8–8 Compton Scattering E’, Thomson scattering: initial and final wavelength identical. But: in reality: light consists of photons =⇒ Scattering: photon changes direction =⇒ Momentum change =⇒ Energy change! This is quantum picture =⇒ Compton scattering. p’ θ E, p T Energy/wavelength change (see handout): E E E = ∼E 1− (1 − cos θ) E mec2 1 + me c2 (1 − cos θ) h (1 − cos θ) λ0 − λ = me c 0 (8.14) (8.15) where h/mec = 2.426 × 10−12 m (Compton wavelength). Averaging over θ, for E mec: ∆E E ≈− E me c2 (8.16) E.g., at 6.4 keV, ∆E ≈ 0.2 keV. 1 Compton Scattering 8–13 Amplification factor, I In electron frame of rest, ∆E E =− E mec2 (8.16) Assuming a thermal (Maxwell) distribution of electrons (i.e., they’re not at rest), one can show that the relative energy change is given by ∆E 4kT − E = =A E mec2 (8.48) where A is the Compton amplification factor. Thus: E . 4kTe =⇒ Photons gain energy, gas cools down. E & 4kTe =⇒ Photons loose energy, gas heats up. Thermal Comptonization 1 8–14 Amplification factor, II In reality, photons will scatter more than once before leaving the hot electron medium. The total relative energy change of photons by traversal of a hot (E kTe) medium with electron density ne and size ` is then approximately rel. energy change (rel. energy change y) = scattering × (# scatterings) (8.49) The number of scatterings is max(τe, τe2), where τe = neσT` (“optical depth”), such that y = 4kTe me c2 max(τe, τe2) (8.50) “Compton y -Parameter” 2 Thermal Comptonization 8–15 Spectral shape Photon spectra can be found by analytically solving the “Kompaneets equation”, but this is very difficult. Approximate spectral shape from the following arguments: After k scatterings, the energy of a photon with initial energy Ei is approximately Ek = EiAk (8.51) But the probability to undergo k scatterings in a cloud with optical depth τe is pk (τe) = τek (follows from theory of random walks, note that the mean free path is ` = 1/τe ). Therefore, if there are N (Ei) photons initially, then the number of photons emerging at energy Ek is −α ln τe Ek k with α=− (8.52) N (Ek ) ∼ N (Ei )A ∼ N (Ei) Ei ln A Comptonization produces power-law spectra. General solution: Possible via the Monte Carlo method. Thermal Comptonization 3 Generate Photon (E,w,r,a) Generate τ from exp−distribution Propagate Photon Bin photon in Yes spectrum No Escaped? Simulate collision 8–17 Spectral shape 10 6 τ=5 kT=200 keV E N(E) [keV cm −2 s−1 keV −1 ] 10 5 10 4 5 4 10 3 3 2 1 10 2 10 1 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 E [keV] Monte Carlo simulation shows: Spectrum is =⇒ Power law with exponential cutoff (here: with additional “Wien hump”, see next slide) Thermal Comptonization 11 8–18 Spectral shape 10 2 τe=10 E2 N(E) [keV2cm-2 s-1 keV-1 ] 10 1 10 0 τe=5 -1 10 τe=2 τe=1 -2 10 τe=0.05 y 1: pure power-law. y < 1: power-law with τe=0.5 10-3 10-4 0.1 1.0 10.0 E [keV] 100.0 1000.0 Sphere with kTe = 0.7me c2 (∼ 360 keV), seed photons come from center of sphere. exponential cut-off y 1: “Saturated Comptonization”. Saturated Comptonization has never been observed. Thermal Comptonization 12 9–1 Application of Comptonization 9–2 Galactic Black Holes Typical BHC Spectra 102 E N(E) [keV cm-2 s-1 keV-1] GS 2000+25, x10 100 Cyg X-1 10-2 GRO J0422+32, x0.1 10-4 TTM 10-6 0.1 OSSE BBXRT 1.0 HEXE 10.0 E [keV] 100.0 1000.0 (Cyg X-1: Wilms et al., 1996, ; GRO J0422+32, GS2000+25: Sunyaev et al., 1993, Kroeger [priv. comm.]) X-ray spectra of galactic black hole candidates can be well explained by thermal Comptonization in a plasma with kT ∼ 150 keV and with y ∼ 1. 1 Observations 9–3 INTEGRAL/RXTE, I Observations 2 9–4 χ keV (keV cm−2 s−1 keV−1) INTEGRAL/RXTE, III Fit of a model to RXTE/INTEGRAL data from the galactic black hole Cygnus X-1 1.0 kTsoft = 1.21 keV, τe = 1.09, kTe ∼ 100 keV 0.1 4 2 0 −2 −4 10 Note presence of a Compton reflection hump (evidence of close vicinity of hot electrons and only mildly ionised material) 100 Energy [keV] Fritz, et al., 2005, in prep. 4 Observations 9–5 AGN NGC 4151 and PG 1416-129 10-2 Photon flux [ph/cm2 s keV] 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 ROSAT 1 GINGA 10 Energy [keV] OSSE HEXE 100 (PG 1416−129: de Kool et al., 1994, Williams et al., 1992, Staubert & Maisack, 1996; NGC 4151: Maisack 1991, 1993) Spectral shape of AGN very similar to galactic Black Holes =⇒ Same physical mechanism (=Comptonization) responsible! Note: NGC 4151 not corrected for interstellar absorption. Observations 5