Rangsit University Thailand

Rangsit University Thailand
Rangsit University International College seeks to be a leading
institution in Asia, a foundation for ASEAN progress and
development, and an avenue of internationalization of
all Rangsit University students. Whether you are a Thai,
Asian, or any other nationality, I believe you will find great
opportunity and innovation within our International College.
With the rapid development of the world economy, our students
learn to be not only internationally knowledgeable, but also
internationally aware. This means studying side by side with
students and teachers from all corners of the world,
who all have unique and valuable perspectives. Our
faculty, much of whom have been with us for over
15 years, all have studied and worked within the
international arena and make a point to personally
connect to students to pass this knowledge on. As RIC
has very low student to teacher ratios, the students get
the most from building professional relationships with their
University has invested more than 300
million Bath on its brand-new state-of-the-art
International Center that will provide an excellent
learning environment for over 4,000 international
Rangsit University International College (RIC) is
part of Rangsit University and is responsible for
offering international programs for 16 years now.
The quality of the international program as a
whole is not measured against its programs and
facilities but on the success and skills possessed
by its graduates. This is why international students are taught and trained to be equipped
with strong personal skills and moral values that
they need, in order to succeed in the competitive international society of today and tomorrow
At Rangsit University International College you will find your
passions and opportunities throughout the global economy.
You will find new and challenging perspectives that will train
you think about the issues of today with a vision of tomorrow. At RIC, you will discover the world. I thank you for
taking the time to visit our website and I hope you take
the time to learn and explore more about the opportunities
of Rangsit University International College.
Dr. Arthit Ourairat
Message from the Dean of International College
On behalf of the International College, I encourage
you to discover global career opportunities in a
well-balanced and interdisciplinary program at RIC
Our programs bring a progressive approach to
international education; we encourage our faculties and
staff to think out of the box to meet the global demands of
Dr. Nuananong Panmanee
Dean, International College
Message from the Dean
Five reasons to choose RIC
Admission Information
RIC Mamagememt
Academic Program
Curriculum Sturcture
Asian Business Mamagement Communication Arts
Information and Communication Technology
International Business
International Marketing and Online Business
Information Relations and Development
Philosophy, Politics, and Economices
Curriculum Description
Rangsit University International College
The programs at Rangsit University International College
are strategically designed and developed based on the
principle that students should be encouraged to achieve their
fullest potential to reach the pinnacle of their profession.
หลักสูตรของวิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต ได้ถูกพัฒนา
และออกแบบอย่ า งมี ก ลยุ ท ธ์
เ พื่ อ พั ฒ นาและส่ ง เสริ ม นั ก ศึ ก ษาให้ มี
ศักยภาพ เพื่อไปสู่จุดสูงสุดของอาชีพของพวกเขาในอนาคต
You’ll have access to highly qualified
professors with a wide range of experience and expertise. Our small
class-sized means you will soon get to
know your lecturers and feel comfortable
to approach them for support and advice.
นั ก ศึ ก ษาจะได้ เ รี ย นกั บ คณาจารย์
ผู้ ท รง
คุ ณ วุ ฒิ แ ละเพี ย บพร้ อ มด้ ว ยประสบการณ์
นอกจากนี้ นโยบายห้องเรียนขนาดเล็กของ
We offer modern and uniquely
designed programs that matter
in real life experience through
international exposure.
เพื่ อ ให้ นั ก ศึ ก ษาสามารถนำ � ไป
College offers you opportunities to
consider an interdisciplinary education
and you can focus your degree on a
particular discipline that interesteds
วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ ให้โอกาสแก่นักศึกษา
ที่ จ ะเลื อ กวิ ช าเอกไดจากสองแขนงเพื่ อ
เพิ่ ม วิ สั ย ทั ศ น์
ใ ห้ กั บ นั ก ศึ ก ษาที่ ส นใจ
You’ll experience the ultimate variety of educational excellence. At Rangsit University International College provides facility state-of-the-art and modern technology
along with outstanding mix of international and Asian
students from all over the world.
ด้วยเทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัยที่สุด และนักศึกษาทั้งจากไทยและต่าง
ประเทศ วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต พร้อมที่จะมอบ
Admission Information
Application Schedule
RIC employs the semester system, in which each of the two semesters is 15 weeks and a summer of 8 weeks
in length. Our academic calendar is as follows:
1st Semester
June - July
2nd Semester
July - December
Summer Semester
January - May
Requirements for Admission
Credit Transfer
Full-time applicants must possess the following qualifications:
To better facilitate credit transfer for RIC new students who have
previously attended other college and University and wish to have
their credits earned at those institutions transfer to International
College. The guideline and procedures of RIC credit transfer are
as follows.
1. Completed upper-secondary education or its equivalent as
recognized by the Ministry of Education (or) complete high
school grade 12 within the US educational system (or) pass 5
subjects of the IGCSE British system (or) obtain a French standard
baccalaureate (or) obtain an international baccalaureate diploma
(or) obtain a GED certificate.
2. English Language Proficiency:
If applicants are not English native speakers, they must pass the
TOEFL 500 or IELTS 5.0 Cambridge First Certificate (or) Rangsit
University International College English Language Proficiency Test
with a score of 81.
* Thai high school students who graduate from an overseas
institution must contact the Ministry of Education to validate
your diploma under the Thai graduate system.
Note: Applicants who do not meet English language proficiency
requirements may be admitted on a provisional basis, which
requires that they enroll in the Intensive Academic Program
until their proficiency is acceptable to the Rangsit University
International College English Proficiency requirements.
1. Students submit their your relevant credentials such as official
transcripts of records and previously attended college/bulletin to
RIC International College within 30 Days after the first day of
2. RIC Credit Transfer Committee holds a credit transfer meeting
semester after the period of credentials submission is over or
around the 5th week of the semester.
3. All Credit transfer will be finalized in the meeting. The committee
will sign and approve the credit transfer.
4. The RIC Secretary will forward the decision of the committee
regarding credit transfer to Registrar Office to further confirm
final approval.
5. Any exception regarding credit transfer will be brought in to
discuss and reach conclusion in this meeting.
6. Any credit transfer outside the meeting is not official and will
not be certified by the RIC.
*** Courses will only be eligible for transfer if the student earned a
“C” or higher (or its equivalent). The transcript, course descriptions
and one letter of confirmation from a former instructor must be
submitted for elegibility.
Tuition and Fees
Approximate fees are as follows:
(Thai Baht)
(US Dollar)
(Chinese RMB)
Application Fee
One Time
Tuition Fee
Per Credit
Academic Service Fee
Per Term
Matriculation fee
One Time
Health Insurance Fee
Per Year
Deposit for Equipment (Refundable)
One time
Health Examination Fee
One Time
Student Activity Fee
Per Year
Student ID card
One Time
Average Tuition Fees per Academic Year :
(Thai Baht)
(US Dollar)
(Chinese RMB)
Average Fees Per Semester
Average Fees Per Academic Year
Remarks :
1. An exchange rate of 1 USD = 30 Baht (Approximately), 1 RMB = 5 Baht (Approximately)
2. Tuition fees are approximate; the actual tuition fee depends on the amount of registered credits. Tuition &
Fees are subject to change
3. Deposit for Equipment covers the students’ use of university facilities and will be refundable after
graduation or resignation.
4. Please note that the above rate is subject to change without notice due to the periodic volatility of foreign
currency exchange rates
RIC Management
ทำ�เนียบผู้บริหารวิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
Dr. Nuananong Panmanee
Dean of Rangsit University International College
B.A. (English) Chulalongkorn University
M.A. (English) University of Central Oklamoma, U.S.A.
MBA. (Management) Chulalongkorn University
Ph.D. (Higher Education) North TEXAS State University, U.S.A.
Dr. Bruce Weeks
RIC Advisor
B.A. (History), Western Illinois University, U.S.A.
J.D (Juris Doctorate), University of Puget Sound, School of Law, U.S.A.
Dr. Boosri Cheevakumjorn
Associate Deans of Administration
B.A. (English Literature), Chulalongkorn University
M.A. (English Literature), Chulalongkorn University
M.E.d. (Curriculum and Instruction), University of Oregon, U.S.A.
Ph.D (Early Childhood Education), University of Oregon, U.S.A.
Ussanee Malisuwan
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
B.B.A. (Industrial Management), Thammasat University, Thailand
M.B.A. (Finance), Mercer University, U.S.A.
Dr.Supattra Angkasith
Associate Deans of Special and International Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Development
Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand
Master of Advanced Business Practice
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Master of Management SASIN (Chulalongkorn University in
conjunction with North Western and Pennsylvania Universities)
BTEC First Diploma (Marketing & Finance) Windsor and Maidenhead College, United Kingdom
Bachelor of Arts (Major in English) Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn
Chakrit Tiebtienrat
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
B.A. (Politics and History),University of Canterbury, New Zealand
B.A. Honours (Political Science), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
M.A. (Political Science and Communication), University of
Canterbury, New Zealand
Ph.D. Candidate (Philosophy and Political Science), University of
Canterbury, New Zealand
Amporn Puapradit
Department Head of International Business
B.A. French, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
M.A., Comparative Religions, Mahidol University, Thailand
MBA, International Trade, L’ISCID Graduate school in Dunkerk,
Dr.Duangtip Charconrook
Department Head of Communication Arts
B.A.(Language) Thammasat University M.A.(Communication Arts) Thammasat University Ph.D. (Communication Arts) Ohio University, USA Dr. Danuvas Sagarik
Department Head of Philosophy, Politics and Economics
BSc. (Hons) Economics , University of Essex, UK
MSc. Ecoomics, Finance and Management, University Bristol, UK
Ph.D Public Policy and Management, National Institute of
Development Administration, Thailand
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chutisant Kerdvibulvech
Head, Department of Information and Communication
B.Eng. (Hons) Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University,
M.Sc. (Engineering Information and Computer Science), Keio
University, Tokyo, Japan
Ph.D. (Engineering Information and Computer Science), Keio
University, Tokyo, Japan
Academic Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Rangsit University International College
In today’s ever changing world, academic skills alone do not ensure success. Rangsit University International College recognizes
the importance of this, and seeks to develop well-rounded graduates. Our four year degree offers you a choice of 8 different
Bachelor of Accountancy
The Bachelor of Accountancy is a program where students earn
international experiences from taking special courses and having
real experiences both in Thailand and abroad. Program of study
includes International Accounting, Cost Accounting, Internal
Auditing and Control, and Financial Reporting and Analysis.
Asian Business Management,
Bachelor of Arts
The Asian Business Management (ABM) program at Rangsit
University International College is an innovative international
program, which is designed to shape students to be a leader
of tomorrow. At ABM, students will have an opportunity
to learn and develop a broad understanding of business
management and the Asian way of thinking together
with the current issue of today for the future challenges.
At the department of ABM, you are served with the best
quality of international program with multidisciplinary
knowledge for the future success. Graduates of the program
work very well in Multi­national Corporations, particularly those
in Asian Companies, Government and International Agen­
Here in our department you will find accessible and committed
professors who engage in communities from local to global levels.
Moreover, you will find classmate who are passionate to be a
leader of the world. It is a great environment to be in.
Communication Arts,
Bachelor of Communication Arts
As new technology is being developed every day, most companies
can produce similar products with similar qualities. What criteria
do customers use for making their buying decisions? The answer
is ‘brand percep­tion, or in other words, how we view products.
For this reason, marketing communication plays a vital role in
the current business world. It leads to increased sales, brand
reputation, improved image, brand loyalty and much more.
While communication arts programs at other universities allow
students to choose only one area of communication, RIC
requires our students to study the background of several areas
of marketing communication, i.e. advertising, public relations and
journalism. The strength of this program is that we create a new
generation of well-rounded ‘Marketing Communicators’ who know
how to apply many areas of study to create a harmonious and
effective means of marketing communication. As a result, this
unique program would enable students to successfully apply their
integrated knowledge to suit the requirements of their clients.
International Business,
Bachelor of Business Administration
IB is a major that culminates in a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business. We prepare students for a career in the business
professions, or for further study toward an advanced degree. Our
IB graduates have been accepted for master’s degree study at
programs around the world.
At Rangsit University International College, we believe an
awareness of global issues is just as important as knowledge
in economics, accounting, finance, management or marketing.
Students in IB complete a rigorous set of business, language,
and area courses. In addition, all students must complete an
internship which combines academic learning with real work
experience to help equip our graduates to be ready for the real
world. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the
many study abroad opportunities available at our many partner
universities from around the globe.
In addition to academics, Rangsit University International College
offers a variety of social and cultural activities, including the
popular Thai boxing and Thai cooking classes, which allow
students the opportunity to interact with others from different
cultures in order to become truly comfortable and conversant in
the globalized world.
Our mission is to provide the resources for students to facilitate
learning in a truly international environment. The International
Business program makes it possible for students to acquire the
knowledge of international business and be fluent in the crosscultural skills to flourish in whatever challenges the future might
Information and Communication Technology,
Bachelor of Science
The Department of Information and Communication Technology
at Rangsit University International College was founded in the
1998 scholastic year, with a mission to provide information
technology education. For more than 10 years, our department
has been a place where students can obtain an outstanding
education in information and communication technology and
computer science.
Our students come from various walks of life, many different
cultures, and more than 10 different countries. Only 30 percent
of our students are Thai. By sharing their diverse life experiences,
students here can enhance their emotional growth, as well as their
educational development.
International Marketing and Online Business,
Bachelor of Business Administration
In today’s ever-changing world, Online Business plays very
essential role in business. Combining with the change of marketing
strategies in the past decade, Rangsit University International
College sees the importance to implemented International
Marketing and e-Business as a specialize program for students to
become a specialist in this field.
International Marketing and Online business program at Rangsit
University is uniquely designed program, which has its mission
to equip our students with innovative knowledge and learn
to manage their creative ideas. This will enhance their career
opportunity and enable them to reach the pinnacle of their
profession or becoming successful entrepreneur.
International Relations and Development,
Bachelor of Arts
The International Relations and Development (IRD) program at
Rangsit University International College is uniquely designed
program, which is set apart from many other university. At
the department of IRD, we address the issues of today with
outstanding academic quality that prepares you to be a global
citizen for the world of tomorrow.
At the department of IRD, our founding mandate was to “build
a learning environment which is truly international through a
vigorous program of study and research, focusing especially on
the development challenges the international community would
face.” Today we address urgent issues such as political conflict,
diplomacy, climate change, energy, poverty, food, health care,
and other important global issues. Moreover, students will be
trained to be ready to work for both public and private sectors in
the real world situation.
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics,
Bachelor of Arts
The Department of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics has the
longest history among RIC academic programs. Our graduates have
been recognized by several international institutions worldwide. At
PPE department, we have students from several countries and this
clearly provides you the international environment where students
can exchange their knowledge, skills, and culture. We aim to be
a Department for the future as we strive to prepare you as future
leaders to address the major global challenges that our local,
national and international community face. We have a group of world
class academics and researchers to support you on this journey.
Curriculum Sturcture
Pre-College courses
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
The subjects for International Communication for English Program
(ICE) are the following:
General Education Courses
ICE Level I
ICE 001 Fundamental English Structure
ICE 002 Fundamental English Listening and Speaking ICE 003 Fundamental English Reading and Writing
ICE Level II
ICE 004 Intermediate English Listening and Speaking
ICE 005 Intermediate English Academic Reading
ICE 006 Intermediate English Academic Writing
Non-credit 18 credits
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
Sciences & Mathematics Group Languages Group Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
9 credits
15 credits
3 credits
Sciences, Technology, and Health
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
Sciences & Mathematics Group Languages Group Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 9 credits
3 credits
15 credits
3 credits
Core Courses99 credits
Professional Foundation Courses 36 credits
Major Courses
48 credits
Required Major Courses
39 credits
Elective Major Courses
9 credits
Minor Courses
15 credits
Free Elective Courses
6 credits
Total credit 135 credits
Asian Business
Bachelor of Arts
Degree :Bachelor of Arts (Asian Business Management)
B.A. (Asian Business Management)
Why study ABM?
