4 AUG 06 + JEPPESEN 10-1P1 1. GENERAL EDINBURGH, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES To avoid damage to the surface of RWY 06/24 ACFT above B737-800/A320 type are not permitted to turn within the RWY width. The turning areas at the ends must be used. Unrestricted access to the Business Aviation Centre apron is permitted for ACFT with a wingspan of MAX 71'/21.5m. Marshaller assistance is required for all inbound operations. Pilots are advised that there is a short section of parallel TWY in blocks 25 and 26 (THR RWY 12) to enable ATC to pass ACFT. ACFT must remain on the yellow centerlines to maintain the required wing-tip clearance and should ensure that they understand the routing given by ATC, particularly at NIGHT when both TWY centerlines and associated curves are illuminated. At all times, pilots are responsible for their wing-tip separation and, if in any doubt, should stop, hold position and request marshaller assistance. At either end of the TWY A, passing place (V and W loops) have been provided to allow ACFT to hold and/or pass ACFT holding on TWY A. ACFT may pass other ACFT at these locations only when both ACFT concerned have a wingspan of less than 118’/36m. 1.5. PARKING INFORMATION | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Nose-in parking on all aprons except the Business Aviation Centre apron where ACFT are marshalled. All nose-in stands (with the exception of stand 38A for which marshalling provision will be made) have stand number designators, AGNIS and ground stop arrows. Those stands with airbridges (Stands 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10) are also equipped with PAPA (Parallax ACFT Parking Aid) boards. All ACFT unable to dock with the airbridge equipped stands should park on the ground marked STOP arrow. An emergency stop indicator system is installed on all Stand Entry Guidance equipped stands which displays a red flashing ‘STOP’ warning sign when activated by the ramp agent. Pilots should not enter stand unless the Stand Entry Guidance is illuminated or a marshaller has signalled clearance to proceed. 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION WARNING: Birds in vicinity of APT. High terrain Southeast of APT. CHANGES: New page. 4 AUG 06 2. ARRIVAL 10-1P2 + JEPPESEN AIRPORT.BRIEFING EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS Cross SLP (Speed Limit Point) or 3 Min before holding facility at 250 KT or less, when at or below FL140. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.2.1 GENERAL The following procedures are to be strictly adhered to, but may at any time be departed from to the extent necessary for avoiding immediate danger. ACFT using ILS shall not descend below 3000' (Edinburgh QFE) unless instructed by ATC, before intercepting GS nor thereafter fly below it. Without ILS or Radar assistance follow a descent path which will not at any time be lower than the nominal ILS GS. 2.2.2. LOW POWER/LOW DRAG PROCEDURES Headings and flight levels/altitudes by ATC. ACFT will be radar vectored either from the holding facility or following transfer of control to Edinburgh Approach. An estimate of track distance to touch-down will be passed with clearance to descend below the Transition Altitude. Further distance information will be given between descent clearance and the intercept heading to the ILS Localizer. On receipt of descent clearance descend at the rate best suited to a continuous descent so as to join the GS at the appropriate height for the distance without recourse to level flight. Due to high ground south-east of the APT, descent below 3000' will be in accordance with chart Edinburgh 18-3. Recommended speeds: 210 KT - 240 KT intermediate approach 160 KT - 180 KT at a range of 12 NM from touch-down 160 KT from 8 NM to 4 NM from touch-down. ATC may request specific speeds for accurate spacing: comply with any speed adjustments as promptly as feasible within operational constraints. If a speed change for ACFT performance reasons is necessary, advise ATC. In the event of radar failure inbound ACFT will be cleared from the Terminal holding facility via EDN or UW to carry out an instrument approach procedure appropriate to the landing direction. In order to expedite traffic, ACFT may be transferred from TWEED or STIRA holding pattern to UW (RWY 06) or EDN (RWY 24) holding pattern prior to carrying out the instrument approach procedure. Owing to terrain profile to the south of Edinburgh, GPWS warning are possible on intermediate approach to RWYs 06, 24 & 30 from the south. 2.2.3. VISUAL APPROACHES RUNWAYS 06/24 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Propeller driven ACFT whose MTWA does not exceed 5700kg will not join final approach below 1140'. All approaches to RWY 24 by ACFT with MTWA in excess of 5700kg are to be made from a position not less than 7 NM on the extended RWY centerline. ACFT approaching from a southerly direction are not to descend below 2000' QFE until after crossing the Firth of Forth coastline northbound. ACFT approaching RWY 06 are to join the extended RWY centerline at a height of not less than 1500'. With the exception of ACFT in an emergency, between 2230-0630 LT no visual approaches to RWYs 06/24 are permitted for IFR ACFT. All IFR ACFT are to carry out ILS approaches under ATC control. CHANGES: New page. 4 AUG 06 + JEPPESEN 10-1P3 2. ARRIVAL EDINBURGH, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 06/24 approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew & ACFT certification required. 2.4. RWY OPERATIONS 2.4.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pilots are reminded that rapid exit from the RWY will enable ATC to apply minimum spacing on final approach to achieve maximum RWY utilisation and will minimise the risk of ‘go-arounds’. CHANGES: New page. 4 AUG 06 3. DEPARTURE 10-1P4 + JEPPESEN AIRPORT.BRIEFING EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH MAX 250 KT below FL100 unless otherwise instructed. 3.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS 3.