IntroducingTime Measuring Continents How to use these notes discussion points These teacher notes and independent activities can be used to introduce pupils to the concept of time and measuring time. These activities are suitable for Reception to Year 2 pupils. All the activities included are stand alone but by using them alongside the books in the series Measuring Time, children can explore the topics in more detail. Ask children how they know when time is passing. What are some different things that happen during different times of the day (i.e., We wake up in the morning. We have lunch around noon.)? How do we know what time it is? Discuss that we can use our senses to observe and look at clues in the environment to know things like the time of day and the season of the year. Discuss that we also use tools such as clocks and calendars to tell time more specifically. Have children look around their environment and identify both observational clues as well as tools that tell them about time. Curriculum links Mathematics: Measures General activities KS1: Year 1 Pupils should be taught to: • compare, describe and solve practical problems for time (quicker, slower, earlier, later) • measure and begin to record time (hours, minutes, seconds) • sequence events in chronological order using language such as: before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening • recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years • tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. Times of the day KS1: Year 2 Pupils should be taught to: • compare and sequence intervals of time • Write the words morning, noon, afternoon, evening on the board in random order. Ask children which comes first in a day, and write morning again as the first item of a list. Discuss some things that happen in the morning (e.g., wake up, eat breakfast, go to school). Continue this exercise with the other words, adding them to the list in sequential order and discussing general times associated with these terms (12:00 is noon, After 12:00 is afternoon, etc.). • Have children complete Activity 1: Timeline of your day. This exercise helps children use time words, place events in a logical sequence, and connect the content with their own experience. Science: Seasonal changes Seasons of the year KS1: Year 1 Pupils should be taught to: • Ask children what season it is. How do they know? What do the trees look like? What sort of clothes do they wear in this season? What season is next? How might the trees look different in that season? Will they wear different clothes? Continue the discussion to cover all four seasons and their characteristics. • Have children complete Activity 2: Changing seasons. • observe changes across the four seasons • observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. ©Raintree Publishers 2013. This page may be photocopied for classroom use. 1 Hours, minutes and seconds • Online tool where children can advance time on a digital and analogue display by hours and minutes: mw/time/clocks.swf • Online game where children identify the correct time on a clock and sequence events: schools/digger/5_7entry/4.shtml • Have children put their heads down and ask them to raise their hand when they think a minute has passed. This will help them develop a better sense of the duration of a minute. Discuss the length of a second and explain that there are 60 seconds in a minute. Show a clock with a second hand and have children observe the full rotation of the second hand. • Have children complete Activity 3: What can you do in a minute? This activity can be done as a whole class, in small groups, or in pairs. • Continue the discussion of how long an hour is by explaining that there are 60 minutes in one hour. Discuss what sort of activities take an hour to complete. further reading Other books in the Measuring Time series include: • Clocks and Calendars • Days of the Week • Hours, Minutes and Seconds • Months of the Year • Times of the Day • Seasons of the Year To view these titles, visit our website: www. Websites Use these websites to help children develop and practise their skills and understanding of time: • Collection of teacher resources on the theme of seasons: seasons ©Raintree Publishers 2013. This page may be photocopied for classroom use. 2 3 noon afternoon Learning outcome: Identify and sequence times of the day. ©Raintree Publishers 2013. This page may be photocopied for classroom use. morning Write the times of day in order on the timeline below. Draw a picture that shows something you do during each time of the day. Name ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Activity 1: Timeline of your day evening Activity 2: Changing seasons Name ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Draw what the tree looks like for each season. On the person, draw what clothes you might wear during each season. Learning outcome: Identify and illustrate how seasons affect us and our environment. ©Raintree Publishers 2013. This page may be photocopied for classroom use. 4 Activity 3: What can you do in a minute? Name ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Have a friend or adult keep time for one minute as you do each of the activities below. Write your answers on the chart. Activity How many star jumps can you do in a minute? Amount How many times can you write your name in a minute? How many times can you hop across the room? Learning outcome: Develop an understanding of the length of a minute. ©Raintree Publishers 2013. This page may be photocopied for classroom use. 5