• Integrated and comprehensive knowledge of existing
Asian and global business management issues
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• Leading academics and highly experienced lecturers
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency encouraged
• Local and/or abroad internship programs
• Asian experience
• Outstanding mix of international and Asian students
from all over the world
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of ABM, and employment prospects are excellent,
which include:
• Entrepreneurship
• International Organizations
• Multinational Corporations
• Business Organizations
• Government Agencies
• Foreign Affairs
PPE Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
Sciences & Mathematics Group Languages Group Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
9 credits
15 credits
3 credits
Core Courses99 credits
I. Professional Foundation Courses 36 credits
II. Major Courses
48 credits
• Required Major Courses
39 credits
• Elective Major Courses
9 credits
III. Minor Courses
15 credits
Free Elective Courses
6 credits
Total credit 135 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
Elective Major Courses
IAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
IAM 202 Fundamental of Leadership
IAM 210 Principles of Economics
IAM 217 East and Southeast Asian History
IAM 218 South Asian and the Middle East History
IAM 221 Geography of Asia
IFN 201 Business Finance
IHR 201 Human Resource Management
IMG 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior 3(3-0-6)
IMK 201 Principles of Marketing
IPO 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 3(3-0-6)
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
IAM 223 Asian Experience I
IAM 323 Asian Experience II
IAM 232 Business Concepts and Ethics
IAM 322 Business Forecasting
IAM 324 Project Evaluation in Business
IAM 331 Women Leadership
IAM 332 Successful Business Leaders
IAM 356 Political Economy of Asia
IAM 358 The Global Partnership of Asia and Europe
IAM 410 Business Organization Development
IAM 424 Economy and Trade of China in 21st Century
IBM 301 International Business Management
IBM 333 International Trade
IBM 431 Export-Import Management
IFN 331 International Finance
IMK 331 International Marketing
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
Major Courses
Required Major Courses
IAM 275 Asian Marketing Strategies
IAM 315 Asian Leadership
IAM 345 ASEAN Economic Integration
IAM 357 South Asia and the Middle East Businesses 3(3-0-6)
IAM 375 Social and Cultural Diversity in Asia
IAM 380 Asian Financial Markets and Institutions
IAM 395 Asian Style Negotiation, and Conflict Management 3(3-0-6)
IAM 420 China, India and Japan in Global Business Perspective3(3-0-6)
IAM 445 Asian Business Strategic Management
IAM 475 Sustainable Development Strategies in Asia 3(3-0-6)
IAM 490 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation 3(3-0-6)
IAM 492 Current Issues in Asian Business Management 3(3-0-6)
IAM 493 Internship in Asian Business Leadership
IAM 496 Co-operative Education
Communication Arts
(Com. Arts)
Bachelor of Communication Arts
Degree : Bachelor of Communication Arts
B.Com. Arts
Why study Com. Arts?
• Holistic knowledge of communication
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• World-leading academics and highly experienced
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency
• Local and/or abroad internship program
• International experience
• Outstanding mix of friends from all over the world
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of Com. Arts, and employment prospects are excellent,
which include:
• Account Executive
• Public Relations Practitioner
• Copywriter
• Columnist
• News Editor
• Event Organizer
Com. Arts Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
Sciences & Mathematics Group Languages Group Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
9 credits
15 credits
3 credits
Core Courses99 credits
I. Professional Foundation Courses
II. Major Courses
• Required Major Courses
• Elective Major Courses
III. Minor Courses
Free Elective Courses
36 credits
48 credits
39 credits
9 credits
15 credits
6 credits
Total credit 135 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
ICO 111 Communication Theories
ICO 112 Introduction to Mass Communication
ICO 113 Speech for Communication
ICO 115 Creative Writing Communication Arts
ICO 211 Law and Ethics for Communication Arts
ICO 212 Information Technology for Communication
ICO 213 Mass Media and Dharmacratic Society
ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
ICO 216 International Mass Communication
ICO 311 Communication Research
ICO 312 Communication in Thai Culture
ICO 318 Communication in Current Affairs
Elective Concentrated Professional Courses
Required Professional Courses
ICA 111
ICA 120
ICA 131 ICA 132 ICA 151 ICA 214 ICA 217
ICA 251
ICA 252
ICA 314
ICA 491 ICA 492
Introduction to Journalism
Introduction to Radio and Television
Principles of Public Relations
Persuasive Communication
Principles of Advertising
Information Gathering for Mass Communication
Psychology of Communication
Target Audience Behavior
Principles of Marketing for Advertising
Arts for Mass Communication
Communication Arts Professional Seminar
Senior Project
Elective Professional Courses
ICA 220 Introduction to News Writing and Reporting
ICA 316 ICA 336
ICA 351
ICA 354
ICA 361
Mass Communication Business
Presentation Techniques in Public Relations Media Planning
Integrated Marketing Communication
Advertising Presentation
• Advertising
IAD 253
IAD 311
IAD 356
IAD 358
IAD 359 IAD 360 IAD 362 IAD 432
IAD 451 Creative and Copywriting
Creative Strategy for Advertising
Advertising Design
Photography for Advertising
Electronic Advertising Media Production
Brand Management
Creative Marketing Activities
Advertising Campaign
Advertising Management
• Public Relations
IPR 231 Writing for Public Relations
IPR 232 Public Relations Media Production
IPR 305 Organizational Communication
IPR 311 Creative Strategy for Public Relations
IPR 362 Creative Public Relations Activities
IPR 332 Public Relations Campaign
IPR 337 Photography for Public Relations
IPR 433 Public Relations in Crisis Situation
IPR 434 Public Relations Management
• Journalism
IJR 223
IJR 245 IJR 331
IJR 345
IJR 346 IJR 347 IJR 348 IJR 450 IJR 453 Journalistic Writing
Graphic Design for Journalism
Electronic Publishing
Journalistic Photography
Editing for Journalism
Article and Critique Writing
Feature Writing
Editing and Newspaper Production
Editing and Magazine Production
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
Bachelor of Science
Degree : Bachelor of Science (Information and Communication Technology)
B.Sc. (Information and Communication Technology)
Why study ICT?
• RSU – Murdoch Double Degree program with Mur-doch
University, Australia
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• World-leading academics and highly experienced
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency
• Local and/or abroad internship programs
• International experience
• The Outstanding mix of friends from all over the world
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of ICT, and employment prospects are excellent, which
• Robotics Engineer
• Computer Graphics Programmer
• Web Developer and Programmer
• System Analyst and Engineer
• Network Administration
• Virtual Reality and games Developer
ICT Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 136 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
Sciences & Mathematics Group Languages Group Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 9 credits
3 credits
15 credits
3 credits
Core Courses100 credits
I. Professional Foundation Courses 43 credits
II. Major Courses
57 credits
• Required Major Courses
39 credits
• Elective Major Courses
18 credits*
• or
• Elective Major Courses 3 credits
• Minor Courses
15 credits
• * (1) Students choose Elective Major Courses 18
credits Or
• * (2) Students choose Elective Major Courses 3
credits and Minor Courses 15 credits
III. Free Elective Courese
6 credits
Total credit 136 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
• Sciences
IMA 133 Calculus I
IMA 221 Discrete Mathematics
IPH 131 Introductory Physics ICH 131 General Chemistry
ICH 132 General Chemistry Laboratory
• Web Technologies
ICT 100 Introduction to Web Technology
• Programming Fundamentals
ICT 101 Object-Oriented Technology
ICT 102 Computer Programming I
ICT 103 Computer Programming II
ICT 205 Data Structures
• Systems Analysis and Design
ICT 104 Business Organization
ICT 206 Systems Analysis and Design I
ICT 207 Systems Analysis and Design II
• Database Management
ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems3(3-0-6)
• Networking
ICT 209 Data Communications and Networking
ICT 419 Multimedia and Virtual Reality
ICT 420 Formal Language & Automata
ICT 497 Project in Information Technology and Multimedia3(3-0-6)
ICT 496 Co-operative Education
ICT 499 Senior Project
Major Elective Courses
ICT 321 Human-Computer Interaction
ICT 322 Electronic Record-Keeping
ICT 323 Electronic and Mobile Commerce
ICT 324 Introduction to Data Warehousing and Data Mining3(3-0-6)
ICT 325 Internet Systems Programming
ICT 326 Information Systems and Network Security
ICT 421 Wireless Network
ICT 422 Games Design and Programming
ICT 423 Games Development
ICT 424 Computer Graphics
ICT 425 Mobile Applications Development
ICT 426 Search Engine and Retrieval Systems
ICT 427 Selected Topics in Information and Communication Technology3(3-0-6)
ICT 428 Computer Vision and Augmented Reality
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
IBM 221 International Experience I
IBM 322 International Experience II 3(3-0-6)
Required Major Courses
ICT 311 Operating Systems 3(3-0-6)
ICT 312 Relational Database Implementation and Management3(2-2-5)
ICT 313 Object-Oriented Database Implementation and Management3(2-2-5)
ICT 314 Information Technology Project Management 3(3-0-6)
ICT 315 Introduction to Animation
ICT 415 Information Technology Laws
ICT 416 Management of Information Technology Services3(3-0-6)
ICT 418 Information Technology Management
International Business
Program (IB)
Bachelor of Business Administration
Degree : Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business)
B.B.A. (International Business)
Why study IB?
• Extensive knowledge of international business analysis
and international trade
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• World-leading academics and highly experienced lecturers
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency
• Local and/or abroad internship program
• International experience
• The Outstanding mix of friends from all over the world
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of IB, and employment prospects are excellent, which
• Multi National Corporations in Sales, Marketing, Import-Export
• Government: BOI, Export Promotion, International
• Trade Organization
• Entrepreneur
• Import-Export Business
• Business Organization
IB Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
3 credits
Sciences & Mathematics Group 9 credits
Languages Group 15 credits
Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
Core Courses
I. Professional Foundation Courses
99 credits
II. Major Courses
• Required Major Courses
• Elective Major Courses
III. Minor Courses
36 credits
48 credits
39 credits
9 credits
15 credits
Free Elective Courses
6 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
IAC 100
IAC 103
IEC 211
IEC 212
IEG 350
IFN 201
IHR 201
ILA 112
IMA 143
IMG 201
IMK 201
IPO 201
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
English for Professional Development
Business Finance
Human Resource Management
Business Law
Mathematics for Business and Economics
Modern Management and Organization Behavior
Principles of Marketing
Operations Management
Required Major Courses
Elective Major Courses
IAC 441 International Accounting
IBM 221 International Experience I
IBM 322 International Experience II
IBM 450 International Commerce: ASEAN
IBM 454 E – Commerce for International Trade
ICS 211 Computer Problem Solving in Business
IFN 221 Money and Banking
IFN 431 International Financial Markets and Institutions 3(3-0-6)
IMA 144 Calculus for Business and Economics
IMK 432 Strategic Brand Management
IMK 433 Strategic Customer Relationship
IMK 451 Marketing Management
ITH 428 Thai Culinary Arts Theory and Practice
ITH 429 International Culinary Arts Theory and Practice 3(2-2-5)
IBM 301 International Business Management
IBM 333 International Trade
IBM 334 International Business Logistics
IBM 445 Cross Cultural Management
IBM 460 Global Competitive Strategy
IBM 492 Current Issues in International Business
IFN 331 International Finance
ILA 431 International Trade Law
IMG336 Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management3(3-0-6)
IMK 331 International Marketing
IPO 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 3(3-0-6)
IBM 494 Co-operative Education
IBM 431 Export-Import Management
IBM 498 Internship in International Business
International Marketing and
Online Business
Bachelor of Business Administration
Degree : Bachelor of Business Administration (International Marketing and Online Business)
B.B.A. (International Marketing and Online Business)
Why study IMB?
E nhance knowledge on marketing and online business
Provide outstanding education on modern business
Equip students with refreshing vision on professional
marketing perspective
Multidisciplinary education
Leading academics and highly experienced lecturers
Wide business-based career opportunities
Career opportunities:
Marketing Analyst
Online Business Entrepreneur
Ministry of Commerce Authority
Commercial Banker
Import – Export Officer
Multi-National Company Officer
IMB Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
3 credits
Sciences & Mathematics Group 9 credits
Languages Group 15 credits
Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
Core Courses
I. Professional Foundation Courses
99 credits
II. Major Courses
• Required Major Courses
• Elective Major Courses
III. Minor Courses
36 credits
48 credits
39 credits
9 credits
15 credits
Free Elective Courses
6 credits
International Marketing and
Online Business
Professional Foundation Courses
Elective Major Courses
IBM 301 International Business Management
IBM 431 Export–Import Management
IMB 221 International Experience I
IMB 322 International Experience II
IMB 304 Integrated Marketing Communication Management3(3-0-6)
IMB 306 International Sales Management
IMB 308 International Promotion and Marketing Communication
IMB 417 Direct Marketing
IMB 325 Business to Business Marketing
IMB 327 Marketing Public Relations
IMB 328 Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organization 3(3-0-6)
IMB 329 Sales Forecasting
Required Major Courses
IMB 301 International Marketing
IMB 303 International Product and Price Management 3(3-0-6)
IMB 307 International Channel Distribution and Logistics Management3(3-0-6)
IMB 308 International Promotion and Marketing
IMB 311 Online Business Analysis and Design
IMB 326 Online Marketing and Social Media
3(3-0-6) IMB 499 Special Topics in International Marketing and Online Business
IMB 368 e-Payment and Security in Online Business 3(3-0-6) IMB 201 Principles of Marketing
IMB 202 Global Consumer Behavior
IMB 211 Online Business Management
IMB 222 Web Creation and Design
IAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
IPO 201 Operations Management
IAM 210 Principles of Economics
IMB 240 Business Psychology 3(3-0-6)
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
IFN 201 Business Finance
IHR 201 Human Resource Management
IMG 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior 3(3-0-6)
IMB 416 Market Research
IMB 420 Business Law and Ethics for Online Business 3(3-0-6)
IMB 433 Customer Relationship Strategies
IMB 435 Current Issues in International Marketing
IMB 496 Co-operative Education
IMB 493 Internship in International Marketing and
Online Business
IMB 431 Online Business Project Management
International Relations and
Development (IRD)
Bachelor of Arts
Degree : Bachelor of Arts (International Relations and Development)
B.A. (International Relations and Development)
Why study IRD?
• Integrated and comprehensive knowledge of existing
international and global development issues
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• World-leading academics and highly experienced
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency
• Local and/or abroad internship programs
• International experience
• The Outstanding mix of friends from all over the
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of IRD, and employment prospects are excellent, which
• International Organizations
• Multinational Corporations
• Diplomacy
• Government
• Foreign Affairs Analyst
• Non-governmental Organizations
IRD Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
3 credits
Sciences & Mathematics Group 9 credits
Languages Group 15 credits
Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
Core Courses
I. Professional Foundation Courses
II. Major Courses
• Required Major Courses
• Elective Major Courses
III. Minor Courses
Free Elective Courses
99 credits
36 credits
48 credits
39 credits
9 credits
15 credits
6 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
Elective Major Courses
IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics
IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
IPO 211 Introduction to Politics
IPO 221 Public Policy Analysis
IPO 238 International Politics
IRD 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior3(3-0-6)
IRD 220 World History
IRD 232 International Relations
IRD 235 International Development
IRD 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 3(3-0-6)
IRD 336 Leadership, Negotiation, and Conflict Management3(3-0-6)
IBM 221 International Experience I
IBM 322 International Experience II
IEC 441 International Monetary Economics
IPH 231 Philosophy of History
IPH 245 Critical Thinking
IPH 320 Globalization and Religion
IPH 342 Chinese Philosophy
IPH 343 Buddhist Philosophy and Democracy
IPH 350 Social Justice and Responsibilities
IPO 235 Political Economy in South East Asia
IPO 241 Interest and Pressure Group
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
IRD 321 International Politics of the Middle East
IRD 323 Contemporary Russian Politics
IRD 324 China: Economy and Trade in 21st Century
IRD 325 Current Issues and Controversies in Latin America3(3-0-6)
IRD 326 Power and Society in Modern Africa
Required Major Courses
IBM 301 International Business Management
IEC 351 Economic Development
ILA 431 International Trade Law
IRD 322 Development and Human Rights
IRD 343 International Political Economy
IRD 345 ASEAN Integration
IRD 365 International Public Policy: Food, Health, Energy and Environment
IRD 375 Foreign Policy Analysis
IRD 380 International Peace and Security
IRD 395 International Organizations and Economic Integration
IRD 410 Organization Development
IRD 450 Current Issues in International Relations
IRD 493 Internship in International Relations and Development 3(0-35-18)
IRD 496 Co-operative Education
Philosophy, Politics, and
Economics (PPE)
Bachelor of Arts
ปรัชญา การเมือง และเศรษฐศาสตร์
Degree : Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics)
B.A. (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics)
Why study PPE?
