1 Design of Three-Phase Multi-Stage Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for 2 Wind Turbine Applications 3 Muhammad Mansoor ASHRAF1,*, Tahir NADEEM MALIK1 4 1 Electrical Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, 5 Taxila (47050), Pakistan 6 *Correspondence: mansoor.ashraf@uettaxila.edu.pk 7 Abstract: Presently, the axial flux permanent magnet machines are becoming popular 8 and are being deployed actively for low speed applications. The paper presents an 9 improved model of Multi-Stage Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator (AFPMG). The 10 multi-stage AFPMG consists of multiple stator and rotor discs. There are three identical 11 1-phase stator discs and four in-phase rotor discs in proposed multi-stage AFPMG. In this 12 research paper, 4 case studies have been analyzed on design of multi-stage AFPMG. First, 13 Phase Shift Model (PSM) positions the three 1-phase stator discs to behave as 3-phase 14 generator. Actually, PSM computes phases for three stator discs in order to establish 15 phase shift of 120° between each two phases. The implementation of presented model in 16 multi-stage AFPMG reduces the diameter of stator disc three times as compared to 17 conventional 3-phase AFPMG with identical rated specifications. Second, voltage 18 waveform of AFPMG has been analyzed for harmonic contents and the percentages of 19 3rd and 5th harmonics have been computed. The test results show that 3rd and 5th 20 harmonics have been reduced to 10.7% and 0.54% respectively in voltage waveform. 21 Third, the proposed multi-stage AFPMG has been designed considering begin-to-end 22 winding connections of stator disc. While adopting begin-to-end connection, the number 23 of poles of AFPMG are doubled which ultimately increases air-gap flux density and thus 24 terminal voltage of stator disc and operating shaft speed is halved. The test results show 1 1 that torque-to-weight ratio parameter of designed AFPMG has been improved by using 2 begin-to-end connection for stator disc. Fourth, the increased air-gap flux density also 3 improves the power density parameter of AFPMG with begin-to-end winding connection. 4 Moreover, a prototype model of 1200 W multi-stage AFPMG has been designed and 5 fabricated while following PSM and begin-to-end winding connection and tested. Thus 6 test results verify the proposed model of multi-stage AFPMG for wind turbine 7 applications. 8 Key words: permanent magnet generator, axial flux generator, neodymium permanent 9 magnets, winding connection, wind energy systems, total harmonic distortion, multi- 10 stage generator, phase shift model, power density 11 1. 12 In this modern era, the renewable energy resources are replacing the conventional energy 13 sources for electricity production because of the tremendously increasing cost and rapidly 14 decreasing sources of fossil fuels. Out of various renewable energy resources, wind 15 energy represents one of the cheaper sources of electrical energy production. The wind 16 energy systems consisting of low speed electrical generators are getting immense 17 attention now-a-days [1-3]. The AFPMGs are being addressed extensively for low speed 18 applications such as wind turbines and small hydro turbines [4]. The AFPMG basically 19 has disc type structure in which stator disc is sandwiched between two rotor discs [4-7]. 20 The strong neodymium permanent magnets are attached on rotor discs alternatively. The 21 stator disc is prepared by casting the coils in epoxy resin for coreless construction [4, 5]. 22 This type of AFPMG is having a number of advantages as higher torque-to-weight ratio, 23 higher power density, higher efficiency, free of cogging torque losses, compact structure, 24 light weight and low operating shaft speed [4, 6, 8, 9]. Introduction 2 1 2. Related Work 2 There are numerous topologies which are being addressed and used in literature. The 3 author [6] has reviewed different topologies for AFPMGs and discussed the various 4 advantages. The rotor type of machine basically classifies the topology of machine as: 5 axial flux induction machine, mounted permanent magnet machine and interior 6 permanent magnet machine with squirrel cage, surface mounted permanent magnet and 7 interior permanent magnet rotor structures respectively. The basic type of axial flux 8 machine is single-single topology consisting of one stator disc and one rotor disc. The 9 torus type axial flux machine consisting of one stator disc and two rotor discs which are 10 sandwiched while internal stator disc topology. The rotor discs of this machine are 11 adjusted either in repulsion mode: with identical poles of permanent magnets front to each 12 other or in attraction mode: with different poles of permanent magnets front to each other. 