0 32 Ter ry A . Fr anc ois B lvd Stockton Powell Battery Front Davis 800 900 Hotaling Drumm Front Sansome Spring Montgomery Belden Trinity Kearny Davis Lum Grant Quincy Mark Claude St. George Third St Stockton Tunnel Stockton Powell Icehouse Alley Sansome 1000 1100 1200 Wentworth Ross Hangah Pagoda Spofford Waverly Joice Hil l No b Mason 100 Cyril Magnin 900 Grant 1300 1500 1700 Sproule Taylor 400 Battery Mason Montgomery Kearny Taylor Jones Shannon 200 200 300 500 Jones Leavenworth Hyde Larkin Polk 600 Carlton Goodlett Blvd Leavenworth 1800 2100 2200 1800 Phoenix Trenton Hyde Larkin Polk Van Ness Avenue 2300 Van Ness 700 Je nn ing s Ke ith Me nd ell 20 Gr iffi th Street grade 0-5% Fis ch er Ho rn e 120 40 n Keure Van Bla nd y r Spea Fit ch 6th Av e 22 00 En g Do na hu e Co lem an Robinson Fri ed ell Ha we s Ea rl 00 17 Do rm 00 17 La ne Ke ith z Nimit Street grade over 18% ES t How to use the San Francisco Bike Map & Walking Guide This map and guide is designed to help you choose biking, walking, and even running routes to get around in San Francisco on the least hilly terrain. Numbered routes shown on the map are the Official San Francisco Bike Routes, and generally avoid steep hills and heavy traffic. Bike path, bike lane, and shared roadway designations (see legend) are designed to help you choose a route appropriate to your skill, familiarity with the City, and destination. Non-numbered routes (paths, lanes and shared roadway/wide curb lanes) are popular alternatives to the Official Routes. Always use caution when bicycling anywhere in San Francisco. 20 Gil ro y Candlestick Point State Recreation Area 1 Donner Hunters Point Expwy Candlestick Park Numbered bike routes are part of the Official San Francisco City Bike Route System 60 Even numbers Ha r 805 Understanding the Official San Francisco Bike Route System 20 20 Executive seau Man Wa lke r Gr iffi n Ha we s 60 Ni ch ols JS t South Basin Street grade 5-10% Street grade 10-18% Ma ha n 40 Ca me ron Ar eli ou s 25 00 Re do nd o S a lle Lo ck wo od 805 Ing all is Je nn ing s Cris p 00 0 Thomas Mellon Penin sula Toco loma Gille tte Hollad ay Qu int 0 90 Ne wh all Latonia Third Pomon a Ceres Lucy 20 Thir d 6200 Ke ith 0 16 Van Ness 2900 0 80 Ph elp s Qu int Ne wh White all c Flora Reddy Me nd ell Cran e Exete r Gou ld Carr Whe eler Larkin Franklin 2400 40 120 Ra nk in 3800 Se lby Ra nk in Bridge View 240 Silv erv iew Neptune Diana Newh all Ph elp s W Ra aba cin e Ba ysh or e Alp ha La lis h Mc Ca nn 300 200 To lan d Ma dd ux Q uin t Alde r Bish op Rutl and Bay sho re 800 Franklin ou t 20 0 30 0 30 0 King C Up ton Mi lto nR os s A Barnevel d Old Loomis Mill Delt a Pea bod y Talb ert Rey Delt a Cora Des mon d 0 38 Brott on Ellio t Loe hr 480 380 36 340 0 Pa tte rso n Ba ysh ore Franconia 80 McC arth y Garr ison Saw yer Rio Verd e Acc acia Orie nte Sch weri n Pue blo Calg ary Arg ona ut Hah n 300 620 alls 70 0 60 0 120 80 Hollada y Brews ter Fran con 220ia 180 Peralta Bradford Bronte Peralta 200 Ellsw orth Gates Folsom 3600 200 Anderson Andover Moultrie Putnam 400 200 300 Banks Pro sp ec t Win field Bo n Bo view can 24 0 Benningtona Wool 280 820 0 70 ng 50 0 70 0 70 0 240 Cl em en tin a Isis Bern ice Trea t 80 0 90 0 90 0 60 Lu nd y’s Tif 0 360 Brook d Parq Celi to Esq uina Cari z San zal tos Pas ade na Cas tillo Cart er 34 0 0 800 820 800 640 780 74 0 700 720 Prentiss Nevada San Jose fan Bik y eB oule var d Co lerid ge n no 12 one y b ro o k St o n e y f o rd G ladston e St li a 0 28 Ca Kis sli ng 16 00 180 Gla180 dy s Genebe rn Mi ss ion Els ie 140 Whitney H Carrie 0 440 Lis bo 300 n Ma drid 300 Ed inb urg Na h ple 400 s Vie nn 400 a Ath en 400 s Mo 500 sc o Mu 400 w n Pra ich 300 gu e 100 Du blin 440 0 160 Mis sio n 300 Lo nd on Pa ris Ar de Treat P Yo ete rke r 0 30 200 a rper l o ne Brom prton Chilt en Lipp ard Acadia Ca yu Ale ga ma ny Ca pis tra no Ale ma ny Wa verl y Po pe s Ga bri el Sa Missni Lu is Ma rV ist a Ho ll 0 10 0 36 Conrad n re Elk Baden Ots eg o Wa nda Ca yug a Ots ego M iss ion 0 ts Mizpah Bo s worth 58 ed De lan o 00 55 Oh Cor bet t C Congo Detroit Sa nJ os e De lan o 200 Ra e e 80 0 340 Els ie Retiro Av ila 0 50 Ea 540 52 0 Vi s ta Ma r 360 Gr ket 0 an dV iew e tt rde nside Burn Ga Portola 0 Mars Uranus a ks Pe 0 62 Gaviota Arroyo Stanford Heighes Foerster 320 San Tara Mig uel 300 24 0 72 740 0 360 0 32 26 As hb ury Up pe r R Te r se ve 5 a k80 s Skyview Aquavis ta 0 84 Twin Midc Pea res k t 500 0 68 Sequo ia Foe r 600 Gennesee 340 Lou isb urg Ho wth Ca ine Sa nJ os e 28 Ca yu ga Se ar s 400 400 400 Gl en br oo k 0 60 yra M 800 880 y Ridgewood Phelan Edgar Wil liar Harold Jo sia h Ma rga ret Ma jes tic 400 0 Jo se Sa n 420 380 360 om 0 28 400 0 34 600 700 n za d a Av a La 820 0 78 Brighton Lee Granada Plymouth Miramar Faxon Jules Capitol 500 Head Bright Orizaba Rh ine 300 620 Jua nit a Ch av 0 58 Eastwood Westwood Dor a do Ashton Orizaba 300 300 Ramsell Victoria 320 50 S Sanches 72 0 hr J ohn rk Pa ci a ElV eran St El mo