• An interdisciplinary degree with a long history in British
university life
• Triple major: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
• Modern and uniquely designed program to enhance
career opportunities
• Leading academics and highly experienced lecturers
• Multidisciplinary education
• Third language proficiency
• Local and/or abroad internship programs
• International experience
• The Outstanding mix of friends from all over the world
Career opportunities:
There continues to be a huge demand for graduate in all
areas of PPE, and employment prospects are excellent,
which include:
• Economic Development
• International Trade
• Monetary Theory and Policy
• Environmental Economics
• Comparative Political Systems
• International Relations
• Political Economy in Southeast Asia
• Thai Business and Politics
• Political Philosophy
• Buddhist Philosophy
Program Structure:
• A 4-year program
• Total credit 135 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences Group
General Education Courses
30 credits
Humanities & Social Sciences Group
3 credits
Sciences & Mathematics Group 9 credits
Languages Group 15 credits
Interdisciplinary & Physical Education Group 3 credits
Core Courses
I. Professional Foundation Courses
II. Major Courses
• Required Major Courses
• Elective Major Courses
III.Minor Courses
Free Elective Courses
99 credits
36 credits
48 credits
39 credits
9 credits
15 credits
6 credits
Core Courses
Professional Foundation Courses
Elective Major Courses
IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics
IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
IMA 143 Mathematics for Business and Economics
IPE 336 Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management3(3-0-6)
IPH 211 Elements of Philosophy I 3(3-0-6)
IPH 212 Elements of Philosophy II
IPH 222 Political Philosophy
IPO 211 Introduction to Politics
IPO 221 Public Policy Analysis
IPO 232 International Relations
IPO 233 Thai Government and Politics
IBM 221 International Experience I
IBM 322 International Experience II
IEC 321 Economics of Money and Banking
IEC 361 Economics of Human Resources
IEC 441 International Monetary Economics
IPE 450 Current issues in Economics and Politics
IPH 245 Critical Thinking
IPH 320 Globalization and Religion
IPH 342 Chinese Philosophy
IPH 350 Social Justice and Responsibilities
IPO 214 Interest and Pressure Groups
IPO 231 Theories of Democracy
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
Required Major Courses
IEC 311 Intermediate Microeconomics
IEC 312 Intermediate Macroeconomics
IEC 341 International Trade Theory and Policy
IEC 351 Economics Development
IPH 223 Current Ethical Problems
IPH 224 Philosophy of Law
IPH 343 Buddhist Philosophy and Democracy
IPO 235 Political Economy in South East Asia
IPO 237 Comparative Political Systems
IPO 333 International Government and Non-government Organization
IPE 448 Current Issues in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics3(3-0-6)
IPE 499 Senior Project
IPE 496 Co-operative Education
Curriculum Description
General Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
Fine Arts and Literature
eficial to living and interplay between literature and society.
IMU 104 Music Appreciation
Understanding music through the study of cultural periods; major composers; and musical elements illustrated by audio recordings and live
IAR 103 Art Appreciation
Introduction to aesthetic arts defined through a variety of their meanings
and purposes; the definition of beauty, the functions of arts, and their
main classical and contemporary theories; knowledge in aesthetics, discourses of visual arts, contextual styles of various artists and meaning of
different trends in fine arts.
Philosophy and Religions
IAR 119 Art and Design in Thai Society
Art and design development in Thai society from before and after the
year B.E 2475 and the present globalization era; knowledge of Thai local
wisdom and craft; important roles and functions of public art within the
development of Thai society.
IHU 107 Ethics
Principles and concepts in ethical theories and concepts; critics of various
philosophers as the foundation for critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and
applications in educational life, working and living together in society;
crucial current ethical problems; guidelines of how to live everyday life
and solve ethical problems of present today society.
IHU 104 Thai Literary Reviews
Forms, contents, languages, themes, styles, value and significance of
Thai literature from the Sukhothai, Ayuthaya, and Ratanakosin periods to
the present days; the connection of literary works and Thai spiritual culture.
IHU 123 Sciences and Arts of Living
Nature and potential of life; behavioral and psychological process; planning and determining goals of life; achieving good quality of life: mental
development; understanding life and surroundings; teamwork; concepts
towards ideal society; meaningful social lives; searching for and forming
good life and society.
IHU 124 Man and Creative Thinking
Definition and significance of creative thinking; factors affecting human
creative thinking; principles and theories of creative thinking development; influences of creative thinking over scientific, art, and literary
works; divergent thinking; applications of creative thinking to the living
and working.
IHU 106 Logic
Scope of logic: logical terms, propositions; deduction and induction; criteria and creditability of reasoning; definition and fallacy; logical analytic
in everyday language usage; writing techniques using principles and
methods of logic.
IHU 109 Buddhist Studies
Buddhist teachings and principles; useful Dharma concerning life; Dharma
for human beings and society; Buddhist application in everyday life to
develop the mind.
IHU 110 Aesthetics
Classification of arts; arts and fine arts; basic problems in aesthetics;
meaning of aesthetics experience; meaning of arts; relationship of art
and human values; aesthetic judgments.
IHU 128 Philosophy and Life Development
Western and Eastern philosophy essential for life development: self understanding; reasoning; respect in life; living with others; completing duties as part of social, economic, political, environmental, and natural systems.
IHU 133 Literal Art Appreciation
Literary works for affective and cognitive development; aesthetic perception, with an aim to elevate the mind, advance the arts, and access
the core of human values.
IHU 131 Life and Dharma
Buddhist Dharma for self understanding, community of decency, and harmony of living.
IHU 132 Eastern Righteousness
Well-acclaimed values according to Eastern societies’ conventional belief
as shown in their life style to maintain social existence and to attain the
ideological goal of an individual.
IHU 134 Literature and Life
Reflection of life and human society from literature; moral lessons ben-
IAR 120 Art in ASEAN Culture
Heritage and characteristics of art and culture in Southeast Asian region;
combination of Chinese, Indian, and Western art in Southeast Asia before
and after the 20th century; impacts of art on the cooperation of ASEAN
community and the world community.
History and Civilizations
IHU 114 Contemporary Thai History
Changes in politics, economics and societies since the 1932 Revolution;
contradictions between political leaders in the World War II and the Cold
War periods; changes in politics, economics and society in the period of
Field Marshal Pibulsongkram and Field Marshal Thanarat; problems and
obstacles in Thai contemporary politics, economics, and society.
IHU 125 Local Wisdom
Meaning and importance of local wisdom; local leaders and scholars; conjunction between local wisdom and human knowledge of today’s world;
operation of community’s plan and good governance; creativity and expansion of local wisdom on an international scale; principles of self-sufficiency economy; local business management; entrepreneurial activities;
and self-reliant communities.
days; characteristics of culture, cultural diversity and their results; socialization and socializing agents; social organization; social stratification;
social change and its effects; Thai social problems and how to solve
ISO 112 Psychology in Everyday Life
Primary factors of human behaviors, human physical, cognitive, emotional and social development throughout the life span; Psychology of
Discipline development sensation and perception; intelligence; learning,
thinking and problem solving; motivation; emotion and emotional intelligence; personality, adjustment, and mental health; social behavior; and
application of psychological principles in everyday life.
ISO 113 Thai Politics and Government
Modern Thai politics and government from 1932 to present; Thai democratic regime: constitution, people, the king, the national assembly, the
cabinet, the courts, local government, and civil society; the future of
Thai politics.
IHU 126 Contemporary South East Asia
Economy, politics, societies, cultures and ways of lives of people in
Southeast Asian countries; development of ASEAN Community; current
issues on ASEAN countries; future cooperation among ASEAN members;
influence of ASEAN towards Thailand and the ASEAN community.
ISO 114 Social Development
Meaning and scope of social development; concepts and theories of
various types of social development; changes of world society and the
influence of the western world and social development in the third world;
nature and problems of the Thai community; roles in developmental work
of the government, private sectors, and the organizations of people in
IHU 127
Man and Civilizations
History and significant civilizations of the world from the prehistoric to
present time periods; relationship of men living in each particular period
in terms of social, economic, and political evolution; and also scientific,
technological, and artistic wisdom.
ISO 115 Global Situation
World society’s concepts; international relations in politics, economy,
environment, technological and cultural aspects; the roles of states, international organizations and social movements in global situations; the impacts of global situations upon Thai society.
ISO 116 Globalization
Development, concept, meaning and components of globalization; the
impacts of globalization on the world community in politics, economics,
science and technology, environment, and Thai culture.
IES 122 Camp Management and Adventure Activities
Camp management and adventure activities: camp planning, selection
of camping sites, proposing camping programs, camping operation, management and evaluation, camp leadership training; camping activities:
trekking, nature studying, animal and bird watching, cave and waterfall
exploring, rafting, horse riding, mountain climbing, and fishing.
IES 123 Exercise for Health 3(2-2-5)
Meaning of exercise for health; principles of exercise; benefits of exercise; composition of physical fitness; physical fitness test; principles of
how to strengthen physical fitness.
IES 126 Health Promotion
Meaning and benefits of good health; factors bringing about good health;
exercises and physical activities for health improvement; nutritional and
environmental factors; and problems regarding health in social and security aspects.
IES 127 Recreation, Sports and Tourism Management
Principles of recreation sports and tourism management; types and activities of recreation sports and tourism; recreation sports and tourism
seminars and training; resorts and resources concerning recreation areas,
trekking and camping; conservation of natural resources, including
eco tourism.
Sociology , Psychology and Politics
ISO 117 Leadership and Society
Principles of leadership; types of leaders; roles of leadership in community, local, national, and international level; case studies of distinguished
leaders both in Thailand and other countries.
IPE 100 Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 3(3-0-6)
Introduction to philosophy, politics, and economics; holistic analysis of
social science and philosophy leading to integrative and critical understanding of the political and economic practices shaping the contemporary world.
IET 101 Ethical and Moral Development and Promotion
Comprehension of reality of the world and life; enhancement of personal
awareness, self responsibility towards economy, society and environment;
application of moral principles in decision making and living; how to be a
model of a good person and good citizen through development of mental
competency and practice.
ICO 100 Media Literacy
Definition of media literacy; characteristics of media ownership: capital
resources, policy, and production process; media effects on politics, society, and culture; audience’s right; media selective process: media monitor, media analysis, and content evaluation.
ISO 111 Human Society
Importance and evolution of human society from the past to present
Law and Economics
ILA 108 Introduction to Law
Meaning and characteristics of law; sources and evolution of law; significant legal systems; derivation of law; kinds and types of law; enactment
and legislation process; law enforcement; interpretation, abrogation; important laws relating to daily life : personal, juristic person, juristic acts,
personal right, real right and criminal law.
IEC 109 Introduction to Economics
Definition of economics, basic economic problems, economic systems;
principles of microeconomics: market mechanism, demand, supply, production, cost of production, revenue and profit of a firm; output and input
market structure, and market failure; principles of macroeconomics: concepts of national incomes, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy, and macroeconomics in the open economy.
IEC 150 Sufficiency Economy
Analysis of society, economy and the economic development in Thailand;
effects of cultures and institutions on social and economic systems; influences of capitalism on the Thai society and economy; application of the
philosophy and methodology of Sufficiency Economy to the Thai economy leading to the sustainable economic development and immunity
Science and Mathematics
• Sciences
ISC 101 Science and Technology in Everyday 3(3-0-6)
Development of science from the beginning to the present time; chemicals in daily life and their impacts; climate and atmospheric change; energy technology affecting daily life and telecommunications; nanotechnology and products; roles of sciences, physical and biological
technologies; genetic engineering and biodiversity.
IBC 101 Human Nutrition and Health Promotions
Definition of food, nutrients and nutrition; classification of nutrients;
functions of nutrients and related diseases; five major food groups; Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA); Body Mass Index (BMI); Daily Energy Expenditure; Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); assessment of nutritional
status; malnutrition; overnutrition; undernutrition; protein and energy
malnutrition, marasmus and kwashiorkor; vitamin deficiency; mineral deficiency; metabolic syndrome; obesity; eating disorders; anorexia nervosa; nutrition throughout the life cycle; nutritional therapy; food technology; genetically modified foods (GM foods); food preservation; food
safety and sanitation.
IEV 101 Life and Environment
Fundamentals of environment and equilibrium in ecosystem; environmental changes from various aspects of developments; natural resource deterioration and pollution, environmental impacts and sustainable environmental management.
IEV 114 ASEAN Environment
Physical and biological environment, social and economic perspectives of
ASEAN region; current environmental problems, policies, regional agreements, institutional structure, regional cooperation and sustainable environmental management for ASEAN.
• Mathematics and Computer
IMA 142 Mathematics and Statistics in Everyday Life
3 (3-0-6)
Mathematical concepts and ideas related to nature, art beauty and symbols; application of mathematical concepts and ideas in problem solving
and decision making; statistical implementation for security in life; interpretation of statistical data; proper use of statistics, and statistics-oriented technology.
ICS 100 Information Technology and Its Applications 3(2-2-5)
Fundamental background of information technology, computer components: hardware, software, operating system; communication technology,
computer networks, the Internet, information systems; computer ethics;
computer risk and security; information technology laws; practice of office computer programs.
English Language
IEL 111 Communicative English I
Greeting, introductions, travel, lodgings, eating, shopping, working, correspondence, announcements and instructions; audio-visual media; and
social etiquettes for cross-cultural communication.
IEL 112 English Listening and Speaking
Useful vocabulary and expressions for giving directions; buying coach/
train tickets; renting a room/apartment; seeing a doctor and using post
office’s service with emphasis on pronunciation; clear and easy-to-understand communication; and contextual appropriateness.
IEL 113 English Reading and Writing
Word analysis; dictionary use; reading strategies; reading comprehension; writing process; using punctuation and transitional words; and various patterns of paragraph writing.
IEL 114 English for Study Skills
Day-to-day learning strategies for searching for information; note-taking;
summarizing; report writing; and oral class report in English.
IEL 121 Communicative English II
Prerequisite: IEL 111 Communicative English I or IEL 114 English for
Study Skills Listening comprehension; oral communication and interaction; reading and writing long texts for communication at an intermediate
IEL 122 Intermediate English Listening and Speaking
Prerequisite: IEL 111 Communicative English I or IEL 112 English Listening and Speaking or IEL 114 English for Study Skills
Listening for the gist and details from several sources; proper engagement in conversations and group discussion on general topics and argumentative topics; raising awareness and sensitivity on cultural differences, including systematic and creative communication in English.
IEL 123 Intermediate English Reading and Writing 3(3-0-6)
Prerequisite: IEL 111 Communicative English I or
English Reading and Writing or IEL 114 English for Study Skills
Vocabulary development; reading skills to enhance the development of
writing skills; complex texts reading comprehension and various types of
Thai Language
ITA 106 Thai Language for Communication
Practice of the Thai language usage and development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for effective communication; focusing
on standard writing skills in official and business contexts in order to serve
higher levels of professional and educational purposes.
ITA 107 Thai Language for Beginners
Thai language as a foreign language; vocabulary and syntactic structure;
skills in listening and speaking used in everyday life; practice of pronunciation through phonetic symbols.
Other Foreign Languages
Japanese Language
ILJ 101 Japanese for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Japanese pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on
communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
ILJ 102 Japanese for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite: ILJ 101 Japanese for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Japanese pronunciation vocabulary, and basic sentence
structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading,
and writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job interviewing, and giving opinions.
ILJ 110 Japanese Language and Culture for Communication 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite: ILJ 101 Japanese for Everyday Communication I
The Japanese language through various aspects of Japanese social and
cultural contexts: culture and customs of Japan, history, economy, and
lifestyles, with an emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing in
different situations.
Chinese Language
ILC 101 Chinese for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Fundamental Chinese language, with a focus of 200 Chinese characters; basic sentence structures and expressions; pronunciation and conversations in everyday situations: greeting and introductions.
ILC 102 Chinese for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ILC 101 Chinese for Everyday Communication I
Further study of the Chinese language, with a focus of additional 250
Chinese characters; basic expressions and conversations in everyday
situations: telephone conversations, shopping, eating in restaurants.
ILC 110 Chinese Language and Culture for Communication 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ILC 101 Chinese for Everyday Communication I
The Chinese language through various aspects of Chinese social and
cultural contexts for effective everyday conversation; with an emphasis
on listening, speaking, reading and writing in different situations.
French Language
ILF 101 French for Beginners I
French phonology and fundamental grammar; basic vocabulary and expressions, with focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing in various situations: speaking about oneself, family, schools, environment, food
and beverage, relationships between persons, leisure and recreations,
education and careers, purchase and sale, places and directions.
ILF 102 French for Beginners II
Prerequisite : ILF 101 French for Beginners I
Further study of French grammar, vocabulary and expressions; practice in
French speaking about weather, services, travels and journeys; use of
French in accordance with social etiquette, interpersonal relationship; expressing one’s feeling, ideas, and needs regarding various aspects of
time: past, present, and future.
ILF 110 French Language and Culture for Communication 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ILF 101 French for Beginners I
Fundamental of French vocabulary and expressions in social and cultural
contexts of communication; French customs, tradition, social manners,
and ways of life in France: art of dining and the culture of wine drinking;
education and tourist attractions in France, with an emphasis on listening
and speaking in different situations.
Arabic Language
ISL 111 Arabic for Everyday Communication I
Equivalent : ISL 321 Basic Arabic language
Basic Arabic language, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking,
introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
ISL 112 Arabic for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ISL 111 Arabic for Everyday Communication I
Further development of the Arabic language skills and vocabulary; basic
expressions and conversations in everyday situations: telephone conversations, shopping, eating in restaurants.
ISL 113 Arabic Language and Culture of Muslim Countries 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ISL 111 Arabic for Everyday Communication I
The Arabic language through various aspects of social and cultural contexts of Muslim countries for effective everyday conversation; with an
emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing in different situations.
Korean Language
IKR 101 Korean for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Korean pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on
communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation,
asking and answering about directions.
IKR 102 Korean for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : IKR 101 Korean for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Korean vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentence
structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading,
and writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job interviewing, and giving opinions.
IKR 110 Korean Language and Culture for Communication 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : IKR 101 Korean for Everyday Communication I
The Japanese language through various aspects of Japanese social and
cultural contexts: culture and customs of Japan, history, economy, and
lifestyles, with an emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing in
different situations.