13 Besides, the stator disc may be iron cored, coreless, slotted and non-slotted. The torus 14 type axial flux machine consisting of two stator discs and one rotor disc with internal 15 rotor type structure is also present. The permanent magnets are fitted on both sides of the 16 rotor disc. The rotor disc of this machine is made of non-ferromagnetic material because 17 in this topology, the flux does not pass through rotor disc. However, the stator of these 18 machines must be iron cored to facilitate the flux passage. The fourth topology of multi- 19 stage axial flux machines is also getting enormous attention. The multi-stage axial flux 20 machines are designed with multiple stator and rotor discs where rotor discs is always 21 greater than stator discs by one. The windings of all stator discs can either be connected 22 in parallel or series to enhance the current or voltage rating respectively. The permanent 23 magnets are fitted on one side and both sides of sided rotors and internal rotors 24 respectively. The rotor discs may be adjusted while considering permanent magnets either 3 1 in attraction mode or repulsion mode. A hybrid machine is also addressed which was 2 proposed by Dr. Hsu. This machine is having axial as well as radial fittings of permanent 3 magnets on double sided rotor structure. The last and new machine addressed in this 4 article consists of DC field windings as well as permanent magnets for controlled 5 machine. The machine is single stator and double rotor topology. 6 A single phase permanent magnet generator has been presented with double sided stator 7 and two rotors exhibiting axial as well as radial directed flux (specially designed core) to 8 reduce cogging torque [9]. A micro wind energy system consisting of small wind turbine 9 coupled with single-phase, single-stage, 8 pole AFPMG has been presented and power 10 density parameter of AFPMG has been improved [4]. The AFPMGs has been fabricated 11 by using magnets from redundant materials like hard disks and performance of AFPMGs 12 has also been evaluated [10]. An AFPMG having single-stator single-rotor topology with 13 coreless stator disc has been proposed [11]. A five-phase AFPMG composed of two rotors 14 and one coreless stator has been designed which feeds the rectified load [5]. A novel axial 15 field flux switching permanent magnet generator has been introduced which is having 16 permanent magnets and winding on stator and toothed rotor [12]. A torus type AFPMG 17 has been optimized with multiple stators and rotors [13]. Another topology of AFPMG 18 with multiple stator and rotors has been proposed to reduce cogging torque loss [14]. The 19 different topologies of 3-phase, 5-phase and 9-phase AFPMGs have been discussed and 20 their performances have been evaluated by 3-dimensional finite element analysis [15]. A 21 two rotor and one stator topology of AFPMG has been considered for analysis with back 22 iron on rotor plates [16]. A time saving analysis method of 2-dimensional finite element 23 analysis along with analytical tools has been presented for design analysis of AFPMGs 24 [17]. The design considerations as; wound concentrated coils, design features, sizing 4 1 equations and sensitivity analysis regarding AFPMGs has been discussed [18]. The 2 different AFPMG results as; power density, active mass, torque, torque-to-weight ratio 3 and cost analysis of different types of AFPMGs has been computed and discussed [8]. An 4 experimental kit consisting of small scale wind turbine and wind tunnel has been proposed 5 for indoor operation of wind energy system [19]. 6 3. 7 In this research paper, a 3-phase and multi-stage AFPMG has been addressed and 8 designed. The Phase Shift Model (PSM) positions the three 1-phase stator discs angularly 9 to establish phase shift of 120°. The coils of stator discs are connected in begin-to-end 10 connection. This pattern of end winding connection doubles the number of poles and also 11 enhances the air-gap flux density and voltage of AFPMG. This aspect increases the 12 electromagnetic torque of AFPMG for the same size and mass of machine as a 13 consequence the torque-to-weight ratio parameter and power density have been 14 improved. Thus designed AFPMG is having improved value of torque-to-weight ratio 15 parameter (8.194 Nm/kg) using begin-to-end connection as compared to simple AFPMG 16 topology (5.940 Nm/kg) addressed in Ref [8]. The output voltage waveform of AFPMG 17 has been viewed and Fourier analysis has been conducted to determine harmonic contents. 