Professional Interests: • Association for Women in Computing – NJ Chapter, President (1997-2001), VP (1995-1997) • CCSC – East Section, Steering Committee (2000-present), chair for CCSC – East Section conference at MSU for October 17-18, 2003 • Beidler, Jack. chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. Joseph, Patricia. Martin, Martin. Mitchell, William. “Program Assessment: It's Not Just for Accreditation”. CCSC – East Section. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. October 27, 2001. [peer reviewed panel] • Koffman, Elliot, chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. et. al. (Panel Session). “IT Programs and CS Departments”. ISECON’2000 in Philadelphia: November, 2000. [peer reviewed] • “Female Professionals Sharing Their Success: Professional Societies for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology”. The Governor’s Conference Series on Women’s Issues. A Woman’s Place: Her Role in the New Economy. New Brunswick, May 30, 2001. [invited talk] • Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems. Association for Women in Computing, Northern NJ Chapters, January 14, 1997. [invited talk] • ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium Workshops: “Cooperative Learning in the Non-Laboratory Classes of CS Courses”, 1998. “Cooperative Learning – Definitions and Use in CS”, 1999. “Team Building through Cooperative Learning”, 2001. [peer reviewed workshops] • “Cooperative Learning in CS”. Keynote Workshop. CCSC-SE Section. Augusta, GE. November 5, 1999. [invited workshop] • “Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-East Section. University of Scranton, PA. October 27, 2000 [peer reviewed workshop] • “Structured Cooperative Learning in the Lectures of Introductory CS Courses”, CCSC – NE Section. Northeastern University, Boston. April 25, 1997. [peer reviewed workshop] • “Tutorial in Structured Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-NorthEast Section. Boston, MA. April 25, 1997 [peer reviewed tutorial] • “Cooperative Learning”. Keynote Speaker. Community College Computer Consortium Fall Meeting at Middlesex County College. October 17, 1997. • “Fuzzy Sets”. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Rochester, NJ. May 24, 1997. • Selected talks given to non-University students: MSU Take Your Daughter to Work Day on Computing Careers: April 2002; Women in Computing at Westfield High: March 1995 and St Vincent Academy in Newark: May 1992; Fuzzy Sets at Cresskill High: May 1994, 1995 and Montclair Kimberly Academy: October 1995; frequent talks at Math Day (for hundreds of NJ high school students) prior to 1998. Professional Interests: • Association for Women in Computing – NJ Chapter, President (1997-2001), VP (1995-1997) • CCSC – East Section, Steering Committee (2000-present), chair for CCSC – East Section conference at MSU for October 17-18, 2003 • Beidler, Jack. chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. Joseph, Patricia. Martin, Martin. Mitchell, William. “Program Assessment: It's Not Just for Accreditation”. CCSC – East Section. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. October 27, 2001. [peer reviewed panel] • Koffman, Elliot, chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. et. al. (Panel Session). “IT Programs and CS Departments”. ISECON’2000 in Philadelphia: November, 2000. [peer reviewed] • “Female Professionals Sharing Their Success: Professional Societies for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology”. The Governor’s Conference Series on Women’s Issues. A Woman’s Place: Her Role in the New Economy. New Brunswick, May 30, 2001. [invited talk] • Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems. Association for Women in Computing, Northern NJ Chapters, January 14, 1997. [invited talk] • ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium Workshops: “Cooperative Learning in the Non-Laboratory Classes of CS Courses”, 1998. “Cooperative Learning – Definitions and Use in CS”, 1999. “Team Building through Cooperative Learning”, 2001. [peer reviewed workshops] • “Cooperative Learning in CS”. Keynote Workshop. CCSC-SE Section. Augusta, GE. November 5, 1999. [invited workshop] • “Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-East Section. University of Scranton, PA. October 27, 2000 [peer reviewed workshop] • “Structured Cooperative Learning in the Lectures of Introductory CS Courses”, CCSC – NE Section. Northeastern University, Boston. April 25, 1997. [peer reviewed workshop] • “Tutorial in Structured Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-NorthEast Section. Boston, MA. April 25, 1997 [peer reviewed tutorial] • “Cooperative Learning”. Keynote Speaker. Community College Computer Consortium Fall Meeting at Middlesex County College. October 17, 1997. • “Fuzzy Sets”. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Rochester, NJ. May 24, 1997. • Selected talks given to non-University students: MSU Take Your Daughter to Work Day on Computing Careers: April 2002; Women in Computing at Westfield High: March 1995 and St Vincent Academy in Newark: May 1992; Fuzzy Sets at Cresskill High: May 1994, 1995 and Montclair Kimberly Academy: October 1995; frequent talks at Math Day (for hundreds of NJ high school students) prior to 1998.