Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Sample 4-year Plan of Study (2011-2012 undergraduate catalog) (129 credits) This SAMPLE 4-year plan is for instructional example purposes only. Courses may be arranged to meet individual needs; however, prerequisites and program admission requirements must be satisfied in all cases. EE students must consult with their major advisor each semester in order to complete the registration process. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ADVISOR, PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPT. CHAIR TO HAVE ONE ASSIGNED. FIRST YEAR Fall – 15 credits CS 1181 MATH 1170 CHEM 1111, 1111L Goal 6, 7 or 8 Spring – 17 credits Computer Science and Programming I Calculus I General Chemistry I Humanities 3 cr. 4 cr. 5 cr. 3 cr. CS 1182 CS 1187 MATH 1175 PHYS 2211 ENGL 1102 Computer Science and Programming II Applied Discrete Structures Calculus II Engineering Physics I Critical Reading and Writing 3 cr. 3 cr. 4 cr. 4 cr. 3 cr. SECOND YEAR Fall – 17 credits EE 2274 EE 2275 EE 2240 MATH 2240 PHYS 2212 COMM 1101 Spring – 16 credits Introduction to Digital Systems Introduction to Digital Systems Lab Introduction to Electrical Circuits Introduction to Linear Algebra Engineering Physics II Principles of Speech 3 cr. 1 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 4 cr. 3 cr. EE 3340 EE 3342 CE 3360 MATH 2275 ENGL 3307 Goal 6, 7 or 8 Fundamentals of Electrical Devices Fundamentals of Electrical Devices Lab Engineering Economics Calculus III Technical Writing Humanities 3 cr. 1 cr. 2 cr. 4 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. THIRD YEAR Fall – 17 credits EE 3325 EE 3345 CS 4475 EE 4472 EE 4472L MATH 3360 Spring – 15 credits Electromagnetics Signals and Systems Computer Architecture and Organization Electrical Machines and Power Electrical Machines and Power Lab Differential Equations 4 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 1 cr. 3 cr. EE 3329 EE 4427 EE 4427L EE 4473 EE 4416 Goal 9 – 12 Introduction to Electronics Embedded Systems Engineering Embedded Systems Engineering Lab Automatic Control Systems Applied Engineering Methods I Social Science 3 cr. 2 cr. 1 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. FOURTH YEAR Spring – 16 credits Fall - 16 credits EE 4400 EE 4429 EE 4429L EE 4496A Goal 9 – 12 Senior Seminar Advanced Electronics Advanced Electronics Lab EE Elective Project Design I Technical Elective Social Science 1 cr. 2 cr. 1 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. Electives should be chosen in consultation with your advisor. Electrical Engineering 4-year Plan of Study, Fall 2012 EE 4418 EE 4475 EE 4484 EE 4496B Goal 9 – 12 Communication Systems Digital Signal Processing Signal Processing Lab EE Elective Project Design II Social Science 3 cr. 3 cr. 1 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr. 3 cr.