18 The designed AFPMG is having reduced 3rd harmonic (10.7%) than AFPMG with 19 rectangular magnets [17] (12.5%) in output voltage waveform. The voltage of fabricated 20 AFPMG is also having significantly reduced value of 5th harmonic (0.54%) than AFPMG 21 with rectangular magnets [17] (16%). The three stator and four rotor topology of proposed 22 AFPMG is shown in Figure 1. There are 4 rotor discs R1, R2, R3, R4 and 3 stator discs 23 S1, S2, S3 sandwiched alternatively. The Figure 1 shows the axial view of multi-stage 24 AFPMG. Proposed Work 5 1 Figure 1 2 The 3-dimensional view of generator topology presented in Figure 2. The light grey color 3 shows the permanent magnets, dark grey color shows the rotor disc core and brown color 4 shows the copper coils of stator discs. 5 Figure 2 6 The rotor discs R1, R2, R3, and R4 are mounted on the same shaft for in-phase rotor discs 7 while the stator discs will be displaced angularly to establish phase shift according to 8 PSM. The suitable air gap is adjusted between stator and rotor discs to combine the 9 assembly of multi-stage AFPMG as shown in Figure 3. 10 Figure 3 11 From Figure 3, it can be seen that 4 rotor discs are in-phase while 3 stator discs are 12 angularly displaced to produce phase shift. 13 4. 14 A number of design requirements and satisfying electrical as well as mechanical 15 constraints, are two essential steps of electrical machine design [20]. The name plate 16 ratings of line voltage, maximum current carrying capacity, phase voltage, machine 17 power rating, shaft speed and poles, are to be presented before commencing the design 18 procedure of AFPMG [20, 21]. The name plate ratings are given in Table 1. Design of Multi-Stage AFPMG 19 Table 1 20 The number of coils, number of magnets, winding type, coil pitch and end winding 21 connection type according to specified number of poles, are those design considerations 22 which are taken into account and being focused for designing AFPMG. 23 4.1. The Phase Shift Model 6 1 The multi-stage machine consisting of multiple stator and rotor discs is addressed [6] in 2 which stators of multi-stage machine are to be connected either in series or parallel. 3 According to Phase shift model, the stator discs of multi-stage AFPMGs are to be 4 connected either in star (γ) or delta (Δ) connection and three stator discs and four rotor 5 discs topology behaves as a single 3-phase generator. The topology of prototype multi- 6 stage AFPMG for implementation of phase shift model is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 7 3. The Phase shift model computes the three phases for angular displacement of three 8 stator discs to establish the phase shift of 120° between each two phases and connect three 9 1-phase stator discs either in star or delta configuration. The sine waves of 3-phase 10 voltages are considered by plotting the instantaneous voltage values for each phase. The 11 3-phase instantaneous voltages are analyzed and shown in Figure 4. At t=0 sec instant, 12 phase A is at zero value while phase B and C are at 86.6% of the peak values but with 13 opposite polarity. At the same instant of time, the values of phase B and C are increasing 14 towards negative peak and decreasing from positive peak respectively. 15 Figure 4 16 For computation of phases through Phase shift model, a generalized framework consisting 17 of design structure and terminology has been established. The Figure 5(a) shows a 18 differential portion of one axial flux stator disc. The shown differential portion is called 19 segment (θseg) which is defined as (1/Nc)th portion of stator disc where Nc is number of 20 coils per stator disc or arc portion of stator disc consisting of four identical imaginary 21 slots. The imaginary slot (θs) is defined as (1/4)th arc portion of segment of stator disc. 22 The coil angle (θc) is angular displacement which is covered by placement of one coil of 23 stator disc at certain position. 7 1 The specific position of coil within stator disc is represented by coil pitch parameter 2 which is expressed in terms of imaginary slots. While considering Phase shift model, 3 there are only two possible aspects of coil pitch parameter as: 1-3 and 1-4 slots. In this 4 research paper, the former aspect of coil pitch parameter of 1-3 slots has been considered. 5 The placement of coil within slots for stator disc while following Phase shift framework, 6 is shown in Figure 5(b). 