above as applicable, DuChâteau will supply new flooring material of similar color and quality to replace the defective area. DuChâteau will NOT pay or be responsible for any labor costs. L I M I TAT I O N O N DA M AG E S DuChâteau excludes and shall not pay any incidental or consequential damages under this warranty. This shall include any liability for lost profits or any indirect, special or consequential damages. The remedies contained herein are the only remedies available for a breach of warranty of any kind. DuChateau’s sole obligation and Distributor’s sole remedy for claims arising hereunder for any and all losses and damages resulting from any cause shall be that DuChâteau shall repair, at the option of DuChâteau, or replace the defective material. In no event, including in the case of a claim on negligence, shall DuChâteau be liable for incidental or consequential damages. 50 C O N T A C T 8480 Miralani Drive, San Diego, CA 92126 1-888-DUCHATEAU . DUCHATEAU.COM © DuChâteau. All Rights Reserved.