Russian Language
RUS 101 Russian for Beginners
Introduction to the fundamentals of Russian grammar emphasizing the
alphabets, pronunciation, simple intonation patterns, acquisition of basic
RUS 102 Russian for Daily Life
Prerequisite : RUS 101 Russian for Beginners
Further study of Russian vocabulary and basic sentence structures in
various aspects of everyday communication: greeting, introductions,
telephone conversation, asking and answering about time, traveling, buying and selling things.
RUS 110 Russian Language and Culture for Communication 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : RUS 101 Russian for Beginners
The Russian language through various aspects of Russian social and cultural contexts: culture and customs of Russian native speaking countries,
history, economy, and lifestyles, with an emphasis on listening, speaking,
reading and writing in different situations.
Languages of ASEAN Countries
IVN 101 Vietnamese for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Vietnamese pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on
communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
IVN 102 Vietnamese for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : IVN 101 Vietnamese for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Vietnamese vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking,
reading, and writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job
interviewing, and giving opinions.
IML 101 Malay for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Malay pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
IML 102 Malay for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : IML 101 Malay for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Malay vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentence
structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading,
and writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job interviewing, and giving opinions.
IBH 101 Bahasa for Everyday Communication I 3(2-2-5)
Bahasa pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on
communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
IBH 102 Bahasa for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : IBH 101 Bahasa for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Bahasa vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentence
structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading,
and writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job interviewing, and giving opinions.
ILO 101 Lao for Everyday Communication I
Lao pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations: greeting, leave taking, introductions, telephone conversation, asking and answering about directions.
ILO 102 Lao for Everyday Communication II 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite : ILO 101 Lao for Everyday Communication I
Further study of Lao vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentence structures, emphasizing on communicative listening, speaking, reading, and
writing in everyday situations: buying and selling things, job interviewing,
and giving opinions.
Interdisciplinary and Physical Education
IRS 101 Dharmacracy
Everyday life and society, economy and politics; democracy: rights, civic
duty, equality, freedom; good governance; decency and public mind.
IES 103 Dance for Health
History of dances, their values and benefits as an exercise; basic dancing
steps, skills, and necessary techniques for social dances: basic movement
in the tempo and beats of beguine, cha-cha-cha, and waltz; fundamental
elements of dance patterns that boost social manners, responsibility, personality in daily life.
IES 105 Golf 1(0-2-1)
Fundamental background and benefits of golf lessons featuring basic
golf skills: club griping, target aiming, weight transferring, backs wing,
short and long distance driving, putting, hitting sand shots, and other golf
IES 106 Tennis 1(0-2-1)
History and physical benefits of tennis; tennis skills: racquet grapping,
forehand and backhand strokes, ball serving and receiving, volley, topspin,
backspin, lob, smash, drop shot, single and double plays; rules and etiquettes in competition; sporting spirits leading to well-established society, good personality and responsibility for everyday life application.
IES 107 Table Tennis
Importance, history, and advantages of table tennis; basic skills; techniques and tactics in playing in single, double, mixed double; safety and
etiquette, sport moral; rules and regulations in table tennis competition.
IES 108 Badminton
History of badminton; basic skills: forehand, backhand, drive, shot, hit,
and serving technique; strategies in playing single, double, and mixed
double; rules and regulations in badminton competition.
IES 109 Judo 1(0-2-1)
History and advantages of judo and the basic skills of the sport: surrendering, falling style, throwing style, ground hold; rules and regulations in
judo competition, philosophy in the harmony of mind, body, and spirit for
application in everyday life.
IES 110 Swimming
History and advantages of swimming; basic skills and techniques of swimming; various strokes of swimming; security and application of swimming
aids; rules and regulations in swimming competition.
IES 111 Defense Art of Self 1(0-2-1)
History and principles of martial arts; practice of the skills and techniques:
balance, footwork, movement, defense, opponent’s movement and the
pattern of self-protection in various situations.
IES 112 Aerobic Dance
History and benefits of aerobic dance; basic body movements done to
the rhythm of the music; principles and etiquette of exercises; sportsmanship and social harmony.
IES 113 Games and Recreation
Introduction to games and recreation; benefits and types of game leaders
and recreation; principles of games and recreation; human relationship
and game application.
IES 114 Camping 1(0-2-1)
Introduction to camping; benefits and types of camp leadership; selection
of camping sites; survival techniques of forest camping and adventuring;
development of spirits of good campers.
IES 116 Basketball 1(0-2-1)
History, advantages, and importance of basketball; fundamental skills of
basketball; principles of playing as team; rules and regulations of competition.
IES 117 Football
General knowledge and history of football; football skills: ball passing, ball
stopping, dribbling, ball servings, ball heading, ball shooting, goalkeeping,
team playing; rules and etiquette in competition for players and viewers.
IES 118 Volleyball
General knowledge and history of volleyball; volleyball skills: ball under,
ball setting, ball serving, ball slapping, blocking, team playing; rules and
etiquette in competition for players and viewers.
IES 120 Go
General knowledge and history of Go games; international and Thai organizations of Go, online Go games; rules and regulations of the games;
basic techniques of the entire game covering from the beginning phase
to the middle and the end of the game; authentic practice of the games.
IES 121 Futsal 1(0-2-1)
Fundamental background and history of futsal; principles of exercise and
physical fitness based on futsal; care and prevention of injuries; rules and
etiquette in competition; techniques and skills: ball throwing, ball catching, ball controlling, ball heading; strategies and coordinating team playing, offensive unit plays and defensive unit plays.
Asian Business Management
Professional Foundation Courses
IAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
Nature and concepts of accounting; the usefulness of accounting information; the balance sheet, the income statement and the cash flow
statements; the accounting cycle and accounting model; recording of
accounting for trading and manufacturing businesses; and analysis of financial statements
IAM 202 Fundamental of Leadership
Fundamental concept and nature of leadership; leadership styles and
models; development of leadership theories, traditional theories of leadership and contemporary situational theories; the changing nature of
leadership and emerging issues in leadership
IAM 210 Principles of Economics
The fundamental theories of microeconomics and macroeconomics; demand and supply, elasticity and consumer behavior; market as a mechanism for allocating scarce resources, market efficiency, outcomes from
market failures and firms with market influence; theory of economic
growth, unemployment and inflation, the role of financial markets, fiscal
and monetary policies and the international economy
IAM 217 East and Southeast Asian History
History of the East and Southeast Asian countries from their initial settlement of the region and their development to the present day; Asian society beginning with the ancient civilization in East and Southeast Asia;
the emphasis made on their progressive involvement in the global political economy
IAM 218 South Asian and the Middle East History
Ancient, colonial and contemporary South Asia and the Middle East; caste
relationships, village and high culture Hinduism and Muslim, religious conversion as social protest; violence against women and state use of spy
and surveillance techniques networks for internal purposes throughout
South Asian and Middle East history; beyond the ancient civilization in
South Asia and Middle East, their progressive involvement in the global
political economy
IAM 221 Geography of Asia
Development of Asian geography and critical geopolitics with emphasis
on demography, historical geography, political economy, economic geography, industrial geography, rural geography, social geography and urban
geography, in both historical and contemporary settings
IFN 201 Business Finance
Importance and goals of financial management, forms of businesses and
businesses taxes and their importance to financial management, principles of financial analysis and planning, capital allocation, procurement of
short-term, intermediate, and long-term capital, project analysis, capital
structure, cost of capital and the dividend policy
IHR 201 Human Resource Management
History, theories, principles, scopes and processes of human resource
management including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, wage and salary management,
compensation ,training and development, welfare and fringe benefits, social security, compensation fund, providence fund, governemnt’s pensions fund, maintanenace of human resources, disciplines, termination
and labor relations
IMG 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior
Organization and process of management including planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling; organizational behaviors such as leadership, motivation, communication, managing groups, team building, managing
changes and organizational culture
IMK 201 Principles of Marketing
Meaning and the importance of marketing, concepts of modern marketing, role and impact of marketing on society and economy, environment
determining marketing decisions, marketing mix, consumer behavior,
fundamental marketing management process, and ethics of marketing
IPO 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis
Introduction to research, scientific investigation, research process from
getting and developing a research idea, defining the problem statement,
measurement of variables, research designs, sampling, data collection,
quantitative data anaylsis, hypothesis testing, emphasis made on ethical
conduct both in the treatment of research subjects and in the conduct of
research and reporting research results
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication; a review of English grammar for the correct usage of English language and emphasis made on
regular practices to improve and develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, speaking, and presentation
Required Major Courses
IAM 275 Asian Marketing Strategies
Importance and environment of Asian marketing, roles and policies of
government, marketing strategies, criteria for products and markets selections, packaging, pricing, handling, agent selecting and promotion;
planning and controlling; problems and barriers in Asian marketing
IAM 315 Asian Leadership
Nature and function of leadership in Asian countries; a substantial theoretical based on the skills of leadership and functioning with the opportunity to think critically about leadership in relation to the Asian identity;
introduction of specific traditional Asian cultural values, racism, history,
and society shaping leaders and leadership; forming of a dynamic exchange/dialogue of ideas for Asian leaders
IAM 345 ASEAN Economic Integration
Major concepts explaining the origins and dynamics of ASEAN; responsibilities, impacts, relationship, future trends of international organizations
in economic integration, economic principles, political science and legal,
in which reflecting regulation and policy from the dynamic regional integration
IAM 357 South Asia and the Middle East Businesses
South Asia and the Middle East business management and operation;
similarities and difference in terms of culture, legal, political and social
systems as well as economic order
IAM 375 Social and Cultural Diversity in Asia
Culture and its role in Asian way of life, spatial organisation, ritual, family,
inequality, construction of individual identities and social solidarities,
symbolism, belief, kinship, gender and class; case studies to be drawn
from different countries in Asia
IAM 380 Asian Financial Markets and Institutions
Financial institution and money market structures, principles and scopew
of operations, money market, capital market, and government securities
market in Asia, their operational problems and policy
IAM 395 Asian Style Negotiation, and Conflict Management
Theories and factors regarding leader designation, administrative methods, human relationships, negotiation, conflict resolving, the leader’s influence on group behavior and decision-making; the success and failure
of the group, type of leadership, and the leader’s adjustment to suit
given situations
IAM 420 China, India and Japan in Global Business Perspective
Chinese, Indian, and Japanese business operations in global business perspective; and Chinese, Indian, and Japanese values and perceptions towards the world as well as the political and economic roles of overseas
Chinese, Indian, and Japanese in Developed countries, East Asia countries, and Southeast Asia Countries
IAM 445 Asian Business Strategic Management
The contemporary Asian business environment, the organization’s Asian
strategic, tactical, and operational planning processes, business strategies
and operations, strategy formulation, strategic implementation, and
changing environment of Asian business; analysis of opportunities, distinctive characteristics, and emerging trends in Asian markets, including
exploration of alternative methods and strategies for entering these markets, problems and opportunities of foreign corporations in Asian countries, especially in Asian newly industrialized countries
IAM 475 Sustainable Development Strategies in Asia
Long-term development direction and performance for Asian firm and
organization by presenting analysis and proposing solutions to strategy
issues in major Thailand and Asia businessesas well as strategic analysis,
business and corporate strategy, and strategy implementation
IAM 490 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
Independent entrepreneur as business founder in Asia, the nature of Asian
entrepreneurs; discussion of didfferent issues as to why they start busi-
nesses; success, failure of some leaders; source of finance; difficulty of
sustaining growth; issues of gender and ethnicity; and special features of
family run or family trust firms
IAM 492 Current Issues in Asian Business Management
Application of practical analysis to a number of Asian Business debates
through case studies to highlight and extend fundamental Asian business
concepts while providing skills in organizing and examining data
IAM 493 Internship in Asian Business Leadership
Part-time or full-time jobs in Asian Business Leadership related field of
students’ academic curriculum for at least 12 weeks, under the guidance
of a Asian Business Leadership faculty member
IAM 496 Co-operative Education
Students must do the internship in the area of Asian Business Leadership
in a selected organization like an employee of that organization for at
least 16 consecutive weeks or 560 hours. Each student is assigned a
particular task to complete within the 16 weeks. Diary records must be
done and submitted every 2 weeks to the advisor. Students are also
evaluated by the supervisor of the organization.