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 3.2.1. GENERAL The following procedures are to be strictly adhered to, but may at any time be departed from to the extent necessary for avoiding immediate danger. Noise preferential routes and procedures as specified below and on Edinburgh SID charts are to be flown by all departing jet ACFT and all other departing ACFT of more than 5700 kg MTWA unless otherwise instructed by ATC or unless deviations are required for flight safety. All routings must be strictly adhered to. Direct routings etc offered by ATC should only be flown after completion of noise preferential routes, unless a mandatory instruction is given or an emergency situation prevails. RWY 06: Climb straight ahead, at 640' or IVG 0,5 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track, at IVG 7 DME turn RIGHT to NEW or SAB. [CAUTION: EG(D)-512]. Climb straight ahead to UW, turn LEFT to NEW or SAB. Noise preferential route terminates at 3000'. 3.2.2. DEPARTURES VIA NEW OR SAB RWY 24: RWYs 12/30: Climb straight ahead to 3000' before setting course. 3.2.3. DEPARTURES VIA ALL ROUTES ACFT subject to noise preferential restrictions mentioned above and not operating on ATC clearances are to be flown on noise preferential routes as follows: RWY 06: Climb straight ahead, at 640' or IVG 0.5 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track to IVG 7 DME. RWY 24: Climb straight ahead to UW or 3000', whichever is earlier, before setting course. Climb straight ahead to 3000' before setting course. RWYs 12/30: 3.3. RWY OPERATIONS 3.3.1. GENERAL ACFT departing from RWY 12 should ensure that they are aligned correctly on the RWY centerline and not the yellow TWY centerline which is situated to the North of the RWY centerline. A yellow ‘M’ is painted beside TWY M centerline, as an additional safety measure. 3.3.2. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME On receipt of line-up clearance, pilots should ensure, commensurate with safety and standard operating procedures, that they are able to taxi into the correct holding position and line-up on the RWY as soon as the preceeding ACFT has commenced either its take-off roll or completed its landing run. Whenever possible, cockpit checks should be completed prior to line-up and any checks requiring completion whilst on the RWY should be kept to the minimum required. Pilots should ensure that they are able to commence the take-off roll as soon as clearance is issued. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pilots not able to comply with these requirements should notify Tower as soon as possible. CHANGES: New page. 131.35 4 AUG 06 + JEPPESEN 10-1P 1. GENERAL EDINBURGH, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 1.1. ATIS ATIS 2 D3 6 10-2 .Eff.17.Feb. JEPPESEN 11 FEB 05 7^ 23 SLP GRICE PERTH 270^ 2700' MSA ARP 3800' 3400' 090^ .STAR. EDINBURGH, UK PTH 3 D4 ^ N55 43.0 W003 08.3 TARTN MAHXA 40 FL1400 0 M 0000 A 3 400 MHMAX N56 26.6 W003 22.1 Flights inbound to Edinburgh from the FIR must observe the normal procedure for joining controlled airspace and should anticipate joining clearance via: STIRA 1A: GRICE to UW (runway 06) or direct to EDN (runway 24). TWEED STARs: TWEED at or below FL160. EDN EDINBURGH 341 EDN 2 44 ^ 116^ N55 58.7 W003 17.0 296^ 10 ^ 064 TWEED N55 40.6 W003 16.6 TALLA TLA 113.8 TLA 16 D 1D E 2^ R16 D13 ^ 348 DEAN CROSS DCS 115.2 DCS N55 27.7 W002 59.8 SLP HAVEN 105^ D12 SLP D10 TLA E TW 10 R256^ ESKDO N55 17.9 W003 12.3 SLP D10 TLA N55 30.0 W003 21.2 D N56 11.8 W003 41.1 350 STIRA N56 08.0 W003 50.0 UW 368 UW EDINBURGH N55 54.3 W003 30.2 46 110.4 PTH Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Aircraft on all routes may be radar vectored. 135' Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI ATIS EDINBURGH 131.35 6 30 6/ D2 ARRIVALS STIRA ONE ALFA (STIRA 1A) [STIR1A] WHEN GOW VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE REFER TO STAR EDN 1D ON CHART 10-2A TWEED ONE ALFA (TWEED 1A) [TWED1A] TWEED ONE CHARLIE (TWEED 1C) [TWED1C] TWEED ONE DELTA (TWEED 1D) [TWED1D] WHEN TLA VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE REFER TO STARs EDN 1A, 1E ON CHART 10-2A GLASGOW GOW 115.4 GOW D N55 52.2 W004 26.7 ^ D2 57 R0 076^ 180^ 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. GENERAL The following procedures are to be strictly adhered to, but may at any time be departed from to the extent necessary for avoiding immediate danger. Any ACFT using the aerodrome shall be operated in such a way that it will not cause a noise reading of more than 94 dBA L max by day (0600-2330LT) or 87 dBA L max by sites of the ACFT noise monitoring terminals relating to Edinburgh APT are: 01 - Inveralmond High School, Livingston - N55 54.0 W003 31.3; 02 - Scottish Power, Broxburn - N55 55.1 W003 32.0 03 - Cramond Kirk Manse, Cramond - N55 58.5 W003 18.0 night (2330-0600LT) at the relevant noise monitoring terminal(s); the measured noise reading for the event will be taken as the highest recorded at any single noise monitoring terminal. The EDI EDI EDI With the exception of military ACFT, ACFT which are not licensed according to ICAO Annex 16, VOL I, Chapter 3, Part II will not be permitted to operate to/from Edinburgh APT. 1.2.2. REVERSE THRUST Use of reverse thrust is to be avoided between 2300-0700LT except for safety reasons. 1.2.3. ENGINE RUN-UP Engine runs require prior permission from the Airfield Operations. Engine runs during the night period should be kept to an absolute minimum. TURNBERRY WARNING: Do not proceed beyond STIRA or TWEED without ATC clearance. D 117.5 TRNTRN N55 18.8 W004 47.0 GIRVA N55 11.1 W004 53.8 220 ^ TW 39 D EE 2 D5 ^ 342 MARGO 1A N54 42.5 W002 46.5 NOT TO SCALE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N54 43.3 W003 20.4 D D60 198^ ST 18 IR A 1A CHANGES: STAR TWEED 1B withdrawn; descent planning. 3 22 5 D11/1 5 D ^ D111 R018^ 034 011^ ACFT are permitted to carry out idle engine runs only on ACFT stands for a maximum duration of five minutes. Engine runs up to an engine ground run may be carried out in Block 14 under exceptional circumstances when the traffic level permits. Avoid damaging the grass. Block 33 is the preferred location for engine ground runs which may also be undertaken in Block 32. RWY 12/30 is not operational during engine running activities in Blocks 33 and 32. Engine runs are not permitted to be undertaken by jet ACFT in maintenance areas and on the Business Aviation Center apron. APU must be shutdown promptly, as soon as alternate power is available on stand. 1.2.4. APU R2 SPEED RESTRICTION Cross SLP or 3 Min before holding facility at 250 KT or less, when at or below FL140. SLP Speed Limit Point BLACA N54 53.0 W005 09.5 DESCENT PLANNING Pilots should plan for possible descent clearance as follows: STIRA 1A: 7000' (equivalent FL) by GRICE. TWEED 1A: At or below FL260 by MARGO, at or below FL160 10 NM before TLA, 7000' (equivalent FL) by TARTN. TWEED 1C: At FL170 by GIRVA, 7000' (equivalent FL) by TARTN. TWEED 1D: At or below FL260 by NEW, at FL220 by OTBUN, 7000' (equivalent FL) by TARTN. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC. 2 D29 0 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1.3.1 GENERAL During CAT II/III operations LVP will be applied. Pilots will be informed via RTF when these procedures are in operation. LVP will come in force when RVR is 600m or less and the ceiling is 200' or less. During LVP, ACFT will only enter and exit RWY 06/24 via links A and D. 1.3.2. ARRIVAL Pilots should delay the call "RWY vacated" until the ACFT is established on TWY A and past the coded TWY centerline. 1.3.3. DEPARTURE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACFT must not obstruct the Fire Service access road to RWY 06/24 between holding positions A10 and A11. CHANGES: New page. 12 D9 ^ 0 TW32^ EE D1 C 11 FEB 05 10-2A .Eff.17.Feb. JEPPESEN .STAR. 180^ ARRIVALS 0 00 0 A 3 400 MHMAX 270^ NOT TO SCALE 11 NOV 05 10-3 .Eff.24.Nov. JEPPESEN IVG 0.5 DME 640' 5 4 ^ 166 19 By A 4. TC By 17 AT 100 810 780 668 648 D 270^ 2700' 3800' 3400' 090^ IVG 0.5 DME DEAN CROSS DCS 115.2 DCS C N ED 16 1E R333 ^ ^ 348 200 1620 1560 1337 1296 250 2025 1949 1671 1620 300 2430 2339 2005 1944 N54 43.3 W003 20.4 150 1215 1170 1003 972 3 MSA EDN NDB/UW NDB D35 GOW 5000' At or above 3 DIMVG E ILS DME EDINBURGH ITH IVG N55 57.1 W003 22.4 *D (108.9) ITH * (108.9) IVG D .SID. EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 3D DCS 13 6000'1 D30 GOW CUMBO 2 265^ I 5 DT H ME 2300' 75 608 585 501 486 2 MAX SID altitude is 6000', but EXPECT ATC clearance to cross MAVIX (DCS 4C) or CUMBO (DCS 3D) at or above FL100. If unable to comply advise ATC before departure. Above N55 54.3 W003 30.2 368 UW EDINBURGH UW DCS 4C 6 N55 56.6 W003 57.5 D9.5 ITH 4 At 4500' D14 ITH 6000' 1 At or above 3 260^ 1. SIDs include noise preTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'. Apt Elev 3. Noise ferential routes. 2. Initial climb straight ahead to 640'. preferential routes terminate at 3000'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated after take-off by SCOTTISH Control. JET AIRCRAFT ONLY 10 At SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED D17 1 WARNING Do not climb above 6000' until cleared by ATC. GLASGOW ^ R080 10 MAVIX N55 50.8 W004 04.8 (TRN R-042/D40) 2 EDN EDINBURGH 341 EDN N55 58.7 W003 17.0 Gnd speed-KT 486' per NM 468' per NM 401' per NM 389' per NM 68 At or whichever is later DEAN CROSS FOUR CHARLIE (DCS 4C) DEAN CROSS THREE DELTA (DCS 3D) RWYS 24, 06 DEPARTURES 135' D 115.4 GOW GOW N55 52.2 W004 26.7 D30 TRN N55 42.8 W004 15.5 153^ TRN TURNBERRY 117.5 TRN D N55 18.8 W004 47.0 NOT TO SCALE These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of DCS 4C 468' per NM (7.7%) up to 4500', then 401' per NM (6.6%) up to 6000', due to ATC and airspace restrictions. DCS 3D 486' per NM (8%) up to 5000', then 389' per NM (6.4%) up to 6000' due to ATC and airspace restrictions. 2 34 RWY 24 10 ^ 244 MH MA A 40 SLP HAVEN N55 27.7 W002 59.8 MARGO N54 42.5 W002 46.5 SID DCS 4C 180^ 3800' 3400' 090^ 2700' EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI ATIS EDINBURGH Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Aircraft on all routes may be radar vectored. 135' PERTH PTH 110.4 PTH N56 26.6 W003 22.1 MSA ARP EDINBURGH ONE ALFA (EDN 1A) EDINBURGH ONE ECHO (EDN 1E) TO BE USED WHEN TLA VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE EDINBURGH ONE DELTA (EDN 1D) 116^ 296^ X FL 00 140 TARTN N55 43.0 W003 08.3 N55 17.9 W003 12.3 ESKDO 39 1A N ED DEAN CROSS 06 ^ | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING To UW, turn RIGHT, 265^ bearing to MAVIX, turn LEFT, intercept TRN R-041 inbound (PTH R-221) to D30 TRN, turn LEFT, intercept DCS R-333 inbound to DCS. To IVG 0.5 DME or 640', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track, at IVG 3 DME turn LEFT, intercept GOW R-080 inbound to CUMBO, turn LEFT, intercept TRN R-041 inbound (PTH R-221) to D30 TRN, turn LEFT, intercept DCS R-333 inbound to DCS. CHANGES: SID DCS 3C renumbered 4C & revised; MSA center. DCS 3D 5^ 04 HTP P 110TH .4 221 ^ TO BE USED WHEN GOW VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE EDINBURGH 341 EDNEDN N55 58.7 W003 17.0 8.5 ^ 064 D 115.2 DCSDCS N54 43.3 W003 20.4 17 131.35 SLP GRICE N56 11.8 W003 41.1 EDINBURGH UW 368 UW N55 54.3 W003 30.2 DESCENT PLANNING Pilots should plan for possible descent clearance as follows: EDN 1A: At or below FL260 by MARGO, 7000' (equivalent FL) by TARTN. EDN 1D: 7000' (equivalent FL) by GRICE. EDN 1E: At or below FL260 by NEW, at FL220 by OTBUN, 7000' (equivalent FL) by TARTN. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC. SPEED RESTRICTION Cross SLP or 3 Min before holding facility at 250 KT or less, when at or below FL140. Speed Limit Point SLP WARNING: Do not proceed beyond EDN without ATC clearance. Flights inbound to Edinburgh from the FIR must observe the normal procedure for joining controlled airspace. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ^ R04 1 220 ^ CHANGES: STAR EDN 1B withdrawn; descent planning. D60 25 011^ E D 18 N 1D 11 NOV 05 10-3A .Eff.24.Nov. JEPPESEN 180^ .SID. 270^ 11 NOV 05 10-3B .Eff.24.Nov. JEPPESEN IVG 7 D43 DM E EDN EDINBURGH IVG 1 2 .5 14 6D A TL 2 DME 4000' 5 1 IT H ITH 7 ^ 167 Above D30 TLA 4000' At or above 5500' D13 TLA terminates at ITH 7 DME. 1 Noise Preferential Route 351^ 9 13 TALLA TLA 113.8 TLA 354^ 13 6000' 113.8 TLA TLA 200 1499 1479 689 250 1873 1848 861 300 2248 2218 1033 terminates at TLA R-028. 2 Noise Preferential Route D At N55 30.0 W003 21.2 100 749 739 344 150 1124 1109 516 75 562 554 258 270^ 2700' 3800' 3400' 090^ MSA EDN NDB/UW NDB N55 58.7 W003 17.0 / ITH IVG 0.5 DME TL 19 A5 G G /IV ITH .SID. EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH ILS DME EDINBURGH 341 EDN Trans alt: 6000'. 1. SIDs include noise preApt Elev Trans level: By ATC 3. Cruising ferential routes. 2. Initial climb straight ahead to 640'. levels will be allocated after take-off by SCOTTISH Control. 135' TALLA SIX CHARLIE (TLA 6C) TALLA SIX DELTA (TLA 6D) TALLA FIVE GOLF (TLA 5G) RWYS 24, 06, 12 DEPARTURES D ITH IVG *D (108.9) ITH * (108.9) IVG N55 57.1 W003 22.4 At or above NON-JET AIRCRAFT MAY BE USED BY JET AIRCRAFT WHEN LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE VIA TLA IVG 0.5 DME 640' D . 