ENC 14. Meeting Trust Board Date 3rd March 2016 Title of Paper Workforce Performance Report Lead Director Mark Sinclair, Director of Organisational Development and HR Sebastian Smith – Cox, Workforce Information and Planning Specialist Author PURPOSE OF THE PAPER To present key monthly and quarterly workforce performance metrics to 31 January 2016 SUMMARY OF THE KEY POINTS Pay expenditure against budget for January 2016 resulted in a £372k overspend. The monthly pay variance decreased by £513k month on month, and represents a £377k reduction when compared year on year to January 2015. The YTD pay variance shows an overall underspend of £91k so far this year, a £4.3m reduction compared to the same period during 14/15. Monthly agency spend was £976k representing 7.01% of the pay bill, an increase of £291k and 1.95% (as a percentage of the total pay bill) compared to December 2015. 15/16 YTD agency spend stands at £7.1m, equivalent to 5.06% of the total pay bill. This represents a £369k increase compared to the same period during 14/15. Sickness during January 2016 stood at 5.90%, increasing by 0.32% month on month and by 0.86% when compared to absence levels at the end of Q2 15/16. The sickness absence during the past 12 months stands at 5.04%, a 0.25% increase year on year. The January 2016 appraisal rate stands at 86%, a 2.96% reduction since December 2015. The January 2016 Mandatory Training compliance outturn stands at 85%. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. NOTE the performance against workforce performance indicators and key workforce activities. 1 LINKS Strategic Objectives Annual objectives Monitor / CQC / Regulatory Requirements IMPACT Patient Experience Quality & Safety Financial Workforce Equality & Diversity Engaged & Empowered Workforce, Good Use of Resources. This report monitors workforce key performance indicators and focuses on improving performance in line with specific objectives within the Annual Plan. Mandatory training compliance to meet NHSLA, CQC and HSE requirements. Progress with For One and All programme. Mandatory training and appraisal compliance. Workforce pay and agency and bank expenditure breakdown. Summary of performance on key workforce indicators. Workforce profile compares diversity profile against local population. Estates IM&T Communications / Engagement RISKS Failure to address vacancy levels and control agency spend could lead to overspends in operational budgets. Failure to ensure the continued effective management of sickness absence will result in additional staffing costs resulting from need to cover patient critical roles with bank or agency staff and potential declines in morale within the workforce, as staff are expected to cover for absent colleagues. Failure to ensure completion of mandatory updates for all staff will impact on our ability to meet NHSLA, CQC and HSE requirements. Lack of progress and impact from Health & Wellbeing initiatives and Organisational Development will result in poor Staff Experience and Staff Survey results PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION 2