2016 IEEE Annual Election

2016 IEEE Annual Election
Candidates For IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors,
Member-at-Large, 2017-2018
Distinguished Standards Strategist
Huawei Technologies
Plano, Texas, USA
Senior Vice President - Development
Qualcomm Incorporated
San Diego, California, USA
NETovations Group, LLC; and
Department of Computer Science
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, USA
(Nominated by IEEE Standards
(Nominated by IEEE Standards
(Nominated by IEEE Standards
What do you believe are the major issues
facing the IEEE?
What do you believe are the major issues
facing the IEEE?
What do you believe are the major issues
facing the IEEE?
Our major challenge is ensuring the IEEE SA relevance within
a global environment characterized by integrated worldwide
markets requiring rapidly developed, converged and
integrated technologies. Standards development will reflect a
broadened base of global participants, involving industry
technology users and developers, aligned with regional
governmental interests, emphasizing policy development. The
IEEE SA needs to ensure its future deliverables support an
environment that recognizes the expanded standards
requirements of its future standards stakeholders and
promotes SA coordination across the global SDO community,
while maintaining an open and inclusive structure and the
building of relevant technology communities, for which we
are recognized.
Key to the IEEE's future is maintaining its reputation
worldwide and cooperating with peer institutions to advance
technology for the benefit of humanity. For the IEEE
Standards Association, it will be important to maintain a
globally open, inclusive and transparent environment for
voluntary consensus standards, while simultaneously
cooperating with other international and regional standards
bodies. Both these challenges must be met in a continuously
evolving world environment.
Addressing the challenges of globalization is of great
importance to both the IEEE as a whole and to the IEEE
Standards Association in particular. In addition, it is important
to make sure that as technology develops, IEEE affords its
members robust opportunities to develop their own skills and
promote new technical directions in both standards and
elsewhere in the IEEE. Within the SA, protecting the quality
and integrity of the standards process is and must remain a
top priority. Nurturing this process is central to convincing
every field’s top technical talent to bring their proposals into
the IEEE standardization lifecycle.
What do you think is the number one goal for
the IEEE leadership?
What do you think is the number one goal for
the IEEE leadership?
What do you think is the number one goal for
the IEEE leadership?
The IEEE SA primary objective is to ensure our community is
recognized as the primary global provider of excellent
standards which will continue to enable worldwide markets.
This requires tools that support rapid development and
deployment of our deliverables, and programs to ensure
broad external awareness, visibility and recognition of the IEEE
SA’s value. This will be accompanied by unbiased support of
regional and global policy development along with programs
which promote our technical community.
The leadership of the Standards Association should focus on
expanding global presence and evolving the Standards
Association's processes to be sure that the Association is the
preferred standards body for global technology developers.
Strengthening collaboration with industry, academia, and
other institutions and promoting technical excellence in IEEE’s
activities, including its standards activities, is a key goal for
IEEE and the Standards Association’s leadership. Externalities,
such as the trends towards open access for publications and
open source for technology may have a large effect on IEEE
and IEEE-SA’s operations. IEEE’s leadership must solicit the
collective wisdom of our 400K+ members and formulate
robust reactions to these challenges.
Balloting starts on 15 August 2015
Visit IEEE Annual Election at www.ieee.org/elections
2016 IEEE Annual Election
Candidates For IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors,
Member-at-Large, 2017-2018
What qualifies you for the job?
What qualifies you for the job?
What qualifies you for the job?
I have been engaged in the technology industry for 46+
years and the past 16 years involved in standards programs
from a technology and market development perspective. I
have worked within the IEEE SA to evolve the standards
structure that has made the SA successful. Understanding the
needs of industry and the strengths exhibited within the IEEE
SA, I have the capabilities to progress the IEEE as we move
forward into the rapidly changing environments which we are
charged to support. I am committed to ensuring the IEEE SA
maintains its role and position as the premier global
standards community.
accomplishments in standards bodies over many years, both
in the Standards Association and in other international
standards fora qualifies me for the position. I look forward to
continue contributing my technical skills and dedication to the
Standards Association.
As I mentioned in my biography, I have a long history of
serving the IEEE and the IEEE Standards Association. I have
been a member of the Board of Governors of IEEE-SA, and
am also currently the IEEE ComSoc VP of Industry and
Standards Activities. In these roles I have strongly promoted
standardization activities as an irreplaceable element in global
technical innovation. Looking forward, I will strive to make
sure that the standards process in the IEEE-SA is highly
effective, respected globally, and efficient while remaining
welcoming to companies as well as our dedicated individual
volunteers from both industry and academia.
Balloting starts on 15 August 2015
Visit IEEE Annual Election at www.ieee.org/elections