5 ME DM E 4 C A6 TL 1 or whichever is later At SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED UW 368 UW EDINBURGH N55 54.3 W003 30.2 4500' At or above NOT TO SCALE 5500' D13 TLA Above ^ 145 EDINBURGH EDN 341 EDN BAS N55 58.7 W003 17.0 SAB 112.5 IVG 0.5 DME 640' WARNING Do not climb above 6000' until cleared by ATC. Gnd speed-KT 450' per NM 444' per NM 207' per NM 180^ 3400' 3800' MSA EDN NDB/UW NDB 090^ 2700' EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 4500' 289^ NOT TO SCALE Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'. 1. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes. 2. Initial climb straight ahead to 640'. 3. Noise preferential routes terminate at 3000'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated after take-off by SCOTTISH Control. 135' 4500' Above D46 SAB 14 3 DM E At or whichever is later ILS DME EDINBURGH IVG N55 57.1 W003 22.4 D * (108.9) IVG GRICE THREE CHARLIE (GRICE 3C) [GRIC3C] GRICE FOUR DELTA (GRICE 4D) [GRIC4D] RWYS 24, 06 DEPARTURES N56 11.8 W003 41.1 Above GRICE 3C D38 TLA 6000' GRICE At 4 7 0.5 DME GRIC E 4D N56 01.4 W003 31.2 D32 TLA TLA 33 DME 10 4 3C E IC GR UW 368 UW EDINBURGH N55 54.3 W003 30.2 2 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of TLA 6C 450' per NM (7.4%) up to 4500', due to ATC and airspace restrictions. TLA 6D 207' per NM (3.4%) up to 4000', due to ATC and airspace restrictions. TLA 5G 444' per NM (7.3%) up to 4000', due to ATC and airspace restrictions. SID RWY TLA 6C 1 24 TLA 6D 06 7^ R34 12 208 ^ 026 ^ 17 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Via UW to ITH 7 DME, turn LEFT, intercept TLA R-347 inbound to TLA. To IVG 0.5 DME or 640', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track, at IVG 7 DME turn RIGHT, 145^ track, when passing TLA R-026 (ITH/IVG 12.5 DME) turn RIGHT, intercept TLA R-028 inbound to TLA. To TLA R-024 (ITH/IVG 9 DME), turn RIGHT, intercept TLA R-028 inbound to TLA. CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised; MSA center. TLA 5G 13 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED N56 06.1 W003 38.4 At or above 4000' WARNING Do not climb above 6000' until cleared by ATC. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of GRICE 3C 225' per NM (3.7%) up to 4500' Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 due to ATC and airspace restrictions. GRICE 4D 225' per NM 281 375 562 749 937 1124 310' per NM (5.1%) up to 4500' 310' per NM 387 516 775 1033 1291 1549 due to ATC and airspace restrictions. SID RWY ROUTING GRICE 3C 24 To UW, turn RIGHT, intercept TLA R-354 to D32 TLA, turn LEFT, intercept TLA R-351 to GRICE. GRICE 4D 06 To IVG 0.5 DME or 640', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track, at IVG 3 DME turn LEFT, intercept SAB R-289, intercept TLA R-351 to GRICE. CHANGES: SID GRICE 3C crossing established; MSA center. 8^ 9D ME 024^ 5^ 04 R02 5^ 04 11 NOV 05 10-3C .Eff.24.Nov. JEPPESEN 3800' 3400' 090^ .SID. 270^ 3 MSA EDN NDB/UW NDB 5000' At or above D35 GOW 260^ 10 IVG 0.5 DME 3 DIMVG E ILS DME EDINBURGH ITH IVG N55 57.1 W003 22.4 *D (108.9) ITH * (108.9) IVG D 180^ 4. 2300' 2700' EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH 5 4 At or whichever is later 265^ I 5 DT H ME UW 368 UW EDINBURGH Above N55 54.3 W003 30.2 EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. JEPPESEN Tower EGPH/EDI 135' Apt Elev 118.7 10-9 121.75 *EDINBURGH Ground 4 AUG 06 ATIS N55 57.0 W003 22.4 131.35 05^W 03-20 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'. 1. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes. 2. Initial climb straight ahead to 640'. 3. Noise preferential routes terminate at 3000'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated after take-off by SCOTTISH Control. 135' JET AIRCRAFT ONLY D30 GOW 6D 6000'1 13 TRN 6 IVG 0.5 DME 640' TURNBERRY FIVE CHARLIE (TRN 5C) TURNBERRY SIX DELTA (TRN 6D) RWYS 24, 06 DEPARTURES 2 4 D9.5 ITH TRN 5C N55 56.6 W003 57.5 CUMBO At SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED D17 1 WARNING Do not climb above 6000' until cleared by ATC. GLASGOW GOW 115.4 GOW D N55 52.2 W004 26.7 10 At D14 ITH 4500' At or above 6000' 1 CHANGES: Apron. Notes transferred to 10-1P pages. 3000 2500 1000 800 600 400 2000 1500 1000 500 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Feet 0 200 Meters 0 ^ R080 40 MAVIX N55 50.8 W004 04.8 2 3 EDN EDINBURGH 341 EDN N55 58.7 W003 17.0 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. V2 V3 00664^ (TRN R-042/D40) TRN CHANGES: SID TRN 4C renumbered 5C & revised; MSA center. A5 03-21 30 ^ 6 03-22 303 Elev 136' A1 48 m 57 BUSINESS AVIATION APRON BUSINESS AVIATION CENTRE 4 1 2 3 SUBSIDIARY APRON U1 33 56 A6 5 A4 A3 TERMINAL E 49 U 50 T M 589 9 32 '1798 31 10 S 12 A11 36 11 A 55-57 A12 S2 30 45 S S1 M ARP 9' 839 W3 101 12 SOUTH CARGO APRON 103 m 60 25 55-57 MAIN APRON A9 105 Elev 112' 03-23 Control Tower Taxiway Holding position 104 B1 9 B3 B 8 7 A8 200' 61m Stopway 216' A A9 A10 NORTH CARGO APRON W2 102 C1 A16 18 19 P1 C 17C3 M1 26 P 16 M M2 41 A15 L A14 25 15 L1 27M M3 L2 A F1 Q A13 14 Elev 99' 28 Q1 35 G1 SOUTH 13 F2 29 F 34 EAST E1 E APRON H1 E2 20 22 21 24 A20 A19 A18 A17 41 200' 61m D1 Stopway 185' 202' LEGEND 123 ^ FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9B Traffic Block D3 23 Trees up to 190' 22444^ Elev 97' For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages. 04 5^ HTP ^ PT 110 H .4 221 03-20 03-21 03-22 03-23 47 TURNBERRY NOT TO SCALE MAX SID altitude is 6000', 2 D but 117.5 TRN EXPECT ATC clearance to cross N55 18.8 W004 47.0 MAVIX (TRN 5C) or CUMBO (TRN 6D) at or above FL100. If unable to comply advise ATC before departure. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of TRN 5C Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 468' per NM (7.7%) up to 4500', then 401' per NM (6.6%) up to 6000', 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 due to ATC and airspace restrictions. 