From Few Come Many Copper, like dandelions and crabgrass, turns up in many unexpected places. Copper particles are part of the makeup of many different materials. you found this out in Chapter 5. And, if you did Excursion 5-1, you found out the same thing about iodine. Suppose you were to keep on testing things. you'd find that hundreds of substances contain these atoms. But you can get only copper atoms from pure copper. And you can get only iodine atoms from pure iodine. This is true no matter how hard you try. Scientists have done a lot of this kind of testing. They have studied many thousands of substances. They have been able to identify only about one hundred materials that are pure. That is, materials they could only get one substance from. These hundred basic substances are called elements. Copper and iodine are two of these elements. w Every substance contains one or more of these known elements. This includes trees, dogs, bananas, frogs, rocks, cars, books, and, yes, even people. In fact, every kind of matter known is made upbf one or more elements. Each element is made of only one kind of atom. And the atoms of each element are different from those of any of the other elements. 91 The names of the known kinds of atoms (elements) are given in Table I in Technique 6, ..Chemical Ele_ ments and Their Symbols." Take a quick look at that table now. You have probably heard of many of the elements listed. Notice that each element has a short_ hand symbol. Note also that many of the symbols have both capital and lowercase letters. The first letter in every symbol is always capitalized. If there is a second letter, it is never capitalized. Table 6-1 i: l:. :::::.. ..:t: :.::. 'tt:t ::;.11 i:r :,,: ::t::.:;, ::: ,:l;;':;; i;::, ].f."':ril;? rii ,.:: .i::;::tt iiiiii::i:r i:i::,:",?::!.:.:: :t,, ;i;;,,fii9' : ::i.i,ti::: ", :.:t::. i:i.:tf-i r! i .i.: I t---::rl-tt, :,i... ,:: ::.'. ## : ,,t;r 1", :i ' i,' -l a.:j.: '. ::1.,-i.!: ,r: t:1 . ji '.:::'' ',.ji. : --i= iiij;i-,-:,i' r:1/1::-,r!f r' a".r. i: .: !', i.'i4'::.t't... " . #;'r+:; i::;iiitl+:,, 6-1. Is the symbol for each element made up of ? the first two letters of the element's name? n 6-2. Do any two elements have the same symbol? fl6-3. What are the symbols for chlorine, silver, and lead? . CHAPTER 6 copper, Few scientists bother to rearn the symbols for all the elements. Most learn the symbols ior a few com_ mon elements and look up the rest when needed. Table 6-l lists the symbols for the elernents you will most likely see. Take a few minutes to look over them. Work with a partner or at home if you like. The symbols for some elements are not at all like the elements'names. For example, look at the sym_ bols for lead (Pb) and iron (Fel Why some of these names and symbols are used is explained in Excur_ sion 6-1, "What's in a Name?,, you will find out what some elements were named for_ Only about one hundred kinds of atoms account for all the different kinds of matter in the world. Does this statement really seem reasonable? It does only if one hundred atoms can combine in a lot of ways. D 6-4. Suppose you had four different atoms. How many different ways do you think those four atoms could be combined? You can check your answer to question 6-4 by using nuts and bolts. You will pretend the nuts and bolts are different kinds of atoms. And you will find out how many combinations of nut atoms and bolt atgms are possible. To keep the problem simple, you wili work with only four kinds of atoms. you will work with two kinds of nuts and two kinds of bolts. Square nut Hex nut Short bolt A MATTER-MAKING GAME Well, you're ready to begin. Find a classmate who rs at this same point i n the book. Ask your classmate to be yo.r, opptnent in to in a contest. The object of contest is to see who can make more different combi nations using the nut and bolt th; atoms. ?OUAW F AUfgf t{ATg DrBtcTtoNs CHAPTER 6 93 [ 6-5. How many different kinds of atoms are represented by the nuts and bolts? tl 6-6. How many different elements are represented by the nuts and bolts? The contest will have three rounds. Here are the game rules: GAME RULES 1. To be counted as a combination, at least two atoms (nuts and bolts) must be held together by the threads. For example: 2. No two combinations can have exactly the same kind and number of nuts and bolts. 