Faxon reas nd 28 0 Victoria De S o t o C o ro n a 400 300 400 Arch Vernon De L on g Miramar San P a renn zo Sa n San Ale s Ap tos W e Pin st G eh ate urs Ma t no r Lak ew o o Fair d field Keyston e Borica 300 Ralston St. Charles Ba lc eta Id ern or an a de z Ul lo a ar 0 50 mont Cla re Waw ona Le no x San Benito Santa Ana c el a Rit a Santa Lopez 1 2 th Fore st Sid e 12th Mad rone Po rto la San Leandro San Fernando Monticello Byxbee 200 Beverly Hunter’s 100 Point 13 0 ive Execut 220 640 420 7th Ave 1700 1 2t h Funston Funston W aw W es ona tP or 14 00 ta l 300 San Rafael Junipero Serra Lunada 600 320 0 26 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 11th Cragmont Fa nn ing 14th 15th Cecilia 2500 15th 16th Broadmoor Stratford Forest Kno lls 1400 Auto 500 520 14th Funs De vo ns hir e 0 50 500 520 16th 17th Ke nn O’R edy eilly Gir ard r MacArthur Macrae Portola Rodriguez Bar nar d Qu arry 2nd Ave Arguello 3rd 4th 5th 6th 0 28 2nd Ha gi Co 12th Funston 14th 15th 14 th 400 19th Stonecrest 19th Ave 1 Na 40 vy Ga lve z Cle Je o Ra rro n ld d ood Lockw Denslove 0 68 Contours (20 ft intervals) Street Grades The grades of all San Francisco streets are color coded on this map according to their slope. The darker red the color, the steeper the slope. If an easy route is desired, avoid the red. If you desire a more challenging and varied route, the steeper terrain is clearly indicated. C St Cr es pi 180 10 rane Coch Qu es ad Re 70 a 7 ve re Sh aft e r Th om as Un 15 de 00 r wo Va od nD yk NTP Wa e Bikes lla c e Yo se mi Ar te ms tro 20 Ba ng n Ca cro rro ft ll Inn es Northrid ge 120 ry ito Kiska I ell Morr al ez Pa lou 0 24 ey Huss Gr ija lva 160 ASt n la 100 Hill 40 00 rb sie L ee I St Arballo eo 14 Be atri Ha Be Ro H St Vidal Cable Car line Gate (most allow bicycles through) 0 Lake Merced Brlvd 70 wn to es m Ja 20 Caltrain line and stations 14 60 La gu nit as Wo odacr e Melba 20th 22nd 21st 23rd 18th 19th 20th Ave 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 24th 25th 26th Inverness Forest View Sylvan Middlefield Meadowbrook 3000 25th 2400 26th 27th 29th 28th 30th Riverton Springfield Everglade Clearfield 0 20 0 20 220 20 ce Morningside Halleck Fu ns ton Arguello 300 400 7th 9th 8th 10th r 7th 6th 1200 16th 17th 2200 2200 31st 32nd 34th 33rd 35th Sunset Blvd Stairways or 7 c Gellert San Francisco Bay Trail Je rro 25 ld India Basin Alana DETOUR 80 SAN FRANCISCO CITY & COUNTY N SAN MATEO COUNTY 20 Tunnel 240 0 14 You ng a rth Co un Infa ntry Te c rra e 160 11th 12th 260 18th 19th 20th 21st 300 2000 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st Hiking/Walking Trails Vista Points Po nters int Hu in t y Ke 0 26 0 Skyline Blvd 101 BART line and stations Middle Point 100 o 20 0 W e st P Cashmer e 12 Os 120 Arrows indicate travel in one direction Must ride on sidewalk Bicycle Parking (Racks &/or Lockers) n Hudso 20 100 0 80 (bikes & cars share the same - often narrow - roadway) 00 ey itn lle Wh Sa 10 Skylin e Bl vd S Lo ib op op on Park Blv d Ve ter an s 14th Park Presidio Funston 500 15th 16th 17th 18th 20th 19th 21st 0 20 22nd 23rd Ave Lom i ta Sunset Blvd 1700 100 42nd 43rd 44th 46th 45th Ave 47th Ril e Or y Ta d ylo r Mo ntg om ery An Gr za Ke aham ye s Me sa r Incinera co ln McDowell Pa rk 320 15th 400 160 23rd Ave 22nd 24th 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 30th 29th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th Ave 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 120 1500 Veterans Blvd U pRal s t on to n W y Brown man Bowl ey 5th 500 26th 140 100 41st 42nd 43rd 25th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 1200 80 60 44th 45th Ave 46th Dudley 200 Me rch an Ralston Lin co ln Harr ison 20 liff 220 500 600 37th 38th 39th 40th 42nd 41st 43rd 44th 45th 46th 1200 40 47th 48th 10th 0 36 360 14 0 20 320 47th 48th La Playa 20 Kansas re shi mp Ha rk Yo Tennessee 80 s 800 y ce lan De San Bruno Utah Potrero York Bryant Illinois Bike Lane (dedicated bike lane on roadway edge) Bike Route 13 60 18 Beatty E W To SF International Airport 2 0 20 Hampshire Michigan Third Marin (dedicated off-street - usually paved - bike path) San Francisco bicycle shops which also rent bicycles 00 y Way ne E S Bicycle Shops San Francisco bicycle shops which sell new and/or used bicycles. Most bicycle shops provide repairs as well as spare parts. 14 20 1/4 mile San Francisco bicycle shops which ONLY rent bicycles Fa irfa x Ga lve z Hu ds on 22 0 1/4 km Bike Path/Multi-use Trail Newh all 10 Blan ken nt mo Fre 0 rry Be 60 Ca rg oW ay 0 st e r 120 Bicycle Bridge a ralt Pe 26 240 on nd Lo ird Th th Six nth ve Se ng Ki 0 40 Detail of the Duboce Bikeway Mural, drawn by Mona Caron and coordinated by Joel Pomerantz. Ev an s Bay 40 View 0 Park 0 0 20 ck Ja th Fif m lla Ha re Do 280 N W 525 Amador 140 30 AT&T Park All Giants’ home games 101 Eastbound bike lane during morning commute only 80 7 00 Bay View Park Lath rop 25 z ave Ch sar e C 15 360 nd se wn To 2200 Indiana 20 a 1000 no San Bru Me ad 160 e South Beach Caltrain Depot me xo Blu Tennessee 700 Mississippi om Th 2800 hore Bay S Co nte 0 30 0 20 n na an Br n na an Br The 360 ft. long mural, sponsored by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, is located on Duboce Street along a car-free block for bicycling and walking, between Church and Market. 