468' per NM 585 780 1170 1560 1949 2339 TRN 6D 486' per NM (8%) up to 5000', then 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005 389' per NM (6.4%) up to 6000' 389' per NM 486 648 972 1296 1620 1944 due to ATC and airspace restrictions. SID RWY ROUTING 24 To UW, turn RIGHT, 265^ bearing to MAVIX, turn LEFT, intercept TRN TRN 5C R-041 inbound (PTH R-221) to TRN. 06 To IVG 0.5 DME or 640', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 045^ track, at TRN 6D IVG 3 DME turn LEFT, intercept GOW R-080 inbound to CUMBO, turn LEFT, intercept TRN R-041 inbound (PTH R-221) to TRN. R04 1^ EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK WIDTH 151' 46m 4 AUG 06 10-9B JEPPESEN EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MAIN APRON 10-9A 1 151' 46m 1200m S JEPPESEN 6435' 1961m 6662' 2031m 8399' (2560m) 6198' (1889m) 500m CHANGES: New page. M S2 4 AUG 06 RWY 24 From rwy head twy C int 5728' 1746m 1 400m Rwys 12/30 ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope TAKE-OFF HIRL HIALS PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) HIRL HIALS PAPI-L (angle 3.5^) RL & CL 250m 55-57.1 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI 30 RL, CL & mult. RVR req 200m 300m NIL (DAY only) An appropriate adjustment for a line up allowance must additionally be made by aircrew. TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 06 From rwy head 8399' (2560m) twy B int 6198' (1889m) Threshold RWY 06 HIRL CL(15m) HIALS-II TDZ PAPI-L(3.0^) grooved RVR 7700' 2347m 24 1 12 TAKE-OFF Rwys 06/24 LVP must be in Force HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req 150m 250m RCLM (DAY only) RCLM (DAY only) or RL or RL 125m 200m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. 150m Approved Operators .JAR-OPS. A B C D 1 CHANGES: Information transferred from 10-9. 03-20.8 03-20.9 03-21 03-21.1 03-21.2 03-21.3 03-21.4 03-21.5 03-21.6 03-21.7 03-21.8 Taxiway 101 03-21.9 03-22 03-22.1 Holding position 1B Q 55-56.8 Q1 1A Parking stand Traffic Block E 10 41 1 102 28 36 LEGEND 2 31 27 S 45 26 25 55-56.9 H1 22 E2 TERMINAL 3 108 107 106 105 104 103 34 23 24 4 30 2021 5 55-56.9 7 6 8 16 1718 19 SOUTHEAST APRON E 42 G S1 M 29 11 10 E1 F2 13 A 9 SOUTH CARGO APRON 35 12 /3 0 Y F MAIN APRON A A13 Q1 F1 RW 28 14 41 G1 55-57 Control Tower M3 L 40 Q 14 M L1 27 L2 15 A14 38 38A P 25 L A15 41 26 16 34 M 03-21.1 03-21.2 03-21.3 37 36 NORTH CARGO M2 APRON 35 CARGO CENTER 32 Y RW 103 P1 33 M1 A C3 17 A16 C1 C 30 31 P 18 4 /2 06 03-20.8 03-20.9 03-21 19 A17 03-21.4 A18 03-21.6 03-21.7 2 10 03-22 03-22.1 4 AUG 06 10-9C JEPPESEN EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI INS COORDINATES 22.0 21.9 21.9 22.0 21.9 32 thru 34 35 thru 37 38, 38A 40 41, 42 23 thru 26 27 28 30 31 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 57.1 57.1 57.1 57.0 57.0 56.9 56.9 56.8 57.2 57.1 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 21.3 21.2 21.1 20.9 20.8 21.4 21.3 21.3 21.4 21.4 COORDINATES W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 21.8 21.8 21.7 21.6 21.5 STAND No. 56.8 56.8 56.9 56.9 56.9 W003 W003 W003 W003 W003 COORDINATES N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 56.9 57.0 57.0 56.9 56.9 STAND No. 1, 1A, 1B 2, 3 4 5, 6, 6A 7, 8 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 N55 56.8 W003 22.1 N55 56.9 W003 22.1 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 101 thru 106 107, 108 9 10, 11 14 16 thru 18 19 thru 22 CHANGES: New page. 10-9D EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK STAND ENTRY GUIDANCE SYSTEM (SEG) 4 AUG 06 JEPPESEN Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI GENERAL With the exception of stands 6A and 38A, stand entry guidance systems are installed on all parking stands. SEG is not installed on either the business aviation apron, the overspill parking apron on Block 30 or the helicopter parking stands on Block 44. Aircrews must ensure that they are familiar with the operation of the SEG systems at the airport. They should request marshalling assistance from the Airfield Operations Unit (AOU) via ATC if they are in any doubt on the operation of the SEG systems. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE All SEG equipped stands are provided with AGNIS units to provide lateral centerline guidance. The system is aligned for interpretation from the left hand cockpit seat and does not provide stopping guidance to aircraft. STOPPING GUIDANCE Stopping guidance is provided either: a ground painted STOP arrow and/or a PAPA board, on which are located aircraft type designators with associated line guidance. The type of stopping aid on each aircraft parking stand is clearly indicated, at the head of each stand, in a position visible to the aircrew. Ground painted STOP arrows provide a safe stopping position for all aircraft types likely to use a stand and are normally painted on the port side of the stand centerline. On most stands, all aircraft are able to use a common STOP mark. On some stands however, more than one STOP arrow is provided for use by specific aircraft. The aircraft type(s) are clearly marked, normally above the arrow. EMERGENCY STOP SYSTEM In emergency situations, and during other occasions when it may be necessary to stop an aircraft taxiing any further onto stand to prevent an accident, an emergency stop indicator system has been installed on all SEG equipped stands. The system consists of an electronic red flashing "STOP" warning sign located below or adjacent to the AGNIS unit, in line with the pilot's eye. The system is only for use in the event of the emergency where it is imperative to stop an aircraft rapidly. It does not form part of the normal guidance equipment for aircraft parking. SEG AND LOADING BRIDGE FAULT REPORTING PROCEDURES Aircrews must call ATC to request marshalling assistance if they either notice that the SEG is unserviceable or, if allocated to stands equipped PAPA, there is no PAPA board mark for their aircraft type. On no account should aircrew attempt to self park their aircraft if the stand entry guidance is either: - unserviceable - not calibrated for their aircraft - not switched on or - the emergency stop sign is activated - the loading bridge is not fully retracted - the loading bridge has been left parked outside its marked parking box MARSHALLING ASSISTANCE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A marshalling service will be provided in the following circumstances: - On stands where SEG is not provided. - When there is a known SEG or airbridge unserviceability which may compromise the safe arrival of the aircraft on stand. - If the SEG has not been calibrated for the type of aircraft allocated to the stand. - During adverse weather conditions, when the aircraft may need to be self-manoeuvred for safety reasons. - If the aircraft has to stop short of the marked position, or for safety reasons other than listed above. - On request from the aircrew if they have any safety concerns. CHANGES: New page. 1 (IAF) EDINBURGH U368 WUW D4.6 IVG ^ Trans alt: 6000' 064 D1.0 IVG D2.5 IVG 807' 3800' 3400' 090^ 270^ 2.0 800' 1037' 1618' 850' MSA UW Lctr 678' 1900' 6.2 1572' 1. 0 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI *Ground 1024' RA 98' DA(H) 210' (100') (IAF) UW 368 UW EDINBURGH 588' D4.6 IVG 652' 760' MHA 4000 1102' 55-45 ^ 244 1759' RWY 110' 807' 064 D1.0 IVG 1861' ^ 03-20 3800' 3400' 090^ 270^ 1037' 1618' 850' MSA UW Lctr 678' 1900' 1572' 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar ranges will be provided at 15 NM outbound and at 12 NM and 4 NM inbound. 