7 8 Figure 5 (a, b and c) The segment arc of stator disc is given by: θ seg = 9 (1) π 2N c rad (2) The coil arc representing coil placement within stator disc is given by: θc = 11 rad The slot arc of stator disc is given by: θs = 10 2π Nc 3π 2N c rad (3) The number of magnets on each rotor disc is given by: N m = 2N c (4) 12 The permanent magnets on the rotor plates are placed in alternate polarity of North South 13 poles consecutively. The angle between two adjacent magnets on rotor disc is represented 14 as inter-magnet displacement and is given by: θm = 2π Nm rad (5) 15 The inter-magnet displacement is shown in Figure 5(c). The two permanent magnets are 16 shown with alternate polarity facing upward North and South sides respectively. The dark 8 1 grey color represents North face whereas the light grey color represents South face. The 2 size and shape of the permanent magnets for rotor discs are computed and finalized 3 according to the width of coil limb, air gap width and coil pitch in terms of slots while 4 considering Phase shift framework. 5 The white circles on the permanent magnets show the magnet number on a specific rotor 6 disc so that there may be precise track of magnets while rotating the rotor disc and 7 analyzing in accordance with certain phase of stator disc. The rotor plate is rotated 8 counter-clockwise direction while performing animation and analysis. The angle of rotor 9 disc at a specific instant while performing animation with respect to horizontal line (x- 10 axis) in counter-clockwise direction is represented as rotor animation angle and step of 11 rotor animation angle is denoted by θa which is given by: θa = 1 π θ seg = 12 6Nc rad (6) 12 The position of the segment portion is specified by an angle within stator disc with respect 13 to rectangular coordinate system. The angle is called ‘Segment Reference’ angle and is 14 denoted by θrs. If the leading North Pole and lagging South Pole overlap the leading and 15 lagging coil limbs in counter-clockwise direction, the positive value of induced emf in 16 the coil is depicted as convention and vice versa. The value of induced voltage depends 17 on extent of overlapping between coil limbs and permanent magnets. 18 The differential portion of one segment is considered with rotor disc as shown in Figure 19 6. From Figure 6(a), it is shown that first North magnet is at 2nd slot of segment and first 20 South magnet is at one slot before segment at present instant of rotor disc. There does not 21 exist overlapping between coil limbs and magnets: thus voltage will not appear across the 22 coil terminals called zero crossing of phase ‘A’ and this can be shown in Figure 4 at t=0 9 1 sec instant. The 1st stator disc segment is placed at reference of x-axis which is also the 2 angle of angular displacement for 1st stator disc and its value is 0 rad. 3 Figure 6 (a, b and c) 4 The 2nd stator disc for phase B is considered at same instant of time t=0 sec and with 5 identical second rotor disc which is in-phase with other rotor discs. From the Figure 4, it 6 is shown that the value of voltage at t=0 sec instant is 86.6% of negative peak value which 7 is decreasing at t=0+ sec instants. The segment for 2nd stator disc (Phase B) must be 8 positioned in way in accordance with rotor disc that leading South Pole and lagging North 9 Pole overlap 86.6% of the leading and lagging coil limbs in counter-clockwise direction 10 in increasing pattern of overlapping and this arrangement of segment for phase B stator 11 disc is shown in Figure 6(b). While keeping the identical and in-phase rotor disc, the 12 segment portion for stator disc B has to be displaced angularly to fulfill the conventions. 13 The segment reference angle for phase B can be measured and its value is -2θseg/3 and - 14 8θs/3 in terms of segment arc portion and slots respectively. Similarly, the segment 15 reference angle for phase C can be measured and its value is -4θseg/3 and -16θs/3 in terms 16 of segment arc portion and slots respectively. 17 The phase of stator disc is the angle at which the whole stator disc is rotated angularly. 18 The expressions showing the segment reference angles in terms of number of coils will 19 be represented as respective phases for phase A, B and C on 1st, 2nd and 3rd stator discs 20 respectively. The set of angles comprising of θA, θB and θC for three stator discs is called 21 Phase shift Model and is given by: θ A = 0 rad θB = − 4π 3 1 Nc rad (7a) (7b) 10 θC = − 8π 3 1 Nc rad (7c) 1 2 4.2. Winding of Stator Discs 3 The end winding connection in which begin and end limbs of one coil are connected with 4 end and begin limbs of adjacent coil respectively while connecting coils within stator 5 disc, generally referred as begin-to-end winding connection. Begin-begin is the type of 6 the connection in which begin and end limbs of one coil are connected with begin or end 7 limbs of adjacent coil. The configuration of begin-to-end and begin-to-begin winding 8 connection for six coils is shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively. 