Elective Major Courses
IAM 223 Asian Experience I
Abroad program to be organized by Rangsit University; the course is
aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden
their perspective of the world by taking a trip abroad in Asia and take a
course in their area or related area of study for not less than 45 hours
during their stay; the assessment will be done by both the host institution and Rangsit University
IAM 323 Asian Experience II 3(3-0-6)
An extension of IAM 223 International Experience I; class to be organized
by Rangsit University; a different 45 hour class from that of IAM 223 is
required and a different destination is preferable; the assessment will be
conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International
IAM 232 Business Concepts and Ethics
Concepts of business and types of business organizations, business ethical theories and the roles of culture and social values; importance of
development of ethics and personal, social, and business responsibilities
and ethical behaviors in the business context
IAM 322 Business Forecasting
The method of forecasting business situation, the fundamental and
method of statistics; the time series analysis, correlation and regression
analysis, trend analysis market survey and testing; different models with
stem form learning behavior; the model building and simulation, indirect
forecasting method, the evaluation and complete form of forecasting
IAM 324 Project Evaluation in Business
Project evaluation in business concerning management, production, finance, marketing, human resource and economic value of project; calculation project benefit, decision criteria on project preparation, feasibility study and environmental effect on the project operation
IAM 331 Women Leadership
Various roles, models and guiding principles of women in leadership; experience of women’s leadership in business; the values associated with
women’s leadership and the global development of women’s leadership;
the knowledge, attributes, skills, practices, and resources necessary to
achieve leadership potential; exploration of women leadership philosophy,
traits and styles within diverse cultures and contexts
IAM 332 Successful Business Leaders
Focuses on models of successful business leaders, emphasizing their
nature and function of leadership; how specific characteristics, knowledge, attributes, skills, cultural values, racism, gender, history, and society
have interacted to shape successful business leaders
IAM 356 Political Economy of Asia
Politics of Asian economic relations; issues of regional and international
trade, monetary system, and investment--and the relationship of each to
both domestic and Asian politics; trade and protectionism, the role and
performance of regional institutions such as the ASEAN, ADB, and APEC,
the significance of multinational corporations, efforts at ASEAN economic integration, and the relationship between economic strength and political power
IAM 358 The Global Partnership of Asia and Europe
Cultural contacts and exchanges between Asia and Europe by focusing
on Europe as a place of imagination and inspiration to the peoples of
Asia, and on Asia as a place of imagination and inspiration to the peoples
of Europe; analysis of European culture to Asia and Asian culture in Europe, political and economic interaction, and the impact of EU integration
on ASEAN integration
IAM 410 Business Organization Development
Methods for systematically changing and developing business organization to be most efficient and effective; business organization change and
business organization structure, process of business organization development including data collection and analysis; problem solving, process
of change; change management; and techniques for improving business
organization for better operation
IAM 424 Economy and Trade of China in 21st Century
The rise and growth of China’s economy and trade over recent decades
and examines factors affecting such growth; the course also highlights
China’s relations with major countries and encourages students to think
critically the role of China in the global trade arena in 21st century
IBM 301 International Business Management
The effect of environmental factors on multinational business operation;
similarities and difference in terms of culture, legal, political and social
systems as well as economic order
IBM 333 International Trade
The theory of international trade; alternative approaches for explaining
the pattern and terms of trade; an examination of the gains from trade
and commercial policy; included are issues of protectionism, economic
integration and strategic trade policy
IBM 431 Export-Import Management
The growing complexities of export-import businesses, the process of
globalization of the markets and the consequent competitiveness require
every player to have a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of
international trade; identifying foreign market, product development,
payment and financing procedures and documentation; including handling
various facets of export-import trade
IFN 331 International Finance
The international monetary system, the concept of balance of payments,
the functioning of foreign exchange markets, exchange rate determinations, models of exchange rate determination, Eurocurrency and Eurobond markets, currency derivatives and markets: forward, futures, op-
tions and swaps markets, and global financial crises
IMK 331 International Marketing
Importance and environment of international marketing; the impact of
economic, cultural, political, legal and other environmental influences on
international marketing; the development of marketing strategies for a
variety of markets in diverse cultural, political and economic situations;
criteria for products and markets selections; packaging, pricing, handling,
agent selecting and promotion; planning and controlling; problems and
barriers in international marketing
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
The development of business leaders, groups, conglomerates, organizations and association in Thailand with a focus on the patterns of relations
to Thai politics and changes in political/power relations; the relationship
between constitutions and topology of political regime particularly the
democratic form
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Communication Arts
Professional Foundation Courses
ICO 111 Communication Theories
Development of communication theories, process, elements, supporting
factors and obstacles to communication effectiveness in various areas;
including consequences of communication: personal communication and
mass communication to national development
ICO 112 Introduction to Mass Communication
Meaning, characteristics, mission, importance, and history of mass media
such as newspaper, magazine, motion picture, and broadcasting media
covering media related activities such as advertising and public relations,
morals and ethics
ICO 113 Speech for Communication
The principles of effective speech and human thinking process. Analyze
audiences and evaluate own speech. Prepare appropriate speech for
various situations, especially for those related to Communication Arts
such as moderator, announcer and persuasion
ICO 115 Creative Writing Communication Arts
The basic knowledge of nature of language, communication, usage of
creative language to develop the thinking and writing of effective communication; selecting suitable language for various types of media and
writing techniques for mass media such as journalistic writing, copy writing, writing for public relation and effective script writing for radio and
ICO 211 Law and Ethics for Communication Arts
Rights and freedom of human expression, philosophy, law and ethics of
mass communication such as defamation, libel, copyrights, and other
print laws; an application of law and ethics to the roles and functions of
mass media; case studies to develop morals, ethics in mass communication
ICO 212 Information Technology for Communication
Information technology development, roles and its importance in applying
for communication; an essential computer application programs for various kinds of communications
ICO 213 Mass Media and Dharmacratic Society
Roles, effects, and responsibility of various mass media relating to social,
economic, and politic development following principles, truths, justice in
order to form ‘dhamacratic’ society
ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
Elements and functions of digital camera; various kinds of digital camera,
lens, accessories; principles of taking pictures by using a digital camera,
selecting picture files, setting picture resolution, applying saving-pictures
file system, setting ISO balance, measuring light, and setting f-stop to
balance with speed shutter; picture composition, light setting, various
types of taking pictures, and editing pictures for communicative purposes
ICO 216 International Mass Communication
Mass communication systems in different countries and global media industries, radio, television, newspaper, public relations and advertising;
media as the reflection of nation’s culture, economy, and polity
ICO 311 Communication Research
Prerequisite: ICO 111 Communication Theories
ICO 112 Introduction to Mass Communication
Principles and processes of social science research including problem
definiation, variables, methodologies, sampling, research tools; proper
and needed style of communication research
ICO 312 Communication in Thai Culture
Culture and structures of Thai society, values, personality, lifestyles,
uniqueness of Thai from past to present, government culture, maintenance and development of Thai inheritance, emphasis on relations between communication and culture, including development of communications in Thai society resulting from changes in culture
ICO 318 Communication in Current Affairs
Theoretical analysis; concepts; and historic, politic, economic, and social
contexts relating to and affecting various current situations in Thailand
and abroad through mass media
Required Professional Courses
ICA 111 Introduction to Journalism
Development of both domestic and international journalism, rights, freedom, roles, functions, and social responsibilities; knowledge and understanding about information including news and critiques; technology in
journalism, organizational management, and ethics of journalists
ICA 120 Introduction to Radio and Television
History of radio and television both inside and outside Thailand radio and
television system and technology development, roles, responsibility and
influences on radio and television practitioner’s society and ethics
ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
A development and theory of public relations; procedure of public relations; group targeting and tools for public relations procedure for government and business enterprise; professional principles and ethics for public
relations personnel
ICA 132 Persuasive Communication
Characteristics and techniques of effective persuasion using various me-
dia – both mass and interpersonal; important psychological, social and
environmental elements affecting persuasive communication
ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Advertising theories and concepts including methods, roles and the influence of advertising to society; creativity in advertising; advertising planning; analysis of the products; market and consumers media selection
and evaluation; roles and responsibilities of agents; laws and ethics of
ICA 214 Information Gathering for Mass Communication
Prerequisite: ICO 111 Communication Theories
ICO 112 Introduction to Mass Communication
Concepts in information system for communication, method of information gathering and selecting including the method of information retrieval applied for planning analizing, and mass media program productions
ICA 217 Psychology of Communication
Principles and concepts of human communication, its nature and importance of perception and communication in certain ages; psychological
condition, physical and social conditions which influence communications
such as personality, needs, learning, and motivation
ICA 251 Target Audience Behavior
Prerequisite: ICO 111 Communication Theories
ICO 112 Introduction to Mass Communication
Target audience behavior’s lifestyles, perceptive behavior, and attitude
changes, including decision making procedures for media planning and
follow-up on results of advertising
ICA 252 Principles of Marketing for Advertising
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Meaning, scope, and importance of marketing; product classification and
planning, product distribution; pricing strategies and promotion; target
market analysis and selection; understanding market environment including market control
ICA 314 Arts for Mass Communication
Meaning and formats of arts in both fine arts and contemporary arts as
well as role and influences of arts on efficient productions of Mass Communication such as electronic media, print media, film, PR media, performing arts and IMC activities
ICA 491 Communication Arts Professional Seminar
Development in problems analysis skills for communication arts; recommendation of action by exchanging ideas and experiences relating to
communication arts from both government and private sector; applying
theories and practices for communication arts professional area
ICA 492 Senior Project
Senior project work on interesting topics or issues corresponding to the
field of studies; thesis work supervised and evaluated by thesis committee
ICA 494 Co-operative Education
Training in the institutions agencies affiliated to the co-operative education program, with an aim to provide students with experience and skills
in actual work situation, self-improvement and how to live cooperatively
with others in society; at least 560-hour internship performance and
documents submitted have to pass the approval the agencies and the
departmental committee
Elective Professional Courses
ICA 220 Introduction to News Writing and Reporting
Meaning, news value and news issue analysis; organizing thinking and
language usage in news writing according to news writing structure for
newspaper; broadcasting; and other media; practicing news article writing
in various kinds
ICA 316 Mass Communication Business
Principles and techniques of administration; manage various kinds of
mass media such as newspaper, radio, motion pictures, and public relations; market analysis, investment; international mass communication
ICA 336 Presentation Techniques in Public Relations
Prerequisite: ICO 113 Speech for Communication
Principles and process of presenting public relations idea and creation;
study techniques and strategies in presenting; use media for presentation
ICA 351 Media Planning
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
ICA 252 Principles of Marketing for Advertising
Media planning principles; media analysis and comparison; planning procedures for effective objectives; effective decision making on media
selection including the media evaluation and correction
IAD 356 Advertising Design
History and the fundamentals of advertising, roles within an advertising
agency; the function of the advertising designer relative to this hierarchy; accurate communication of the advertiser’s message through appropriate development of concepts, words and visuals which reflect strategy, positioning and brand personality
IAD 358 Photography for Advertising
Prerequisite: ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
Principles of photographic production for advertising; process and techniques of photographing in various types such as indoor, outdoor, products, human figure; edit photos by using computer; evaluate picture
quality for advertisement
IAD 359 Electronic Advertising Media Production
Prerequisite: ICO 212 Information Technology for Communication
CO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
Process and steps in advertisement production; practice producing electronic advertisement such as advertisement of radio and television
broadcasting and other electronic media
IAD 360 Brand Management
Meaning, roles, importance of “brand” in marketing; concept, theories,
and strategies in brand building; process of brand communication using
various kinds of communications through cases which both, fail and succeed; evaluating value of brand
ICA 354 Integrated Marketing Communication
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Meaning, roles, and importance of marketing communication; characteristics and procedure of marketing communication; roles of product and
brand, target audience behavior, marketing promotion; media planning
and selection; tools of effective integrated marketing communication;
evaluation of marketing communication plan
IAD 362 Creative Marketing Activities
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Adverting
ICA 252 Principles of Marketing for Advertising
Meaning, roles, importance of marketing activities; characteristics and
process of holding activities; marketing situation and target audience
analysis for planning and selecting creative activities, media, communication tools effectively; marketing activities evaluation
ICA 361 Advertising Presentation
Prerequisite: ICO 212 Information Technology for Communication
ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Principles and techniques of creative advertising presentation in various
Formats; the preparation of information and materials; content and thinking analysis; analyzing clients’ expectation; persuasive techniques to
convey information to impress clients; selecting effective audio-visual
equipments; technical terms in advertising including organizing portfolio
for advertising practitioner
IAD 432 Advertising Campaign
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
ICA 252 Principles of Marketing for Advertising
Practice of advertising campaigns; preparing advertising objectives conformed to marketing objectives; planning an effective advertising media;
create advertising theme including the usage of an effective and efficient evaluation procedure
Elective Concentrated Professional Courses
• Advertising
IAD 253 Creative and Copywriting
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Concept about advertising production procedure, strategies, creativity,
information analysis for idea creation; scriptwriting for print media, outdoor media, broadcasting media, television, motion picture, internet and
other supportive media; analysis of the comparison of copywriting and
related surrounding factors
IAD 311 Creative Strategy for Advertising
Prerequisite: ICA 251 Target Audience Analysis
Principles and production process; practice creative thinking in order to
develop skills in creative thinking; apply creative thinking to a plan and
suitable strategies for advertising; practical experience, project creation,
field trip and case study
IAD 451 Advertising Management
Prerequisite: ICA 151 Principles of Advertising
Administration system in advertising business such as advertising agency,
advertising production company; their administration, service, roles of
those who involve in advertising planning; budget and other resources
allocation; coordinating with other advertising organizations effectively
• Public Relations
IPR 231 Writing for Public Relations
Prerequisite: ICO 115 Creative Writing for Mass Communication
ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Principles and writing techniques for public relations for publicity through
various media such as writing for printing, writing for broadcasting,
speech writing, poster writing; various kinds of writing to communicating
meaning effectively in public relations business
IPR 232 Public Relations Media Production
Prerequisite: ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Development of concept and principles in media production for complicated public relations; electronic media production and new media; project creation for public relations activities
IPR 305 Organizational Communication
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Fundamentals, concepts, process, and elements of communication including interpersonal, small groups and organizational communication;
types of communication such as upward and downward communication,
formal and informal communication
IPR 311 Creative Strategy for Public Relations
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Principles and procedure in creation; creative thinking skills; development
of creative skills; design and application of creative thinking; public relations plan and suitable strategies; learning practicing through experiences, field, and case studies
IPR 362 Creative Public Relations Activities
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Meaning, roles and importance of activities used for public relations;
characteristics and various kinds of activities; target audiences and situations analysis needed in public relations; creative activities planning;
media and tools for effective integrated communication; evaluation of
public relations activity plan
IPR 332 Public Relations Campaign
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
IPR 231 Writing for Public Relations
Media usage for public relations program such as printed and electronic
media; effective campaign planning, promotion and public relations activities to publicize information to target audiences effectively
IPR 337 Photography for Public Relations
Prerequisite: ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
Principles, theories, and techniques of photographing used in public relations business; study layout; study taking pictures to use in news articles
and features, human picture taking and light setting; practice taking pictures specially for public relations business
IPR 433 Public Relations in Crisis Situation
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
IPR 332 Public Relations Campaign
Meaning, creative thinking for problem solving in crisis situations happening to organizations using public relations principles; past crisis situations
and problems solved; case studies, and discussion
IPR 434 Public Relations Management
Prerequisite: ICA 131 Principles of Public Relations
Concept and techniques of public relations implementation in the view of
public relations administrators; study strategies in public relations administrations; manage organization structure, personnel, budget, internal
business; control and evaluate public relations administration
• Journalism
IJR 223 Journalistic Writing
Prerequisite: ICO 115 Creative Writing for Mass Communication Principles, methods and practice in writing of editorials, articles and short
features; evaluation of roles and responsibilities of writer and critics towards
IJR 245 Graphic Design for Journalism
Theories of arts and design, color principles, layout in print and online
media; design and choose fonts, edit pictures, design layout; use computer for printing and designing and practice designing layout for print
IJR 331 Electronic Publishing
Prerequisite: IJR 223 Journalistic Writing
Electronic publishing via internet technology; concepts and practices in
page design; layout; scanning techniques; the usage of other effective
computer program supporting electronic publishing
IJR 345 Journalistic Photography
Prerequisite: ICO 215 Digital Photography for Communication
Principles and techniques of photography for various kinds of print media; application of picture layout for illustrations of news articles, articles,
features, cover, fashion and other columns; ethics of photographer; outdoor photography
IJR 346 Editing for Journalism
Prerequisite: ICA 111 Introduction to Journalism
Roles and relationship among editing, production, administration, news
departments in newspaper, magazine, new media, radio, television business; prepare, select articles and illustrators; edit first draft; focusing on
truth, language usage, presenting information
IJR 347 Article and Critique Writing
Prerequisite: ICO 115 Creative Writing for Mass Communication
Principles of writing for various kinds of media; writing skills for various
kinds of articles such as descriptive article, analytical articles, interview
article including standard and reliable critiques
IJR 348 Feature Writing
Prerequisite: ICO 115 Creative Writing for Mass Communication
Techniques in writing features for various kinds of media, collecting and
editing interesting facts; practicing creative writing; creative writing in
knowledge and idea
IJR 450 Editing and Newspaper Production
Prerequisite: ICA 111 Introduction to Journalism
News business management, collecting, selecting, editing news articles,
features, columns and illustrations; proofing, designing, arranging layout
for newspaper; practicing newspaper production in every step.
IJR 453 Editing and Magazine Production
Prerequisite: ICA 111 Introduction to Journalism
News business management, collecting, selecting, editing news articles,
features, columns and illustrations; proofing, designing, arranging layout
for magazines.
Information and Communication
Professional Foundation Courses
IMA 133 Calculus I
Mathematical models, Analytic Geometry and Conic Section, Vector Algebra, matrices, sets and logic, complex numbers, sequences and series,
limits of functions, derivatives and applications, integrals, Introduction to
both analytical and numerical techniques of differentiation and integration
IMA 221 Discrete Mathematics
IMA 133 Calculus I
Introduction to Graph Theory, Tree and binary-tree search, Prim’s and
Dijkstra’s techniques, Logic and proofs, Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits, Algebra of sets and strings, Groups and subgroups, Data-types relating to algebraic structures, Relations and functions, Recursive functions,
Mathematical models for Finite-State machines, Machines with memories
and Turing Machines
IPH 131 Introductory Physics
Why do we learn Physics? Physics and Technology, Physics in daily life,
Physics in Medicine and Bio-medicine, Kinematics and Kinetics of particles, Torque and equilibrium of extended bodies, Work, mechanical energy and power, Simple machines, Momentum, Elasticity, Heat and Temperature, Measurement of temperature in medical work, Thermodynamics,
Fluid Statics, Fluid Dynamics and application in medical work, Electrostatics, Direct and alternating currents. Waves, Sound and Optics Physics of
atoms, Physics of Nucleus and radioactivity
ICH 131 General Chemistry
Properties of matter, stoichiometry, atomic structure, chemical bonding,
gases, solids, liquids and solutions and thermodynamics
ICH 132 General Chemistry Laboratory
ICH 131General Chemistry
Reactions of cations and anions, properties and preparation of gases,
structure of solids, determine the molecular weight depression of freezing point of solution, pH and buffer solution, titration, chemical equilibrium, and oxidation-reduction reaction
Web Technologies
ICT 100 Introduction to Web Technology
Structure of World Wide Web; Web design concepts and techniques,
Practical steps to plan, organize, create, and maintain a web site from
start to finish, Developing web sites using HTML, XHTML, XML, and animations
Programming Fundamentals
ICT 101 Object-Oriented Technology
Fundamental concepts of object-oriented technology and characteristics
of objects, object and class definitions, object attributes and behaviors,
base classes, inheritance, arrays, reuse of objects, Basic concepts of
object-oriented analysis and design using UML
ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Prerequisite: ICT 101 Object-Oriented Technology
Basic concepts of computer programming, and skills necessary to develop
modern application, the features of a typical modern programming environment, techniques in developing applications, object orientation and
visual programming, the basic features of programming language, emphasis on the use of practical examples to illustrate key aspects
ICT 103 Computer Programming II
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Fundamental of the commercial programming environment, features of
commercial batch and online processing systems, practical use of programming languages to implement a large number of existing online
commercial systems, exploring a number of fundamental business online
processing tasks and the algorithms used
ICT 205 Data Structures
Prerequisite: ICT 103 Computer Programming II
Data structures and file structures used in information processing, in information retrieval systems, text processing systems, image and geographic information systems, file management hardware and the analysis
of data structures, lists, queues, trees, array, hash tables, fundamental file
structures, sequential, direct, indexed, hashed, B-tree
Systems Analysis and Design
ICT 104 Business Organization
Survey of modern business organizations; exploring organizations and
types of businesses, organizational structures, policies and business functions, and the environment roles played by information systems in various
ICT 206 Systems Analysis and Design I
Core aspects of information systems, information system theory, role of
analyst, organizational applications, using methodologies as a tool for
development, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), emphasis on problem definition, feasibility study, information gathering, data dictionary
and data structure, and data flow diagram
ICT 207 Systems Analysis and Design II
Prerequisite: ICT 206 Systems Analysis and Design I
Information systems development process emphasis on data modeling,
entity-relationship model, normalization for verifies the modified data
flow diagram, decision tree, decision table, and using Computer-Aided
Software Engineering (CASE), transition from analysis to design, project
management, prototyping, system development, testing, implementation, and walkthrough
Database Management
ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Introduction to relational, hierarchical, network, and object oriented database management systems, database design concepts, query language
applications (such as SQL), concurrency control, recovery techniques,
database security, issues in the management of database, writing report
created by application software
• Networking
ICT 209 Data Communications and Networking
Prerequisite: ICS 101 Introduction to the Information Technology
An in-depth knowledge of data communications and networking theory,
concepts and requirements relative to telecommunications and networking technologies, structures, hardware and software, types of computer
networks, layers of control, network mechanism, HDLC, SDLC, Packet
switching, X.25, a communications lab to design, build and maintain a
Local Area Network (LAN)
Required Major Courses
ICT 311 Operating Systems
Service of operating systems, data structure, process, multiprogramming,
time sharing system, management of computer resources, memory, processor, devices, files, storage and file organization, synchronization, concurrency, deadlock, starvation, job scheduling, advance virtual memory
organization, security and privacy, parallel processing, application programming interface (API)
ICT 312 Relational Database Implementation and Management 3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite: ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Definition of database, security of database, property of data structure
of database, development of relational database applications for commercial, including functional specifications development, data model,
database design, user interface design, system implementation, and
documentation, case studies of database’s benefits
grammars, context-free grammar, finite state automata, pushdown
automata, pumping lemma, and one purely combinatorial definition
ICT 497 Project in Information Technology and Multimedia 3(3-0-6)
Team working; meeting; conferencing; argumentation; methods of writing
report; project writing; project presentation; and seminar evaluation,
activities concerning current information technology
ICT 313 Object-Oriented Database Implementation and Management3(2-2-5)
Prerequisite: ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Relational database implementation, object-oriented database and Management, Classification, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, an
architecture of object-oriented database management systems, objectoriented database management, development and application of object
data programming, including C++, JAVA or O2
ICT 496 Co-operative Education
Minimum of 560 hours must be achieved. This program is designed to
enhance traditional academic study by providing students the opportunity to integrate academic study and classroom theory with productive,
and real-life work experience in Information and Communication Technology field at a work site in the community. It also provides the time to
explore occupational areas and to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes
needed to become productive and satisfied members of society.
