Christopher Columbus High School Summer Reading List 2016

Christopher Columbus High School Summer Reading List 2016
Most works are MANDATORY for that course, although some courses will allow students to select one of the
options given. Students are expected to read their summer texts by the first day of class in August where it will
be assessed through an in-class, timed essay. Students should bring their text(s) (etext or hardbound) to class on
the first full day of school in August. Selections in red relate to required social studies readings.
Incoming Frosh: all courses
(010 College Prep., 011 Accelerated, & 012 Honors)
A Separate Peace J. Knowles
AP World History – read the summaries of chapters 1-9 of your history text
(These will be distributed in your Mas Scholar summer class)
Sophomores by course
022 College Prep.
The Green Mile
021 Accelerated
Shoeless Joe
020 Honors
Stephen King
W. Kinsella
How to Read Literature like a Professor Foster 9780060009427
AP Euro Civilization: Read chapters 9-11 from course textbook Western
Civilization 8ed. (Your instructor will contact you via email)
Juniors by course
033 College Prep.
032 Accelerated CP
How to Read Literature like a Professor Foster 9780060009427
How to Read Literature like a Professor Foster 9780060009427
US History: from The Americans by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - read the first two chapters posted
below in the nine PDF files. Carefully read the sections, taking care to examine the vocabulary and end
of section assessments.
CHP. 1/Sec. 1
CHP. 1/Sec. 2
CHP. 1/Sec. 3
CHP. 1/Sec. 4
CHP. 2/Sec. 1
CHP. 2/ Sec. 2 CHP. 2/Sec. 3
CHP. 2/Sec. 4
CHP. 1/Sec. 5
031 Honors
How to Read Literature like a Professor Foster 9780060009427
Honors Am. History: Uncle Tom’s Cabin by H. B. Stowe (any edition; chapters 1-5)
030 AP Eng. Lang.
Thank You for Arguing J. Heinrichs 9780307341440
Language in Thought and Action 5th ed. S.I. Hayakawa 9780156482400
AP US History: Summer Reading Packet (PDF) - CLICK HERE FOR PDF
Seniors by course
043 College Prep.
042 Accelerated
041 Honors
040 AP Eng. Lit.
Hound of the Baskervilles A. C. Doyle
Grendel J. Gardner 9780679723110
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency D. Adams 9780671746728
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce (any edition w/ notes)