28 5 rk Pa 0 20 80 0 20 00 12 d lan nt ak ya /O Br SF nd co Se 0 40 th ur Fo lso Fo 0 20 m lso Fo 0 60 uth So ma ha na Te nti me Cle m 0 20 0 20 ma ha na Te nti me Cle 00 12 e rn ho wt Ha ird Th t rrie Ha ss Ru nth Te a tom Na 00 12 rd wa Ho Tw elf th ch us Ra na Min nth Ni ion ss Mi ton ng La 00 12 on ns ve Ste ie ss Je hth Eig Fell 100 0 20 00 12 Hayes 200 BART/Muni Civic Center Station South of Market ge rid yB Ba on rris Ha w Do th ur Fo 200 0 20 Grove 0 20 Fulton na Min ma ha Te 0 60 rd wa Ho th Fif Civic Center 200 th Six McAllister Golden Gate a tom Na 0 60 Mi on ns ve Ste ie ss Je m lso Fo na Min Yerba Buena BART/Muni Powell St ion Station ss t Min Golden Gate Turk on ns ve Ste 0 60 0 20 400 100 BART/Muni Montgomery St Station ie ss Je rd wa Ho 0 20 Eddy 100 on ns ve Ste 0 20 Ellis Lane 100 Post t rke Ma 0 20 O’Farrell 100 200 n lde Ma 600 Maiden Union Square Sutter ion ss Mi BART/Muni Embarcadero Station st Fir Geary 300 Tillman Compton Financial District r ke Ec 800 300 nth ve Ele Illinois 1800 Minnesota La Playa Delta Cosmo Post 500 Turk Bridgeview Third 4th 60 20 Bush 900 700 Pine nd co y Se er om ntg Mo O’Farrell California w Ne 140 Sutter Sacramento Ferry Building Farmers Market, Saturdays 8am - 2pm 0 20 Bush 1000 800 Clay 600 Commercial 700 in Ma 1200 Merchant r ea Sp Pine Washington t ar eu St Van Ness 1300 Gold St Jackson Chinatown California a St Jr lly Ke P. 80 g lin 5 40 24 60 Nob Hill Clay Sacramento 1500 Embarcadero ale Be Embarcadero 20 Pennsylvania Texas ns Eva 0 16 600 360 o Brun San 40 0 0 20 800 Cedar Eddy John Jackson Square Pacific 64 La Do nn er Eg be rt Fit zg era Gi ld lm an Ho llis ter Ing ers o 80 n Ja me sto wn Ke y 40 Rec ycle 905 0 440 400 340 22 Caltrain 1500 900 Vallejo 200 Broadway Jack Kerouac on rris Ha Bay View 101 905 Clay 100 200 0 00 60 925 42 2 440 0 00 e 140ta F 0 n Sa 10 ia y ot d M e rcur Sc ar dy Le 500 Visit acio n 1500 Geary rr Kin gW ay 60 00 f llif Caltrain He Washington is Ot Bu rke Inn es Sa lle Bayview sh 1400 Redwood 25th St 16 Bay v iew Le r te Pe Valet bike parking at AT&T Park during games, is on the south side of ballpark by the water on PortWalk. For information see www.sfbike.org/giants 800 5 La 14 1 0 20 200 Ward 25 25 760 0 20 70 7 380 300 Waterville en tting Goe rd Gira sels Brus 0 24 280 China Basin Illinois Street Intermodal Bridge 7 e Wild Cam pbe ll 1100 Cu ste r Da vid so Ev n an s 16 5 20 84 0 680 Elmira Boutwell 300 Tiog a Tuck er 32 0 Mississippi Missouri ta ko Da ut tic ec nn Co 0 28 Kansas Hilto n doin Bow th mou Dart y Colb y ersit Univ way Ord An ke 3 ny 40 Pacific Oak Inn es 18 llo po enus V Thornton Salina s Ke y 1600 25 Tulare Kir kw oo d Pa lou Hark ness 200 Marin 0 Paul Pacific Post Ferries to the East Bay, Marin County and Vallejo (game days only) 60 40 d stea Olm sell Man 1200 68 Egbe rt 5 800 Jackson Green Vallejo Cesar Chavez 26th 20 William s Broadway Ellis 800 24th 907 York t erse Som oke Holy ht Dwig Mac Don ald 46 40 23rd 60 280 s To pe ka 1500 25th Ga lve z Hu ds on 5 420 Missouri Connecticut Wisconsin Arkansas 800 Rhode Island e shir mp Ha Es m 200 on Bac 0 380 70 25 20 460 900 80 0 land Way Sun nyda le Mart in 140 400 500 Carolina De Haro Kansas Utah San Bruno Vermont Hampshire nia nco Fra Alabama Treat y ersit Univ 100 20 80 170 Broadway Pine San Francisco Bay 900 26th St Qu e Re sad ve a re ton ThornB an cro ft Ca rro ll Visitacion Valley Gen eva 20 Indiana 0 10 600 Kansas 900 1100 Balmy ilton Ham doin Bow th mou Dart y Colb 420 Oakridge Cow Palace lin Co 200 500 Bruno Potrero York Bryant Alabama Florida Harrison Folsom Shotwell Manchester b ack e yd Cl usk L Wisconsin 400 Vermont Hampshire 2300 800 2500 Horace dle 2200 rd fo an St h tc Ri e Zo Henry Adams 300 300 York Bryant Harrison Lucky m Ro e Sad 1000 Dogpatch Marin 40 30 s ow Burr 200 Burr on nc Ri er nt Ce pu La n to ng La e rn ce Lu tte rt et Bu ilbe rri Ha G an dm t ar er Bo ilb G Utah Potrero Alabama Treat 2700 L ha Sun rise Vela sco x se Es pu La g an nd Ta a bi m lu are CoSqu an m er Sh 20 r ke Ec Grant et rri Ha re Do Florida Folsom Treat ue 5 Tubbs Cesar Chavez l stria Indu Sh aft er 800 Greenwich ro de rca ba Em The Front Battery e Sansom Lick y ar M ss Ru s os M n to ng La ch us r Ra ne m Su r pe ni Ju y Great Highwa Drumm 200 300 ery Montgom Trinity Belden arny St Ke Claude George Quincy Stockton Cyril nin Mag Mason 20 Davis 400 orff Leidesd 500 Spring 600 Hammett Hangah Joice Powell Taylor re Do Trainor n ceto Prin erst Amh ale Blythd ale go en ar M Vallejo Filbert i ll North Beach 700 1500 California y Wa rke Yo Russian Hill Lombard Telegraph Hill H Te legraph Custoem Hous Hotaling W U Lum Waverly