Numerical Methods for ODEs 17 PART II Review of numerical methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Numerical Methods for ODEs 18 B OUNDARY VALUE P ROBLEMS (I) Solving a two–point boundary value problem y 2π 0 2π for x g 0 d2y dx2 y0 Finite–difference approximation: – Second–order Central Difference formula for the interior nodes: – Endpoint nodes: jh yN 1 2yN h2 g1 – Tridiagonal algebraic system 0 2y1 1 yN y2 0 y0 N 1 g j for j and x j 1 2π N 1 yj where h 2y j h2 1 yj h2 gN Numerical Methods for ODEs 19 B OUNDARY VALUE P ROBLEMS (II) Solving a two–point boundary value problem 0 2π for x d2y g dx2 dy dy 0 2π dx dx 0 Finite–difference approximation: – Second–order Central Difference formula for the interior nodes: yj 1 N 1 g j for j 2y j h2 1 yj – First–order Forward/Backward Difference formulae to re–express endpoint values: y1 y0 y0 y1 yN 1 0 h yN 1 yN 0 h yN First–order only — degraded accuracy! – Tridiagonal algebraic system — Where is the problem? Numerical Methods for ODEs 20 B OUNDARY VALUE P ROBLEMS (III) In order to retain second–order accuracy in the approximation of the Neumann problem need to use higher-order formulae at endpoints, e.g. y2 3y0 h2 g1 4y1 Second–order accuracy recovered! 2 y1 3 y2 2 y2 3 The first row thus becomes 1 3 y0 0 4y1 2h y0 Numerical Methods for ODEs 21 B OUNDARY VALUE P ROBLEMS (IV) Compact Stencils — stencils based on three grid points only: x j 1 x j x j 1 at the j th node Is is possible to obtain higher (then second) order of accuracy on compact stencils? — YES ! 1 O h4 h2 iv y 12 j gj using the equation in question: gj 1 Inserting into the original finite–difference equation: 1 gj 1 O h4 2g j 12 gj Slight modification of the RHS gj 1 yj 2y j h2 1 yj O h4 h2 iv g 12 j 2g j h2 1 h2 g j 12 h2 g 12 j h2 iv 12 y j Re-express the error term h2 iv y 12 j yj 2y j h2 1 yj d2 y dy2 Consider the central difference approximation to the equation fourth—order accuracy!!! g Numerical Methods for ODEs B OUNDARY VALUE P ROBLEMS (V) Compact Finite Difference Schemes — drawbacks: – need to be tailored to the specific equation solved – can get fairly complicated for more complex equations 22 Numerical Methods for ODEs 23 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — G ENERAL R EMARKS Consider the following Cauchy problem : f y t with y t0 dy dt y0 The independent variable t is usually referred to as time . Equations with higher–order derivatives can be reduced to systems of first–order equations Generalizations to systems of ODEs straightforward Assume uniform time–steps ( h is constant ) f t , When the RHS function doesn’t depend on y, i.e., f y t solution obtained via quadrature Numerical Methods for ODEs 24 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — C HARACTERIZATION OF I NTEGRATION M ETHODS — unlike in the Boundary Value Problems, there is no terminal condition and approximation errors may accumulate in time; consequently, a relevant characterization of accuracy is provided by the global error ACCURACY local error # of time steps global error rather than the local error . — unlike in the Boundary Value Problems, where boundedness of the solution at final time is enforced via a suitable terminal condition , in Initial Value Problems there is a priori no guarantee that the solution will remain bounded. STABILITY Numerical Methods for ODEs 25 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — M ODEL P ROBLEM Stability of various numerical schemes is usually analyzed by applying these schemes to the following linear model: y0 iλi y with y t0 λt y0 λh λ3 h3 6 λ2 h2 2 1 y0 e λr 0. Exact solution: y t which is stable when λr λy dy dt Motivation — consider the following advection–diffusion PDE: ∂2 u a 2 ∂x ∂u c ∂x ∂u ∂t 0 Taking Fourier transform yields (k is the wavenumber): a k2 ûk c i k ûk d ûk dt 0 where – the real term a k2 ûk represents diffusion – the imaginary term c i k ûk represents advection Numerical Methods for ODEs 26 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — E XPLICIT E ULER S CHEME (I) Consider a Taylor series expansion hy tn y tn 1 y tn h2 y tn 2 Using the ODE we obtain df dt ft f fy f y dy dt dy dt y Neglecting terms proportional to second and higher powers of h yields the Explicit Euler Method h f y n tn yn 1 yn Retaining higher–order terms is inconvenient, as it requires differentiation of f and does not lead to schemes with desirable stability properties. Numerical Methods for ODEs 27 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — E XPLICIT E ULER S CHEME (II) Local error analysis: O h2 λh yn 1 1 yn Global error analysis: T h Ch2 Ch2 N global error Ch Thus, the scheme is – locally second–order accurate Nh ) first–order accurate – globally (over the interval t0 t0 Numerical Methods for ODEs 28 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — E XPLICIT E ULER S CHEME (III) Stability (for the model problem) 1 λh yn λhyn yn 1 yn