MAP TRIMESTER II: WINTER 2016 Middle School MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY STUDY CLUB 3:30-4:15 p.m. Begins January 5 and ends March 17 In Study Club, Upper Elementary and Middle School students will begin with a tasty snack and then work in a quiet and focused space under the care of a trained MAP teacher. The MAP teacher has regularly scheduled check-ins with classroom teachers about projects, assignments, and student progress. Note: Study Club for 4th -6th grade is $15 th Note: Study Club for 7and 8th grade is FREE MONDAYS: January 11 to March 7 (no class 1/18/16) KNITWIT with ANTHONY 4:30-5:30 p.m. Cost: $225 Grab your needles and cozy up this winter trimester. Students will learn the basics of knitting, purling, casting on and binding off. Students will be introduced to the garter stitch, stockingknit stitch, seed stitch, ribbing, and cabling. Students will each knit a square for a blanket for charity and will chose a project to make for themselves (examples: fingerless mitts, cowl, hat). TUESDAYS: January 5 to March 8 CHEF MIKE 4:30-5:30 p.m. Cost: $275 This class teaches the basic techniques of cooking, such as searing, braising, roasting, baking, sautéing, making sauces, and practicing safe knife skills. Cooking is a practical skill that has infinite possibilities, involves creativity, and brings people together. The recipes will be driven by student interest and can cover all types of foods. Once the basic techniques are learned, I believe everyone has the ability to be their own favorite chef because nobody knows your likes and dislikes better than you! Dietary restrictions will definitely be taken into consideration. WEDNESDAYS: January 6 to March 9 COSMIC CONSTRUCTION with ALEX 4:30-5:30p.m. Cost: $250 Cosmic Construction , an exciting new MAP class, combines the performance and visual arts to construct costumes, and p apier-mâché masks and puppets to use in a parade and performance. The class is comprised of ten sessions where students infuse project management, imagination, collaboration, and extracurricular research on relevant content to produce their own series of skits based on myths of their own making. Emphasis will be placed on creative output and communal collaboration, and the construction component will be a blend of traditional mediums with the repurposed, discarded and ordinary. ISEE PREP: January 6 to May 4 th 7 Grade ONLY 3:15-4:15p.m.* 4:15-5:15p.m.* Cost: $615 th In this class, 7 grade students will be coached to prepare themselves for the high school placement exams by taking sample tests, reviewing skills and strategies, and becoming more familiar with the format of the tests. We will review all sections of the SHSAT and ISEE tests, and give students assignments to complete between classes. With practice and support, students will build the skills and confidence they need to do their own best work on the exams. *alternating times each week during basketball season THURSDAYS: January 7 to March 10 ORIGINAL WEB SERIES with KIM 4:15-5:15 p.m. Cost $300 Want to write and act in your own web series? Always wanted to explore the video making process as an actor? During this trimester­long fun, creative and intensive acting class you will develop short webisodes from conception to completion. The class will focus on improvisational acting to develop the initial concept and to create short scripts. Then students will rehearse the scenes and shape the characters. The video will be shot with a professional digital camera in locations in and around BHMS. Finally, the footage will be edited into a “rough­cut” that will be uploaded to the BHMS Class Pages. FRIDAYS: January 8 to March 11 WORLD CUP SOCCER with COACH RICARDO 4th -6th Grade ONLY 3:15-4p.m. Cost: $265 Begins September 25 and ends December 4 (no class 11/27) A class designed to improve soccer skills and athletic skills for 4-6 grade students. Players will enjoy playing in a safe, challenging, nurturing and FUN environment. Players will also learn fancy footwork moves and tricks, teamwork, sportsmanship, grace and courtesy. REGISTER HERE: Still have questions? Simply contact Molly Davis or Ayana Crawford