Spofford Hang Ah 0 Mason Jones m ha en Br Virgil Ray mon d Lela nd 7 Caltrain 200 1800 Mc Ki nn Ne on wc om Oa b kd ale P Ap alou pa ral an Dorm 700 For information on bicycle parking and garages see the SFMTA website: http://www.sfmta.com 500 Esprit Park 280 Blair Je rro ld 300 Tedd y Arle ta 100 l ora Caire 700 Macondray 200 600 Union Green 200 500 Filbert 1300 Bay Area BikeShare Station 20 1300 25 70 er Silv 240 Campus Ln 23 7 Potrero Hill Greenwich South St 40 17th St Lombard 1400 Bay St 200 Vandewater Vallejo N. Mission Bay Blvd S. Mission Bay Blvd Wy 500 s bu lum Co Osgood 800 Front Bartol Beckett 800 28 900 Shannon rth Leavenwo 1400 1400 100 Fisherman’s 200 Wharf 1000 Sutter Pier 48 Nelson Rising Culebra Battery e Sansom Calhoun Castle 1200 Grant 180 Kearny 100 1100 Stone Codman Wetmore n Cushma Sproule 320 Cypress Bache Porter Roscoe Yale ge brid Cam rd Oxfo Sun nyd ale 26 740 e Icehous Sonoma Genoa s Varenne StocktonCordelia Trenton Card Powell 0 1200 Shotwell Lilac Arnold 0 0 30 32 Mi b i n s o n ra L ista 0 80 © Rufus Graphics: San Francisco 2014 0 28 il l ph H August 30 S Van Ness Capp Mission Murray Gleneagles Golf Course 32 700 720 740 t et gg Da 1400 Union China Basin Gene Friend O w en s 20 Cos ta Faith 400 ion itac Vis 120 ap va do 840 74 78 70 6 800 0 0 280 Filbert k Mission Ro c UCSF Mission Bay 19th St 525 n Felto 320 China Basin l ne an Ch 1300 800 500 Complementary Bicycle Valet The Em ba rca de North Point ro Telegr a Bannam ce Jasper Pri Row Grover Auburn an Himmelm 1500 500 60 2500 Orange Osage 0 M s e ll 0 8 00 Eaton ylor Folsom Capp Bartlett 50 Mansell rry Be Lombard Bush China Basin Park 4t h 6t h Napoleon 80 705 400 48 0 0 Scotland 1800 Ta 1900 Shotwell 200 S Van Ness San Carlos d stea Olm 360 3r d 40 So Htsuthe rn r ve Sil lsey Woo 260 300 536 Caltrain Depot ng Ki 40 500 McLaren Park 28 0 76 0 Augusta 700 0 an 34 7270 0 0 19th S.F General Hospital 700 380 0 Rack Solid 1200 Sacramento 32 Bike Hut (Non-profit Youth program) d 2nd en 5 ns w o T AT&T g n Park Ki Mission Bay Mariposa 20th Flo we r on Bac 68 560 16th St 1500 an Sillm land Way De la nc ey 18th 620 0 52 660 62 ns w To 36 Whole Foods in Gav eny Swe ows Burr 0 Caltrain Bike e Station om ux d Bl en 6t h 11 Hwy 80 to Oakland/ Berkeley/ Sacramento Brannan Street Wharf PUBLIC Bikes e rn Va 60 an Br 5t h H 123 20 ard k Ric J ohn Shelley 90 72 South Park y 23 Con k 0 1300 44 0 740 0 0 r be Ta hPk S 0 22 25 120 l ra de Fe 50 Pedestrian overpass 200 280 0 10 80 Whole Foods 7t h 120 h Ellswort Alemany 0 500 480 0 ak Dr 48 380 0 0 3r d er op Ho Alameda CCA win Ir 100 ll 15th be ub Joy alda Mojave Ogden g in ns La 40 0 South of Market Performance Bicycle REI Hoff Valencia Tompkins 66 1300 ows Burr 78 60 66 72 580 500 er 600 400 Crocker Amazon Playground roline 30 19 6t h Division Cortland Jarboe Portola ison Mad 700 r ylo Na ova Cord C i t y View 0 Bernal Heights Chapman Powhattan 340 0 78 Rutledge 60 u G 2n d o ris ar H 40 m lso Fo y Ha wt ho rn e 30 City M a Be in Front n al e 80 60 0 Ru ssia id g na a in m M 1100 Chestnut Greenwich1300 Transbay Transit Terminal Relocated to temporary terminal at Howard and Beale while new Transit Center is being constructed at First and Fremont; for updates visit www. temporaryterminal.org. 20 0 1000 Francisco Beach 400 d e t i 5 Sp ea r d ar ow H Fr em on t 1s tS t l za Ri Littlefield Montcalm Hale 400 Sou th r on ris ar H 8t h Bernal ecita Bike Pr Kroyer a ralt n Cycles Pe lle Mu Mullen 42 600 g din Win o ag c i Ch ore m i t e Bal Co r im El sh el W n Electric lo Bicycle Free n Outlet na 3000 Rutledge 0 46 e Pop ton New is Curt n Allsio cord Con ntine Flore erg enb Gut ell Low e ridg Part Alta Vista 3100 West View Sweeny ard Harv bier Gam 0 380 ee r ittie Wh er Oliv ale nd n ur hb as e W rac G 400 Mission 900 Poplar Guerrero 200 he Pioc Ex ce lsio r ll South Hi Eastbound bike lane during morning commute only Bernal 38 Heights 0 Park Bernal He ights 400 Pedestrian overpass 500 70 22 Excelsior yon Can Roach 0 34 Natoma Minna Lexington San Jose Benton Congdon a ev jo en va G Na ca ne 0 20 la Sa ote Fo ee gl Na n ila M le pp hi W n Acto Be llev ue Hyde Ness 1700 Rondel Lapidge ton Dan Lyell BART Muni Metro Glen Park Ka De te ca tu r 24th St 26 Newman 0 Benton Murray eck Rott Silver Rolph 900 Jansen 1400 S Van Otis Woodward Albion Crescent Ag Pe ru 280 Win ding Ba ltimo re Pola ris 23rd 3000 60 The New Wheel 240 260 30 220 llege Co Cuvier Milton Rousseau Rotteck e artin Lam er Badg m rha Go y le ng a Ti es er r Th tte Maynard Fra nc e Prague 33 Mission Eugenia Holly Park Park Richland Justin Gene va Munich Pushbike 44 n io iss M South Beach y le ip Sh ra a Cl 25 21st 22nd Pacific Bicycle 5t h nt ya Br 20th Ripley 300 1100 19th Mistral 50 Free attended bike parking provided at bike station b i h 0 Children’s Creativity Museum Pedestrian overpass 2600 18th Bike Kitchen St 100 BART/ e Muni Metro uart Embarcadero 30 n so en sie ev es J St 20 25 40 Mariposa Treat Street Bicycle Works 24th Esm