Waikouaiti River Proposal: Enhanced River Flow Summary Sheet

Waikouaiti River Proposal: Enhanced River Flow
Summary Sheet & Feedback Form
Proposed Minimum Flow for the Waikouaiti River
The minimum flow restricts when water can be taken from the catchment under low flow conditions. It
provides for the maintenance of aquatic ecosystems and natural character of the water body during
times when there is insufficient water present to fully support both in-stream and out-of-stream values
and uses.
The proposed minimum flow regime for the Waikouaiti River is:
Summer (Nov to Apr)
220 l/s
Winter (May to Oct)
650 l/s
The table below outlines the likely outcomes of the proposed minimum flow option in light of the various
values supported by the Waikouaiti River.
Ecology of the estuary
No adverse impact on estuary
Flushing flows will continue as present – minimum flows have no
impact on flushing flows
Improvement to some cultural values from current situation during
summer (such as Mauri, mahika kai)
Provides for cultural values during winter (650 l/s is the winter flow
recommended by Kati Huirapa)
(fish habitat)
No adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems
Winter min flow provides for brown trout spawning
Summer min flow maintains habitat for all fish species present
Impact on irrigation
Initial cost for implementing storage
Water restrictions during “average year” and “dry year”
Natural character
Natural character of the river maintained, and improved in some
Economic (tourism)
Community Water
No impact (exempt from minimum flow)
Waikouaiti Minimum Flow Workshop #3
16 April 2014
Proposed Primary Allocation Limit
The proposed primary allocation limit for the Waikouaiti River is 100 l/s.
The primary allocation limit is the quantity of water that can be extracted from the river above the
minimum flow. It is currently set at a default of 50% of mean annual 7-day low flow (MALF). The
Waikouaiti River has a MALF of 258 l/s and 50% of this is 129 l/s.
The catchment has a consented primary water take of 129 l/s. Therefore, no new primary allocation is
available. The primary allocation limit applies to new water permits, it does not affect existing takes or
renewals of existing takes. Supplementary allocation would be available at a higher minimum flow
(harvesting water at higher flows for storage).
The costs and benefits of this proposal are shown in the table below.
Proposed Primary allocation limit: 100 l/s
No scope for new primary allocation consents (except “renewals”) to be issued
Constrains future development (BUT sufficient water available as supplementary
allocation which can be taken and stored for later use)
Surety of supply for existing takes will be maintained, or increased if any existing
takes are cancelled, lapse or reduce their rate based on metering of actual use
Promotes efficient use of resources
Minimises future water takes, therefore more water left in the river – benefits for
in-stream values / aquatic ecosystems / cultural values / recreation
Proposed Supplementary Allocation Minimum Flow
A supplementary minimum flow of 800 l/s is recommended. Supplementary allocation blocks will be set
at 100 l/s in accordance with Method 15.8.1A of the Water Plan.
A supplementary minimum flow of 800 l/s:
Will not impact on existing primary takes
Provides for natural flow variation
Protects in-stream values (800 l/s is the optimum flow for bluegill bully)
Waikouaiti Minimum Flow Workshop #3
16 April 2014
Do you support or oppose the proposed summer minimum flow of 220 l/s, and why?
Reason ..................................................................................................... .........................................
If you do not support the proposed summer minimum flow, what minimum flow would you suggest?
Do you support or oppose the proposed winter minimum flow of 650 l/s, and why?
Reason ..................................................................................................... .........................................
If you do not support the proposed winter minimum flow, what minimum flow would you suggest?
Waikouaiti Minimum Flow Workshop #3
16 April 2014
Do you support or oppose the proposed primary allocation limit of 100 l/s, and why?
Reason..................................................................................................... ..........................................
If you do not support the proposed primary allocation limit of 100 l/s, what do you think would be a
more appropriate primary allocation limit?
Do you support or oppose the proposed supplementary allocation minimum flow of 800 l/s, and why?
Reason..................................................................................................... ..........................................
If you do not support the proposed supplementary allocation minimum flow of 800 l/s, what do you
think would be more appropriate?
Waikouaiti Minimum Flow Workshop #3
16 April 2014
Any other comments?
Name: .............................................................................................................................................
Organisation (if applicable): ............................................................................................................
Email: ..............................................................................................................................................
Address: ..........................................................................................................................................
Waikouaiti Minimum Flow Workshop #3
16 April 2014