9 Figure 7 10 Figure 8 11 The begin-to-end connection requires stair winding with 1-3 coil pitch in which number 12 of magnets is twice than number of coils on rotor and stator discs respectively and is also 13 equal to number of poles of machine. The stator disc of AFPMG using begin-to-end and 14 begin-to-begin connections are shown in Figure 9(a) and Figure 9(b) respectively. 15 Figure 9 (a and b) 16 Comparatively, for large number of poles, the machine wound with stair winding is 17 heavier in mass than machine wound with begin-to-begin connection. But double number 18 of magnets contribute to improve power density and torque-to-weight ratio in two ways: 19 first air gap flux density is increased and second shaft speed of AFPMG is halved. The 20 stator and rotor discs of AFPMG showing begin-to-end connection and stair winding type 21 is shown in Figure 10(a). The red and blue blocks represent the North and South poles of 22 permanent magnets respectively. The Block winding is the type of winding design of coils 11 1 within stator disc in which coils are arranged and interconnected while following begin- 2 to-begin connection. This winding arrangement is shown in Figure 10(b). Figure 10 (a and b) 3 4 4.3. Design Computation 5 Assuming negligible leakage inductance and resistance, the main dimensions of AFPMG 6 are computed [8]. For given peak values of air-gap current and air-gap emf, the rated 7 power of AFPMG is expressed as given by: [8, 12] T m Pr = η ∫ e(t ) i (t )dt T 0 (8) 8 Where e(t) and i(t) are instantaneous voltage and current of AFPMG. Evaluating the 9 expression, power of AFPMG is given by: Pr = ηmE p I p K p (9) 10 Where η is the generator efficiency, m the number of phases, Ep the peak voltage of rated 11 per phase voltage, Ip the peak current of rated per phase current and Kp is the electrical 12 power waveform factor. 13 The expression for peak value of rated per phase voltage is given by: [4, 6, 8] E p = K e N t Bg f ( Do2 − Di2 ) p (10) 14 Where Ke is the emf factor which also incorporates the winding distribution factor Kw, Nt 15 the number of turns of coil, Bg the air-gap flux density (T, Wb/m2), f the supply frequency 16 (Hz), p the number of pole pairs, Do the outer diameter of stator disc (m) and Di is the 17 inner diameter of stator disc (m). 18 The expression for peak current of rated per phase current is given by: [4, 6, 8] 12 Ip = 1 1 + λ Do K i Aπ 1 + Kφ 2 2m1 N t (11) 1 Where Kϕ is the ratio of electrical loading on rotor and stator of generator, Ki the current 2 waveform factor, A the electrical loading in ampere conductor per meter of stator disc 3 (A/m), λ the ratio of inner to outer diameter of stator disc and m1 is the number of phases 4 per stator disc. 5 The initial design considerations are specified before computing the design parameters 6 and dimensions of AFPMG. The usage of permanent magnets sets the value of Kϕ=0 [8]. 7 The values of m1 and m are selected on basis of stages and phases of AFPMG respectively. 8 The emf, current and power waveform factors are specified by their values from data of 9 typical prototype waveforms against sinusoidal voltage waveform of AFPMG [22]. The 10 design procedure has been followed and the design parameters have been computed 11 which are given in Table 2. 12 Table 2 13 The three identical independent single phase stator discs with described specifications 14 have been designed. These three stator discs have been placed angularly according to the 15 phases computed from set of equations (7a, 7b, 7c) representing Phase shift Model. The 16 computed phases for three stator discs and different design specifications of multi-stage 17 axial flux generator are listed in Table 3. Table 3 18 19 5. Fabrication of Multi-Stage AFPMG 20 The generator model has been fabricated according to the dimensions and design 21 parameters listed in Table 2 and Table 3. Fabrication of generator model includes the 22 construction of stator discs, rotor discs and generator assembly. 13 1 The stator construction included specific design considerations. The 6 coils have been 2 placed in stator disc template with 1-3 coil pitch. The epoxy resin was filled in the 3 template and three identical stator discs were casted. These three stator discs have been 4 casted while considering single phase design configuration. Thus casted stator discs 5 represent 1-phase three generators which will be later connected as 3-phase to form a 6 single generator. The coils of each stator disc have been connected in series. The six 7 terminals from three stator discs have been connected in star (γ) configuration to make 3- 8 phase single generator. The set of three stator discs fitted within generator assembly is 9 shown in Figure 11(a). 