era lda ark yP se Lee 20 140 Ney A th e n s S an Wiese Stevenson Julian a Caledoni Dolores Highland 0 Ita ly Seville Franklin Square 17th St Still el Ge ne va 400 ll Hi on Guerrero 1100 Church Ap ple ton 45 eo at M Swi ss Nordhoff m Ca Am azo n Ro lph 16th St cita 80 Precita Pre el Po we irab rs Co MMontezuma so Fa Aztec ir Eu ge nia Kin gs ton Co rtla nd San ta M arin a 220 Fairmont any Trumbull Alem Av alo n 400 BART 24th St Virg inia Randall el gu Mi e ok an Ro Natick on 0 by ac 48 ig 540 Carrie n Be rso t Ev e son ffit y x ey i Add Mo pp sse ny urr Far num Po Su en S Diamon d P 300 260 uga Cay Heavy Metal Chenery Ra nd a La 2ll idl 60 ey Bra zil 400 400 r ove 0 Han 38 900 Fair Oaks Church Sanchez Whitney az 0 380 ags 28 d Mine 0 0 300 Sports Basement Potrero Center Enterprise 26th Cesar Chavez 45 500 Outer Mission Valencia Linda Quane 1600 Sanchez Noe ts a 32 esit Ter a a 45 Pe rsia Alameda 15th 33 3100 25th 28th 200 y er en ey Ch ton idl College La g lin se Ar n Jo Sa St M Pedestrian ary overpass ’s Bosworth Ocean Balboa HS 160 Amess 200 1500 29th 30th is 0 m 38 Be Wilder Fra nc is Valley Day 360 Th or Ha rrin gto No n rto n Duncan 49 400 0 45 27th Comerford 300 42 n Sa nta Sa Ro sa S On ond ag a rn Dearbo Oakwood Chatanooga Dolores 0 42 D Co Alameda 25 Pedal Revolution 45 Elizabeth 36 15th Don Rafa’s Cyclery Co n ea ve rs cL e M 101 14th 36 1400 BART 16th St 10 th 60 400 Still an ta Ys ab el Dolores 4000 3500 24th 44 49 1300 Diamond is e V 23rd Vicksburg 24th 22nd 30 36 Valencia Cyclery Hill Alvarado 11 t d ol ng Ri 9t h 11 Moscone Center 0 23 an id er Sh No h rfo lk Rainbow Grocery Adair 30 m lso Fo 25 Erie 3300 Sanchez Homestead e Ca m er Am b o Turqu Surrey u B iel br Ga 200 Church Nellie 3900 3500 20th 700 220 Addison ex Pedestrian overpass Abbey Blanche Whole Foods 500 45 0 Divis 30 Mission Bicycle 19th 700 Noe Alvarado 3900 g ur wb Ne Ch ene ry B 55 osworth 360 Guerrero Church Sanchez Rayburn Castro 400 600 500 Douglas Hoffman Fountain e dg k ri n De S uss Landers Sharon 600 Hartford 360 320 Worth 500 Polk sa lu Co Jessie Stevenson Elgin Pk Pearl Boynton Prosper Pond Noe 600 r Co rt 22nd Plum 0 10 th 20 12 th St Clarion Sycamore Freewheel Cyclery 4000 Berkele y Diam ond ond He ig h iam D Arbo r 240 3600 30 20 a 30 N La fay ett e (Underion fwy) 2900 18th 400 0 0 Camp 21st 68 64 16th St 17th Mission Dolores Park 3900 Larkin Octavia Belcher Noe Walter Diamond Collingwood Douglas Eureka w Se Yukon t rke 480 ett Ma Cor b 660 P ar C re Cr 15th 45 0 a m ha Te 11 Bay Green 14 to BART/ Na a Muni Metro m ha Montgomery St Te tine en m Museum of Center e Cl 20 for the Modern Art 0 3D Arts 30 Marin Bikes Factory Outlet 20 0 na a in m M to 30 St tis O Cumberland 20th Diamond Heights Or T op Go l Box Dog Bikes Mission Dolores Dorland 200 1300 Van Ness Webster Steiner Pierce Brosnan Dolores Tr Dorland 140 rth Leavenwo Hollis 0 24 Ford 3900 Morell Van Ness S Avery 0 40 749 25th Chula 280 2100 Larkin 2200 Cottage Row 16 nt Fli Refried Cycles Hyde Polk Franklin Gough Octavia Laguna Orben Steiner Castro Alpine Whole Foods 500 14th 30 10 o r 12 th 545 Clinton Park Midway Bret Harte 160 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 an Buchan Webster Fillmore 30 Alert Jones 300 200 Octavia 2800 2700 2800 Scott 500 Hattie Mono in Peak s Tw 34 340 0 28 Park Ord vers Dan 800 T 0 0 70 0 0 34 30 9t h Mike’s Bikes ia Californ My Dutch Bike 4t h a m to d Na ar a ow a H ham ntin e Te m 6t Cle h i M 7t h 8t h n so en ev ssie St Je 25 on ton e l s ns Haight Go teve Bra CoCha ug S dy h McCoppin Bike Mural Muni Metro Church St Di am on 53 d H 00 0 eig 4 5 h 500640 5 0 Lausatt 50 Hancock Safira27th 200 View D r Castro Bespoke Cycles Noe Valley Cyclery Jersey 500 ick nsw Bru Tre Page 32 23 Halleck ne sto ck Bla San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Justin Herman Plaza Bike & Roll ento Sacram Metreon BART/ Muni Metro Powell St Huckleberry Bicycles Ferry Building ton Washing Bikefit n so BART/ Muni Metro Civic Center 25 Market St Cycles Lily 45 16th St Noe Valley Ni a e ga M nt ra t V Mo er l no n De rt nkfo Fra Oak Rose Safeway 26th St Sa nta Yn ez Ru dd en Me d 200 a e evu Bell Fell Hickory Duboce Clipper 520 s Cros e Mors 440 5 B Vista Ter nt Leva Lomsata Vi s ak Pe 0 60 r e 70 mit Sum 68 160 300 300 Vista West n Crow Villa w Gladevie w lino Mo La Bica on gt lin El ro Divisade Baker B na nic so Ma Clayton in Tw Mar sy es hn ug ha O’S ita es Ter er wl Fo n O tta wa ny ma Ale Fa rra gu t 40 Steiner 400 500 Masonic 300 Cole Knollview Starview Panorama Dellbrook 640 0 2800 Lyon Central Delmar Ashbury Clayton Downey 700 De l l ga yu Ca e Ro m m Ro 00 e 25 er nd xa Ale 00 32000 3 0 280 28 0 260 30 30 k Broderic 300 300 Cole ere Belverd Shrader d Woodlan 0 540 52 180 0 120 r Seymou Nido lis Annapo Atalaya y Hemwa Loyola Willard Sh aw n 460 500 440 160 24th St Se Se m in ol e Muni Metro Van Ness Linden Hickory 350 t ke ar M Beaver Elizabeth Sa nJ ua n On eid a 500 Nah ua 0 56 Pierce ph’s St Jose Baker