ICT 314 Information Technology Project Management
Data processing by computer, managing the systems life cycle, project
analysis, project planning, requirements determination, logical design,
data analysis, physical design, testing, implementation; system and database integration issues; metrics for project management and systems
performance evaluation; project estimation; managing expectations: superiors, users, team members, and others related to the project; costeffectiveness analysis; project risk determination; and reporting and presentation techniques
ICT 315 Introduction to Animation
Current practices in information retrieval, key concepts in storyboarding,
scene composition, lighting and sound track generation, key framing,
motion capture, simulation techniques, algorithms to control the motion
of articulated limbs, skeleton-muscle-skin models, facial animation,
representation and animation of surface detail
ICT 415 Information Technology Laws
Legal issues in information technology, intellectual property: copyright,
patents, and trade secrecy, transborder data flow, privacy, libel, crime,
constitutional rights, information policy of government sector, business
sector, and non-profit organization. Including ethics in information tasks
ICT 416 Management of Information Technology Services
Prerequisite: ICT 207 Systems Analysis and Design II
Organization structure, organizational communication, budgeting issues,
personnel hiring, evaluation and promotion, physical plant layout, controls
and procedures for routine daily operation, security, and disaster
planning, improves the adjustment from the academic to the business
ICT 418 Information Technology Management
Prerequisite: ICS 101 Introduction to Information Technology
Strategic and operational management issues in information technology
involving information systems and software, quantitative and qualitative
management techniques; the practical application of tools, concepts for
software project management, as well as material on software metrics
and software quality, portfolio, security, techniques for strategic planning
of information systems and ensuring business contribution, role of
executive committees in information technology
ICT 419 Multimedia and Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) technology, educational applications of virtual reality;
virtual reality definition, data gathering and visualization; the design of
interactive training systems; virtual field trips; and the design of experiential learning environments, a definition of virtual reality, techniques and
recent applications about virtual reality, Multimedia (MM), a Geographical
Information System perspective MM and VR are the means to an
end - handling (integrating, storing, accessing and viewing) a multitude of
spatial data using a variety of tools, pros and cons of MM and VR
ICT 420 Formal Language & Automata
Formal languages called recognisable (or regular) languages, a collection
of finite sequences (known as strings or words) of symbols from a finite
set, turing machine, an algebraic structure called a monoid, Cholmsky
ICT 499 Senior Project
Senior Project: proposals, proposal defense, and final defense
Major Elective Courses
ICT 321 Human-Computer Interaction
Human-computer interaction (HCI) concepts, theory, and practice, its interdisciplinary nature, examination of human needs and capabilities;
technological opportunities in the design of interactive systems, the process of designing user interfaces, both from the perspective of design
activities and the evaluation of user interface designs
ICT 322 Electronic Record-Keeping
Prerequisite: ICT 207 Systems Analysis and Design II
Orientation of record-keeping, record-keeping process, implementation
strategies, and business strategies, creating electronic document; electronic document management systems; designing, building and using
electronic systems that capture and keep records; developing networked
information systems models; making electronic records accessible, case
ICT 323 Electronic and Mobile Commerce
Prerequisite: ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Introduction to electronic commerce and mobile commerce; Infrastructure and web based tools for electronic and mobile commerce; Electronic and mobile commerce business models; Security issues, and electronic payment systems; Strategies for marketing, sales, purchasing, and
promotion; Legal and ethics issues underlying electronic and mobile commerce
ICT 324 Introduction to Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3(3-0-6)
Prerequisite: ICT 208 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Fundamental concepts of data warehousing, data marts, and knowledge
systems; Principles and techniques associated with data warehousing and
data mining. Emphasis on design aspects of data warehouses and the
associated issues that must be resolved prior to implementation
ICT 325 Internet Systems Programming
Prerequisite: ICT 100 Introduction to Web Technology
ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Technologies for the Internet, practical experience in: programming web
(HTTP) servers and clients; creating XML documents and implementing
associated XML software; programming SOAP and Web Services; building
Database web front-ends
ICT 326 Information Systems and Network Security)
Policy and technical issues related to insuring the accuracy and privacy
of information. Encoding and decoding techniques including public and
private key encryption, survey of security problems in networked information environment including viruses, security technologies, products
and solutions, firewall and secure router design, installation, configuration
and maintenance
ICT 421 Wireless Network
Various aspects of wireless communications and network systems with
the emphasis on understanding of both wireless networking and the security issues associated with it, topics include issues in design, implementation, and operation, necessary skills to defend against attacks, detection of weakness in the existing network, and installation and configuration
of access points
ICT 422 Games Design and Programming
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Electronic games design and programming, the design and implementation of games engines, history of game design, artificial intelligence and
media creation for different genres of games, motion generation, behavioral control for autonomous characters, interaction structure, and social
and interface issues of multi-user play
ICT 423 Games Development
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Overview of game development from the creative and theoretical
standpoint; games development processes and techniques, software and
various games engines used in games production, and complex graphics
ICT 424 Computer Graphics)
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
MA 221 Discrete Mathematics
Hardware and software principles of interactive raster graphics; introduction to the basic concepts, 2-D and 3-D modeling and transformations,
viewing transformations, projections, rendering techniques, graphical
software packages and graphics systems, practical use of a standard
computer graphics API to reinforce concepts and study fundamental
computer graphics algorithms
ICT 425 Mobile Applications Development
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Development of Mobile Phone Applications with J2ME Technology with
hands-on experience in developing and deploying mobile applications on
the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform). Implementation of
software solutions using recommended practices for micro devices such
as Cell Phones and Personal Digital Assistants. Learn how to create crossdevice GUIs, handle events, access remote services, and store and retrieve data on the device. Lab activities and case studies include the
development of mobile applications and their deployment on a network
infrastructure connecting portable devices and a database server.
ICT 426 Search Engine and Retrieval Systems
Prerequisite: ICT 102 Computer Programming I
Introduction to current practices in information retrieval, key concepts in
information storage and retrieval, the document and query structure,
matching mechanisms and formal retrieval models, output presentation,
and the evaluation of system effectiveness, investigation of the inner
workings of retrieval systems and search engines
ICT 427 Selected Topics in Information and Communication Technology
Special topics in Information and Communication Technology area,
special topics vary from section to section and year to year with change
of content, topics must be consented by Department Head
ICT 428 Computer Vision and Augmented Reality
Computer Vision technology, introduction of Augmented Reality, filtering,
image representations, texture models, color vision, multi-view geometry,
projective reconstruction, Bayesian vision; statistical classifiers, clustering
& segmentation; voting methods, tracking and density propagation,
visual surveillance and activity monitoring, medical imaging, image
databases, and image-based rendering, recent Augmented Reality
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication. The course will thoroughly cover a review of English grammar for the correct usage of English
language and emphasis to be made on regular practices to improve and
develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, and presentation
which are essential and critical to job prospects and a student’s career
IBM 221 International Experience I
Abroad program to be organized by Rangsit University. The course is
aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden
their perspective of the world by taking a trip abroad and take a course
in their area or related area of study for not less than 45 hours during
their stay. The assessment will be done by both the host institution and
Rangsit University.
IBM 322 International Experience II
An extension of IBM 221 International Experience I. Class to be organized
by Rangsit University. A different 45 hour class from that of IBM 221 is
required and a different destination is preferable. The assessment will be
conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International
International Business
Professional Foundation Courses
IAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
Nature and concepts of accounting; the usefulness of accounting information; the balance sheet, the income statement and the cash flow
statements; the accounting cycle and accounting model; recording of
accounting for trading and manufacturing business; analysis of financial
IAC 103 Principles of Managerial Accounting
Prerequisite: IAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
Managerial accounting concepts; costs classification; cost-volume-profit
analysis; cost ration; standard costs and variance analysis; budgeting;
costs analysis for decision making and operation evaluation
IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics
How resources are allocated through market mechanism, consumer
behaviors and utilities, behavior of firms, cost and profit. The course also
deals with price determination in product and factor markets and
efficiency of resource use, structure of different types of market and
roles of government
IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
National income and its components, determination of national income,
employment and level of price, roles of government, money, and external
factors affecting national income determination. The course also
includes economic policies to alleviate inflation and unemployment
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication. The course will thoroughly
cover a review of English grammar for the correct usage of English
language and emphasis to be made on regular practices to improve and
develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, and presentation
which are essential and critical to job prospects and a student’s career
IFN 201 Business Finance
Prerequisite: IAC 100 Principles of Financial
Importance and goal of financial management, forms of businesses and
businesses taxes and their importance to financial management, principles of financial analysis and planning, capital allocation, procurement of
short-term, intermediate, and long-term capital, project analysis, capital
structure, cost of capital and the dividend policy
IHR 201 Human Resource Management
History, theories, principles, scopes and processes of human resource
management including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, wage and salary management,
compensation, training and development, welfare and fringe benefits,
social security, compensation fund, providence fund, government’s
pensions fund, maintenance of human resources, disciplines, termination
and labor relations
ILA 112 Business Law
Prerequisite: ILA 108 Introduction to Law
Characteristics and objectives of important business forms including
partnership, companies, and public companies. The course also deals
with increase and reduction of capital, debentures, dissolution, amalgamation, bankruptcy, business revival, roles of private financial institutions
and stock markets; important laws concerning business organizations
such as business negotiation and contract drafting, settlement of
business disputes and arbitration, trade competition, industrial laws, consumer protection, laws of international trade and economic unions, Asian
trade and cooperation law, and future trends of international agreements
IMA 143 Mathematics for Business and Economics
Sets, number system, rectangular coordinate system, graphs, sequence
and series, linear equation, quadratic function, polynomial function,
exponential function and logarithmic function, Matrices and determinants, emphasizes work problems and applications in business and economics areas
spect to management and management practices, developing familiarity
with the type of the situations and issues which managers often confront
when working internationally, and developing as appreciation of the impact on personal behavior of living and working in another culture
IBM 460 Global Competitive Strategy
Importance of business strategies in moving a company in the intended
direction; to analyze industry conditions and competitive pressures; to
identify, develop, and sustain the company competitive advantages, understand different levels of strategy namely corporate, business, and
function; most importantly, to thoroughly discuss strategic management
process from strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and assessment
IBM 492 Current Issues in International Business
Differing business topics and geographic emphasis as the world’s activities change as the situation dictates
IFN 331 International Finance
International Business Finance, Factors essential to Financial Management
of International Business, fund raising through International Financial Markets, impact of Balance of balance of payments and exchange rate
fluctuation over International Business operation
ILA 431 International Trade Law
Essential international trade agreements, GATT, agreement on textile,
public health, trade barriers, ICC practice and reference international trade
role of international law
IMG 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior 3(3-0-6)
Organization and process of management including planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling. The course also includes organizational behaviors such as leadership, motivation, communication, managing groups,
team building, managing changes and organizational culture
IMG 336 Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management 3(3-0-6)
Theories and factors regarding leader designation, administrative methods, human relationships, negotiation, conflict resolving, the leader’s influence on group behavior and decision-making, the success and failure
of the group, type of leadership, and the leader’s adjustment to suit
given situations
IMK 201 Principles of Marketing
Definition, concept and roles of marketing and its importance to economy, marketing environment, market segmentation, market targeting,
product positioning, consumer behaviors, marketing management and
marketing information system, product classification, product mix, pricing
policy and strategy, physical distribution planning, promotion
IMK 331 International Marketing
To analyze increasing competitive international environment; to
thoroughly discuss marketing decisions before entering foreign markets;
to identify and compare targeted country attractiveness with others; to
understand pros and cons of each mode entry, the interactions among
the diverse elements of the marketing mix when applied to foreign markets
IPO 201 Operations Management
Introduction to management of production functions including the selection of the plant location, the factory layout and design, the analysis of
work system, quality control and inventory
IPO 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis
Prerequisite: IMA 141 Introduction to Statistics
Research, hypothesis testing by using parameters and not using parameters, such as, chi-square, deviation analysis, regression analysis, correlation, time series, using software program such as SPSS, relationship between models, information systems and business decisions, the practical
application of behavioral and statistical methods for the purpose of obtaining and analyzing relevant business information
Required Major Courses
IBM 301 International Business Management
Effect of environmental factors on multinational business operation, similarities and difference in terms of culture, legal, political and social systems as well as economic order
IBM 333 International Trade
Problems of international economic interdependence with special attention given to trade, protectionism, trade policy for developing countries,
international investment, the balance of marketing activities between
countries in the international environment
IBM 334 International Business Logistics
Transportation process, marine, road, rail, cargo, air, pipeline, liners, charter, terms of condition, duties and responsibility of carrier and shipper,
insurance, contract and transportation’s document, multi-model transport
and freight forwarder
IBM 445 Cross Cultural Management
Development of knowledge and skills needs to manage effectively and
work with people from other cultures, developing awareness of the pervasive and hidden influence of culture on behavior, particularly with re-
IBM 494 Co-operative Education
Students must do the internship in the area of International Business in a
selected organization like an employee of that organization for at least
16 consecutive weeks or 560 hours. Each student is assigned a particular
task to complete within the 16 weeks. Diary records must be done and
submitted every 2 weeks to the advisor. Students are also evaluated by
the supervisor of the organization.
IBM 431 Export-Import Management
Practical, technical and procedural aspects of export and import business
operation, INCOTERMS, documentation and process including credit,
transportation, insurance, communication relation to export and import
IBM 498 Internship in International Business 3(0-35-18) Part-time or
full-time jobs in International Business related field of students’ academic curriculum for at least 280 hours, under the guidance of a International Business faculty member.
Elective Major Courses
study of customer relationship management practices
IMK 451 Marketing Management
IAC 441 International Accounting
Concept and practice from marketer attitude, marketing planning, prodInternational accounting standards with emphasis on accounting for foruct planning, pricing policies, distribution, promotion, marketing research,
eign conversion requirements compatible with domestic accounting conmarketing policy toward duties and responsibility of business to ecosolidation standards
nomic and social
IBM 221 International Experience I
ITH 428 Thai Culinary Arts Theory and Practice
Abroad program to be organized by Rangsit University. The course is
Basic skills and procedure involve in Thai food production. The method of
aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden
preparation, cooking and presentation. The characteristics of Thai food,
their perspective of the world by taking a trip abroad and take a course
major ingredient and how to plan a typical menu for different ethnic
in their area or related area of study for not less than 45 hours during
cuisines common in Thailand
their stay. The assessment will be done by both the host institution and
Rangsit University.
ITH 429 International Culinary Arts Theory and Practice
Basic skills and procedure involve in International food production. The
IBM 322 International Experience II
method of preparation, cooking and presentation. The characteristics of
An extension of IBM 221 International Experience I. Class to be organized
International food, major ingredient and how to plan a typical menu for
by Rangsit University. A different 45 hour class from that of IBM 221 is
different ethnic cuisines
required and a different destination is preferable. The assessment will be
conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International
IBM 450 International Commerce: ASEAN
How business is run in ASEAN; analyzing the country demography, culture, political system, economy, trading relationship, law and regulation,
and case discussion
International Marketing and
Online Business
IBM 454 E – Commerce for International Trade
Content and process of E – Commerce for International Trade. Information
system development, E – Commerce, software package for International
Trade E – Commerce, electronic transfer money, transfer database, data
security in International Trade E – Commerce, also case study for critical
issue of International Trade E – Commerce
ICS 211 Computer Problem Solving in Business
Development of business application skills, the importance of problem
solving using application software packages, applications using advanced
spreadsheet functions and database management systems, specialized
hypertext and programming languages that are used for developing internet and intranet applications
Professional Foundation Courses
IMB 201 Principles of Marketing
Concept and roles of marketing and its importance to economy, marketing environment, market segmentation, market targeting, product positioning, consumer behaviors, marketing management and marketing information system, product classification, product mix, pricing policy and
strategy, physical distribution planning, promotion.
