Cube Housing Association You and Cube Neighbourhood Services Good Neighbour Agreement Better Homes, better lives Contents 1. The Association’s Responsibilities to Tenants....................3 2. Your responsibilities as a Tenant.........................................4 3. Be a Good Neighbour...........................................................5 4. Equal Opportunities..............................................................5 5. Action we can take................................................................6 6. Good Neighbour Agreement Form.......................................7 2 Cube Housing Association believes every resident has the right to enjoy their own home and commits itself to: Ensuring all residents (regardless of race, creed, gender, sexuality, or disability) enjoys their right to a peaceful existence in their own home. Ensuring all residents in our communities enjoy their right to a decent environment. Ensuring all households enjoy their right to live peacefully and without disturbance from their neighbours. Ensuring every victim of nuisance behaviour receives a swift and effective support which leads to a resolution of the problem. Nuisance behaviour is completely unacceptable, it will not be tolerated in Cube's homes or on Cube's estates. 1. T he Association's Responsibilities to Tenants Cube Housing Association will: Provide a full range of housing services to a high quality for all tenants Visit the estate regularly to ensure common areas are kept clean and tidy, back courts or gardens are maintained, vandalism reported etc. and take action where needed Check services provided by other organisations (e.g. refuse collection and street lighting) and take up complaints or suggestions about these services on behalf of tenants which are of a common nature Involve tenants wherever possible in decisions that affect their area Support tenant/resident and neighbourhood groups and community events 3 Operate a straightforward complaints procedure Ensure all times, our employees or representatives acting on behalf of the Association are polite, professional, sympathetic, fair and respect confidentiality 2. Your Responsibilities as a Tenant As a tenant, you are expected to keep to the terms of your Tenancy Agreement which details your responsibilities for repairs and use of the house. You will be expected to look after your neighbourhood by: Helping to keep common shared areas clean and tidy Looking after your garden or court area and keeping it tidy Putting all rubbish in your bin and arranging for the proper disposal of bulky items Respecting your neighbour's privacy Contacting the office with repairs in order that they can be rectified as quickly as possible. Repair responsibilities are listed in your Tenancy Agreement and Tenant Handbook, but if in doubt, ask at the office Giving access for an annual gas check (as failure to do this could lead to a danger to yourself and other tenants if a gas appliance is faulty) Not using your property as the base for any business. Reporting Antisocial Behaviour to the Police as well as your Housing Officer on the next working day. (Please keep a note of date and time incident reported to Police) 4 3. Be a Good Neighbour Don't let anyone living in or visiting your household, including children, cause a nuisance or disturbance to anyone else (either in your property or in your neighbourhood). Do not harass any neighbour, particularly on the basis of race, ethnicity, colour, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability. Do not allow anyone living in or visiting your household to harass others. Be aware of and try to avoid disturbing others by loud and persistent noise. Keep all pets under control. Do not let dogs wander around on their own or foul common areas or other people's property. Be responsible for the behaviour of household members and any visitors to your house. Make sure nobody living in or visiting your home causes any vandalism. Report any acts of vandalism to the Association and the Police. Support neighbourhood groups and attend local meetings wherever possible. Treat all neighbours and Cube representatives in a respectful manner. 4. Equal Opportunities The Association has a firm commitment to equal opportunities. Racial harassment and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated, for example, on grounds 5 of gender (including domestic abuse), sexual orientation or disability. The Association will support any tenant facing harassment, including advice and liaison with other agencies, and, if possible, instruct legal action within our powers. 5. Action we can take Cube Housing Association can implement or assist in the implementation of: Antisocial Task Forces Other Agencies CCTV Action for Specific Implement Interdict 6 Good Neighbour Agreement I/We support the Good Neighbour Agreement and will make sure the spirit of it is followed at all times. Name.......................................................................................... Residing at.................................................................................. .................................................................................... (Address) Signed........................................................................... (Tenant) ............................................................................. (Joint Tenant) Dated.......................................................................................... Please return to the Housing Office. You will find the address detailed on the back page of this leaflet. 7 CUBE-NS-OCT2013 Would you like more information? Tel: 0845 250 7966 (option 2) Email: Visit: Cube Housing Association Limited is a not-for-profit housing association registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, registration no. 2327R(S). It is also recognised by HM Revenue and Customs as a Scottish Charity (SC033021) and is registered with The Scottish Housing Regulator HAL220 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 as a registered social landlord. VAT registration no. 135 5317 26. Registered Office: 70 Glenfinnan Road, Glasgow G20 8JX Part of the