Fortuna o Encant Barcelona 320 Anza Vista 0 30 Ew ing 800 BART Muni Metro Balboa Park Nia gar a 400 600 780 3000 Scott ero Divisad n Lyo Collins 700 Stanyan Hillside 0 24 180 2800 160 n Emerso Wood 0 0 24 Blake 200 600 Edgewood Balboa Park 84 el Ris 560 58 23rd Co lon Na ial ntu ck et Pa uld ing Young 70 0 140 k Broderic Baker Lyon 600 Masonic 30 Laurel Collins 0 28 Iris Manzanita Cook Spruce Parsons Pedestrian overpass 45 ta n ne ro Mo Hu La La ura w re nc e Te m pl et on ter s e ch Win r ove Han ria o e e P levu Bel sion Mis n gto v Ir in ick nsw u r B 49 Alvarado Havelock Havelock 400 600 160 2800 2500 Presidio 300 300 Heather Stanyan on ing t Si ck le s Mal l o 3200 r Ruge Walnut Laurel Locust 300 mont Beau t Ri ce Marston alesa Lech W Hayes 500 Waller ia German n an m Her 47 21st ar cul Cir Flood Judson r ula rc Ci 66 260 Avila Baker 2900 rk tt Cla gge y Li ible S Spruce Parker Commonwealth Le ib ig olf W 480 50 0 10 140 82 r cke Cro ell W Theta ge n en rgre Eve 420 e om nd Ve Miriam Willits San Diego Knowles De Re 198 Go et he W ils on Flo Sh ur ak no es y pe ar e 45 Lyon h nc 300 0 0 44 ara Hillcres t Los Oliv os Los Banos Woodrow John Daly Niantic Fieldcrest Belmont ide Cliffs 40 ta e Vis Lak ir ayfa NM Santa B ar b BART Daly City Westlawn Head 85 San Diego Westdale 0 98 100 100 990 Pedestrian overpass 100 Sadowa DeLong Santa Cruz 0 14 Wilshire 0 100 Sagamore Be pl er 38 30 0 SAN MATEO COUNTY 100 Farrallones Brotherhood Wa Alemany y 280 SAN FRANCISCO CITY & COUNTY 20 Maple 18 40 220 95 340 32 0 75 San Francisco Golf Club Montana Oceanview Ward Recreation Center 380 Broad 200 0 100 Minerva Lobos 46 300 20 Grove cial Commer Lane Maiden en t ke 6t Stev ie h ar n ss M io Je iss M nna Warm Planet Bikes UN Plaza Library 25 Fulton Birch Salon Des Biciclettes Henry 70 Staples Ge nev a La ke vie w 100 1 Olympic Country Club Lakeview 400 Monterey City Hall 20 600 20 Mash Transit 3800 380 Hearst 700 Wiggle Bicycles 30 500 d Redwoo Ivy Liberty Ma rtha Melrose San Francisco City College Mt Ver non Thrift 100 100 100 Sargent 0 All contents of this San Francisco Bike Map & Walking Guide is owned by and is © 2014 Rufus Graphics/Rufus Guides, San Francisco, CA, USA and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, by any means, is strictly prohibited. Permission to use this map content and related graphics is available by written permission only. www.rufusguides.com 500 0 Teresit Elm Turk Financial District Clay Campton Blazing Saddles Ferries to Alameda Oakland nt Mercha Harlan Union Square Visitor Information Eddy Asian Art Museum 500 Civic Center 600 Gate Golden 500 Duboce 30 Park d Glen Park 55 Turk SOSF Bike Tours 700 wi n Ma lta 0 Stillings 42 300 Pedestrian overpass 560 reno 520 r ste Bruce 400 700 46 12 200 0 Randolph 35 400 El Se 0 32 400 Grafton ar 400 Ma rie tt a ita 600 Ingleside 40 0 64 500 Whole Foods 90 rrie Sto 0 66 20 6 500 Larch 345 900 an Dunc o Glen Park im Mol o 770 360 Shields B 320 DeMontfort 300 Omar z Bl vd Brotherhood Way Pacific Ocean 90 ra es 60 elia rn n R l Va l e sa po Re a ist aV ell 360 od wo S lm S R an Oce E 15 o uth w o od amo an 00 n 300 Legion Pico Rockdale Myra 660 G reenwoo d Wildwood Garfield 80 180 d oo cito nte Mo a Jefferson Square 45 Muni Metro Castro k Roc Amethyst Quartz Joost outh ym Holloway Ave 19th Gonz K e nw ad He 20 Cambon Vidal 0 l a nd Sun view 60 50 55 Alamo Square 2 25 17 John r Mahe 10 Beach Jefferson Jefferson North Point BART to East Bay Ferries to Sausalito & Larkspur Ferries to Vallejo Tiburon Gold SF Bicycle Coalition Ellis SF Yellow Bike Project Fresno 16 Cosmo Alta 200 Chinatown O’Farrell 600 Olive Co lum bu s 0 Geary 800 Myrtle Cykel 22 Post Willow 160 Pine 700 200 Willow 345 310 Sutter 900 Cedar St Mary’s Cathedral Cleary Ct Japan Center k Hemloc Brant 11 Bush Austin Motostrano Fern P g st Thorp e 74 0 Gl en v i ew Da w n v ie w Mangles 0 Eag le Sh o ta rr Kin g r McAlliste Lloyd Caselli 50 55 Agua rlwood Bu lmos Pa Los lrose Me 40 ood rthw No 0 Ocean Cyclery 75 Gonzalez Garces 91 Josepha 180 0 22 li re ca Bu Diaz Urbano ada Entr 480 s Pedestrian overpasses 0 0 Burnham Japantown t Pleasan Bikestation Coit Tower o Edgard Edith John 260 24 20 Whole Foods 16 1600 Clay ia Californ 1600 Avoid several large hills by following this nearly flat route between Market St and The Panhandle to 47 Golden Gate Park. Waller 600 780 500 nterey Mo 240 Urbano as Park Merced C er ritos 65 86 75 Car d e n Serrano Higuera Jo hn Muir Driv e Fort Funston Pinto Aceveda 85 nt Fo Tapia Lake Merced Holloway Cedro d Brent w o o ld e lo n Pl Co 91 95 Up 0 800 Hazelwo od o 48 M 620 Va 80 Da rie n 30 Lansdale ista Cresta V 580 100 100 Bike Barn (attended bike parking) 90 70 800 stl i Evelyn es 900 Robin Hood od wo se R o wood rn 0 10 Sa n Fel pe i m A o Casitas Fe 460 ha San Francisco State University Harding Park Winston 0 80 65 Darien 84 Moncada Palom a cede M er o Sta te 100 or 80 W in s t ng cki Bu Hard ing 100 200 86 d Blv 20 Stonestown Galleria ed rrc Me 