Athr235l Spring 2011 PAC263 Tues/Thurs 1:15-2:35PM Janet Sussman Assoc.Prof. Office# 251 Hrs: Tues/Thurs 11:45-1:00 Email GENERAL EDUCATION CATEGORY: ARTS Characteristics of all General Education Courses 1. General Education courses offer introductions to the central topics of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. 2. General Education courses offer explicit rather than tacit understandings of the procedures, practices, methodology and fundamental assumptions of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. 3. General Education courses recognize multiple perspectives on the subject matter. 4. General Education courses emphasize active learning in an engaged environment that enables students to be producers as well as consumers of knowledge. 5. General Education courses promote critical inquiry into the assumptions, goals, and methods of various fields of academic study; they aim to develop the interpretive, analytic, and evaluative competencies characteristic of critical thinking. Learning Objectives for General Education Arts Courses 1. Arts courses enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the history and/or practice of one form of artistic expression 2. Arts courses enable students to demonstrate recognition of the difference and overlap between creative and critical thinking 3. Arts courses enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the function and meaning of form 4. Arts courses enable students to demonstrate that they have the vocabulary they need to continue to learn about how art is made and interpreted 5. Depending on the nature of the course, arts courses enable students to demonstrate an understanding of how art works are embedded within different cultures at different times and places FUNDAMENTALS OF THEATRICAL DESIGN ATHR 235 Objectives of the Course The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the design elements and principles as they relate to the Visual aspects of theatre. Methods of Instruction Lectures will emphasize scenic and costume design, with projects, exercises, and classroom discussions aimed at developing visual awareness and dramatic imagination Texts Owen Parker and R. Craig Wolf. Scene Design and Stage Lighting. Rebecca Cunningham. The Magic Garment: Principles of Costume Design. Beth Henley. Crimes of the Heart. William Shakespeare. Macbeth. Tickets for theatre department productions for the semester Supplies Sketch pad and student grade watercolor paper both at least 11 x 15, a set of tube water colors or gauche including the Primaries (red, yellow and blue) white and black, a palette and 2 brushes size 2 and 8 Evaluation Your final grade in this class will be computed as follows 20% 40% 15% 15% Project I Project II in class participation in discussions Thursday in class projects including cleanup of the classroom 10% Visual Diary There is a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism in written or visual work Attendance Regulations Up to 3 absences are allowable, after that each one will result in an additional letter downgrade. After 6 absences, it is suggested that the student withdraw from the course and Enroll when they can commit to the course. Excessive tardiness will be counted as an absence. If you arrive late and find the door locked do not attempt to enter the class. An attendance sheet will be passed around at the beginning of the class it is your responsibility to sign it. You are responsible for any material missed. Class Schedule (approximate) Class 1 Class 2 Intro to course and syllabus What is Theatrical Design Class 3 Class 4 Drawing project in class Script Analysis Class Class Class Class Physical Styles of Theatres Research Drawing project in class Elements of Design: Line and Shape Developing a ground plan: Dimension Elements of Design: Color 5 6 7 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 P.& W. pp. 11-13, R.C. Chapt. 1 P.& W. pp. 57-73 R.C. Chapt. 2 R.C. Chapt. 3 P.& W. pp. 31-34 R.C. pp. 67-78 P.& W. pp. 100133 P.& W. pp. 78-98 R.C. pp. 35-39 Class 19 Class 20 Elements of Design: Movement and Texture Principles of Design R.C. pp. 107-120 " " " Project I Beth Henley Crimes of the Heart Questions Project I Beth Henley Crimes of the Heart Project I Continued Light: Elements and Principles P.& W. pp. 397414 Light: Color P.& W. pp. 381396 Painting project in class " " " " Class 21 Style Class Class Class Class Project II Project II " " " " Class Class Class Class Class Class 12 13 14 15 16 17 Class 18 22 23 24 25 P.& W. pp. 29-35 R.C. pp. 67-83 Shakespeare Macbeth questions Shakespeare Macbeth " " " " 235 FUNDAMENTALS OF THEATRICAL DESIGN PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Project I Crimes of the Heart Beth Henley 1. 2. 3. 4. Written script analysis Concept statement Ground plan Act III Pictures of visual sources (magazines, advertisements interior decor sources showing line, shape, dimension etc.) 5. Actor scene chart with color 6. 4 Costume sketches or collages Lenny, Babe, Meg, and Chick Act III Project III Macbeth Shakespeare 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Written script analysis Concept statement Ground plan Act V iii Set rendering or model with color 9 Costume renderings with color Duncan Malcolm Macbeth Lady Macbeth Lady Macduff A Witch Banquo Macduff The Porter 6. Bibliography of sources consulted for Visual Information, at least 5 entries. Remember to look for primary sources Only one source can be an internet source.