10 The rotor discs of generator have been designed by casting four rotor plates. The slots for 11 permanent magnets have been carved and neodymium permanent magnets have been 12 placed within rotor slots. Each rotor disc contains 12 magnets with alternate polarity. The 13 set of four rotor discs with permanent magnets is shown in Figure 11(b). 14 The three stator and four rotor discs have been placed alternatively and fitted within 15 generator assembly. The generator assembly consists of two square shaped aluminum 16 plates along with bearings and shaft. The generator model is shown in Figure 11(c) and 17 11(d). For testing purpose, the generator has been fitted in testing bench, coupled with 18 DC motor. Figure 11 (a, b, c, and d) 19 20 6. Testing of Multi-Stage AFPMG and Results Discussion 21 After fabrication, the AFPMG model has been placed in machine testing bench. The 22 machine testing bench consists of a variable speed DC motor which has been coupled 23 with AFPMG model as prime-mover. The testing bench is fitted with tachometer to 14 1 measure shaft speed and a multi-meter to measure the single-phase voltage, current and 2 frequency. Thus complete testing bench is ready for testing shown in Figure 12. Figure 12 3 4 6.1. Testing of Phase Shift Model 5 A three-phase measurement module has been placed with testing bench to measure the 6 AFPMG and DC motor parameters accurately. An oscilloscope has also been connected 7 with AFPMG output terminals which shows the voltage waveform of AFPMG. 8 Figure 13 (a, and b) 9 The Figure 3 shows that angular displacement in stator discs of multi-stage AFPMG 10 establishes the phase shift of 120° between each two phases. 11 6.2. 12 The generator is run at its rated parameters of shaft speed and frequency. At rated 13 parameters of shaft speed (500 rpm) and frequency (50 Hz), the output voltage waveform 14 of AFPMG is shown in Figure 14. Harmonic Analysis of Voltage Waveform 15 Figure 14 16 The output voltage waveform of AFPMG model has been viewed and analyzed in 17 MATLAB. The Fourier analysis of output voltage waveform has been conducted. The 18 fundamental, 3rd and 5th harmonics of voltage waveform have been extracted as shown in 19 Figure 15. 20 Figure 15 21 The harmonics are analyzed and manipulated in terms of percentage presence of 22 individual and total harmonics. Technically, these terms are called individual harmonic 23 distortion and total harmonic distortion in literature [23]. Computing the percentage 24 presence of one harmonic at a time with respect to fundamental, is known as Individual 15 1 Harmonic Distortion (IHD) [23]. The net deviation of waveform from original sinusoidal 2 waveform due to all harmonics at a time may be referred as Total Harmonic Distortion 3 (THD) [23]. The values of individual harmonic distortion due to 3rd and 5th harmonics 4 and value of total harmonic distortion have been computed. The percentage presence of 5 3rd and 5th harmonics have been reduced in designed AFPMG as compared to AFPMG 6 with rectangular magnets addressed in Ref. [17]. The comparison is listed in Table 4. 7 Table 4 8 The fundamental, 3rd and 5th harmonics of voltage waveform have been rescaled to 9 compare harmonic contents of designed AFPMG model with AFPMG with rectangular 10 magnet [17] graphically. From the graphical results, it is clear that 3rd harmonic has been 11 reduced while the presence of 5th harmonic has been reduced significantly on rescaled 12 values. The result comparison is shown in Figure 16. Figure 16 13 14 6.3. Torque-to-Weight Ratio 15 The one of the important parameters of AFPMG testing is torque-to-weight ratio of 16 machine. The parameter torque-to-weight ratio is the measure of AFPMG torque against 17 mass active mass of machine. The higher value of torque-to-weight ratio parameter 18 reflects the minimization of machine’s active mass while maximizing the electromagnetic 19 torque of machine. Once the output voltage and full load current is known at pure resistive 20 load, the electromagnetic torque (Te) of AFPMG is given by: [17] Te = 1 ωm [va (t ).ia (t ) + vb (t ).ib (t ) + vc (t ).ic (t )] (12) 21 Where va(t), vb(t) & vc(t) are instantaneous voltages of three phases, ia(t), ib(t) & ic(t) are 22 instantaneous load currents of three phases of AFPMG and ωm is the mechanical shaft 16 1 speed of AFPMG in rad/sec. The AFPMG model is run at its rated parameters of shaft 2 speed and frequency. The output voltage waveform of AFPMG has been taken from 3 oscilloscope and analyzed in MATLAB. The instantaneous voltage waveform, and 4 computed electromagnetic torque of AFPMG are shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18 5 respectively. 