ELEC 300 Linear Circuits: II Spring 2016 Dr. Jens Bornemann ELEC 250 — Linear Circuit: I Sources, resistors, capacitors, inductors, coupled inductors and ideal transformer Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws Series and parallel connections, stored energy, initial values Theorems — Linearity, superposition, Thevenin, Norton Circuit analysis and design techniques — Node and loop analysis Analysis and design of first- and second-order circuits using differential equations Forced and natural responses Phasors, impedance, admittance and network theorems using phasors Series and parallel resonance RMS quantities, complex power, maximum power transfer Three-phase circuits, Y- and -loads 2 ELEC 260 — Signal Analysis Continuous time signals and waveform calculations Fourier series in the analysis of periodic signals Impulse and other elementary functions Resolution of signals into impulse and unit step functions Fourier transform in spectral analysis Functions of a complex variable Analytic functions and partial fractions Laplace transform in the representation of signals Interrelation between the Fourier and Laplace transforms 3 ELEC 300 — Course Website Will be revealed in class 4 Laboratory Manual ELEC 300 Linear Circuits: II Poman So and Adam Zielinski Revised in January 2013 Experiments Exp-1: Dependent Sources Exp-2: Frequency Response of Linear Systems Exp-3: Time-Domain Responses Exp-4: Analysis and Applications of Active Networks 5 Experiment-1 To introduce an ideal operational amplifier (op.amp.) and methods of analyzing circuits with op-amp. To construct and test simple dependent sources using an operational amplifier. Ro 0 vi Ri vo kvi 6 VCVS v io v R2 vi RL vo i2 R1 i1 R1 R2 1 k 7 Experiment-2 To investigate the frequency response (amplitude and phase) of linear systems and its relationship with the pole-zero diagram. To introduce the logarithmic representation of frequency plots (Bode plots), and their approximation. To design a simple network and investigate its properties in the frequency domain. ZR R X (s ) 1 ZC sC Y (s ) 8 Bode Plot 1 1 H j 2 o 45 j 90 9 Straight-Line Bode Plot Corner frequency H j dB 0 dB 3 dB Slope = –20dB/dec 20 dB 0.1 o o 10 o 0 log-scale 45 90 j 10 Experiment-3 To familiarize students with an active realization of a second-order system. To study its time-domain response to various excitations. To introduce a digital oscilloscope as a convenient device to capture and display aperiodic signals. 11 A Second-Order System C1 + R1 R2 + x(t ) C2 – Rb Ra G 1 Ra Rb y (t ) – 12 Normalized Step Response of a Second-Order System a ( ) a ( ) Ov : Overshoot 1 p o 0 13 Experiment-4 To introduce the s-domain network analysis and to illustrate it on several useful active circuits. Inverting Voltage Amplifier Inverting Adder C Inverting Integrator Summing Integrator R1 v1 (t ) v2 (t ) R2 vo (t ) (d) Summing Integrator : C 16 nF, R1 R2 10 k 14 Laboratory Marking Scheme Attendance is compulsory, no show means 0% for the lab Preparation and Performance 20% Results 50% Clarity of the Report 30% Late Report Penalty 5% per day Note: Failure to complete all laboratory requirements will result in a grade of N being awarded for the course. 15 Tutorials Informal Six hours total four 1 ½ hour tutorials Two tutorials will be scheduled before the midterm test Two tutorials will be scheduled before the final exam Tutor: Mohammad Ghasemiahmadi 16