Professional Interests: • Selected talks given to non

Professional Interests:
Association for Women in Computing – NJ Chapter, President (1997-2001), VP (1995-1997)
CCSC – East Section, Steering Committee (2000-present), chair for CCSC – East Section conference at
MSU for October 17-18, 2003
Beidler, Jack. chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. Joseph, Patricia. Martin, Martin. Mitchell, William. “Program
Assessment: It's Not Just for Accreditation”. CCSC – East Section. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. October
27, 2001. [peer reviewed panel]
Koffman, Elliot, chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. et. al. (Panel Session). “IT Programs and CS
Departments”. ISECON’2000 in Philadelphia: November, 2000. [peer reviewed]
“Female Professionals Sharing Their Success: Professional Societies for Women in Science, Engineering,
and Technology”. The Governor’s Conference Series on Women’s Issues. A Woman’s Place: Her Role in
the New Economy. New Brunswick, May 30, 2001. [invited talk]
Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems. Association for Women in Computing, Northern NJ Chapters, January 14,
1997. [invited talk]
ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium Workshops: “Cooperative Learning in the Non-Laboratory Classes of
CS Courses”, 1998. “Cooperative Learning – Definitions and Use in CS”, 1999. “Team Building through
Cooperative Learning”, 2001. [peer reviewed workshops]
“Cooperative Learning in CS”. Keynote Workshop. CCSC-SE Section. Augusta, GE. November 5, 1999.
[invited workshop]
“Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-East Section. University of Scranton, PA. October 27, 2000 [peer reviewed
“Structured Cooperative Learning in the Lectures of Introductory CS Courses”, CCSC – NE Section.
Northeastern University, Boston. April 25, 1997. [peer reviewed workshop]
“Tutorial in Structured Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-NorthEast Section. Boston, MA. April 25, 1997 [peer
reviewed tutorial]
“Cooperative Learning”. Keynote Speaker. Community College Computer Consortium Fall Meeting at
Middlesex County College. October 17, 1997.
“Fuzzy Sets”. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Rochester, NJ. May 24,
Selected talks given to non-University students: MSU Take Your Daughter to Work Day on
Computing Careers: April 2002; Women in Computing at Westfield High: March 1995 and St
Vincent Academy in Newark: May 1992; Fuzzy Sets at Cresskill High: May 1994, 1995 and
Montclair Kimberly Academy: October 1995; frequent talks at Math Day (for hundreds of NJ high
school students) prior to 1998.
Professional Interests:
Association for Women in Computing – NJ Chapter, President (1997-2001), VP (1995-1997)
CCSC – East Section, Steering Committee (2000-present), chair for CCSC – East Section conference at
MSU for October 17-18, 2003
Beidler, Jack. chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. Joseph, Patricia. Martin, Martin. Mitchell, William. “Program
Assessment: It's Not Just for Accreditation”. CCSC – East Section. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. October
27, 2001. [peer reviewed panel]
Koffman, Elliot, chairperson. Deremer, Dorothy. et. al. (Panel Session). “IT Programs and CS
Departments”. ISECON’2000 in Philadelphia: November, 2000. [peer reviewed]
“Female Professionals Sharing Their Success: Professional Societies for Women in Science, Engineering,
and Technology”. The Governor’s Conference Series on Women’s Issues. A Woman’s Place: Her Role in
the New Economy. New Brunswick, May 30, 2001. [invited talk]
Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems. Association for Women in Computing, Northern NJ Chapters, January 14,
1997. [invited talk]
ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium Workshops: “Cooperative Learning in the Non-Laboratory Classes of
CS Courses”, 1998. “Cooperative Learning – Definitions and Use in CS”, 1999. “Team Building through
Cooperative Learning”, 2001. [peer reviewed workshops]
“Cooperative Learning in CS”. Keynote Workshop. CCSC-SE Section. Augusta, GE. November 5, 1999.
[invited workshop]
“Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-East Section. University of Scranton, PA. October 27, 2000 [peer reviewed
“Structured Cooperative Learning in the Lectures of Introductory CS Courses”, CCSC – NE Section.
Northeastern University, Boston. April 25, 1997. [peer reviewed workshop]
“Tutorial in Structured Cooperative Learning”. CCSC-NorthEast Section. Boston, MA. April 25, 1997 [peer
reviewed tutorial]
“Cooperative Learning”. Keynote Speaker. Community College Computer Consortium Fall Meeting at
Middlesex County College. October 17, 1997.
“Fuzzy Sets”. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Rochester, NJ. May 24,
Selected talks given to non-University students: MSU Take Your Daughter to Work Day on Computing
Careers: April 2002; Women in Computing at Westfield High: March 1995 and St Vincent Academy in
Newark: May 1992; Fuzzy Sets at Cresskill High: May 1994, 1995 and Montclair Kimberly Academy:
October 1995; frequent talks at Math Day (for hundreds of NJ high school students) prior to 1998.