IMB 202 Global Consumer Behavior
Global consumer behavior from multi-cultural environment; technique
and summarized social research concerning buyer behavior to understand
direct and indirect buying motives; buying process, effects of trade mark
buyer and product life cycle.
IFN 221 Money and Banking
Nature and role of money, the development and operation of the commercial banking system, the structure and functions of the central banking system and the impact of monetary changes on business decisions
IMB 211 Online Business Management
and economic activity
Design and development of online business; strategies
IFN 431 International Financial Markets and Institutions
and factors leading to the success of online business; electronic payFinancial institution and money market structures, their principles and
ment, purchasing, sales, marketing and advertising, security system, and
scope of operations, money market, capital market, and government
future trends of online business; the use of electronic equipment as a
securities market, their operational problems and policy
business tool to enhance productivity and competitiveness of the busi
ness organization.
IMA 144 Calculus for Business and Economics
Concept of functions, graphs, and limits, differentiation, basic concepts,
application of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, inIMB 222 Web Creation and Design
tegration, further topics in integration, functions of two variables, infiStructure of World Wide Web; Web design concepts and techniques:
nite series and Taylor approximation
practical steps to plan, organize, create, and maintain a web site from
start to finish; developing web sites using HTML, XHTML, XML, and aniIMK 432 Strategic Brand Management
Prerequisite: IMK 201 Principles of Marketing
Concept of brand and brand management as an asset of business, imporIAC 100 Principles of Financial Accounting
tant of brand management, identify and establishing brand positioning
Nature and concepts of accounting; the benefit of accounting informaand values, planning and implementing brand marketing programs, meation; the balanced sheet, the income statement and the cash flow statesuring and interpreting brand performance and growing and sustaining
brand equity
ments; the accounting cycle and accounting model; recording of accounting for trading and manufacturing businesses; and analysis of
IMK 433 Strategic Customer Relationship
financial statements.
Prerequisite: IMK 201 Principles of Marketing
Conceptual framework of customer relationship management, technoIPO 201 Operations Management
logical tools for customer relationship management, implementing cusProduction and operation; operation strategy and quality control, product
tomer relationship management, relationship management in business to
design and services; business process, logistic management, and supply
business commerce, relationship marketing strategies and customer perchain; forecast, planning and operation; decision making based on ethics
ceived service quality, customer relationship in services including case
for social responsibilities.
IAM 210 Principles of Economics
The fundamental theories of microeconomics and macroeconomics: demand and supply, elasticity and consumer behavior markets as a mechanism for allocating scarce resources; market efficiency, outcomes from
market failures and firms with market influence; theory of economic
growth, unemployment and inflation; the role of financial markets, fiscal
and monetary policies and the international economy.
IMB 240 Business Psychology 3(3-0-6)
Communication in organization; culture, politics, communication principles, interpersonal skills and relationship; attitudes, values, perception and commitment, customer service principles, customer
satisfaction, retention, loyalty, service quality and quality management.
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication; review of English grammar for the correct usage of English language; emphasis to be made on
regular practices to improve and develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, and presentation.
IFN 201 Business Finance
Importance and goals of financial management, forms of businesses and
taxes and their importance to financial management, principles of financial analysis and planning, capital allocation, procurement of short-term,
intermediate, and long-term capital, project analysis, capital structure,
cost of capital and the dividend policy.
IHR 201 Human Resource Management
History, theories, principles, scopes and processes of human resource
including human resources planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, wage and salary management, compensation, training and development, welfare and fringe benefits, social security, compensation fund, providence fund, government’s pensions fund,
maintenance of human resources, disciplines, termination and labor relations.
IMG 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior 3(3-0-6)
Organization and process of management including planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling; organizational behaviors such as leadership, motivation, communication, managing groups, team building, managing
changes and organizational culture.
Required Major Courses
IMB 301 International Marketing
Analysis of global environment and opportunities, global markets, global
competitors; country of origin; development of global participation strategies; internationalizing marketing operations, country selection, international market segmentation, criteria for selecting target countries; international marketing mix; global market entry strategies.
IMB 303 International Product and Price Management
Role and responsibility of product manager in international markets, product mix concept, design and packaging, brand policy, product positioning,
new product development, product life cycle, cause of product failure
and how to avoid influence factor over price decision; objective of pricing, how to use price as a marketing as a marketing tool, price change
and price setting.
IMB 307 International Channel Distribution and Logistics Management
Transportation management, warehousing and inventory control in international markets; order processing and information of distribution; organization of transportation department, delivery policies, freight, insurance, claim, packaging, warehousing, inventory control, traffic, handling,
transportation, documentary, law and regulation of transportation, information system, concentrating total system for lowing distribution cost;
management of the overall promotional effort and marketing communication in international markets as part of the marketing mix.
IMB 308 International Promotion and Marketing Communication
Management of the overall promotional effort and marketing communication in international markets as part of the marketing mix, the benefits
of promotion and marketing communication, techniques and procedures
used in promotional campaign, public relations and communication process.
IMB 311 Online Business Analysis and Design
Demand analysis and management, analyses problems, creating business
understand the needs of users; interviews, brainstorming, prototyping
abilities, prioritize and manage demand on information, design, implementation, maintenance, management and administration of website.
IMB 326 Online Marketing and Social Media
Value of online marketing, resources and customer database management and customer communication through online and social media tools
that can be used in marketing activities, marketing planning stages for
online and social media activities, concept of virtual store for marketing
products and services including the future of online marketing resources.
IMB 368 e-Payment and Security in Online Business
payment system through the Internet e.g. online credit
card, electronic cheque, digital cash, and e-money; understanding security system on each e-Payment to enhance confidence in payment, as
well as understanding technology that manages these systems; banking
network, e-transfer; payment through gateway, and electronic security to
affirm customers confidence; policies, process, and technology to support the correctness, security, and privacy of those information on database, website, Intranet, Extranet, and Internet; roles of the third person
in intellectual property ownership.
IMB 416 Market Research
Meaning, scope and benefit of market research; method of collecting
market data and problems of collecting; applying market research to international market management; concentrating in analysis and presentation of data for international marketing decision.
IMB 420 Business Law and Ethics for Online Business
Ethical, legal, and regulations issues of online business; legal principles;
court system, intellectual property, advertising and consumer protection;
enforcement of electronic contracts, managing financial transaction, regulations on web security, taxation, monopoly, criminal and international
IMB 433 Customer Relationship Strategies
Conceptual framework of customer relationship management, technological tools for customer relationship management, implementing customer relationship management, relationship management in business to
business commerce, relationship marketing strategies and customer perceived service quality, customer relationship in services including case
study of customer relationship management practices.
IMB 435 Current Issues in International Marketing
Approaches for searching international markets, analyzing and evaluating
the opportunities in current international markets; concepts and elements
of international marketing strategy; types of information and analysis
techniques combined into a framework for strategic decisions in current
international marketing.
IMB 304 Integrated Marketing Communication Management 3(3-0-6)
Overall promotional effort management as part of the marketing mix,
special emphasis on the integration and coordination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations; detailed examination of
techniques and procedures used in efficient and effective communication
IMB 496 Co-operative Education
Cooperative education in the area of International Marketing and Online
Business in a selected organization. Students must be treated as an employee of that organization for at least 16 weeks or 560 hours. Each
student is assigned a particular task to complete within the 16 weeks.
Diary records must be done and submitted every 2 weeks to the advisor.
Students are also evaluated by the supervisor of the organization.
IMB 306 International Sales Management
Responsibility of sales manager as a leader of sales organization manipulating sales of the international business; sales organization; recruiting
and training of personal selling, sales policy, training, compensation; evaluation ; controlling and sales analysis, sales territories and quota. budgeting of sales expense ; market and product analysis.
IMB 493 Internship in International Marketing and Online Business
Students are required to do an internship in the area of International
Marketing and Online Business in a selected organization. Students must
be treated as an employee of that organization for at least 12 weeks or
400 hours. Each student is assigned a particular task to complete within
the 12 weeks. Students are also evaluated by the supervisor of the organization.
IMB 431 Online Business Project Management
Meaning and scope of project management online business, principles of
management; under methods and techniques of project control, procedures and principles of project management, and compare projects selection, time management, budget management, quality control, human
resource management, communication management, risk management,
managing procurement, and project management.
Elective Major Courses
IBM 301 International Business Management
Roles of International Business Management, related problems and strategies, problem solving, political causes, law, taxation, and cross culture;
operation and management of multinational businesses and issues related
to globalization; roles and responsibilities of international trade organizations.
IBM 431 Export–Import Management
Export-Import Process, rules and regulation, policy planning, target setting; methods of entering foreign market; economic environment, social,
culture, politics, law, INCOTERMS; global marketing strategies, importexport business management.
IMB 221 International Experience I
Oversea programs to be organized by Rangsit University. Aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden their perspective
of the world by taking a trip abroad and take a course in their area or
related area of study for not less than 45 hours during their stay. The
assessment will be done by both the host institution and Rangsit University.
IMB 322 International Experience II
An extension of IME 221 International Experience I course to be organized by Rangsit University. A different 45 hour class from that of IME
221 is required and a different destination is preferable. The assessment
will be conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International College.
IMB 308 International Promotion and Marketing Communication
Overall promotional effort management and marketing communication in
international markets as part of the marketing mix; the benefits of promotion and marketing communication; techniques and procedures used
in promotional campaign, public relations and communication process.
IMB 417 Direct Marketing
Classification of direct marketing; direct marketing tools; tactic and strategy; development planning; controlling and evaluation; direct marketing
plan; and development policy of direct marketing.
IMB 325 Business to Business Marketing
Meaning of business to business (B2B) marketing, business buyer behavior, strategic planning for global business markets, information systems,
segmentation, targeting, positioning, market entry tactics, product strategy, pricing in business market, managing distribution channel, business
to business marketing communication, key account management including trend of business marketing.
IMB 327 Marketing Public Relations
Concept, philosophy and components of public relations, roles of public
relations related to marketing, various kinds of marketing public relations;
marketing public relations strategy; corporate identity and public relations.
IMB 328 Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organization 3(3-0-6)
Growth and development of non-profit marketing; understanding target
audience Behavior; acquiring and using marketing information; segmentation and positioning, generating fund, attracting human resources,
managing perceived costs; managing marketing communication including marketing evaluation, monitoring and control.
IMB 329 Sales Forecasting
Overview and importance of sales forecasting, method and process of
forecasting; information used for forecasting; quantitative and qualitative
forecasting techniques; forecasting errors, business cycle forecasting,
future sales forecasting.
IMB 332 Corporate Branding and Branding Strategy
Strategic nature of corporate brand management and its corporate image
associated with other business functions; management of change in the
context of corporate brand management; management strategy from the
perspective of organizations involved in mergers, acquisitions, takeovers
and expand franchising business.
IMB 333 International Strategic Brand Management
Concept of brand and brand management as an asset of business; importance of brand management; identification and establishment of brand
positioning and brand equity, planning and implementing brand as
planned, measuring brand performance, as well as brand value creation
for sustainable growth at international levels.
IMB 351 English for Marketing Professional
English language for effective marketing professional to achieve marketing goals; a review of English grammar for the correct usage of English
language; emphasis to be made on regular practices to improve and
develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, and presentation as
marketing professional.
IMB 362 Multimedia for Online Business
Multimedia and Information Technology system; problems in Information
Technology and Multimedia design and its impact on the system within
organization; planning stage, structure arrangement, development; evaluation of IT and Multimedia; IT and Multimedia affecting online business
include trading through mobile business; Web design and development
to obtain appropriate connection.
IMB 370 Online Business Negotiation
Theoretical ideas and negotiation techniques to develop students’ skills
in online business negotiation; to persuade negotiation partners for the
effectiveness of online Business using role-play and case studies.
IMB 418 Retail Marketing
Retail marketing, modern trade and management of small and large
retailing store; familiarize a feasibility of retailing, selecting location, display, selling policy, inventory control, pricing procedure, training, purchasing and receiving, and customer service.
IMB 419 Comparative Asian Marketing
Various marketing concepts, activities and style implemented among the
countries of ASEAN and other outstanding ones; Japan, China, Korea,
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.
IMB 422 Innovation and Strategies for Online Business
Innovative ideas to develop innovation process in the midst of change in
economics, social, politics, technology, education, and knowledge management; to develop database for decision- making and creating an effective knowledge based organizational; online business strategies and
analysis of strength and weakness of online business to become leader in
goods and services through online marketing channel.
IMB 499 Special Topics in International Marketing and Online Business
Interesting special topics in international marketing; and Online Business
international marketing problems; applying marketing theories to solve
those problems.
International Relations and
Professional Foundation Courses
IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics)
How resources are allocated through market mechanism, consumer behaviors and utilities, behavior of firms, cost and profit. The course also
deals with price determination in product and factor markets and efficiency of resource use, structure of different types of market and roles
of government.
IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
National income and its components, determination of national income,
employment and level of price, roles of government, money, and external
factors affecting national income determination. The course also includes economic policies to alleviate inflation and unemployment.
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication. The course will thoroughly cover a review of English grammar for the correct usage of English
language and emphasis to be made on regular practices to improve and
develop skills in academic reading, listening, writing, and presentation
which are essential and critical to job prospects and a student’s career
IPO 211 Introduction to Politics
General idea of politics and the development of political science; man/
woman and politics, meanings and aims of state, political ideas and doctrines, political institution and processes, power/authority and allocation
of values, politics in the other forms.
IPO 221 Public Policy Analysis
Concepts of policy analysis, the role of the government and the analysis
of decision making of civil servants, models of public policy analysis,
public policy making process; Policy implementation and evaluation.
IPO 238 International Politics
The history, major issues and theories in contemporary world politics. An
overview of various approaches, such as Realism, Liberalism and Reflectivist theories. Globalization and the changing nature of the modern
state, integration, international law, ethics, and the role of international
IRD 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior
The organization and process of management including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The course also includes organizational
behaviors such as leadership, motivation, communication, managing
groups, team building, managing changes and organizational culture.
IRD 220 World History
The history and culture of the contemporary world, some of the important political, economic, social, intellectual, cultural and religious changes,
the world circumstances that have shaped the development of recent
world civilization.
IRD 232 International Relations
Issues and theories in international relations: the nature of world politics,
theories of international relations and diplomacy, elements of the world
system and the main actors in world politics. The course also discuss the
ends and the means of foreign policy as conducted by states in international relations: intervention, alliances, economics integration and interdependence, neutrality, isolation and non-alignment.
IRD 235 International Development
Development theory and practice from an interdisciplinary perspective.
An overview of the history of development co-operation in the past 50
years, the main concepts and ideas on development. The principal features of the theories underlying past and present approaches to international development, the role of the different actors including international organizations, national government and civil society organizations
of development co-operation.
IRD 302 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis3(3-0-6)
Research, hypothesis testing by using parameters and not using parameters, such as, chi-square, deviation analysis, regression analysis, correlation, time series, using software program such as SPSS. Study the relationship between models, information systems and business decisions.
The practical application of behavioral and statistical methods for the
purpose of obtaining and analyzing relevant business information will also
be examined.
IRD 336 Leadership, Negotiation, and Conflict Management 3(3-0-6)
Theories and factors regarding leader designation, administrative methods, human relationships, negotiation, conflict resolving, the leader’s influence on group behavior and decision-making. The success and failure
of the group, type of leadership, and the leader’s adjustment to suit
given situations.
Required Major Courses
IBM 301 International Business Management
The effect of environmental factors on multinational business operation.
Similarities and difference in terms of culture, legal, political and social
systems as well as economic order.
IEC 351 Economic Development
Key issues of Global Economic Development in the 21st century. The
relevant theoretical definitions, principles and historical context of economic development, concepts and trends with a global perspective. Economic and social problems faced by developing countries and possible
policy recommendations.
ILA 431 International Trade Law
Essential international trade agreements, GATT, agreement on textile,
public health, trade barriers, ICC practice and reference international trade
role of international law.
IRD 375 Foreign Policy Analysis
The policy-making process of foreign policies. Theoretical models and
frameworks of policy analysis will be introduced in order to examine how
states formulate and implement their foreign policies. The impact of policy-makers, political leaders, bureaucrats, interest groups, and the public
that have on foreign policies. In addition to providing theoretical models,
this course will also focus on a series of policy-oriented case studies.
Students are encouraged to apply these theoretical models and frameworks in an analysis of case studies drawn from the field of foreign economic policy and international trade as well as international politics.
