1 MW solar energy installation on Bell Labs campus, Murray Hill, NJ

Renowned Bell Labs Brings

Solar Technology Full Circle

1 MW solar facility produces three major benefits for parent Alcatel-Lucent: no up-front costs, $2.5 million in utility savings and environmental stewardship

Bell Labs Solar Story

Bell Labs pioneered solar panel development in 1954 to help provide phone service to American farmers who lived away from the electrical grid.

It’s Where Solar

Energy Started

Alcatel-Lucent, parent of Bell Labs and in cooperation with Con

Edison Development and

SunPower, has constructed a 1 megawatt (MW) solar energy facility at the renowned Bell Labs campus in Murray Hill, NJ.

The installation didn’t require any initial investment and will save Alcatel-Lucent

$2.5 million.

In terms of environmental stewardship, Jeong Kim, president of Bell Labs, said,

“Alcatel-Lucent has made a serious commitment to environmental sustainability, and this is one step we are taking to honor that commitment.”

Con Edison Development assumed ownership and operational responsibility after

SunPower completed design and construction.

Those early solar panels generated only 50 watts of energy per square yard of surface area, but it was enough to power farmers’ telephones.

More than a half-century later, the company decided to host a solar installation on its property to produce renewable energy for its facilities.

The six-acre project is home to 3,700 sun-tracking solar panels that generate 318 watts per panel—more than three times more efficient than the panels in 1954.

The 1 MW of renewable energy is enough to power more than 200 homes annually, or more than

900 homes during peak consumption periods.

In the long run, the U.S.

Environmental Protection

Agency projects the solar facility will offset the production of more than

25,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions over its

30-year lifespan.

That’s the equivalent of removing more than 8,500 cars from New Jersey’s highways.

The sun-tracking solar panels follow the sun as it crosses the sky, capturing up to 25 percent more sunlight than fixed-tilt panels and requiring less land per megawatt generated.

The $2.5 million that

Alcatel-Lucent will save will be from lower utility bills over the next 15 years through a power purchase agreement with Con Edison


The company will buy the electricity at prices considerably below retail rates, in part because of a State of New Jersey incentive program that encourages solar power development.

For its part, Con Edison

Development will own the

Solar Renewable Energy

Credits and environmental benefits associated with the installation.


“We are excited about this solar power system because Bell Labs pioneered research on solar technology, so this connects

Bell Labs to our past, while looking to the future.”

Review Your Project

With Con Edison


Con Edison Development is your clean energy ally of choice to help complete your early- to mid-stage, ground-mounted solar project.

Jeong Kim


Bell Labs

“Around the country and the world, forward-looking corporations are bolstering their commitment to the environment by turning to renewable energy sources.”

Mark Noyes

Vice President

Con Edison Development

For more information, contact:

Mark Noyes

Vice President

914-993-2135 noyesm@coneddev.com

Akshaya Bhargava


Business Development

914-993-21 28 bhargavaa @coneddev.com

Con Edison Development • 100 Summit Lake Drive • 4th Floor • Valhalla • NY • 10595 • 914-993-2185 • www.coneddev.com

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