100 86 Monterey Oc ea n smo Ros 75 ke La vd 1 3000 Eucalyptus 85 86 Gell ert 85 86 St Francis Blvd 70 0 on Ocean 85 86 Sloat 38 85 86 t Bl H u nting 20 or e e Sh Lak ed erc eM Lak 95 91 t rbs He Club try 50 620 od wo Crestlake ly Mt 860 Davidson Dal e 0 Escondido Yorba 50 Ev e 0 70 00 200 0 60 60 ne Ye rb a into Jac 23 75 300 40 50 San Francisco Zoo Stern Grove 160 65 Terra ce San An se lm o 700 Sa n 60 80 340 loa Ul Portola 560 40 Sloa t Pine Lake Park Wawona 50 0 lo ab Longview Portola H 720 a as en asit Bu aC Miralom Wawona Rose S SantaLo Mo nic a Santa Clara Wawona 160 Ulloa ula Santa Pa 2600 180 Escolt a 760 60 Do rch es 65 te Muni Metro West Portal 500 0 Tw i n Cityview 60 60 Ga r Edgehi Gr an vill e Alls ton 18th in ma Ro 44 90 untview Mo 700 x Re 60 Ulloa 60 z ue sq Va d ce er M Magellan Taraval 50 19th Rac oon 880 1900 Pacific Jackson ento Sacram Nob Hill 1800 The Wiggle 1000 lt a ve en se Bu Roo Corona Heights Mu 00 4 Sta seu Randall tes m Museum Temple t ke ar M Cla yto n 0 84 780 1200 Buena Vista Park tt rbe Co Gr ays to n e 640 Woodsi de Ma r 1200 100 60 vd Bl y we De 580 ll 0 3000 Cutler C 28 Ulloa Ulloa Vicente 2000 West Portal 65 r ay Great Highw 4000 300 Mo Dorantes Laguna Honda 500 Hospital Muni Metro 520 Forest Hill ton ing ns Ke Taraval Taraval 1100 Big Swingin’ Cycles vie ook Pano ram a Olympia 0 40 0 0 0 2900 neda Ca s t e 480 440 26 20 18 Bike Nook San Marc o s 540 Silo M lvo nta 360 85 Santiago 9th Magellan Mes a 780 700 0 Bike Doctor Santiago 2800 Mendo s a 60 Rivera Alton Pe 1900 25 Dylan’s Tours 10 Bernard Em ba rc ad er o Fort Mason Citizen Chain Glover Lynch ton Washing High Trails Cyclery 300 Vallejo Cool Hand 240 Western Addition 800 y lt WLower Ter Saturn Twin Peaks br a nd Ho una Lag 1100 400 500 heco Pac Sot elo Sunset Rivera 3000 arendon Cl es Ve 0 Quintara Reservoir ra n tu 56 200 3300 1200 Quintara Quintara 740 760 o ck ridge Hill Way 0 0 io R 75 West Sunset Playground North Willard ar 62 68 d 4000 Rossi Lin 72 Ra 20 Palo Alto 800 0 76 560 ial Aer p o 1700 Pacheco Sunset Reservoir Arguello Warren 600 0 o hec Pac 0 740 Ortega er hri stoph 760C pher to ris Oa k Ch 44 0 40 55 Mojo Bicycle Café 30 1300 Haight 32 210 HaasLilienthal House 1900 0 34Lafayette Park 360 Elm Page oo 17th St Tank Hill California Pacific Medical Center 32 Fulton 30 n i y 800 a ieg Ortega 2200 Orteg a ton Mt Sutro Hamilton Recreation Center Kimbell Playground Geary 51 Oak Ashbury 55 Ter Clifford 480 40 300 Green (Racks and/or Lockers) (Route 10) North Beach Pfeiffer 500 Webb ray Macond Off-Street Bicycle Parking 400 t Chestnu Aladdin Union 300 o Francisc Columbus Cyclery/ Go Bike It iso Valpara Filbert Russel Lombardi Sports 1700 16 1300 Hayes 240 Mtn Spring St Germain 16 51 30 Twin Ave don ren 640 Cla e ston Be UCSF Mt. Zion Post Fell 17th St Carmel 1700 ater Vandew Water ich Greenw 10 1700 r McAlliste Alma 260 Bay Bike & Allen Big Swingin 1600 ay Broadw 280 45 Wilmot Turk Gate Golden Freewheel Cyclery Grattan 200 1600 0 Fresh Air Bicycles 280 Rivoli Grattan Playground Pacific Heights 10 Fillmore ia Californ a Vista Terr 55 Belgrade 880 840 ont tm es Cr h ri No 0 20 Noriega 1200 65 to Sacramen 2400 Cole Valley 520 660 ey Locksl Alo 30 500 Be lm on t 600 on 400 1100 Noriega Kirkham a 340 200 32 Carl 140 Bespoke Grove American Cyclery Too 280 Cyclery Medical Center Wy 300 No rie ga 6 eg a s 40 assu Parn 5th 660 Hugo Frederick 1500 240 Bush 55 0 32 Beulah 200 Alta Plaza Park Clay 3000 Panhandle Learning Avenue Area Cyclery University of California Medical Center 0 Law t No r 1500 Moraga Palm Irving 300 Kirkham Pacheco 0 30 3 Te r300 Whole Foods Kezar Kezar Pavilion Stadium American 30 Judah Lawton Jordan Nomad Cyclery 200 2000 Cherry 700 0 r ar D Kez 365 565 365 To Underground Garage 00 ll O’Farre Sharon Haight Meadows Haight Ashbury Children’s 365 Waller Playground Bike 65 Bowling Pacific 3100 e Lupin Bicycle/ Traffic Light 32 24 Tennis Courts 0 Lawn 26 0 0 Oak 120 ay Broadw 38 1500 6 Sutter 30 Fell y 45 Pixle Contrada Bikes 300 University of San Francisco McLaren Lodge 280 240 r ing J r D er K Luth Martin 65 Lincoln 0 3200 500 SF County Fair Bldg Everybody Bikes 85 Pacheco Arguello 1 Midd California Academy of Sciences 28 40 Javowitz an P r e sid i o Terra ce San Francisco Botanical Garden 260 University of San Francisco 65 National AIDS Memorial Grove le Dr E Dr D ra rse wa ou nc Japanese Tea Garden Chinese Pavilion Moraga 95 0 3000 75 765 65 Conservatory of Flowers de Young Museum 30 Lincoln Judah Kirkham 3200 30 3000 Lawton Th o m a s Judah n Irving Sacramento Street Anza Harris PLUGZ Garages with Bicycle Parking Broadway Tunnel is open to bicycles 33 5 2 Roll Lombard Russian Hill Havens 1500 1500 Union Street Pine 380 r McAlliste Kenn edy 60 Dr 2 300 0 200 Irving 3900 0 Golden Gate Park Bike & 240 Skate Fulton 3400 Stow Lake40 Kennedy Drive from Crossover Drive to Kezar Dr is closed to vehicular traffic on Sundays and holidays. No through automibile traffic 3700 Swell Bicycles r r D 160 