Propulsion Systems Design • • • • • • Lecture #18 - October 30, 2014 Crew Systems/PPT Systems Project Rocket engine basics Survey of the technologies Propellant feed systems Propulsion systems design © 2014 David L. Akin - All rights reserved UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 1 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Notes: • I will be posting separately (later today) details on the third team project (Crew Systems/Power, Propulsion, and Thermal Systems) and the next problem set • From here on out, a single problem set will be issued for each of the disciplinary lecture sets (CS, PPT, LSM, AVS) • Today at 3:30 in AVW 2116, the guest speaker in ENAE 788X will be Robert Giglio, chief rover designer for Astrobotic UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 2 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Propulsion Taxonomy Mass Expulsion Non-Mass Expulsion Thermal Non-Thermal Chemical Non-Chemical Ion MPD Monopropellants Nuclear Bipropellants Beamed Electrical Solar Sail Laser Sail Microwave Sail Cold Gas Solar Solids Hybrids Pressure-Fed Liquids ED Tether Pump-Fed UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Air-Breathing MagnetoPlasma 3 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Thermal Rocket Exhaust Velocity • Exhaust velocity is γ −1 . + 2γ ℜT0 - %' pe (* γ 0 Ve = -1− ' * 0 γ −1 M - & p0 ) 0 , / ! ! ! where M ≡ average molecular weight of exhaust Joules ℜ ≡ universal gas const.= 8314.3 mole°K γ ≡ ratio of specific heats ≈ 1.2 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 4 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Ideal Thermal Rocket Exhaust Velocity • Ideal exhaust velocity is 2γ ℜT0 ! Ve = γ −1 M ! • This corresponds to an ideally expanded nozzle • All thermal energy converted to kinetic energy of exhaust • Only a function of temperature and molecular weight! UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 5 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Thermal Rocket Performance • Thrust is T = m˙ Ve + ( pe − pamb) Ae ! • Effective exhaust velocity Ae T = m˙ c ⇒ c = Ve + ( pe − pamb) ! m˙ • Expansion ratio ! At # γ + 1& =% ( Ae $ 2 ' 1 γ −1 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 6 #p & %% e (( $ p0 ' 1 γ " % c $$ Is p = '' g0 & # γ −1 * γ + 1 , #% pe &( γ / ,1− % ( / γ −1 , $ p0 ' / + . Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design A Word About Specific Impulse • Defined as “thrust/propellant used” – English units: lbs thrust/(lbs prop/sec)=sec – Metric units: N thrust/(kg prop/sec)=m/sec • Two ways to regard discrepancy – “lbs” is not mass in English units - should be slugs – Isp = “thrust/weight flow rate of propellant” • If the real intent of specific impulse is Isp T = and T = ṁVe then Isp = Ve !!! ṁ UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 7 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Nozzle Design • Pressure ratio p0/pe=100 (1470 psi-->14.7 psi) Ae/At=11.9 • Pressure ratio p0/pe=1000 (1470 psi-->1.47 psi) Ae/At=71.6 • Difference between sea level and ideal vacuum Ve ! γ −1 γ #p & = 1− %% e (( ! Ve,ideal $ p0 ' • Isp,vacuum=455 sec --> Isp,sl=333 sec ! Ve UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 8 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Solid Rocket Motor From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 9 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Solid Propellant Combustion Characteristics From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 10 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Solid Grain Configurations From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 11 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Short-Grain Solid Configurations From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 12 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Advanced Grain Configurations From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 13 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Liquid Rocket Engine UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 14 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Liquid Propellant Feed Systems UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 15 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Space Shuttle OMS Engine From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 2001 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 16 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Turbopump Fed Liquid Rocket Engine From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 17 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Sample Pump-fed Engine Cycles From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 18 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Gas Generator Cycle Engine From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 19 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design SSME Powerhead Configuration UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 20 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design SSME Engine Cycle From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 2001 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 21 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Liquid Rocket Engine Cutaway From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 2001 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 22 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design H-1 Engine Injector Plate UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 23 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Injector Concepts From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 24 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design TR-201 Engine (LM Descent/Delta) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 25 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Solid Rocket Nozzle (Heat-Sink) From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 26 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Ablative Nozzle Schematic From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 27 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Active Chamber Cooling Schematic From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 28 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Boundary Layer Cooling Approaches From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 29 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Hybrid Rocket Schematic From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 30 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Hybrid Rocket Combustion From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 31 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Thrust Vector Control Approaches From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 32 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Reaction Control Systems • Thruster control of vehicle attitude and translation • “Bang-bang” control