3. Once a combination is made, draw it and take it apart to make another. But you must be able to connect any combination you have drawn. 4. Make your drawings like the ones shown in Figure 6-1. Figure6-1 Bmffi 5. The winner of a round will be the person who has drawn more combinations in ihe Record Book. CHAPTER All right, are you and your opponent ready to start? *Round one will 6 last 5 minutes. Remember, you may use only 2 short-bolt atoms and 4 square_nut atoms. li!'iir::. ROUND I COMBINATIONS: D 6-7. How many different combinations did you make during Round l? NUTS AND BOLTS-ROUND 2 Now for Round 2. This time you and your opponent will each need 2 short-bolt atoms, 4 square-nut atoms, and 4 hex-nut atoms. The rules for playing and winning are the same as they were in Round L But in Round 2yoa will have l0 minutes. Remember to make a simple drawing in your Record Book of each combination you make. Ready . . . start! .';1'':' ,!,1, fl i' 1.,,-.: :.;, .. :':: t '-,1 t:, | : .- : : ,.i.:.ti,iL.ii:: 6-10. How many different combinations did you make in Round 2? @ @ @ % @ @ THE BATTLE ROYAL Okay, now for the third and last round. This will be the battle combination-makins conThe rules for this round are the same as befbre. But the time limit is 15 minutes. Everything ready? Then get started! _ (Use your pencil to darken the heads of the long bolts in your drawings. This will help you tell long from short.) @@@@@ @@@@@ 96 CHAPTER 6 1; :i ..,:' ,4 n 6-13. How many different combinations did you make in Round 3? You can sure make a lot of combinations out of a few nut and bolt atoms! The third round should certainly have convinced you of this. But maybe you had already realized it after the first two rounds. As a matter of fact, Round 3 could go on for a much longer time. And, if it went on, you'd find many more combinations. It appears that a few kinds of basic building blocks (atoms) may be all that is needed to produce man combinations. [ 6-16. How does this support the idea that about one hundred atoms make up every kind of matter? Drawing nut-and-bolt pictures can be tiresome and time-colsuming. There should be an easier way of describing the combinations you've made. And tirere is. It requires using a kind of shorthand. SI$,IPLIFYING WITH SHORTHAND Suppose you wanted to describe to a classmate one of your combinations in Round l. This combination is I square nut ihreaded onto I short bolt. X 6-17. Draw a picture description of this combination in your Record Book. [6-18. Describe the combination in words. in question 6-17 CHAPTER 6 Now suppose you let Bo be shorthand for a short bolt. Suppose you let Sq be shorthand for a square nut. E 6-19. Use these shorthand symbols to describe the combination in question 6-17. n 6-20. Describe in your Record Book the following combinations of short bolts and square nuts. Use the same symbols as in question 6-19. Your answer to question 6-19 should have been BoSq or SqBo. You may have answered question 6-20-a in one of several ways, such as BoSqSq or SqSqBo. A simple way to use the symbols is to write BoSqr. The 2 is called a subscript. It means that two Sq's are combined with one Bo. [ 6-21. BorSq is a good description of the combination shown in question 6-20-b. What does the subscript 2 mean? # But how about the long bolts and hex nuts? Describe them by using shorthand, too. Let Bl stand for long bolt (bolt long) and Hx for a hex nut. Effi ," 98 CHAPTER 6 @",. t&*::+,ri -a: J6-22. Write a shorthand symbol to describe this combination. 6-23. In the first column of Tabl e 6_2, draw pic_ tures of three different nut-and-bolt combinations. In the next column, write a symbol to describe each n picture. (Don't use the combinations already dis_ cussed.) Sets of symbols like BoSq, BoSq2, and BorSq are called formulas. A symbol represents oo, Ein^d of atom. Remember, each element has its own symbol. A formula represents a combination of more tian one kind of atom- You can learn more about formulas by doing Excursion 6-3, "Writing Shorthand Formulas.i, Consider all the kinds of matter in the world. It's hard to believe there are only about one hundrecr kinds of atoms. But, as you've i"en, a very few atom/ are needed to form a lot of combinations. ontu J" hundred atoms make up all kinds of matter.'T1,at statement isn't so unbelievable if you assu that each combination is a different kind of marr And that is exactly what scientists assume. CHAPTER 6