830 28 Cabrillo To Underground Garage 330 Golden San Francyclo 6 1400 City Cycle 10 20 Gate 700 69 260 534 gJ 260 r KIn Martin Luthe Bicycle Learning Area 0 20 Lincoln 34 85 830 Jr. Dr Gate Park k rloo 134 Ove 34 830 r le D 200 dd Mi Golden 20 30 Golden Gate Park Stadium Boat House r Drive ssove Cro 80 n Joh Portals of the Past J o h n F Kennedy Dr 180 Hellman Hollow 140 85 2 Marx Meadow 30 Lindley Meadow 100 r dy D nne F Ke Police Stables Fly Casting Bercut Equitation Pools Field B 00 Roernice1 g 830 234 ers W 0 y 10 34 Mart 34 in Lu ther K ing Murphy Windmill Buffalo Paddock 00 Edward Balboa 0 Kennedy Dr from Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr to Transverse Dr is closed to vehicular traffic on Saturdays from April-September. nsverse Tra 730 Anza 0 22 Cabrillo 180 Spreckels Lake 0 12 Dr 0 y ed nn Ke Soccer Fields Fulton s ke La of ain Ch F hn Jo 10 (9 holes) er Pipoop L 20 Beach Chalet Golf Course 1700 20 1500 530 6500 30 0 0 200 20 85 Dutch Windmill 32 20 Balboa 180 DD Cyclery oln 0 26 85 4000 930 yF ss 0 20 Sutro Heights 180 Richmond Service th Point City Nor Blazing Saddles 220 106 New Holiday Adventure Moulton 2600 100 4 Magnolia Big Swingin’ Cycles 200 Downtown San Francisco Bicycle Parking & BikeShare Stations Alcatraz Ferry Blazing Saddles Bay City 25 1500 1900 t Chestnu Lombard ich Greenw 2 Alcatraz Ferry Blazing Saddles Beach Bay Bike & Roll Bay City Moscone Playground a br am o Tol e d 4 Filbert Union 55 2 Geary Bay Blazing 20 Saddles Fort Mason Wheel Fun a int Marin North Po Vallejo 00 65 Beach Green Vist a 0 Clement 4500 Ri ch ar ds on Pr imonds 1L80 oop esi dio 20 Cornwall 0 Anza 100 Mayfair 20 L She Simonds rman Francisco 260 165 Clement rd ba Alh 0 10 900 2 rc a Capra Bay S Lake Clement Street 1 69 0 Bay Julius Kahn Playground 280 ia Californ 60 55 es 220 800 Beach Hostel Bike & Roll Jefferson Blazing Saddles Ferries to Oakland Alameda Vallejo PIER 39 41 Fisherman’s Wharf Bike & Roll Maritime Museum 80 Ca sa Ric o Prado Cer va nte s 2 Jefferson Go rga s Sa hu Art Mac Arguello a ci fic Mountain Lake 120 Park Geary 20 5000 lvd ner io B um P r e sid 65 200 Marina int North Po Bir Tho mingh Ediernburgam Marina Green Ferries to Angel Island Sausalito Tiburon431/2 45 Hyde Street Pier Aquatic Park Fort Mason Jauss Tor ney c Pacifi West 1100 220 0 s 380 We st P California 7200 10 Ocean Beach ht 0 280 61 Presidio Golf Course 10 14 240 4000 140 Lo 6700 Lin co ln t er 360 75 Geary 120 m Dee Caulfield Seaview Ter r Shor e View Te 300 95 Be Hays We st Clay Nauma 4700 10 95 320 Sutro Heights Park 0 0 lles2 85 340 os Lob int Po B a ttery 0 30 22 ar M i n o del Veteran’s Hospital r 0 hin Was 55 r le D Doy Cowell Theater Marina Small Craft Harbor t Yach Palace of Fine Arts Sports Basement Bli ss Mo rag a Presidio 24 o atury L Am gt General Douglas MacArthur Tunnel 300 Wedemeyer or D 300 Ca m Sutro Baths (Ruins) on Long Ar on Upt s Wa of H mp Co Fis h er 180 Lake Lincoln Park Municipal Golf Course n 200 n Maso m 300 Legion of Honor 0 Sherid Wave Organ Crissy Field Center n Lundee Mason 101 n to atto P Li n 4 Park 340 ton ell 95 gio Le 10 Seacliff 75 McLaren 2 36 0 36 100 Camino El de l M ar 240 395 340 0 Crissy Presidio Field Visitor Information Center Cowle s 1 38 hi ng to n Roaring Mouse Lin c Temporary Doyle Drive construction pedestrian/ bicycle detour menade Golden Gate Pro Wr ig op 340 Golden Gate National Recreation Area Brooks 32 100 0 Land’s End Visitor Center & Lookout Cafe c Sea 100 Lincoln Park 0 26th 80 bbe Ko Hitchco ck Stilw Pe rsh ing Cr i n Ruckma 65 Persh ing ead iel d Sce 2 n ic El Camino del Mar 95 200 is t St ore y 300 100 Baker Beach China Beach Land’s End m 1 2 See reverse for detailed Presidio Map on ibs G 202 Lin col n Hoff an t 95 Golden Gate National Recreation Area e rin Ma 295 65 Pacific Ocean Warming Hut Battery E SS Jeremiah O’Brien Municipal Pier Doyle Drive Construction Halleck St. closed until 2015. For up-to-date information about road closures and detours see: www.presidioparkway.org ue 101 Weekdays East Side Path: 5 am-3:30 pm (shared with pedestrians) West Side Path: 3:30 pm-9 pm (in summer) 3:30-6 pm (in winter) (bikes only) Weekends/holidays: West Side Path: 5 am-9 pm (in summer) 5 am-6 pm (in winter) (bikes only) No pedestrians allowed on West Side path at any time Golden Gate Bridge Visitor Center ar ine Dr Golden Gate Bridge Bicycle access 24 hours. 1E4dittiohn Seal Rocks Cliff House 95 M San Francisco Bike Map & Walking Guide Fort Point Pacific Coast Bicycle Route Route 95 is the San Francisco portion of the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route along the Pacific Coast from Oregon to Mexico. 1/2 mile 0 1/2 km 1 mile 1 km S Street signs with a green bridge icon indicate local routes Street signs with a red bridge icon indicate crosstown routes Look for detour signs for alternate routes during construction. indicate east-west routes 65 Odd numbers indicate north-south routes 395 3-digit numbers indicate connector routes