1481' 4^ 32 0 5. 00 40 0 4. 00 50 .0 11 4 ^ 32000 6 1235' 6.2 PAPI 3000' 110' HIALS-II RWY 06 Descend in holding if necessary. 2 Arrival not below 4000'. 1.0 TCH displ thresh 54' GS 480' D1.0 IVG 1693' 2700' JEPPESEN EDINBURGH, UK CAT II NDB ILS DME Rwy 06 121.75 11-1A 1 EDINBURGH Tower 11 NOV 05 EDINBURGH Approach (R) EDINBURGH ATIS GS Lctr 135' 118.7 1630'(1520') Apt Elev 121.2 064^ Final Apch Crs CAT II ILS 131.35 IVG LOC *108.9 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. 1008' ILS DME ILS DME reads zero at rwy 06 displaced threshold. Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch. IVG 1178' 064^ *108.9 IVG 0^ D12.0 IVG 952' 4^ 06 05 D15.0 IVG 1030' 03-40 D20.0 TLA 03-30 1461' 1152' MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn LEFT and return to Lctr at 4000'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Special Aircrew and Acft Certification Required. 607' 55-55 1913' 1000' EG(R)-504 55-50 D21.0 TLA 03-50 NOT TO SCALE D15.0 TLA T AL Lctr D4.6 IVG 160 862 3.6 2 4000' 140 755 GS1630' 120 647 DA(H) 300m 1 RA 98' 210'(100') ABCD CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 100 539 244^ TLA D11.0 TLA (IAF) 113.8 90 485 7.4 064 ^ 70 3.00^ 377 D12.0 IVG D15.0IVG 4000' Gnd speed-Kts .JAR-OPS. GS 0 1. 3.0 1120' 3000' RWY 06 110' HIALS-II VIS RVR | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. 180^ 1024' 588' ^ 1861' 4.0 1440' 03-20 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar ranges will be provided at 15 NM outbound and (ILS) at 12 NM and 4 NM inbound. 1481' GS 480' D1.0 IVG 1.0 TCH displ thresh 54' Descend in holding if necessary. 2 Arrival not below 4000'. 5.0 1760' 1759' 1152' 1461' 160 PAPI CIRCLE-TO-LAND MDA(H) 1 690' (555')1500m 790'(655') 1500m VIS 100 940' (805')2400m 1440'(1305')2400m 840' (705')1600m 990'(855') 1600m 1190'(1055')3600m 2040'(1905')3600m 135 205 180 MDA(H) North of rwy 06/24 1.5 6.0 2070' 03-30 MHA 4000 1102' 7.0 2390' 55-45 760' 652' 8.0 2710' 140 862 D2.5 120 755 IVG 100 647 2700' EDINBURGH, UK NDB ILS DME Rwy 06 *Ground 135' 121.75 Apt Elev 118.7 ILS DA(H) RWY 110' 310'(200') EDINBURGH Tower 11-1 JEPPESEN 11 NOV 05 GS Lctr 1630'(1520') 9.0 3030' Lctr D4.6 IVG GS1630' 244^ 2 4000' 064 ^ LOC 1640' LOC DME 90 539 2.1 840' 70 485 7.4 377 RVR ALS out 1500m RVR | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2000m Max Kts 3:05 2:24 2:10 1:48 1:33 1:21 LOC (GS out) W/o DME RVR RVR RVR 1800m 1400m 1200m 570'(460') MDA(H) 760'(650') ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 2000m 180^ Final Apch Crs EDINBURGH Approach (R) 121.2 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH ATIS 131.35 IVG 064^ LOC *108.9 RVR 1200m 1000m RVR MDA(H) With DME STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 RVR 24 4 Trans level: By ATC MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn LEFT to Lctr at 4000'. Rwy Elev: 4 hPa ILS DME reads zero at rwy 06 displaced threshold. Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch. ILS DME D12.0 IVG 952' 4^ 06 1178' 064^ I *108.9 V G IVG 1008' Alt Set: hPa 607' 55-55 1000' 1913' 55-50 EG(R)-504 0^ 05 IVG 03-40 D15.0 1030' T AL D20.0 TLA 5.0 D15.0 TLA 4000 D11.0 TLA D21.0 TLA 03-50 NOT TO SCALE 4.0 11.0 6000 10.0 3350' (IAF) 113.8 TLA IVG DME 5000 LOC (GS out) ALTITUDE D15.0IVG o DM E D12.0 5.2% IVG LO Cw / 4000' Gnd speed-Kts ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient ILS LOC: Lctr to MAP 3.6 LOC DME: MAP at D1.0 IVG 310'(200') ALS out RVR 1000m RVR 1600m After LOC (GS out) w/o DME: MDA(H) 760' (625'). 550m FULL DA(H) .JAR-OPS. A B C D 1 CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 11-2 JEPPESEN 11 NOV 05 1 3400' 3800' 180^ 135' 090^ 270^ 2700' EDINBURGH, UK NDB ILS DME Rwy 24 *Ground Apt Elev EDINBURGH Tower ILS DA(H) 121.75 GS D4.0 ITH 118.7 Final Apch Crs RWY EDINBURGH Approach (R) 121.2 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH ATIS 131.35 ITH 300'(200') LOC 1420'(1320') 100' 244^ ^ TLA ITH 03-00 3000' 8.0 2700' D12.0 2 9.0 4000 L AT 7.0 2380' 3000' D12.0 ITH (IAF)113.8 6.0 2060' D9.0 ITH /o Cw LO ME D VIS North of rwy 06/24 MDA(H) 690'(555') 1500m 840'(705') 1600m 940'(805') 2400m MDA(H) VIS 790'(655') 1500m 990'(855') 1600m 1440'(1305') 2400m 11 NOV 05 RWY 135' 100' Apt Elev EDINBURGH Tower 118.7 200'(100') DA(H) RA 107' CAT II ILS 11-2A 1 EDINBURGH Approach (R) 121.2 GS D4.0 ITH 1420'(1320') 1050' ^ 286^ 4 24 824' D9.0 ITH MHA 3000 D22.0 TLA 721' L AT *Ground 121.75 3400' 090^ 3800' MSA EDN Lctr ITH D12.0 2 2 If ITH DME lost before established on LOC climb to 3000' and contact ATC to use Basic procedure. 03-10 NOT TO SCALE D13.0 TLA TLA PAPI 03-00 HIALS-II 270^ 3000' TO DISPLACED THRESHOLD 3000' D12.0 ITH 2700' JEPPESEN EDINBURGH, UK CAT II NDB ILS DME Rwy 24 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH ATIS Final Apch Crs 131.35 ITH 244^ LOC *108.9 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn RIGHT to Lctr at 3000'. ITH ^ 850' 1037' (IAF)113.8 GS1420' 5.0 D9.0 ITH 244^ D4.0ITH 160 862 1.1 140 755 26 2^ Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. Special Aircrew and Acft Certification Required. 2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 displaced threshold. 3. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch from South. ILS DME ITH 1.9 120 647 ABCD CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 100 539 064 1618' 1900' 678' D4.0 244^ *108.9 ITH D1.0 ITH Lctr 03-20 807' 1861' 1.0 90 485 2.9 3 3000' 064^ D1.0ITH GS 1060' GS 470' 1759' ^ 244 EDINBURGH E341DEDNN (IAF) 557' ranges will be provided at 12 NM outbound and 9 NM inbound. EG(R)-603 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar 56-00 588' 1152' Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. 760' 55-50 1102' 03-30 TCH displ thresh 50' 100' 0 3.00^ 70 377 3 Arrival not below 3000' or higher MSA. Descend in holding if necessary. RWY 24 Gnd speed-Kts GS .JAR-OPS. 300m 1 RA 107' 200'(100') DA(H) RVR 3000 5.0 1740' GS1420' LOC DME 1430' 244^ D4.0ITH Max Kts 100 135 180 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. Minimums. 180^ 4 24 286^ 3000 ALS out 560'(460') 2000m RVR 1500m RVR 2040'(1905') 3600m TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 *108.9 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. 