Chapter 7 Horizontal plane Groundwater flow equation Peter­Wolfgang Gräber Systems Analysis in Water Management 7.1 Dupuit assumption and ballance equation The description of the rotationally symmetric groundwater flow field is based on horizontal plane flow processes, in which the vertical flow vector is neglected. The transfer of the three dimensional flow regime into a two dimensional mathematical description takes place with consideration of the Dupuit assumption: • The potential lines h = const. run parallelly to the z axis. This means that the vertical component of the groundwater flow (vz → 0) is equal to zero. This can be realized by an infinitely large vertical flow resistance (specific permeability coefficient in z direction (kz → ∞) or by a no gradient gauge level: vz = ∂h =0 ∂z • The horizontal speed is constant during the entire through flow height of the aquifer. It means the vertical gradients of the horizontal flow components are equal to zero. ∂vy ∂vx = =0 (7.1) ∂z ∂z • The horizontal speed is proportional to the decline gradient of free the surface according to the Darcy law: vy = −ky · ∂h ∂y (7.2) vx = −kx · ∂h ∂x (7.3) The force equilibrium law is set up under the condition that only pressure force, gravity force, capillary force and internal friction are effective. Inertia forces, adhesive force, turbulent friction forces and others are small enough to be negligible. Since the groundwater movement is regarded as saturated filter flow, we know following law from Darcy: �v = −k · grad h (7.4) The Darcy law is only as long valid as its by its derivation existing preconditions fulfil. Thus it loses its validity if the above neglected forces increase. For the practical Systems Analysis in Water Management Peter­Wolfgang Gräber 7.1. Dupuit assumption and ballance equation groundwater flow procedures the validity of the Darcy law can be assumed with sufficient accuracy. Only directly in the proximity of well with large filter velocity a breach of this law can occur. With the Dupuit assumption the balance equation for horizontal plane groundwater flow is built up. The specific flow rate�q , refer to flow field width of 1m, can be calculated to: �q = �D (7.5) �v dz z=a D D= through flow thickness M aquifer thickness in confined zR positon of the free groundwater surface in unconfined Then the balance equation is: � div �q = n0 + �D z=a S0 dz · ∂h −w ∂t aquifer (7.6) w sources/sinks n0 storage coefficient at the free groundwater surface due to gravimetric effects S0 elastic storage coefficient, which works within the aquifer The summary expression for the storage capability is designated with S as general storage coefficient: � �D S = n 0 + S0 dz (7.7) S= z=a �zR S0 dz n0 + z=0 �M z=0 S0 dz unconfined confined aquifer (7.8) 195 CHAPTER 7. HORIZONTAL PLANE GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION If the gravimetric storage coefficient is substantially larger than the sum of all elastic effects in vertical direction: �zR S0 dz (7.9) z=a The storage coefficient S can take the following values: n 0 ≈ na ≈ ne unconfined S= M � S0 dz confined z=0 aquifer (7.10) It results that the storage coefficient is only dependent on the gravimetric coefficient in the case of a free groundwater surface and a small through flow thickness aquifer (D << 100m). For the effect water height h: h confined h= aquifer zR unconfined Thus the balance equation, also as continuity equation, is written in the form: div �q = S · ∂h −w ∂t (7.11) With the equations 7.5 and 7.6 we get the horizontal plane groundwater flow equation in the following form: � �D ∂h div − −w (7.12) k dz grad h = S · ∂t z=a According to definition of h, grad h is independent on z thus it can be pulled out of integral. For further writing simplification the integral of permeability coefficient, the term transmissibility T , is introduced: T = �D k dz (7.13) z=a This integral of transmissibility will be analysed numerically poorly as the permeability coefficient is only expressed as step function and not a continuous function. 196 Thus the horizontal plane groundwater flow equation in the representation of the water height is: ∂h −w confined div (T grad h) = S · ∂t aquifer (7.14) ∂zR − w unconfined div (T grad zR ) = S · ∂t 7.2 Potential illustration An integral transform for solving partial differential equation of underground flow processes in the former chapter was used, which yields the value of transmissibility. Now in this section another integral transform is applied, the so called Girinskij potential Φ also a relatively simple solution, thus the horizontal plane groundwater flow equation is illustrated in potential expression. The Girinskij potential Φ is defined as: Φ(x� y) = �D g(z) · (h(x� y� z) − z) dz (7.15) z=a In this equation the function g(z) characterizes the dependence of permeability coefficient k on height z: k(x� y� z) = k(x� y) · g(z) (7.16) For the following considered unstratified auqifer follows: g(z) = 1 ∂h = 0; h �= f (z)) and the as∂z sumption of lower bound of the aquifer a equal to zero (a = 0), the integral yields two solutions: Here with the validity of the Dupuit assumption ( Φ(x� y) = �D z2 (h − z) dz = h · z − 2 � z=0 M2 M ·h− 2 = 2 z R 2 Peter­Wolfgang Gräber confined �D (7.17) 0 aquifer (7.18) unconfined Systems Analysis in Water Management CHAPTER 7. HORIZONTAL PLANE GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION With consideration of the Darcy law the specific volume flow is: �D �v dz (7.19) (−k · grad h)dz (7.20) �q = z=0 and with �v = −k grad h follows: �q = �D z=0 Since k and h by definition are not functions of z, we can write k outside the integral and exchange the order of the deviation(the gradient) and the integration. We get: �q = −k · grad �D (7.21) h dz z=0 �q = −k · grad Φ (7.22) The horizontal plane groundwater flow equation in potential form: ∂h −w div (k grad Φ) = S ∂t ∂zR −w div(k grad Φ) = S ∂t confined aquifer (7.23) unconfined This PDE can be transferred into a uniform potential expression, if the definition for the Girinskij potential is used separately, according to confined and unconfined conditions: S ∂h ∂Φ ∂h =S· · ∂t ∂Φ ∂t 1 ∂Φ S ∂Φ S· · = M ∂t M ∂t = S ∂Φ 1 ∂Φ S·√ = · zR ∂t 2Φ ∂t 198 (7.24) M2 with Φ = M h − 2 zR2 with Φ = 2 confined ununconfined aquifer (7.25) 7.2. Potential illustration We get: Φ M + M 2 ∂h 1 = ∂Φ M h= (7.26) (7.27) or: zR = √ 2Φ (7.28) 1 ∂zR =√ ∂Φ 2Φ (7.29) Assuming a homogeneous, isotropic aquifer, i.e. k = const., then k can be calculated from the divergence and the division of the right side. With introduction of the transmissibility and the geohydraulic time constant we get: div (grad Φ) = a ∂Φ w − ∂t k with: a= T = S T �D z=0 (7.30) k dz = k·M k · zR confined GWL (7.31) unconfined Now we have found a universally valid PDE, which is linear and analytically solvable. However it must be noted that the linearity is not exact under free groundwater surface conditions, i.e. with unconfined aquifer, since the geohydraulic time constant a is a function of zR . In this case a temporal average value will be taken for T and also for a. The following approximation has been well proved for a: ã ≈ at=0 − 2at 3 (7.32) For extreme drawdown ratios over 10% of groundwater level this equation is only approximately valid. Often the water level change of a standpipe , i.e. the drawdown, is of interest instead of the Girinskij potential. 199 CHAPTER 7. HORIZONTAL PLANE GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION Therefore the potential difference between the output potential Φ0 and the current potential Φ is used. In unstratified aquifer, i.e. with k(z) = const. and thus g(z) = 0 follows: Z = Φt=0 − Φ = = �D (ht=0 − z) dz − z=0 M (ht=0 − h) 2 2 (zRt=0 − zR ) 2 �D (ht − z) dz (7.33) z=0 confined aquifer unconfined The subscript 0 stands for conditions at time point t = 0, i.e. Φ0 = Φt=0 , h0 = ht=0 , zR0 = zRt=0 . In some ciations the subscript n (Φn , hn , zRn ) is used for it. Inserting this into the PDE we get: div (grad Z) = a ∂Z w� + ∂t k (7.34) By definition w� is the supply quantity caused by the change of potential Z, is by definition, while w represents the supply quantity, which affects from the outside of aquifer, e.g. the natural groundwater replenishment: � � w w w� = − (7.35) k k k t=0 Practically the following two cases are interested: • w� = 0, i.e. supply conditions won’t change when the regarded groundwater level varies, and Z w� = 2 , i.e. the difference of potential Z causes an additional proportional • k B supply (see section 8.1.3, page 231 supply from neighbouring layers) If we add a supply factor B in all cases, which approaches to infinite for the first case (B ⇒ ∞), we get the general form, the standard form of the horizontal planes groundwater flow equation: div (grad Z) = a 200 ∂Z Z + 2 ∂t B (7.36) To solve this PDE it is necessary to transfer the general vectorial differential expression into a coordinate related expression (see section 2.2 arithmetic rules of the vector algebra, page 57). By using cartesian coordinates we get a PDE to analyse the groundwater flow processes in connection with the ditch flow (see to section 6.1 one dimensional flow equation, page 188). Cylindrical coordinates lead to a representation, which is very useful for rotationally symmetrical problems (see section 8.1 Theis well equation). 7.3 Boundary conditions Each flow process takes place in a locally and temporally defined area, i.e. it represents a closed system, which is connected with its environment under certain conditions. Information, energy and material can be exchanged through such couple conditions. They are called boundary conditions. While the system is described by the PDE and generally valid for all conditions, a unique solution will be achieved by boundary conditions. The effect of the boundary conditions is identical to determination of the integration constant by solving a differential equation. Boundary conditions are impressed to the regarded system from the outside and influence independently of state variables. It is differentiated between boundary conditions (conditions at certain local points) and initial conditions (conditions of reference to a time point). Besides force equilibrium and mass conservation, the initial- and boundary conditions serve explicit mathematical descriptions of the original process, the flow process. They are regarded as a part of the mathematical model. 