IRD 380 International Peace and Security
Theoretical dimensions and a range of approaches and issues in the field
of security studies. The course examines some of the security issues including interstate warfare, alliance formation, intelligence, defense technology, and weapons of mass destruction. We will also look at a wide range
of contemporary issues, which include the role of the UN in security, traditional and modern peacekeeping, post conflict reconstruction, Middle
Eastern security, terrorism, and security concept for the 21st century. Students will have the opportunity to apply competing theories of international relations as tools for analyzing issues of peace and security.
IRD 395 International Organizations and Economic Integration3(3-0-6) Roles of international organizations such as United Nations, International
Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, and International
Court of Justice. Major concepts explaining the origins and dynamics of
international organizations; comparing different kinds of international organizations; limitations, impacts, and future trends of international organizations in world politics including international economic political and legal organizations Economic integration and the comparison between
different regional integration.
IRD 322 Development and Human Rights
The concept of gender with the application to mainstream development
and human rights discourses. The crucial role of gender perceptions and
IRD 410 Organization Development
the role of female in development processes in any society across the
Prerequisite:IRD 201 Modern Management and Organization Behavior
Methods for systematically chaning and developing organization to be
IRD 343 International Political Economy
3(3-0-6) most efficient and effective. Organization change and organization strucThe introductory overview of International Political Economy. Theories,
ture, process of organization development including data collection and
history, and issues in IPE will be explored. The fundamental tradition of
analysis; problem solving, process of change; change management; and
economics only recognizes the role of national government, which is
techniques for improving organization for better operation.
often referred in the case of market failure, but IPE also recognizes the
role foreign governments and international institutions play in the econoIRD 450 Current Issues in International Relations
my. A solid background of socio-political structure and context of interApplication of practical analysis to a number of international relations
national economic relations. Emphasis will be placed on major issues indebates. The course will be organized around case studies. The case
cluding the political economy of international trade, economic reform,
studies will be chosen to highlight and extend fundamental international
multinational corporations in the global economy, the international monrelations concepts while also providing skills in organizing and examining
etary system, as well as the consequences and controversies of globalizadata.
IRD 493 Internship in International Relations and Development
IRD 345 ASEAN Integration
An overview of the most important aspects of Southeast Asian integraPart-time or full-time jobs in International Relations and Development
tion. A brief historical survey of the origins of the Assosiation of Southrelated field of students’ academic curriculum for at least 280 hours,
east Asian Nations (ASEAN). The institutional system of the ASEAN. An
under the guidance of a International Relations and Development faculty
analysis of the ASEAN policy process and the impact of those policies.
Recent developments and future developments of ASEAN, notably economic, foreign, and security policies.
IRD 496 Co-operative Education
Students must do the internship in the area of International Relations and
IRD 365 International Public Policy: Food, Health, Energy and Environment
Development in a selected organization like an employee of that organi
zation for at least 16 consecutive weeks or 560 hours. Each student is
A systematic overview of how public policies operate in world affairs.
assigned a particular task to complete within the 16 weeks. Diary records
Case studies of how public policy is made across the borders are exammust be done and submitted every 2 weeks to the advisor. Students are
ined for further understanding. Essential skills for the analytical study of
also evaluated by the supervisor of the organization.
world politics and for the development of a normative assessment of the
main issues currently facing international policy makers. The focus is on
human security issues including food, health, energy, and environment.
Elective Major Courses
IBM 221 International Experience I
Abroad program to be organized by Rangsit University. The course is
aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden
their perspective of the world by taking a trip abroad and take a course
in their area or related area of study for not less than 45 hours during
their stay. The assessment will be done by both the host institution and
Rangsit University.
IBM 322 International Experience II
An extension of IBM 221 International Experience I. Class to be organized
by Rangsit University. A different 45 hour class from that of IBM 221 is
required and a different destination is preferable. The assessment will be
conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International
IEC 441 International Monetary Economics
Critical economic thinking skills as applied to the topics of banking and
financial markets. Basic economic principles such as supply and demand,
the concept of equilibrium, the theory of asset demand, and profit maximization are applied to study the role of money in the economy and the
institutional characteristics of the banking system and financial markets.
IPH 231 Philosophy of History
The meaning of historical explanation; the concept of progress; pattern,
and law in history; historical determinism and its critics.
IPH 245 Critical Thinking
Acquire reasonable, reflective, responsible, and skillful thinking that is
focused on deciding what to believe or do. A person who thinks critically can ask appropriate questions, gather relevant information, efficiently and creatively sort through this information, reason logically from
this information, and come to reliable and trustworthy conclusions about
the world that enable one to live and act successfully in it.
IPH 320 Globalization and Religion
How religion has become an influential force in contemporary global
politics, especially after the fall of Communism and the rise of globalization.
IPH 342 Chinese Philosophy
Philosophical teaching of major Chinese thinkers : Confucius, Mencius,
Las Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu ; contemporary Chinese philosophers.
IPH 343 Buddhist Philosophy and Democracy
The Four Noble Truths ; three signs of Being; the dependent origination;
karma and rebirth; nirvana; application of the teaching of Buddhism to
political issues especially principles and essential characteristic features
and implementation of democracy.
IPH 350 Social Justice and Responsibilities
Concept of Social justice in the philosophical aspect and an important
issue in politics, religion, and civil society. Concepts of human rights and
equality. Movement towards a socially just world. Responsibilities of an
entity whether it is government, corporation an individual to the society.
IPO 231 Theories of Democracy
Idea and theory involving democracy, critics from Marxist and corporatist,
liberalism and democratic society, and problem of democracy in terms of
theoretically and physically.
IPO 235 Political Economy in South East Asia
Approaches to the study of political economy in Southeast Asia: modernization theory to dependency and Marxist Theory, Colonialism and liberalism, cold war and post-cold war regional effect, regional integration,
ethnic problems, political economy of the boom and bust period, political
structures and Chinese entrepreneurship.
IPO 241 Interest and Pressure Group
Interest and pressure groups as a main part of political interactions,
processes and life of political man/woman: definition, scope, size, membership, political aims, strategies, tactics, the evolution of roles and functions of such groups in politics of some selective countries.
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
The development of business leaders, groups, conglomerates, organizations and association in Thailand with a focus on the patterns of relations
to Thai politics and changes in political/power relations. The relationship
between constitutions and topology of political regime particularly the
democratic form.
IRD 321 International Politics of the Middle East
An overview of international and domestic politics in Middle East and
North Africa focusing on the development of state power, regional relations, conflicts and relations with the West, politics of oil, and economic
IRD 323 Contemporary Russian Politics
Political, cultural, social, and historical issues of Russian domestic and
foreign politics. The course examines the collapse of communism and the
failure of Post-Soviet reforms to establish a state. It will enumerate the
wide spectrum of political forces in Russia today.
IRD 324 China: Economy and Trade in 21st Century
The rise and growth of China’s economy and trade over recent decades
and examines factors affecting such growth. The course also highlights
China’s relations with major countries and encourages students to think
critically the role of China in the global trade arena in 21st century.
IRD 325 Current Issues and Controversies in Latin America 3(3-0-6)
A survey of contemporary issues and controversies in Latin America with
emphasis on political and economic issues and country case studies. The
course examines major issues of interest to policy makers including authoritarianism, democratic governance, economic development, gender,
the rule of law, religion, and the relations with the U.S.
IRD 326 Power and Society in Modern Africa
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the development and
transformation of African Society since early last century with the main
concern of the contemporary scene. Topics include wide range of issues
such as colonialism, recent struggles of democratization, development
and modernization, and the role of civil society.
Philosophy, Politics, and
IPO 221 Public Policy Analysis
Concepts of policy analysis, the role of the government and the analysis
of decision making of civil servants, models of public policy analysis,
public policy making process; Policy implementation and evaluation
IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics
How resources are allocated through market mechanism, consumer
behaviors and utilities, behavior of firms, cost and profit, price determination in product and factor markets and efficiency of resource use, structure of different types of market and roles of government
IPO 232 International Relations
Issues and theories in international relations, the nature of world politics,
theories of international relations and diplomacy, elements of the world
system and the main actors in world politics, the ends and the means of
foreign policy as conducted by states in international relations; intervention, alliances, economics integration and interdependence, neutrality,
isolation and non-alignment
Professional Foundation Courses
IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
National income and its components, determination of national income,
employment and level of price, roles of government, money, and external
factors affecting national income determination, economic policies to
alleviate inflation and unemployment
IEG 350 English for Professional Development
English language for effective communication, review of English grammar for the correct usage of English language, listening, writing, and
IMA 143 Mathematics for Business and Economics
Sets, number system, rectangular coordinate system, graphs, sequence
and series, linear equation, quadratic function, polynomial function, exponential function and logarithmic function, matrices and determinants,
work problems and applications in business and economics areas
IPE 336 Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management
Theories and factors regarding leader designation, administrative methods, human relationships, negotiation, conflict resolving, the leader’s influence on group behavior and decision-making, the success and failure
of the group, type of leadership, and the leader’s adjustment to suit
given situations
IPH 211 Elements of Philosophy I
A critical study and analysis of early western philosophy. Emphasis will be
placed on the thought of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Seneca and
Thomas Aquinas. The influence of their thinking on later philosophy and
their influence on the solution to modern ethical and political problems
will be analyzed and discussed. When appropriate, similarities or dissimilarities to eastern Philosophy will be discussed.
IPH 212 Elements of Philosophy II
A critical study and analysis of early modern and modern western philosophy. Emphasis will be placed on the differing currents of philosophical
thought (realism, rationalism, empiricism, idealism) as stemming from
Descartes, Kant, Hume, Hobbes, Locke, and neo-Thomists and the influence of these currents on modern political and ethical problems. When
pertinent, similarities and dissimilarities to eastern philosophies, such as
Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, will be discussed.
IPH 222 Political Philosophy
Justification for the existence of a state, its power, its organization, its
functions; arguments for, and against, the right to disobey the state’s
authority: civil disobedience, rebellion, revolution
IPO 211 Introduction to Politics
General idea of politics and the development of political science; man/
woman and politics, meanings and aims of state, political ideas and doctrines, political institution and processes, power/authority and allocation
of values, politics in the other forms
IPO 233 Thai Government and Politics
Evolution of government and politics in Thailand in their cultural and social settings, Thai social/power structure, transformation of political institutions and administration, the development of modern government; the
executives, legislatures, courts, bureaucracy, political parties, election
systems, interest groups and the powerless in the struggle for the changes in political/power structure
Required Major Courses
IEC 311 Intermediate Microeconomics
Prerequisite: IEC 211 Principles of Microeconomics
Consumption theory through indifference curve analysis, consumption
behavior over time; theory of production in various markets, analysis of
factor markets, role of government in market oriented economy, general
equilibrium analysis and principles of welfare economics
IEC 312 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Prerequisite: IEC 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
Analysis of the relationship between product, money, capital and factor
markets in determining income, employment and price level under closed
and open economy, effects of fiscal and monetary policies on macroeconomics variables under classical, Keynesian, Neo Classical and Neo
Keynesian assumptions, Economic stabilization and growth
IEC 341 International Trade Theory and Policy
Basic concepts underlying international trade, international division of
labor, comparative advantage and gains from trade, effects of tariff and
quota on trade flows, analysis of international capital movement, direct
and indirect foreign investments, World trade organization and economic
IEC 351 Economics Development
Theories of qualitative and quantitative changes involved in the process
of rasing standards of living in developing economies. Economic and
social problems in these economies; poverty, low savings, inadequate
investments, lack of infrastructure, unemployment, inflation, and the
transfer of technology, and such social problems as education, health,
and administration, economic development policies and planning
IPH 223 Current Ethical Problems
Analysis of generally accepted principles and their application to solutions
to modern ethical problems in society, problems in the areas of gene
research and application, bio-ethics, other areas of medical ethics, ethics
of using violence to effect social change and other relevant issues
IPH 224 Philosophy of Law
Philosophical foundation of a legal system; legal positivism and the
natural law theory; the limit of law ; justifications for legal punishment :
utilitarianism and retributivism; the concept of procedural justice
IPH 343 Buddhist Philosophy and Democracy
The Four Noble Truth; three signs of Being; the dependent origination;
karma and rebirth; nirvana; application of the teaching of Buddhism to
political issues especially principles and essential characteristic features
and implementation of democracy
IPO 235 Political Economy in South East Asia
Approaches to the study of political economy in Southeast Asia:
modernization theory to dependency and Marxist Theory, Colonialism and
liberalism, cold war and post-cold war regional effect, regional integration,
ethnic problems, political economy of the boom and bust period, political
structures and Chinese entrepreneurship
IPO 237 Comparative Political Systems
Comparative politics; the development of various approaches to the
subject; historical/descriptive, Marxist, functional/systemic behavioral,
the problems of comparison and generalization. There is a particular
focus on issues of democracy, democratization and obstacles to democracy
IPO 333 International Government and Non-government Organization
International and non-governmental organizations with emphasis on their
origins, pattern of development, roles, policies, ideologies, functions,
influences and linkages to politics at international and national levels,
international and non-governmental organization in Southeast Asia
IPE 448 Current Issues in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 3(3-0-6)
This is a Capstone Seminar during which the students will apply what has
been learned to current grave issues in the areas of Philosophy, Politics
and Economics. These issues may be confined to Thailand or they may
be worldwide. The strategies used in the seminary will all bear upon
viewing the ethical, social and economic problems discussed in an integrated and holistic manner. The seminar will seek to put into practice already learned theories.
IPE 499 Senior Project
Methodology, steps in conducting a research, research planning, problem
setting, assumption setting and test of assumption, data collection, data
analysis, and presentation. Research is conducted under the supervision
of advisor. The research will be presented in the paper format and subject
to interview test.
IPE 496 Co-operative Education
Students must do the internship in the area of International Relations in
a selected organization like an employee of that organization for at least
16 consecutive weeks or 560 hours. Each student is assigned a particular
task to complete within the 16 weeks. Diary records must be done and
submitted every 2 weeks to the advisor. Students are also evaluated by
the supervisor of the organization.
Elective Major Courses
IBM 221 International Experience I
Abroad program to be organized by Rangsit University. The course is
aimed for students to have an international exposure and to broaden
their perspective of the world by taking a trip abroad and take a course
in their area or related area of study for not less than 45 hours during
their stay. The assessment will be done by both the host institution and
Rangsit University.
IBM 322 International Experience II
An extension of IBM 221 International Experience I. Class to be organized
by Rangsit University. A different 45 hour class from that of IBM 221 is
required and a different destination is preferable. The assessment will be
conducted by the host institution and Rangsit University International
IEC 321 Economics of Money and Banking
3(3-0- 6)
Role of money, bank, and non-bank institutions including central bank in
shaping the economic environment, nature and determination of interest
rates, the banking industry, securities market, and debt instrument
IEC 361 Economics of Human Resources
Role of human resources in economic development and growth, analysis
of private and social return on investment in human capital including
investment in education, health care, on the job training, development
of human resources policy in Thailand
IEC 441 International Monetary Economics
Critical economic thinking skills as applied to the topics of banking and
financial markets. Basic economic principles such as supply and demand,
the concept of equilibrium, the theory of asset demand, and profit
maximization applied to study the role of money in the economy and
the institutional characteristics of the banking system and financial markets
IPE 450 Current issues in Economics and Politics
Application of practical analysis to a number of economics and politics
debates, case studies to highlight and extend fundamental economics
and politics concepts, providing skills in organizing and examining data
IPH 245 Critical Thinking
Acquire reasonable, reflective, responsible, and skillful thinking that is
focused on deciding what to believe or do, a person who thinks
critically can ask appropriate questions, gather relevant information,
efficiently and creatively sort through this information, reason logically
from this information, and come to reliable and trustworthy conclusions
about the world that enable one to live and act successfully in it
IPH 320 Globalization and Religion
How religion has become an influential force in contemporary global
politics, especially after the fall of Communism and the rise of globalization
IPH 342 Chinese Philosophy
Philosophical teaching of major Chinese thinkers; Confucius, Mencius, Las
Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu ; contemporary Chinese philosophy
IPH 350 Social Justice and Responsibilities
Social justice as a philosophical, an important issue in politics, religion and
civil society; concepts of human rights and equality; movement towards
a socially just world, rules and responsibilities of an entity whether it is
government, corporation an individual to the society
IPO 214 Interest and Pressure Groups
Interest and pressure groups as a main part of political interactions,
processes and life of political man/woman: definition, scope, size,
membership, political aims, strategies, tactics, the evolution of roles and
functions of such groups in politics of some selective countries
IPO 231 Theories of Democracy
Idea and theory involving democracy, critics from Marxist and corporatist,
liberalism and democratic society, and problem of democracy in terms of
theoretically and physically
IPO 432 Thai Business and Politics
Development of business leaders, groups, conglomerates, organizations
and association in Thailand with a focus on the patterns of relations to
Thai politics and changes in political/power relations, the relationship between constitutions and topology of political regime particularly the democratic form
Ruttanakhunakorn Bld. 2nd floor, 52/347 Muang-Ake,
Phaholyothin Rd., Lak-Hok, Muang, Pathumthani 12000 Thailand
Phone: +66-(0)-2-997-2200 ext. 4012-4020
Fax : +66-(0)-2-997-2200 ext. 4016
E-mail : inter@rsu.ac.th