Thus, the solution after n time steps 1 σ σn y 0 λh n y0 1 yn λh For large n, the numerical solution remains stable iff 2 λi h – unstable stable for imaginary λ 2 – conditionally stable for real λ λr h 1 1 σ 1 Numerical Methods for ODEs 29 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — I MPLICIT E ULER S CHEME (I) Implicit Schemes — based on approximation of the RHS that involve f yn 1 t , where yn 1 is the unknown to be determined Implicit Euler Scheme — obtained by neglecting second and higher–order terms in the expansion: we obtain 1 tn 1 1 1 hy tn 1 f yn dy dt t n Upon substitution y tn y tn h2 y tn 2 1 1 tn 1 h f yn yn 1 yn The scheme is – locally second–order accurate Nh ) first–order accurate – globally (over the interval t0 t0 Numerical Methods for ODEs 30 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — I MPLICIT E ULER S CHEME (II) Stability (for the model problem): yn λh 1 2 1 λi h 2 λr h 1 1 1 1 σ λh 1 1 λh σ 1 σn y 0 y0 yn n 1 1 λhyn yn 1 yn 1 yn Implicit Euler scheme is thus stable for – all stable model problems – most unstable model problems A t y, each implicit step I hA 1 yn When solving systems of ODEs of the form y requires solution of an algebraic system: yn 1 Implicit schemes are generally hard to implement for nonlinear problems Numerical Methods for ODEs 31 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — C RANK –N ICHOLSON S CHEME (I) Obtained by approximating the formal solution of the ODE tn 1 f y t dt using the trapezoidal quadrature: yn 1 yn tn 1 tn 1 f yn h f y n tn 2 yn 1 yn The scheme is – locally third–order accurate Nh ) second–order accurate – globally (over the interval t0 t0 Stability (for the model problem): yn 1 1 1 n σ y0 1 σ y0 n 1 λh 2 λh 2 1 1 1 yn 1 yn yn 1 yn λh yn 2 Stable for all model ODEs with stable solutions ℜ λh 1 σ λh 2 λh 2 0 λh 2 λh 2 yn Numerical Methods for ODEs 32 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — L EAPFROG S CHEME (I) Leapfrog as an example of a two–step method : yn 2 h λ yn 1 1 yn 1 σn y 0 ) 0 2 h λσ σ2 Characteristic equation for the amplification factor (yn where roots give the amplification factors: eλh λh e O h3 Thus, the scheme is – locally third–order accurate Nh ) second–order accurate – globally (over the interval t0 t0 O h3 λh 1 λ2 h2 2 λ2 h2 2 λh 1 λ 2 h2 1 λh 1 λh σ2 σ1 λ 2 h2 Numerical Methods for ODEs 33 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — L EAPFROG S CHEME (II) λh 1 σ1 Stability for diffusion problems ( λ λr ): λ2r h2 1 for all h 0 Thus the scheme is unconditionally unstable for diffusion problem! iλi ): 1 (!!!) for h 2 σ21 Stability for advection problems ( λ 1 λi Thus the scheme is conditionally unstable and non–diffusive for advection problems! Question — analyze dispersive (i.e., related to arg σ ) errors of the leapfrog scheme. Numerical Methods for ODEs 34 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — M ULTISTEP P ROCEDURES General form of a multistep procedure : q p j 1 j tn j h ∑ β j f yn j ∑ α j yn j 1 with characteristic polynomials α0 β0 q 1 q — implicit scheme q — explicit scheme 1z p 1 βq 1z β q zq αp – if p αpzp ζq z – if p ξp z A ξ ζ –procedure converges uniformly in a b , i.e., limh 0 maxtn a b yn y tn 0 if: 0 and – the following consistency conditions are verified: ξ 1 ξ 1 ζ 1 ( consistency condition ) – all roots of the polynomial ξ z are such that zi zk 1 are simple ( stability condition ) 1 and the roots with Numerical Methods for ODEs 35 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — RUNGE –K UTTA M ETHODS (I) General form of a fractional step method : γ3 h k3 γ2 h k2 γ1 h k1 yn 1 yn where f yn tn k1 α1 h β2 hk1 β3 hk2 tn β1 hk1 tn α2 h f yn k3 f yn k2 . . . Choose γi , βi and αi to match as many expansion coefficients as possible in tn hy tn ft f fy f 2 fyt ft fy 2 f fyt ftt y y y tn h3 y 6 f y 1 y tn h2 y tn 2 f 2 fyy Runge—Kutta methods are self–starting with fairly good stability and accuracy properties. Numerical Methods for ODEs 36 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — RUNGE –K UTTA M ETHODS (II) RK4 — an ODE workhorse: k3 h k4 6 1 1 2 hk3 tn f yn h k1 t n 2 k4 1 2 h k2 t n 2 f yn k3 f yn k2 f yn tn h k2 3 k1 h k1 6 yn 1 yn The amplification factor: λh 1 λ3 h3 6 λ4 h4 24 1 Thus, stability iff σ σ λ2 h2 2 Accuracy: O h5 σ eλh Thus, the scheme is – locally fifth–order accurate Nh ) fourth–order accurate – globally (over the interval t0 t0 Numerical Methods for ODEs 37 I NITIAL VALUE P ROBLEMS — RUNGE ’ S P RINCIPLE Let k 1 be the local truncation error; denote Y t h an approximation of the exact solution y t computed with the step size h; then at t t0 2nh: k 1 Ct t 0 hk C n 2h Ct t 0 2k hk Y t 2h 1 yt C 2 n hk Y t h yt Subtracting: 2 k hk t0 1 Ct Y t h Y t 2h Thus we can obtain an estimate of the absolute error based on solution with two step–sizes only: Y t h Y t 2h 2k 1 Y t h yt Runge’s principle is very useful for adaptive step size refinement