7.3.1 Initial conditions In dynamic systems relative time will be discussed. The absolute time point, from which the system behaviour is changing from static into movement, is regarded as starting point with relative time t = 0. The initial conditions serve to define the dynamic system state at this point. Since the state variable of horizontal planes groundwater flow is the piezometric head h or the situation of free surface, the initial condition is a matter of potentials within the systems , i.e. the groundwater height or the pertinent transform potential. In the model this will be a function of h, zR or Φ dependent on Peter­Wolfgang Gräber Systems Analysis in Water Management CHAPTER 7. HORIZONTAL PLANE GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION location. Other conditions are also necessary for the maintenance of steady state at the border. These are from the same type like the boundary conditions. The difference is they are valid for t < 0. 7.3.2 Randbedingungen Three different kinds of boundary conditions differ in physical action modes in the groundwater flow (see figure 7.1): 1. 1st type (Dirichlet condition) 2. 2nd type (Neumann condition) 3. 3rd type (Cauchy condition) Boundary conditions are general functions of place and time. We differentiate boundary conditions between influence inside of flow field (e.g. well, lakes, rivers, precipitation, evaporation), and outside effect at the edge (e.g. delimitation of flow field by rivers or barriers). It is characteristic for boundary conditions that its effect is independent on the flow conditions (e.g. groundwater level) of the investigation area. Generally it is nearly impossible to find a complete analytical expression for geohydraulic boundary conditions. • 1st type boundary condition �Dirichlet condition) work, if the hydraulic potential (e.g. h, zR , Z, Φ) on the boundary is known as a function of the time t and independent on the potential, i.e. the system variables of the investigation area. This appears e.g. in rivers, lakes or drainage: ϕ = ϕ(x� y� t) (7.37) • 2nd type boundary conditions �Neumann condition) work, if the source intensity distribution and thus the hydraulic potential gradient on the bound are known as a function of time t. This may be aroused for example by wells with constant flow rate, supply due to groundwater regeneration, sealing of sheet pile wall or underground structures: grad ϕ = grad ϕ(x� y� t) (7.38) • 3rd type boundary condition �Cauchy condition) work, if in general a temporally constant flow resistance exists between a surface with known potential distribution and the boundary of flow field. Such boundary 202 7.3. Boundary conditions conditions work in rivers with colmation bottom layer as well as flow resistance of lift wells: ϕ + A grad ϕ = B(A and B are definite constants) (7.39) In the figure 7.1 the effect of boundary conditions on an aquifer is illustrated. We recognize that the flow rates of 1st and 3rd type boundary conditions dependent on the difference between the effect potential (water level h) in the aquifer and the boundary conditions. Therefore the flow rate can vary in amount and direction. In 2nd type boundary condition the potential of the boundary condition (possibly regarded as negative or positive pressure) can vary accordingly with the potential of the aquifer. With the numerical models (see to section 9.1.1 numerical methods, e.g. finite differences methods, page 246) additional boundary conditions arise in the course of the definition of the model borders. In contrast to the original procedure, which possesses an infinite spatial expansion, the numerical models are spatially limited due to the finite computing capacity (memory space, computing speed). Thus a considerable error arises, which must be reduced or eliminated by suitable measures (see section 9.1.1 finite differences method, page 246). Another problem related to boundary conditions arises in the interaction investigation of surface and aquifer systems . A volume flow appears between the surface and the aquifer or the unsaturated soil zone. Depending upon potential conditions an ex- or infiltration of surface water can come out or into the aquifer. If this filtration stream is substantially smaller than the volume flow within water, or the filtration amount is substantially smaller than the entire storage volume of surface water, the surface water has an effect of boundary condition on the groundwater. In the other case, if the potential of surface water varies due to the filtration phenomenon, the surface water may be not considered as boundary condition, but components of the system and are coupled to the aquifer model according to suitable mathematical relations. 203 CHAPTER 7. HORIZONTAL PLANE GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION Figure 7.1: effect of boundary conditions on an aquifer 204