6 Figure 17 7 Figure 18 8 The electromagnetic torque of AFPMG is measured which comes out to be 18.584 Nm 9 (mean value). The torque-to-weight ratio parameter is computed which shows that active 10 mass of AFPMG has been reduced while improving the electromagnetic torque. The coils 11 of fabricated and designed AFPMG have been connected in series while following begin- 12 to-end winding pattern which increases the active mass of machine and also the air gap 13 flux density which in turn improves the electromagnetic torque. Due to which, the torque- 14 to-weight ratio parameter has been improved as compared to AFPMG with begin-to- 15 begin end winding pattern addressed in Ref. [8]. The comparison is listed in Table 5. Table 5 16 17 6.4. Power Density 18 The important parameter of AFPMG results is the power density which is the measure of 19 power rating of machine against active mass of machine. The higher value of power 20 density reflects the minimization of machine’s active mass while maximizing the power 21 rating [2]. The coils of fabricated and designed AFPMG have been connected in series 22 while following begin-to-end winding pattern which increases the mass of machine and 23 air gap flux density. Due to which, the power density parameter of AFPMG has been 17 1 improved as compared to AFPMG with begin-to-begin winding pattern addressed [4]. 2 The comparison is presented in Table 6. Table 6 3 4 6.5. No-Load and Load Tests 5 The no-load test has been conducted on designed AFPMG model and observations have 6 been recorded. The no-load voltage characteristics of machine against variable shaft 7 speed is presented and shown in Figure 19. 8 Figure 19 9 The load test has been performed on AFPMG model. The voltage regulation of AFPMG 10 has been computed which is 17%. The voltage characteristics of AFPMG at load 11 conditions is shown in Figure 20 at constant load of 800W. Figure 20 12 13 6.6. Power and Efficiency Test 14 The multi-stage AFPMG has been tested for power and efficiency. The experimental 15 arrangement to test generator powers is shown in Figure 21. 16 Figure 21 17 In this test, the generator supplies the variable electrical load at constant shaft speed. Here 18 the variable electrical load represents the ohmic load at unity power factor [9]. The 19 variable electrical load (5 – 25 ohm) has been applied on generator terminals at various 20 values of shaft speed. The output powers of multi-stage AFPMG at various shaft speeds 21 (300, 500, 800 and 1000 rpm) have been recorded and shown in Figure 22. It is obvious 22 that multi-stage AFPMG supplies the maximum load at 9.5 ohm at different shaft speeds. 23 This test is basically the reflection of Thevenin’s Theorem that generator delivers the 24 maximum power to the load when winding resistance of generator equals the value of 18 1 ohmic load. Hence the multi-stage AFPMG delivers the optimal power to the loads when 2 ohmic value of the load is near winding resistance as shown in Figure 22. 3 Figure 22 4 Figure 23 shows the efficiency of multi-stage AFPMG against shaft speed at different 5 values of electrical loads as 9.5, 5.0 and 15.2 ohm. Analyzing the power and efficiency 6 characteristics of multi-stage AFPMG shown in Figure 22 and 23 respectively, the near 7 optimal operating zone can be proposed for the generator. The efficiency of multi-stage 8 AFPMG exceeds 95% while supplying the load of 9.5 ohm at 1000 rpm as evident from 9 Figure 23. Hence the rated parameters of multi-stage AFPMG can be defined as supplying 10 the load near 9.5 ohm at shaft speed near 1000 rpm, the generator exhibits near optimal 11 performance. Figure 23 12 13 7. Conclusion 14 In this paper, a Phase shift Model has been presented for design of multi-stage axial flux 15 machine while considering begin-to-end connection of stator disc. The axial flux 16 machines used to have large diameter of stator disc causing the occurrence of large 17 attractive forces at edges of rotor discs due to strong neodymium permanent magnets 18 which may tend to twist rotor plates axially inward. In this context, the presented design 19 improvement in axial flux machines has been incorporated by which the stator diameter 20 has been reduced to 1/3rd approximately for large number of poles. The analysis of voltage 21 waveform reveals that 3rd and 5th harmonics have been reduced in output voltage 22 waveform of designed AFPMG. The test results of AFPMG show that power density and 23 torque-to-weight ratio parameter has been improved while using begin-to-end connection. 