algorithms • Design goals: – Minimize coupling (pure forces for translation; pure moments for rotation)except for pure entry vehicles – Minimize duty cycle (use propellant as sparingly as possible) – Meet requirements for maximum rotational and linear accelerations UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 33 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Single-Axis Equations of Motion ⌧ = I ✓¨ ⌧ t = ✓˙ + C1 I ⌧ ˙ ˙ at t = 0, ✓ = ✓o =) t = ✓˙ ✓˙o I 1⌧ 2 t + ✓˙o t = ✓ + C2 2I 1⌧ 2 at t = 0, ✓ = ✓o =) t + ✓˙o t = ✓ ✓o 2I ⇣ ⌘ 2 1 ˙2 ⌧ ˙ ✓ ✓o = (✓ ✓o ) 2 I UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 34 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Attitude Trajectories in the Phase Plane 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% !20.00% !10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% tau/I=0% !1.00% !0.001% !0.002% !2.00% !0.003% !0.004% !3.00% UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 35 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Gemini Entry Reaction Control System UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 36 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Apollo Reaction Control System UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 37 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Apollo CSM RCS Assembly UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 38 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Lunar Module Reaction Control System UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 39 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design LM RCS Quad UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 40 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Viking Aeroshell RCS Thruster UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 41 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Space Shuttle Primary RCS Engine From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 42 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Monopropellant Engine Design From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 43 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Cold Gas Thruster Exhaust Velocity Assume nitrogen gas thrusters v " u ✓ ◆ u 2 <T0 pe t Ve = 1 1 M̄ po M̄ = 28 T0 = 300 K < = 8314.3 MARYLAND 44 # p0 = 300 psi pe = 2 psi = 1.4 v " u u 2(1.4) 8314.3(300) Ve = t 1 1.4 1 28 UNIVERSITY OF 1 ✓ 2 300 ◆ 1.41.4 1 # m = 689 sec Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Cold-gas Propellant Performance From G. P. Sutton, Rocket Propulsion Elements (5th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 45 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Total Impulse • Total impulse It is the total thrust-time product for the propulsion system, with units <N-sec> ! It = T t = ṁve t ! ⇢V t= ṁ It = ⇢V ve ! ! • To assess cold-gas systems, we can examine total impulse per unit volume of propellant storage It = ⇢ve V UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 46 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Performance of Cold-Gas Systems UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 47 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Self-Pressurizing Propellants (CO2) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 48 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Self-Pressurizing Propellants (N2O) Density! 1300 kg/m3 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 49 Density! 625 kg/m3 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design N2O Performance Augmentation • Nominal cold-gas exhaust velocity ~600 m/sec • N2O dissociates in the presence of a heated 2N2 O ! 2N2 + O2 catalyst engine temperature ~1300°C exhaust velocity ~1800 m/sec • NOFB (Nitrous Oxide Fuel Blend) - store premixed N2O/hydrocarbon mixture exhaust velocity >3000 m/sec UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 50 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Pressurization System Analysis Adiabatic Expansion of Pressurizing Gas Pg0, Vg Pgf, Vg γ g, 0 g γ g p V = pg, f V + pl Vl γ Known quantities: Pg,0=Initial gas pressure PL, VL Initial PL, VL Pg,f=Final gas pressure PL=Operating pressure of propellant Final tank(s) VL=Volume of propellant tank(s) Solve for gas volume Vg UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 51 Propulsion Systems Design ! ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Boost Module Propellant Tanks • Gross mass 23,000 kg – Inert mass 2300 kg – Propellant mass 20,700 kg – Mixture ratio N2O4/A50 = 1.8 (by mass) • N2O4 tank – Mass = 13,310 kg – Density = 1450 kg/m3 – Volume = 9.177 m3 --> rsphere=1.299 m • Aerozine 50 tank – Mass = 7390 kg – Density = 900 kg/m3 – Volume = 8.214 m3 --> rsphere=1.252 m UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 52 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Boost Module Main Propulsion • • • • • • • Total propellant volume VL = 17.39 m3 Assume engine pressure p0 = 250 psi Tank pressure pL = 1.25*p0 = 312 psi Final GHe pressure pg,f = 75 psi + pL = 388 psi Initial GHe pressure pg,0 = 4500 psi Conversion factor 1 psi = 6892 Pa Ratio of specific heats for He = 1.67 1.67 g !(4500 psi )V 1.67 g = ( 388 psi)V + (312 psi)(17.39 m • Vg = 3.713 m3 • Ideal gas: T=300°K --> ρHe = ρ=49.7 kg/m3 (4500 psi = 31.04 MPa) MHe=185.1 kg UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 53 3 1.67 ) pg, 0 M ℜT0 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Nuclear Thermal Rockets • Heat propellants by passing through nuclear reactor • Isp limited by temperature limits on reactor elements (~900 sec for H2 propellant) • Mass impacts of reactor, shielding • High thrust system UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 54 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design VASIMR Engine Concept UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 55 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Ion Propulsion • Uses electrostatic forces to accelerate ions • Injects electrons to keep beam neutral • High Isp (~3000 sec) at low thrust (~10 N) • Substantial mass penalty for electrical power generation UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 56 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Solar Sails • Sunlight reflecting off sail produces momentum transfer ! ˙c T = 2m˙ V = 2 m ! E E 1 P 2 E = mc ⇒ m = 2 ⇒ m˙ = 2 = 2 ! c t c c ! • At 1 AU, P=1394 W/m2 • c=3x108 m/sec • T=9x10-6 N/m2 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 57 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design Propulsion Taxonomy Mass Expulsion Non-Mass Expulsion Thermal Non-Thermal Chemical Non-Chemical Ion MPD Monopropellants Nuclear Bipropellants Beamed Electrical Solar Sail Laser Sail Microwave Sail Cold Gas Solar Solids Hybrids Pressure-Fed Liquids ED Tether Pump-Fed UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Air-Breathing MagnetoPlasma 58 Propulsion Systems Design ENAE 483/788D - Principles of Space Systems Design