1050' D9.0 ITH 824' D22.0 03-10 TLA D13.0 TLA 721' 2 If ITH DME lost before established on LOC climb to 3000' and contact ATC to use Basic procedure. MHA 3000 26 2^ MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn MSA EDN Lctr RIGHT to Lctr at 3000'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 displaced threshold. 2. Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. 3. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch from South. ranges will be provided at 12 NM outbound and 9 NM inbound. ILS DME ITH ^ 850' 064 D4.0 678' 1900' 4.0 1420' 064^ GS 1060' LOC 1060' NOT TO SCALE 1618' ITH 244^ *108.9 ITH D1.0 ITH 807' Lctr 03-20 3.0 1110' 1861' ^ 244 EDINBURGH E341DEDNN (IAF) 557' 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar EG(R)-603 588' 2.0 790' 1700' 1152' 03-30 ITH DME ALTITUDE GS 470' 3 3000' D1.0ITH LOC (GS out) MDA(H) RVR 1000m RVR 1200m 1190'(1055') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 205 E Ar c I TH DM 12 E Ar c I TH DM 12 56-00 760' 55-50 LOC (GS out) 3 Arrival not below 3000' or higher MSA. Descend in holding if necessary. TCH displ thresh 50' 100' ILS 1000m ALS out RVR 300'(200') FULL 550m RVR 1600m .0 13 0 00 RWY 24 1.1 5.0 1.9 1.0 2.9 TO DISPLACED THRESHOLD 0 HIALS-II Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 ILS GS 3.00^ or 377 485 539 647 755 862 PAPI LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% LOC w/o DME: Lctr to MAP 1.9 1:38 1:16 1:08 0:57 0:49 0:43 LOC DME: MAP at D1.0 ITH STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND RVR DA(H) .JAR-OPS. A B C D CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. 9.0 40 00 60 33^ 00 1 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 0333.0 ^ 60 TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 EDINBURGH Tower 16-1 JEPPESEN 11 NOV 05 EDINBURGH Approach (R) (IAF) 2000m EG(R)-603 ILS DME 064 03-20 3400' 090^ 270^ 2700' 3800' MSA UW Lctr Trans alt: 6000' 850' 1618' 1037' 3.0 1120' 678' 1900' 4.0 1440' ^ EDINBURGH, UK NDB DME Rwy 06 *Ground 110' 135' 121.75 RWY Apt Elev D1.0 ^ D1.0 1.0 [TCH displ thresh 54'] RWY 06 HIALS-II 3000' 100 840'(705') 1600m 1 690'(555') 1500m 1440'(1305') 2400m 990'(855') 1600m 790'(655') 1500m VIS 135 940'(805') 2400m 2040'(1905') 3600m MDA(H) 180 1190'(1055') 3600m VIS 205 MDA(H) 110' Descend in holding if necessary. 2 Arrival not below 4000'. 5.0 1760' 1861' [MN~6] *108.9 I V IVG G D3.0 ^ 244 6.0 2070' D3.0 1120' 2.0 [MN~6] 1759' 1152' 064 [3~DME] 588' 160 1.6 064^ [3~DME] 2 4000' D4.6 140 03-30 MHA 4000 1102' EDINBURGH D4.6 ^] Lctr 7.0 2390' 760' 652' RVR RVR 1500m ALS out 760'(650') 1400m 1200m MDA(H) RVR RVR 1800m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16-2 1000m (IAF) EDINBURGH ^ 244 341 EDN RVR 2000m RVR1500m ALS out 650'(550') RVR 1200m MDA(H) RVR 1600m 100 180 135 ^ D9.0 824' [FN24] MHA 3000 1050' 064 135' 100' 4 24 ^ *Ground 121.75 3400' 090^ 3800' 270^ MSA EDN Lctr 8.0 D12.0 03-00 2700' 3000' 790'(655') 1500m VIS 990'(855') 1600m 1440'(1305') 2400m MDA(H) 690'(555') 1500m 2040'(1905') 3600m VIS 840'(705') 1600m 940'(805') 2400m MDA(H) 1190'(1055') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 205 2700' EDINBURGH, UK NDB DME Rwy 24 RWY Apt Elev EDINBURGH Tower JEPPESEN 11 NOV 05 EDINBURGH Approach (R) 118.7 W/o DME MDA(H) 1 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI ATIS With DME MDA(H) 121.2 Minimum Alt D9.0 244^ 3000'(2900') 600'(500') 650'(550') Final Apch Crs 131.35 EDINBURGH Lctr EDN 341 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. 557' EDN MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn RIGHT to Lctr at 3000'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 displaced threshold. 2. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch from the South. 3. WARNING: Final apch track does not intercept the extended RCL and passes 459'/140m South of rwy threshold. 4. Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. EG(R)-603 ITH *108.9 ITH D1.0 [MN24] 678' 850' 7.0 721' 2380' ^ 244 807' 1618' 1900' 6.0 588' ILS DME 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar ranges will be provided at 12 NM outbound and 9 NM inbound. 56-00 1024' 760' 1152' 2060' 03-10 5.0 03-20 1740' 03-30 4.0 55-50 1420' 3000' D12.0 3.0 D9.0 HIALS-II TO DISPLACED THRESHOLD [FN24] 1110' 2.9 140 160 244^ 1060' 120 North of rwy 06/24 ^ 244 2.0 100 1.9 Lctr 064^ 2 3000' D1.0 ] 00^ 1.0 70 90 [MN24] 790' [3. 6.1 ITH DME 0 ALTITUDE 100' [TCH displ thresh 50'] 2 Arrival not below 3000' or higher MSA. Descend in holding if necessary. RWY 24 Gnd speed-Kts 2000m RVR Max Kts Descent Gradient 5.24% or PAPI Descent angle [3.00^] 372 478 531 637 743 849 w/o DME: Lctr to MAP 1.9 1:38 1:16 1:08 0:57 0:49 0:43 with DME: MAP at D1.0 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND With DME W/o DME ALS out RVR RVR1500m 600'(500') RVR 1600m RVR 1200m RVR 1000m MDA(H) .JAR-OPS. A B C D CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. 180^ 1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC. Radar ranges will be provided at 15 NM outbound. 710'(600') ALS out 2000m RVR1500m RVR RVR 180^ W/o DME MDA(H) 118.7 With DME MDA(H) 1 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH EGPH/EDI EDINBURGH ATIS 121.2 Minimum Alt Lctr 064^ 1610'(1500') 710'(600') 760'(650') Final Apch Crs 131.35 Lctr UW 368 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn LEFT to Lctr at 4000'. 1008' 368 U UW W 8.0 2710' 1178' 1024' D12.0 [FN~6] 952' 9.0 3030' 03-40 D15.0 4^ 06 10.0 3350' [3. 04 244^ W/o DME 120 1610' 7.4 100 807' Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 displ threshold. 2. Procedure restricted to MAX 210 KT. 3. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch. 56-00 607' 1913' 1000' EG(R)-504 55-50 03-50 IVG DME ALTITUDE 90 064 ^ D12.0 70 [FN~6] D15.0 4000' Gnd speed-Kts .JAR-OPS. MDA(H) RVR 1000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m After apch w/o DME: MDA(H) 760'(625'). Max Kts Descent Gradient 5.30% or PAPI [3.04^] 376 484 538 645 753 861 Descent angle w/o DME: Lctr to MAP 3.6 3:05 2:24 2:10 1:48 1:33 1:21 wiht DME: MAP at D1.0 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 CIRCLE-TO-LAND With DME W/o DME North of rwy 06/24 A B C D 1 CHANGES: Procedure. MSA. TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 2000m 1500m ALS out RVR RVR 1390'(1280') 1200m 1400m 1800m 18-1 3800' 3400' 090^ 270^ 2700' EDINBURGH, UK SRA Rwy 06, 12 110' 99' 121.75 ^ ILS DME ^ ITH 824' 721' 244^ *108.9 ITH 244 Trans alt: 6000' MSA UW/EDN Lctr 00 30 064 850' 03-10 QFE altimeter setting normally used during final approach. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 06 displ thresh. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apch to rwy 06 from the South. 1618' 118.7 MDA(H) Refer to Minimums Trans level: By ATC 557' EDINBURGH E341DEDNN 678' 1900' Apt Elev 135' RWY 06 RWY 12 EDINBURGH Tower JEPPESEN 11 NOV 05 121.2 EDINBURGH Radar (SRA) 90 474 120 632 140 737 RVR 2000m 1500m ALS out 730'(631') 790'(691') 100 527 ABC: D: RVR 160 843 Max Kts 205 MDA(H) Lighting Refer to Airport Chart VIS Refer to Missed Apch above MDA(H) CIRCLE-TO-LAND VIS 1 1 100 730'(595') 1500m 790'(655') 1500m 1 1 135 840'(705') 1600m 990'(855') 1600m 1 180 940'(805') 2400m 1440'(1305') 2400m 1 1190'(1055')3600m 2040'(1905')3600m North of rwy 06/24 Climbing turn LEFT onto track 096^ to 3000', then turn LEFT to EDN Lctr. 70 369 MDA(H) 1400m 1500m RVR RVR 1600m 2000m RVR RVR | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EDINBURGH U368 WUW 588' 00 40 11 NOV 05 121.2 18-2 EDINBURGH Radar (SRA) 1152' 03-30 COMM FAILURE: 100' 134' 850' 824' 3400' 3800' ^ 721' 100 527 120 632 140 737 160 843 4.0 1380' (1280') 6.0 1880' (1746') 3.0 1060' (960') MDA(H) VIS Refer to Missed Apch above MDA(H) CIRCLE-TO-LAND VIS | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 205 1 1 100 780'(645') 1500m 790'(655') 1500m 1 1 135 840'(705') 990'(855') 1600m 1600m 1 1 1440' 180 940'(805') 2400m (1305') 2400m 1 1190'(1055')3600m 2040'(1905')3600m Max Kts Lighting Refer to Airport Chart Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn RIGHT to EDN Lctr at 3000'. 90 474 SRA 30 ALS out 1500m RVR 2000m 1870'(1736') RVR 1800m 2000m 270^ 244^ *108.9 ITH ILS DME ITH 244 MSA EDN Lctr 090^ 2700' EDINBURGH, UK SRA Rwy 24, 30 *Ground 121.75 ^ Trans alt: 6000' 00 30 064 1618' 7.0 2200' (2066') 03-10 QFE altimeter setting normally used during final approach. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 displ thresh. GPWS warnings are possible on intermediate apchs from the South. Procedure rwy 30 is not wholly contained within controlled airspace. 118.7 MDA(H) Refer to Minimums Trans level: By ATC 557' EDINBURGH ILS DME 1900' 678' E341DEDNN 807' IVG 1861' 03-20 Apt Elev 135' RWY 24 RWY 30 EDINBURGH Tower JEPPESEN Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI 121.2 Minimum Alt See table below EG(R)-603 Apt Elev: 5 hPa Missed Approach - See below By ATC Final Apch Crs EDINBURGH Approach (R) EDINBURGH ATIS 131.35 RADAR 1024' ^ 064 760' 1178' ^ 244 064^ *108.9 IVG Rwy 30 apch designated as RADAR VECTORED CLOUDBREAK. Alt Set: hPa 615' 56-00 55-50 03-40 RADAR FIX 6.0 5.0 SRA 24 ALTITUDE (HAT) 2020' (1920') 1700' (1600') RADAR FIX 9.0 8.0 SRA 30 ALTITUDE (HAT) 2840' (2706') 2520' (2386') Minimum Alt/NM 7.0 FAF 9.5 FAF SRA 24 TMN 2.0 2340'(2240') 3000'(2866') SRA 30 TMN 6.0 MISSED APCH: Rwy 24: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. 70 369 RVR RVR North of rwy 06/24 Rwy 30: Climbing turn RIGHT and proceed to EDN Lctr at 3000'. Gnd speed-Kts Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at termination points 1500m 2000m MDA(H) STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RVR RVR ALS out SRA 24 1200m 780'(680') RVR 1400m 1800m RVR MDA(H) .JAR-OPS. A B C RVR CHANGES: Communications. MSA. Note. 1 After SRA 30 apch: MDA(H) 1870'(1735'). D 180^ 588' 807' ILS DME IVG 1861' 03-20 180^ EDINBURGH U368 WUW 00 40 1152' 03-30 *Ground Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. EGPH/EDI 121.2 Minimum Alt See table below EG(R)-603 Apt Elev: 5 hPa Missed Approach - See below By ATC Final Apch Crs EDINBURGH Approach (R) EDINBURGH ATIS 131.35 RADAR 1024' ^ 064 760' 1178' ^ 244 064^ *108.9 IVG Rwy 06 apch designated as RADAR VECTORED CLOUDBREAK. Alt Set: hPa 615' 56-00 55-50 03-40 RADAR FIX 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 SRA 06 ALTITUDE (HAT) 2670' (2560') 2350' (2240') 2030' (1920') 1710' (1600') 1390' (1280') RADAR FIX 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 SRA 12 ALTITUDE(HAT) 2660'(2561') 2340'(2241') 2020'(1921') 1700'(1601') 1380'(1281') 1060'(961') Minimum Alt/NM 8.0 FAF SRA 06 TMN 4.0 2670'(2560') 2660'(2561') SRA 12 TMN 2.0 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then turn LEFT to UW Lctr at 4000'. Rwy 06: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3000', then as directed. COMM FAILURE: COMM FAILURE: Rwy 12: Climbing turn LEFT onto track 096^ to 3000', then as directed. Gnd speed-Kts Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at termination points RVR RVR RVR MDA(H) .JAR-OPS. SRA 06STRAIGHT-IN LANDINGSRA 12 A B C D 1 After SRA 06 apch: MDA(H) 1390'(1255'). CHANGES: Communications. MSA. TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 TM BRIEFING STRIP 10 5 0 5 PANS OPS 4 20 15 2116' 00 ' 18-3 .Eff.14.Jun. JEPPESEN 8 JUN 01 1168' 676' 798' EDINBURGH EDINBURGH, UK MSA 2700' ^ 24 4 ILS DME 02-50 1389' 1535' MSA 3800' 244^ *108.9 ITH 2 3 0 300 0' 0' ' 00 1769' 03-00 1510' 2038' 2137' 30 03-10 1975' 2041' 1037' 1618' 842' 824' EDN Lctr ' 00 17 1050' 629' RADAR VECTORING AREA 1243' 787' EG(R)-603 744' 17 00 ' 588' 807' 1900' 1572' Further descent to 1700' may be given within the Approach Areas shown when on 40^ leg or Final Approach. 1235' 03-20 1481' 1759' 1854' ILS DME 1693' 064^ *108.9 IVG 1152' 1461' 1102' UW Lctr 23 866' 1539' 615' 2300' 3000' 1024' ' 00 17 761' 1178' 3000 ' 03-30 300^ Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MSA 3400' 2366' EGPH 56-10 1374' ^ 1050' 03-40 1030' 064 952' 090^ 1008' 1913' 56-00 55-50 EG(R)-504 676' MSA 3800' 03-50 539' Within the Radar Vectoring Area the minimum initial altitude to be allocated by the Radar Controller is: Continue visually or by means of an appropriate final approach aid. If not possible follow the Missed Approach Procedure to EDN Lctr. INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL APPROACH Continue visually or by means of an appropriate final approach aid. If not possible proceed to EDN Lctr at 3000' or at last assigned level if higher. INITIAL APPROACH LOSS OF COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE a) 2300' North of 090^/300^ to EDN Lctr. b) 3000' South of 090^/300^ to EDN Lctr. PROCEDURE Rwys 12, 30 24, Continue visually or by means of an appropriate final approach aid. If not possible follow the Missed Approach Procedure to UW Lctr. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Continue visually or by means of an appropriate final approach aid. If not possible proceed to UW Lctr at 3000' or at last assigned level if higher. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. MSA. Radar vectoring area. Rwy 06 ' 00 23 10 5 0 5