24 Thus generator design has been improved and higher value of power density and torque19 1 to-weight ratio parameter exhibits the promise of generator design. Moreover the power 2 and efficiency test highlights the near optimal region of operation for designed multi- 3 stage AFPMG. 4 8. 5 The authors strongly acknowledge their institution, University of Engineering and 6 Technology Taxila, Pakistan for providing the financial support for the completion of this 7 research project under Grant: UET/ASR&TD/60. 8 References 9 [1] Acknowledgements Ashraf M M, Malik T N, Iqbal M. Peak load sharing based on blade pitch control 10 of wind turbine in the presence of utility supply. J Renew Sustain Ener 2014; 6: 11 013110. 12 [2] Ashraf M M, Malik T N, Zafar S, Raja U N. 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USA: CRC press, 2001. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 1 2 Figure 1. Multi-Stage topology of AFPMG 3 4 Figure 2. Stator and rotor discs of multi-stage AFPMG 24 1 2 Figure 3. Assembly of multi-stage AFPMG 3 4 Figure 4. The 3-phase instantaneous voltage waveform 5 25 1 (a) (b) (c) Figure 5. (a) Differential segment arc portion of stator disc; (b) Differential segment arc 2 portion of stator disc showing coil placement according to 1-3 coil pitch; (c) Inter-magnet 3 displacement 4 (a) (b) (c) Figure 6. Segment portions of stator discs: (a) Phase A stator disc; (b) Phase B stator 5 disc; (c) Phase C stator disc 6 7 Figure 7. Begin-to-end winding connection 26 1 2 Figure 8. Begin-to-begin winding connection 3 (a) (b) Figure 9. (a) Begin-to-end winding connection for stator disc of AFPMG; (b) Begin-to- 4 begin winding connection for stator disc of AFPMG 5 (a) (b) Figure 10. (a) Coil-magnet overlapping for begin-to-end connection of AFPMG; (b) 6 Coil-magnet overlapping for begin-to-begin connection of AFPMG 7 27 (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Figure 11. (a) Angularly displaced three casted stator discs of Phases A, B and C; (b) Set 2 of four in-phase rotor discs with permanent magnets; (c) Generator assembly consisting 3 of four rotor discs and three stator discs; (d) Multi-Stage AFPMG model 28 1 2 Figure 12. Multi-Stage AFPMG testing bench 3 (a) (b) Figure 13. (a) 1-phase voltage waveform of AFPMG model; (b) Voltage waveform of 2 4 phases of AFPMG model 29 1 2 Figure 14. No-load output voltage of AFPMG at rated parameters 3 4 Figure 15. Harmonic contents of AFPMG output voltage 30 1 2 Figure 16. Comparison of harmonics of AFPMG 3 4 Figure 17. 3-phase voltage waveform of AFPMG model 31 1 2 Figure 18. Electromagnetic torque developed by AFPMG model 3 4 Figure 19. No-load test 32 1 2 Figure 20. Load test 3 4 Figure 21. Multi-Stage AFPMG testing bench 33 1 2 Figure 22. Output power of AFPMG at different shaft speed 3 4 Figure 23. Efficiency of AFPMG at different electrical load 5 6 7 8 9 34 Table 1. Name plate ratings of AFPMG 1 Sr. # Rating Value 1 Power 1200 Watt 2 Voltage 220 / 127 Volt 3 Frequency 50 Hz 4 Max. Current 3.2 Amp/Phase 5 Shaft Speed 500 rpm 2 Table 2. Design Parameters of AFPMG model 3 Sr. # Specification / Dimension Aspect / Value 1 Number of poles 12 2 Number of coils of stator disc 6 3 Number of magnets per rotor disc 12 4 Outer diameter of stator disc 304.8 mm 5 Inner diameter of stator disc 132.1 mm 6 Number of turns of coil 7 Length of Magnet 25.4 mm 8 Width of Magnet 25.4 mm 9 Thickness of Magnet 10 mm 10 Rotor disc diameter 254 mm 11 Axial length of stator disc 10 mm 12 Axial length of rotor disc 15 mm 13 Segment Arc 230 1.047 rad 35 14 Slot Arc 0.261 rad 15 Coil Arc 0.786 rad 16 Inter-magnet Displacement 0.524 rad 17 Active Mass of AFPMG (per phase) 2.268 kg 1 Table 3. Design specifications of AFPMG model 2 Sr. # Specification Aspect / Value 1 Number of stator discs 3 2 Number of rotor discs 4 3 Winding connection type 4 Conductor size SWG 21 5 Coil pitch 1-3 coils 6 Winding type 7 Phase A Stator Disc (Reference Phase) 8 Phase B Stator Disc (w.r.t Phase A) -0.698 rad 9 Phase C Stator Disc (w.r.t Phase A) -1.396 rad Begin-end Stair winding 0 rad 3 4 Table 4. Comparison of Generator Results Harmonic Distortion Designed AFPMG AFPMG with Model rectangular magnets [17] Harmonic distortion due to 3rd harmonic 10.7 % 12.5 % Harmonic distortion due to 5th harmonic 0.54 % 16.0 % Total harmonic distortion (THD) 10.7 % 20.3 % 5 36 1 Table 5. Comparison of AFPMG results 2 Parameter Designed AFPMG with AFPMG model with begin- begin-to-end connection to-begin connection [8] 8.194 5.94 Torque-to-weight ratio (Nm/kg) 3 Table 6. Comparison of AFPMG results 4 Parameter Designed AFPMG with AFPMG model with begin-to- begin-to-end connection begin connection [4] 167.55 113.82 Power Density (W/kg) 5 37